blessphemy · 1 year
something on the tip of my brain about how Alarmed people often seem to get about the notion of being out in the backwoods, remote enough that help is not around the corner. they are especially boggled when I tell them I’ve gone alone. “What about bears? What about dangerous people? What if you’re injured?”
idk why I’m having trouble putting my finger on it but there’s … ok it’s like this
So obviously there are real risks and dangers. and Nature does not give a shit if you screw up and die. there are dangers outside of your control: animals, weather, etc, but these can be mitigated with preparation and knowing what the hell you’re doing. I’m not trying to downplay this.
but also people die every year in the shallows of backcountry, you don’t have to go to the depths. swept off Nevada Falls, heatstroke in the Grand Canyon, lost in White Sands.
and also people die in the hearts of development: hit by cars, shot by firearms, falls and workplace injuries.
I think there is some kind of… the dangers you are most familiar with are the ones that do not frighten you as much, because you have leaned to turn your mind away from them.
and I think some people are so used to their controlled environment that feels safe and secure in its familiarity, that the notion of a place that is less controlled and, moreover, different, is frightening.
my estimation of the matter is: I run the math of risks. If this activity is less dangerous than driving (which, if you run the math on that, driving is actually pretty darn dangerous), then surely I’m okay with taking that risk. (maybe the real takeaway is that I should not drive. but that’s where I’m pinning my risk tolerance, because apparently I’m a daredevil.)
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corvid-420 · 5 years
post your clownsona
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therealriiver · 9 years
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habsrants-blog · 9 years
People need to realize that to get Sharp we’re gonna have to probably give up a bunch of really good high end prospects (think Hudon/Andrighetto/Thomas/Tinordi/Fucale calibre) AND his cap hit will make it VERY hard to re-sign Chucky/anyone else until it’s up.
Of course, MB has a habit of getting great players for next to nothing, but it’s highly unlikely that Chicago is gonna undervalue Sharp. He’s good. Make no mistake, but he’s aging (not old yet, but heading in that direction) and expensive. His scoring ability is attractive, and I won’t lie that something like Pacioretty-Plekanec-Sharp wouldt make me melt a little, but I would infinitely prefer to develop the next Patrick Sharp from our own pool of prospects than to temporarily get actual Patrick Sharp and handcuff our future.
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blessphemy · 1 year
took a while for housemate to acclimate to the fact that I have a tendency to say random words out loud but they seem to have picked up the art of telling the difference between a random “scone” or “bingus” and a directed attempt at communication
I’ve been really trying to get control over blurting out troublesome phrases such as “are you ok?” cuz it’s confusing. another randomly generated phrase that that’s entered my repertoire recently is “do you wanna fuck” and I am Desperately trying to weed that one out before I say it in front of somebody by accident. why am I like this
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blessphemy · 1 year
every day mortality
in the corner
not threat, but promise, anticipation. grief preemptive. there is no fighting, railing. there is no hiding: to be is to be finite.
it sits on the chipped windowsills. drapes in the melting frost of roof gutters. waiting in the bruised skin of a grape. photographs in plastic sleeves sticky with time. memoirs. a hatchback swerving. a moment of careless distraction. the bleaching of a walking-stick split from sun. it is
the sound of a leaf, stepped on.
i see you, i see you, i can’t
Look away
shadow me, constant, underfoot and loyal
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blessphemy · 1 year
sometimes i forget that not everyone has experience living in a place where the sun just destroys objects left outside
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blessphemy · 1 year
i have dunked on that famous author guy for writing in East of Eden "if gold were a liquid that could raise a cream, that would be the color of the california poppies"
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blessphemy · 1 year
cataclysmic to my monthly meditation exercise of picking through all my spending when I lost my wallet at the beginning of the month, waited a couple weeks to determine that it was Definitely Gone, ordered a new card which is yet to arrive
Just me and my three $100 bills against the world! And a fistful of receipts, some of which I probably lost! How am I supposed to properly evaluate my Spending under these conditions!
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blessphemy · 1 year
crochet needle inside backpack going thru Security: confiscated
crochet needle removed from backpack and put in the Mini Items tray fully visible: allowed through
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blessphemy · 1 year
charlene cameleon iguana
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blessphemy · 1 year
There are a very limited number of names for natural features. There’s like 5 names for creeks:
- boulder creek
- deer creek
- bear creek
- horse creek
- white creek
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blessphemy · 3 years
thinking about my aliens
Some of my aliens:
- angels: knife-winged, stainedglass-feathered, radiowave-speaking hivemind bozos. the more of them in a flock the smarter they are collectively. the typical individual is a dumbass. can reproduce both sexually and asexually. sexual reproduction involves Consensual Death Matches. they come in various sizes and colors. they find it baffling that humans have a concept of measured time - it’s advanced theoretical mathematics?? We need at least 50 of Us to understand 1 human minute??? go home. Be not afraid. Obey.
- adorbs: gender-progressing life stages. High Politics. the Empress (blessed be she) has turned herself into 100% cyborg nbd. High Drama. social hierarchies, matriarchies, cypherarchies, careerarchies, sapioarchies, superiorarchies etc, etc. 7 fluffy moth antennae. 18-40 ounces of whoop-ass.
- yonder: crabs and Pokémon got nothing on the the life-stage transitions in these guys. mysterious. AestheticsTM. mutually pack-bonds with anything that’s got a pulse and some smidgen of Intelligence Beauty, including a rare fractal formation and a particularly weird society of humans.
- goths (goth moths): the discovery of hormonal birth control caused the end of society as they knew it cuz everyone in their right mind chose to live 10x longer over laying a shit ton of eggs and then promptly dying. a whole ass planet of societal, technological, cultural, and spiritual innovation in the middle of a catastrophic extinction burst. 1 shitty, xenophobic country living on because the Elite control the birth control. sux. also climate change.
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blessphemy · 3 years
There were 5 girls in my 15-person Algebra II Honors class (5th period - less popular period time wise)
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blessphemy · 3 years
Hot tip: write your own obituary.
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blessphemy · 3 years
Me, walking into the witchcraft shop “Hi dog!” *husky thumps his tail but doesn’t bother to get his ass up* Me: I understand” Me: buys one small green rock (~$2.50 plus tax) and puts it in my wallet to give to my sister later but forget it for months and then when sister is home for winter vacation it falls onto the floor. I think it might be citrine but can’t remember. I put it on her laptop
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