#dr who wank for ts
notcatherinemorland · 3 years
you’re telling me there’s 3 episodes back to back of Significant Beach Plot Moments that centre dislocation and relocation, environmentalism, instability, and colonisation in 13′s second season and then. she promises yaz. she’ll get a Beach Moment. and the next episode is set on a ship in the middle of the ocean. besties im becoming unglued unhinged unrepentantly gay about it all i just 
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notcatherinemorland · 3 years
im sorry they had the ‘not a denial of romantic relationship’ exchange in episode 4 of the whole series 
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notcatherinemorland · 3 years
I'm speed running series 1 and 2 of 13's Dr whom run for Research Purposes for another Terrible Exquisitely Unhinged PowerPoint and I'm so sorry I'm unable to be normal about any of this
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notcatherinemorland · 4 years
amy pond should have been an artist, not a model, and i think the creative choice to make her the latter kinda encapsulates my entire problem with her series 
not to be reductive or feminist-for-the-sake-of-feminist, but if we consider that dr who is a show absolutely RIFE with discourse of action vs inaction vs/ consequence of choice then the idea of amy being a model.. it’s like inaction personified to me. she’s motionless, waiting to be preserved by camera, managing to capture activity in one single moment. amy pond as the girl who waited, who turns around to get photographed and preserved in aesthetically photoshopped images for all of time? I just do not buy it. why would they spend so much time and effort on amy’s artistic skills to throw them away in the narrative? (i say this i haven’t yet watched season 7 bc i actually have like. work to do.) It’s very arguable that a modelling career is letting amy take definition of action vs inaction into her own hands and definition, with her own autonomy. but what it really reads like to me, every single time they hold up that little paper tardis, is that creation is a childhood dream, and adult women grow up to the the subject, not the creator. amy pond. god she deserved better. amy pond getting totally lost in her creative projects that drove a wedge between her and reality/rory, who felt there was no space for anything mundane and human in her life, only her fantastical alien art. you’re telling me amy pond, who cried with vincent van gogh, wouldn’t pick up oil paint herself??? wouldn’t try to create and recreate? she brought a whole universe back to life with the power of her mind and the crack in her bedroom wall, you’re really telling me she wouldn’t chase that same active force, that creative rush, for the rest of her life? fuck off. amy pond the artist is my canon now. 
(honestly the modelling thing is probably just the creative team’s misogyny thinking that it’s some kind of dream for tv-pretty middle class coded female characters and frankly fuck that too, but narratively this will sit in my brain and scream like a howler monkey for the next month or two.)
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notcatherinemorland · 4 years
ok more doc whom thoughts. yes i should be asleep. no i am not <3
ok i have been mulling this over and i think what’s been nagging me is that clara (and amy until s7) has no Wants. she has no goals. she doesn’t have a self-driven desire for anything... and you know what i’d argue this doesn’t even extend to wanting to be in the doctor’s presence. i think its why she’s been coming across to me as hollow, because she wants for nothing! her temperament is so benign! she is, frankly, beige.
Martha was a jr doctor (god bless), she had a level of desire and determination baked into her character just for that. And she wanted to be seen, to be recognised by the doctor. i didn’t even mind the crush line, because it wasn’t a romance plot, it was the doctor being unable to heal from Rose to recognise that he was carting about a whole new companion. it wasn’t pure sexuality, there was attention and all sorts of things thrown into that dynamic that made it interesting. Martha was amazing and i love her very much.
Rose and Donna... they want adventure i think. they want something more than earth had to offer them. Donna i think had escapism thrown in. Rose had something to loose back on earth. they wanted New, they wanted Exciting, they wanted adrenaline and education and More Experiences. donna wanted to make her grandfather proud. rose loved her family so much.
Rose did ultimately end up wanting the doctor and u know what? it was substantiated. it was sweet. i liked it because they actually had good experiences together and they were positive influences on each other.
donna’s end makes me cry dont talk to me. angy. i start war. it’s nearly 3am so i will come back 2 her.
amy uh.... well apart from the amount of sexual desire she shoved in the dr’s general direction, she kinda wanted to be around him but More Hightened than the other 3. I’d make the argument that what she wanted was validation of her childhood memories. amy & 11 didnt really uh. spend a lot of time around each other like rose and 9/10 or martha and 10 did. they didn’t... chat. i know we were utterly spoiled by the tenent/tate dynamic banter but i don’t rlly recall amy&11 getting anything low-stakes enough to chat. there was too much SHITE! in the way. THAT’S WHY i liked god complex so much it just!!! GAVE me something about the way amy’s whole character functioned. and then it changed her and i. CONTENT. DOUBLE CONTENT. about WHY amy thinks and acts the way she does. it is LATENT in rose. martha outright articulates herself. donna grows from someone who thinks there’s nothing in her into a character with dreams and motivations who understands herself. (and then it all got taken away from her and i cried) but amy... it took a while but she got Things in the end. S7 amy i LIKED! because of her life outside the dr. she and rory had grown! and lived their life a bit more. they had Things! they had hot girl shit to do. rory had a fucking backbone would u even believe. 
and fucking frankly, the ONLY thing clara has done that wasn’t staring at the dr is hold a tea mug and offer up a book. NO wait i contradict myself. i really liked her friendship with Merry in that weird cult choir ep, that was Nice. but clara doesn’t have that same..... drive for experience or recognition or autonomy/their own lives like any of the others. she just seems to stare at the dr. and i am BEGGING for literally anything at this point. just give me a reason just a little bits enough just to something we’re not broken just bent and we can learn to write female characters
for the record i also have ^ the same crit for river song but at least she’s a self-identified psychopath that’s established in the narrative to have been trained not to have wants or desires apart from murdering 11 so like. I Guess. i dont like it but at least its substantiated in a sense.
i know the way i want my visual media to be is very strongly influenced by a particular western canon of storytelling that i am now learning is very orientated around modernism and post-modernism because i like grand narrative hot girl meta shit and also character psychology. but also a) i love jane austen so much i want all characters to have distinct motivations for Acting and i enjoy watching them interact when they overlap. b) in a show like dr whom where the character arc ARE the stories. none of this plot shit, give me EMOTIONS. give me HUMANITY. give me GROWTH AND ARCS. not to get gothic lit but if your fantasy isn’t an articulation/allegory of a human experience/facet/thing, then i am simply not fucking interested. 
and clara isn’t articulating anything herself, the story isnt FROM her, she’s part of this big overarching plot that isn’t about her in specific, it’s externally driven. it’s a pound shop donna. yes, donna had the same thing where her fate wasn’t her ‘fault’ in a sense - ie how martha left the tardis on her own terms - donna had something tragic happen that wasn’t derived from who she was. it HURT because of who she was. and frankly im not feeling any same optimism of pain for clara yet. 
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notcatherinemorland · 5 years
like not 2 be a dramatic asshat or whatever 
but i Really think half the point of sci-fi adventure.. or really dr who.. is to explore very human emotions and situations in fantastical settings and circumstance and That’s where dr who hits hardest.. the ood, midnight, father’s day. hell i’d even throw in the clusterfuck that is silence in the library because being scared of the dark is Such a good idea to capitalise on . that’s what i Missed in most of 11-12. i don’t know if my 14 snarky tumblr cynicism got the better of me, i couldn’t see that any more. and it wasn’t done well enough for me to properly enjoy it. (exceptions are 13 bc i didn’t have time to watch more than 3 episodes and bill. i loved bill. . i have more thoughts on this but i want to watch more than the credits of this episode gherjdghfjk
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notcatherinemorland · 5 years
oh my god donna noble’s series really is just the best one of modern dr who huh 
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notcatherinemorland · 5 years
i’m very exceptionally middle class (uk) so my thoughts on how fantastic rose tyler as a character is can only go so far . and this kind of meta is a bit heavier than i tend to spring for outside of very legitimate analysis/for fking tumblr .  but when discussing 9′s run of doctor who - the elements of the uk class system and use of spoken accent both within the show’s story, and as meta, absolutely cannot be ignored, and is imperative to understanding rose tyler as a character - personally and mechanically. rose tyler is a fucking GIFT. as is jackie tyler, and mickey. and eccleston himself. rose tyler being 19 years old from a council estate with those clothes, her mum wearing those earrings, with that accent, with that job, eating chips on her lunch break. very, very deliberate choices and it is a far, far richer story for them.
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notcatherinemorland · 5 years
past me was unequivocally right the lazarus experiment is one of my favourite episodes of all time. it's literally everything I Want in a doctor who episode. golden standard. it's always been one of my very favourites bc they had the 10 min behind the scenes segment after it when it aired and i was entranced but also its a bloody good story and does!!!! everything I want it to!!!! it's brilliant!!!!
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notcatherinemorland · 5 years
I'm watching the empty child ep at last and you Know it's a Moff*t ep because 5 minutes in and the doctor and Rose have already split up and a more 'conventionally attractive' woman has been introduced to the doctor's line of vision hhhhHhhm
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notcatherinemorland · 5 years
ok i watched more dr whom and i Must Yell
firstly. yes i Am aware i’ve done quite a lot of ‘unwarrented’ bashing of latter whom series . but a) my blog now b) every time i think about it it makes me disappointed and angerey . hgjdgjkjb 
(i have skipped father’s day bc i can’t watch it w/o crying or ruining my emotional equilibrium for a day) (and i know if i watch empty child/doctor dances my brain will go HAM and i won’t rest for 3 days so i’m saving it as a ‘u did ur work !! reward) so im on Boom Town of 9′s series and can i just. like. fhekgbm . not a single second of this series feels like dead air. it’s either moving the plot along, moving the characters along (which, as any good dr whom or fanfic writer knows, Are The Plot themselves.), or working towards something Bigger - bad wolf or the whole sorta .. aesthetic of the series. there’s not a Bit of dead air here. 
also. this episode. holy shit how did i forget it. its just.. fucking brilliant idea? in the same way from dalek you have that fuckin Iconic line ‘you would make a good dalek’ hanging over the doctor’s head for the rest of the season, it brings?? the consequences?? back?? and when i say shit like ‘sci fi fantasy like dr whom /should/ explore very human emotions and situations / moral/philosophical problems under the lens of fantastical settings and circumstance’ .. this is what i mean. this whole fucking series is What I Mean. it’s why i watch the good place despite how much of it is Not my taste . 
u know for someone who liiives for social commentary sci-fi, it’s amusing how hitchhiker’s guide is my favourite bit of media. - not that it doesn’t have social commentary, but i am of the very annoying and closed opinion that to dig into hitchhiker’s more than it shows u is to cheapen it for myself ? a bit ? the lines about how magrathea closed itself until the universe was rich enough again to do business with are hilarious and provocative, and im sure a good many people have more political analysis than i ever will on that. but hitchhiker’sis probably the one bit of work i don’t want to tinker with more so than with a critical eye for classism and sexism and all that as is required u know. 
dr whom, however, i will raze to the ground.
i realise i said literally nothing of import here. it’s been a long day. this time im just enjoying how dr who does what i expect it to be doing for once hgfdjbg
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notcatherinemorland · 5 years
twelve milliom clap emojis
i will never, Ever tire of the trope where the drs companion makes friends with the locals/secondary plot characters because they're nice and curious people and getting plot-saving information because of it & also finding that all people are universal and you can be friendly with everyone . best trope. good trope.
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notcatherinemorland · 5 years
god i really need to make AnOtHeR blog but fuck it this is brain repository now. anyway im watching dr whomst and im 4 mins in already vibing to hell. anyway. point is i’ve either articulated what bothered me or remembered someone else’s articulation of what bothers me about 11+ dr whomst and it’s how the early/classic drs were so enamoured with learning and growing and discovering new things and the later drs are.. so static in growth. the character doesn’t change - from what i remember. i’ll be having another stab at c*paldi & wh*ttaker later on. and yeah sure i DO actually like the argument and evaluation that smith/11′s character arc was that he Was so resistant to change and personal growth and sought out big bright immediate moments to avoid thinking about the past and future - seen in rory’s waiting game (the past) and river song(the future) but a) amy didn’t rlly fit the pattern of representing the present - wait. no she Did - she froze her own life progression to travel w the dr. but they still pulled it off.. not well enough/too ..ropey for my liking. i mean i’d yeet most all but the god paradox episode of 11′s series. 
anyway. i’m in too deep with this.
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notcatherinemorland · 5 years
Dr whom Yelling but its not funky analysis or anything it's just me Opining on a chaise longue
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notcatherinemorland · 5 years
oh lord I should not have started watching parting of the waves on my lunch break bc my vibes are off the fucking scale
I mean daleks insanity shown via worship and spirituality MY GOD RTD
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notcatherinemorland · 5 years
im sorry i so desperately want to be wrong about this but are 9 and rose having a discussion about uhhhhh mHM. dancing. 
.. this just comes across as a thinly veiled discussion on whether or not the doctor fucks. 
it is my Professional Opinion that the doctor does not fuck. the doctor doesn’t fuck. the doctor? doesn’t fuck. does the doctor fuck? do they, fuck. doctor who has never fucked at all whatsoever in any iteration at any time in any location. no fucks given. no fucks received. doctor does Not fuck.
thats it. thats all i got. doctor whomst is not allowed to fuck. 
i say this. reading too much tenrose for my own good back in the day.
also. im still not digging the empty child eps if u wondered. i so very much want to like them . but /god/ do they make it hard. also if moff*t even thinks in the direction of rose tyler i will stomp him to death with my hooves . god this is crushing 6 year old me’s childhood. 
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