pillowstains · 7 years
Day 2- Who is your favorite male character and why?
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Boy howdy, if there was ever a character tailor-made to fit my interests, it’s Thomas MacLaine. A nervous, shy guy who doesn’t fit his job at all and loves baking? And squirrels? Within five minutes of meeting him in-game, I shouted “I LOVE HIM!” because... what a cutie. And just when I thought I had buried my feelings for crossdressing after my love of visual kei had waned... here comes Thomas MacLaine, looking beautiful in a dress, and I am weak. Beyond saying “He’s adorable and I love him!!!”, I find him a character who just makes sense. I grew up in a small town, and that’s not a good setting when you’re under the LGBT umbrella. I really see his relationship with George starting out of desperation to find anyone else who isn’t straight, and unfortunately getting dragged down by someone who’s controlling because he doesn’t have anyone else to turn to. It doesn’t help that Thomas is so shy, either, and has ~responsibilities~ keeping him in Greenvale. I’m always glad that his crossdressing is never portrayed in a comedic or negative light, with George’s mean comments about it cementing that Thomas was still his victim. Even with his breakdown at the end, I still find it so easy to sympathize with him. He just wants to be loved and wanted, is that so much to ask for? That said, I hope Emily is always making jokes about hooks around him in the afterlife. She deserves it.
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Deadly Premonition 30 Day Meme Challenge - DAY 29
29.  If you get to write an AU plot of Deadly Premonition, post the synopsis here. Alternatively treat this one as a freebie to post whatever you want regard to Deadly Premonition.
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I highly recommend michaeltillotson’s Scenario B if you are looking for a really good Deadly Premonition AU!​
Summary: Scenario B is an alternate universe novelisation of the entire game. It begins with York heading to Greenvale to solve a murder, but the killer and the victims are different. That means someone else from Greenvale is wearing the raincoat, and everyone in town is a potential new victim for a killer with different motivations to the game itself. The relationship between Emily and York remains at the fore, and the comic elements are still in place, but there are other subtle changes to be unearthed along the way. And, it goes without saying, a completely different ending for many members of the original cast. Who lives and who dies is up in the air. Enjoy the mystery afresh, where everyone is a suspect!
And since this post is a free space I thought I would advertise my ongoing Deadly Premonition Director’s Cut Let’s Play as well!
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Full Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqUK1Sr5OXSZ_MBh49KlnvWECQnnhnV0Z
Anyone who knows me probably already knows how much I <3 Deadly Premonition! I’ve played it countless times, sing its praises every chance I get, and I even run a fan site dedicated to it.
So years ago I recorded a 100% completion LP of the original game but the recording quality was terrible and in the end my LP ended up not being as comprehensive as I hoped it was going to be at the time. Sure, I completed all the game Side Missions and found all the secret collectibles and weapons but in the years since the completion of the LP I’ve come to realize that I barely scratched the surface of what Deadly Premonition truly had to offer.
SWERY and Access Games put a lot of work into making Greenvale a living breathing town. Each resident has their own schedules and character interactions independent of the main story and these moments are easily missed if a player does not go out of their way to find them. I’ve been wanting to try my hand at making a more in-depth run showing more of these optional interactions and the easily missed details for a quite while now and I figured since the Director’s Cut has some graphical improvements and extra content, it would be the perfect version to record and discuss.
So far I only have eight videos covering CH00 - CH06 done at the moment but to give you an idea of the depth I’m going… it is already clocking in at about 14.5 hours and I’m only like a quarter of the way into the game...
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I still have a long way to go but I would love to know what you guys think :)
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evonymus · 7 years
Deadly Premonition 30 Day Meme Challenge
29. If you get to write an AU plot of Deadly Premonition, post the synopsis here. Alternatively treat this one as a freebie to post whatever you want regard to Deadly Premonition.
After some thought I decided not to bother people with my shitty AUs, so here’s another terrific fanart. Needless to say I would pay any money to play such a version if it were real!
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Deadly Premonition 30 Day Meme Challenge - DAY 23
23. As you all know about the disagreement regard to the review score of this game, what would you give to Deadly Premonition out of ten? Would you recommend it to someone else? 
I’m sure this comes as no surprise but like Jim Sterling I would give the game a 10/10. No joke. Even with all it’s faults Deadly Premonition is one of my top games of all time. I didn’t even think it was possible that another game would come close to my regard for the Silent Hill series. 
I think the main reason I like the game so much despite it’s flaws is because it excels so much in what matters most for me in a game. The story, the world SWERY created, and the characters are just that good. This game really would make an excellent, novel, television series, or even a movie in my opinion. I got this game back in February 2010 yet I’m still raving and talking about over seven years later. I’ve put hundreds of hours playing the game trying to unlock all it’s secrets and gather content for my website and my current LP. I DEFINITELY got my money’s worth like hundred times over which is why I always highly recommend it to my friends.
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Deadly Premonition 30 Day Meme Challenge - DAY 06
6. Post Fan Art.
Some DP related things I’ve made over the years
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pillowstains · 7 years
Day 4-Which character is your least favorite and why?
I don’t like Kaysen or Harry, but there’s a certain character I have a reserved hatred for.
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Lilly Fricking Ingram. A loving mother and normal wife, not deserving of any ire, right? A woman who constantly insists she’s normal wife, works in an all-American grocery store, infantilizes her husband and trusts the police whole-heartedly. I can’t not see her as a rural, conservative-Christian woman who protests against Planned Parenthood and only married her husband because she got knocked up with nightmare twins after a night of ~premarital sex~. Lilly Ingram is the type of person who thinks that her twins are indigo children and would comment on any post about Black Lives Matter with “I think all lives matter”. Lilly Ingram probably thinks depression isn’t a real problem and that going on a jog can fix your mood for you. Lilly Ingram doesn’t put spice on chicken, but she does bake it in Campbell’s Cream of Mushroom soup.
And all of her quests with her scolding Keith for “making messes in the storage room” and then giving you an item that he loves without his permission is really gross to me, especially since she doesn’t even feel the least bit bad about it. She may act polite and friendly, but she’s just the ‘nagging wife who won’t let her husband have fun’ trope under a sugar coating.
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Deadly Premonition 30 Day Meme Challenge - DAY 26
26. What is the most awesome moment for you in this game? 
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30 Day Meme Challenge - Deadly Premonition
I completed this challenge years ago and thought it would be fun to re-post (maybe update?) my original answers!
This 30 Day Meme Challenge for Deadly Premonition was originally written by bigshellincident though their tumblr doesn’t seem to be around anymore...
If you guys are interested in completing the challenge with me here’s the full list of questions:
How did you first heard about this game?
Who is your favorite male character and why?
Who is your favorite female character and why?
Which character is your least favorite and why?  
What genre would you say this game is?
Post a fan art.
What is your favorite weapon and why?
What is your favorite side quest?
Who did you think was the culprit? Did it change during the course and why?
Post your favorite music from the game.
Did Deadly Premonition reminded you of another game, book, TV, or film? How so?
What’s the best/worst deaths of the game?
What the most interestingly aesthetically designed character, why so?
What’s your favorite trading card? Extra if you can post a picture and description.
What’s your favorite non-weapon item and why?
When you first saw the red and the white room, what was your theory?
What character resembled you of yourself the most?
If you could change one thing about the story, what would it be?
If you could change one thing about the game play, what would it be?
Do you think this game could, or should have a sequel? What would the sequel be like in your mind?
Post an image that is related to Deadly Premonition. Let it be a screen capture, an official, a cosplay, or a random photograph that reminded you of it.
What is your favorite glimpse when spying into people’s houses? Or did you chose to not do it at all?
As you all know about the disagreement regard to the review score of this game, what would you give to Deadly Premonition out of ten? Would you recommend it to someone else?
What is your favorite location and why?
What is the most “what the” moment for you?
What is the most awesome moment for you in this game?
What’s your theory behind the night time Greenvale?
Post a fan art or fan comic of Deadly Premonition. (The all 3 of them.)
If you get to write an AU plot of Deadly Premonition, post the synopsis here. Alternatively treat this one as a freebie to post whatever you want regard to Deadly Premonition.
What game, book, movie, or series would you recommend to someone who enjoyed Deadly Premonition?
I would love to see everyone’s answers so if you are participating please be sure to tag your posts with #DP30Day so I can re-blog!  
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pillowstains · 7 years
Day 1- How did you first heard about this game?
(Might as well jump on the bandwagon!) A few years ago, @pixelcop convinced me to watch Twin Peaks with her. We were both pretty distraught after finishing it, and we wanted something else to take up our weekend skype calls. She remembered a Twin Peaks-esque game she had bought a while ago, and we decided to make that our new weekend activity! It was all her playing with me reading the non-voiced dialogue in really stupid voices. I wasn’t too warm to the game at first and really didn’t like York at the beginning (look, I just got off the Twin Peaks train! Sweet, lovable Cooper he was not). Somewhere between the town hall meeting and Becky’s death, I went from being mean to the game to getting really invested in it. We laughed, we cried, we laughed so hard we cried, and over all it was a great experience! And really that, combined with a great supportive fandom and Swery being an absolute sweetheart of a human being is why I’ve been invested in it for so long. :’)
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pillowstains · 7 years
Day 6- Post a fan art.
I mean...
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I’ve drawn
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a lot....
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I like it when characters have different face shapes, and DP is just brimming with facial variety! I obviously have... favorites that I draw way more often than others, but really most of them are fun. Anyway, here’s the first DP thing I’ve ever drawn which I don’t think I’ve ever uploaded.
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Zach sitting in Thomas’ car, holding his biscuit and crying to the piano version of Miss Stiletto Heels. Because... that was basically me at the end of the game.
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evonymus · 7 years
Deadly Premonition 30 Day Meme Challenge
30. What game, book, movie, or series would you recommend to someone who enjoyed Deadly Premonition?
Actually, I don’t know. I don’t really watch stuff that often and was never a fan of detective stories, so I have nothing that can be compared to DP. Maybe that’s why I love it so much, because that experience was unique. Let’s hope SWERY’s new game will deliver! Oh, Mizzurna Falls, being another Twin Peaks-inspired game also seems quite promising, especially since English translation patch is coming soon!
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Deadly Premonition 30 Day Meme Challenge - DAY 04
4.   Which character is your least favourite and why?
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These slackers in the Sheriff Department hallway. They are always just there. Standing around. Just talking to one another and in the guy on the left’s case tipping his imaginary hat all damn day. They never move to do any real work.
(spoilers below)
…haha not really.  When I originally completed this Meme Challenge five years ago I said that I really dislike Forrest Kaysen for fucking up Francis’ life and taking away everyone he’s ever cared about. 
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Which really just makes him a great villain and that’s really too easy of an answer so...
Now I would say the character that isn’t meant to be quote unquote the villain of the game that pisses me off the most would be this asshole:
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This guy is...
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Seriously. This guy could have prevented the deaths by just being fucking honest with York from the get go and NOT ABANDONING HIS FAMILY like 42 years ago:
“Hey man so you know that Raincoat Killer tale? It actually happened 50 years ago and it was my dad. You see the military released some weird gas on the town and everyone went into a murderous rage. It’s why I still wear this mask as there’s still remnants of the gas that’s released when it rains. I think it’s somehow connected to the red seeds you see around town since they have some weird ass effects of people. There’s a bunch around those red trees in the graveyard. You know... I think Kaysen sells those things.”
“OH BTW! I’m George’s dad and I left him with my cruel and abusive wife because I couldn’t “deal” with her mental illness and ran away. And by “deal” I mean shoot her in the head and then kill myself like your dad did... not like you know place her in the care of medical professionals trained to deal with mental illness. Not like I have fuck tons of money or anything that would allow me to get her the top notch care in the country. Nope! Ditching them both and pretending I didn’t have a family was the correct course of action.” “Since I was a fucking coward and ran away George grew up in a fucked up environment just miiiiiiiiight have some serious issues. I mean he’s not the only one I was pretty lonely too you know for years after discarding my family but I was able to get myself a NEW son and made him my personal servant. The kid’s under the impression that he has to prove himself to be a fine young man to me even though it’s obvious he’s awesome since waits on me hand and foot. No I’m going to let him agonize about this until you invade his privacy and read his diary before I present him with the eyes to complete his bird carving.” 
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I also low key hate Nick because he’s such a douche. 
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“ I can’t talk to my wife about art (God she is so uncultured!) so I’m going to go drinking nightly with the known man eater Diane and let my wife think I’m cheating on her.” 
“Oh you are trying to solve a murder? Let me be as unhelpful as possible and refuse to talk to you or repeat myself because I’m a dick.”
Olivia deserves better damn it!
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Deadly Premonition 30 Day Meme Challenge - DAY 02
2. Who is your favourite male character and why?
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Why? Well, he’s a lovable asshole...one minute he’s shoving his badge in your face and dismissing the competence of the local Sheriff Department then in the next he’s your best friend enthusiastically detailing the plot and crew of his favorite movie while complimenting you on your hobbies. 
Beneath all his bravado York’s a really sweet and decent guy who deeply cares about the welfare of Greenvale’s citizens who will immediately lend a hand to re-organize a stockroom or give a lady and her rapidly cooling pot a ride home.
York’s methods of investigation may seem downright strange on the surface (he did after all suggest that the team look for some stolen documents by fishing at Velvet Falls based solely on the coffee cup he was given... but they actually work and get the job done!  
He’s an interesting character with a unique personality who’s terribly fun to quote (I never get tired of telling people I’m seeing “FK in my coffee.”) Even after seven years I still name him as my all time favorite video game video game protagonist...hell, I even named my dog after him! It would be a little weird if I didn’t name him as my favorite guy from the game lol
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(Spoilers under the “Keep Reading”)
When I found out that York was actually Zach’s split personality and coping mechanism after witnessing his parents’ tragic death all of York’s initial bravado and in your face attitude made so much sense.  I was pretty wowed by the whole York/Zach dynamic in the game and it was really sweet how  York was not only protecting Zach but also constantly working to get him out of his shell. It’s really hard not to like the guy!
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Deadly Premonition 30 Day Meme Challenge - DAY 14
14. What’s your favorite trading card? Extra is you can post a picture and description.
Favorite trading card hmm I guess I’ll got with No. 1 Francis York Morgan since he’s my favorite character. Description has spoilers so I’m putting it under a cut.
The main character. Known for his surreal demeanor, he talks with his duo personality named Zach during investigations.
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evonymus · 7 years
Deadly Premonition 30 Day Meme Challenge
26. What is the most awesome moment for you in this game? It is a very hard one. Probably that cutscene in the clock tower when the game suddenly stops looking like an early PS2 game. For some weird reason I still can’t understand, it looks GORGEOUS. The final gallery cutscene is pretty cool too, it kept me on the edge of my seat. Also, I love all the lunch scenes, I literally laughed out loud at some of them.
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pillowstains · 7 years
Day 3- Who is your favorite female character and why?
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Initially, I didn’t care too much for Carol. She was cold and mean in a way that didn’t make sense to me, and really I didn’t put too much thought into her. It wasn’t until I began delving into my headcanons for Thomas that I really began to respect and understand her, and when I really started to think about her I began to love her.
When I really think about her... Carol’s a pretty sad character. A girl who dropped out of high school to run a family business because her brother failed at it, and on top of that has been groomed by her brother’s boyfriend since who knows how old she was to be part of his sex cult. Her sidequest about her visiting Anna’s tree to find a blurry picture of the two together cements that she does feel guilt about inviting her to the secret club. If her room is anything to go by, she’s just a mess of a person hiding behind a cold, collected veneer.
On top of all this, I love that (all things considered) she and Thomas have a pretty wholesome and adorable sibling relationship! I mean, given that they’re sleeping with the same man and recruiting younger girls to join them, the fact that they’re defensive of each other and genuinely seem to love each other warms my cold dead heart. If Carol had been alive to hear George insult Thomas’ crossdressing, she would have decked him. Or at least put her cigarette out on his face. I’m sure of it. :’’’’)
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