#doubleleoenergyseries: blue bayou
doubleleoenergy · 3 years
Oh that boy of mine, by my side. The silver moon and the evening tide.
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Pairing: TFAWS!Sam Wilson x fem!Reader
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, angst, fluff, smut
Summary: After the events of TFAWS, Sam has moved back to Louisiana to be closer to his family. While visiting his sister Sarah he meets her new friend, a professor who just moved to town. Sam is instantly attracted to her, but can he find someone that can handle his Captain America lifestyle?
i.Blue Bayou
Sam Wilson is back living in Louisiana and meets y/n for the first time.
ii. Blue Bayou
Sam and y/n go on their first date.
iii. Blue Bayou
Sam and y/n don’t want their first date to end.
iv. Blue Bayou
Sam and y/n build furniture and decorate his home now that y/n has moved in.
v. Blue Bayou
Sam gets hurt during a mission.
vi. Blue Bayou
The finale
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doubleleoenergy · 3 years
VI; Blue Bayou Series
Oh that boy of mine, by my side. The silver moon and the evening tide.
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: TFAWS!Sam Wilson x fem!Reader
Summary: Finale of the Blue Bayou Series
Warnings: Fluff, mentions of hospitals, mentions of eating
Word Count: 1560
Author’s Notes: I hope you all enjoyed this series! I cannot wait to write more Sam fics!
“When is y/n coming?” Sarah asked expectantly, setting a pot of boiled crawfish on the picnic table. Today was an important day for Sam, helping Sarah finish setting up for one of their famous Wilson cookouts. Everybody in the community was invited, as always, and most of the people who were in attendance had been close with Sam and Sarah’s parents.
Sam ran a lap around the table, chasing after AJ and Cass who were in a fit of giggles before they ran off along the docks. “Soon, her class was finishing up their final exam this afternoon.” He huffed, stopping to catch his breath. It had been four months since the mission that had sent him to the hospital, his arm and ribs fully healed, the only scar left on his right hip bone. 
He had taken the first two months of his recovery off from missions to fully heal his body and get his mind right, which was incredibly easy since he had y/n around. She was the light of his life, his other half, and he loved her with all his heart. Sam wasn’t convinced of the term soulmates until he met her, and since he had his life had changed for the better. His healing process was unmatched with a caretaker like y/n, making him dinners and giving him extra special attention in the bedroom.
“Well help me finish setting out this food for everyone, we don’t need a group of hangry guests.” Sarah commanded, handing him another pot of crawfish to set out. They had all the fixings ready; crawfish, potatoes, corn, salad, gumbo, jalapeno cornbread, and some of Sarah’s special pecan pies for dessert. Sam set down the other pot of crawfish, noticing Bucky joking around with AJ and Cass, greeting some of the guests that he’d met at their previous cookouts.
“Buck!” He called out, jogging up to the man and giving him embracing him with a huge bear hug. Bucky’s metal arm squeezes Sam’s shoulder, a huge smile spreading across his face.
“Hey man, y/n here yet?” Bucky looked around the crowd of people, trying to spot her.
“Nah man, she’ll be on her way soon though.” Sam crossed his arms over his chest, swaying a bit on the heels of his shoes. Six months. It had been six months since he had first met y/n. And now Sam was about to do something that brought him both excitement and anxiety at the same time.
“She’ll say yes, Sam. Y/N’s love for you is undeniable. I really hope to find someone as great as she is.” That sure as hell was a lie from Bucky. He had secretly been seeing Sarah for a few months now, waiting for the right time to tell him. If Sam was riding high on y/n saying yes, Bucky was in the clear with his secret.
“Yeah, yeah I hope so. Go ahead and sit down and eat.” Sam patted Bucky on the shoulder before heading back over to Sarah to get the rest of the food set up. This needed to go well, especially for y/n.
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An hour later and the cookout was in full swing, everyone eating and having a great time. Sam and Bucky were sitting at a picnic table near the dock, talking about an upcoming mission when y/n arrived. She was so beautiful, and Sam couldn’t help but stop his train of thought to stare at her. Her curves were accentuated by the blush pink floral dress that wrapped around her figure, her strappy wedges strutting as she walked. She made her way over to Sarah, giving her a hug before AJ and Cass ran towards her, hugging her tightly and handing her a few wildflowers they had picked in the grass.
Her eyes scanned until she met Sam’s gaze, her plush lips curling into a smile. The way she smiled had Sam’s heart beating in his chest, standing up and walking towards her. Her left hand still gripped the wildflowers as he picked her up in his arms, slotting his lips against hers in a passionate kiss.
Y/N wrapped her arms around his neck, breaking the kiss after a moment with a loud gasp. “You just saw me this morning…” She teased, letting go of his neck as he set her back on her feet.
Sam shrugged his shoulders, his hands running down her arms until he held her free hand. “I can’t be excited to see you?”
Y/N rolled her eyes, placing another soft kiss against his lips. “I’m excited to see you too. Also, I’m starving. Sitting in a classroom of kids quietly working on their final really worked up my appetite.” She pulled Sam over to the table he and Bucky had staked claim of, giving Bucky a side hug as she sat down beside him.
“How’ve you been Buck?” She asked, grabbing a plate off the table and starting to pile it with the contents from the cookout. Bucky continued to break apart a crawfish, sucking on the head before digging into the body.
“Been good, Sam keeps me busy as always.” Bucky responds, a wide smile on his face. Y/N places a forkful of salad into her mouth, swallowing before working open a crawfish of her own. Sarah always made the best food, Sam learning first-hand from her and then teaching y/n. The meals y/n had consumed since moving to Louisiana were better than most of the food she had in her lifetime.
“You’re always busy, now that Sammy’s all healed up it seems like missions have taken off.” She countered, taking a bite of her crawfish.
Sam couldn’t help but zone out as Bucky and y/n talked, the small black box burning a hole in his front pocket. He needed to wait at least until she was finished eating, his leg bouncing nervously as he watched them converse again. This was the most nervous he had been in his entire life, including all his missions, but it would hopefully all be worth it soon enough.
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A few hours had passed, y/n moving from table to table chatting with the guests. It was great to see her enveloped in conversation with the community he loved, and the people who were there for him through everything. He loved that his close friends and family loved her as much as he did.
The sun was starting its descent in the sky, the nervous jitters setting in as he realized what he was about to do. Sam took a deep breath, standing up from the table he was sitting at before moving closer to the docks, facing the group of picnic tables.
“Could I uh-could I get everyone’s attention for a moment please.” Sam shouted, waiting for the groups before him to quiet down, moving their attention from their individual conversations to him. “Y/N, can you come up here please?” He asked, holding out his hand as he waited for her to weave through the throngs of people.
“Sam, what’s going on?” She whispered, letting go of his hand as she stood before him, her bottom lip caught between her teeth.
Sam’s heart fluttered in his chest, his nervousness slipping away as he focused on her and continuing to breathe. “When I first became Captain America, I didn’t know what I was doing. It was hard to meet people again with my new identity, getting stopped on the street all the time to take a picture with someone or having to Facetime with a fan whose parent I had met on the street. It was all very overwhelming, until I met you. You knew who I was and didn’t let that shroud your judgement of me. Our first date, when you told me that you wanted to go out with Sam Wilson, that Captain America was not just all of me, was the first time in a long time where I felt normal. Every day since then has been an adventure with you, getting to know you and having you get to know me better. We’ve laughed, we’ve cried, we’ve gotten through a few bumps and bruises.” Sam paused, a wide smile spreading on his face.
“I told you at the hospital that I wanted to love you forever, and I meant that. And today’s the day we can start that forever.” Sam stepped back, moving to get down on one knee, his hand fumbling around in his pocket for the box.
“W-what are you doing?” Y/N asked, her eyes wide as she watched his motions.
“Y/F/N Y/M/N Y/L/N...I love you with every fiber of my being. Will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?” He pulled out the black velvet box from his pocket, revealing a 2-carat marquise diamond cut ring nestled inside an 18k white gold band.
Tears fell from y/n’s cheeks, her head shaking up and down excitedly. “Yes...yes of course I’ll marry you Sam!” Sam got up from where he kneeled and swept her up into his arms, kissing her lovingly. The crowd of people cheered behind them, Sam’s hand shaking as he guided the ring on her ring finger. Y/N admired it for a moment before peppering kisses along his face, nuzzling her face into his neck.
“You’re my forever, Sam. I cannot wait to be Mrs. Samuel Wilson.”
Figured you’d like to get tagged in the finale: @midnightf​
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