#dragon raja scythe class
dr-icons-and-gifs · 4 years
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Alas the Reaper class has entered the game!
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watanabes-cum-dump · 4 years
Ok so Soul Dancers...
If you really think about it from a more anime based perspective, Soul Dancers are pretty overpowered. I mean, they’re Powerful magicians who can bend time and the fabric in between worlds. In the game, sure, they’re nothing more than Support, but, imagine a Soul Dancer in an anime adaptation of Dragon Raja. 
Think about that for a moment. 
They can speed up time, use powerful magic to heal themselves and others, and holy shit they have a GEMINI who NEVER leaves they’re side and can DOUBLE their attack power. Can you imagine what an S ranked Soul Dancer with little control over their powers could do? Imagine the damage of unharnessed magic that can BEND time and space. 
Now, first of all, let’s take a look at each class and how much magic they output. 
Most of the melee Classes output very little magic. I mean, it’s a lot, but, compare it to most of the ranged classes and you really start to wonder. Gunslingers and Blade Masters both output the least, maybe throw fighter class in with them. Gunslingers and Fighters rely on technology rather than magic. Fighter have their gauntlet thingies and their robots, Gunslingers use high tech weaponry like satellites, walking land mines, and machine guns.
Now, the other classes. 
Blade Masters and fighters both rely on physical strength. From what I know and have observed, Blade Masters lean more on physical damage. Fighter classes too since they use martial arts.  
Assasins and Reapers use a combination of both physical and magical damage, with the sacrifices being extremely fragile. They both output tons of magic and they have melee skills too. Sure, in game Reapers aren’t shown to use it, but, Reapers clearly swing their scythe as if to attack someone close to them, sure sickles offer more range than say a sword, but they aren’t purely ranged either. The official game description says that they’re magicians, so their scythe could channel their power like a wand or staff, that could also be used for combat. 
And the two classes with the most use of magic are I think the Puppeteer class that’s coming out soon, and Soul dancers. They carry no weapons and use raw magic to deal damage. 
So, this begs the question: where in the FUCK did Soul dancers come from? 
I have two possible answers, but before I get into those, I feel the need to bring this up. 
Gender and their rarity.
I think that Soul dancers are rather uncommon, but not completely un heard of. Philosophers know about them, so they probably have the same ratio to blind and deaf people. You can go your entire life without meeting someone like that, but they’re not incredibly rare either. But, they could have dwindled over the years, maybe once it was like that, but at one point they disappeared completely and were so rare and so hard to find that most people who claim to be Soul dancers are hoaxes. 
The second thing is Gender. 
I have a reason to believe that Soul Dancers are probably more common in females than males. Why? Well, if you look at all the classes, the Soul dancer shows you the female option. It’s small, but, I also believe that it might be true. Soul dancers are delicate, and even if a Soul Dancer were to be a male, they wouldn’t have much physical prowess. Girls are naturally built smaller, of course, they can be stronger than average guys too, but, girls are usually smaller and usually don’t have the brute strength that men do. This is just my opinion, and with the twirling and everything, I have a reason to think so. 
Male Soul dancers would do great at femboy hooters lol
Now, the two possibilities of the class that I mentioned:
The first that during MC’s time, Soul dancers were in the ‘uncommon, but not completely unheard off’ ratio. Herzog knows this and plucks MC off the streets or whatever, hoping to combine their Soul Dander abilities with dragon blood. And maybe after the bombing, Soul Dancers disappear and are a distant thing of the past. Anjou and the older characters would know about them, but since they aren’t Soul Dancers themselves and probably don’t know anything about them, they can’t offer any information to MC. 
The second, is that Soul Dancers are supper fucking rare and Herzog manages to get his filthy hands on MC, probably hearing through the grape vine that a Soul Dancer had a child somewhere. I personally believe that Herzog killed MC’s parents when they were too young to remember so yeah. Anyways, he brings the little one to Siberia to multiply their potential with dragon blood. 
Side note, I think that Dragon Blood enhances any and all abilities, and since MC was forcibly injected as opposed to being born with it, their talent is unstable. But that’s probably not true so NEXT.
But that really makes me wonder, where did MC learn how to use their powers if it’s so rare? Maybe the Gemeni taught them? They do double the damage so they must know about it. Idk, Soul dancers are just weird in the sense that considering the setting, they wouldn’t even know how to use their powers. I mean, all the classes are like this, so, I’m gonna make more theories on it I guess. 
I’m probably just over any living this but lol that that’s what theorists do. 
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rottenheartedchild · 4 years
Witch of Songs
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It's been a long time since I've posted anything here so here's the latest Bayonetta oc using my Dragon Raja because 1. He deserves to have kickass demon/dragon powers and 2. I'm bi. Huge apologies for any mistakes in the bio, let me know so I can correct them.
Also the left pic is from kazmourner's picrew, https://picrew.me/image_maker/163761)
Character template is from Kaishos,https://www.deviantart.com/kaishos/art/character-profile-template-123273743)
General Information First name: Isidore Surname: D’Aramitz Age: 19(physically), 570(chronologically) Date of birth: 13/10/1442 Race: Umbran Witch Gender: Trans man Sexuality: Bisexual Demiromantic Current residence: Cassell College  Relationship status: Currently engaged to Durante Traits of Voice Accent (if any): Slight Marseille that thickens whenever his emotion get the best of him Language spoken: English Other languages known: Enochian, French, Italian, Arabic, Russian, Spanish, very few Mandarin, very little Japanese, Turkish Style of speaking: Casual, occasionally formal Volume of voice: Deep, soft and gentle Physical Appearance Height: 5′4″,162.6cm Weight: 73kg,161lb Eye color: Pink Skin color: Dark brown Distinguishing features: Star shaped birthmark on the back Build of body: Athletic Hair color: Black with blue highlights Complexion: Combination type Posture: Slightly hunched Tattoos: Oleander flowers wrapped all over the left arm Piercings: Gold studs on the ears Typical clothing: Combat boots, billowy shirts, suspenders, pleather pants, pastel dresses, fishnet stockings, Doc Martens, distressed jeans, baggy t-shirts, old sneakers, fur coats, windbreakers, crop tops, fingerless gloves, oversized hoodies, fingerless gloves, thigh high socks, stilettos. Personality Likes: Food, music, birds, forests, stargazing, books, history, libraries, abandoned buildings, new sights, adventure novels, beaches, poisonous plants, science, diy projects, cooking, making new songs, musicals, concerts, graffiti, motor racing. Dislikes: Tacky furniture, minimalist design, elitist fans, bad hair days, exhaust fumes, strong perfumes, overcooked steaks, mafias, upper crust parties, being ordered around, bigots, racists, boring classes, older men, predictability. Education: College  Fears: Christmas, dead bodies, sirens, crowds, being trapped in an empty room, doctors  Personal goals: To discover more about his past and kill everyone responsible for the Black Swan massacre. General attitude: Very chill and easygoing guy but incredibly terrifying once provoked. Religious values: Agnostic General intelligence: Above average, a quick learner General sociability: Ambivert
Health Allergies (if any): Dairy products, peanuts Sleeping habits: Is a light sleeper Energy level: Mostly high Eating habits: Extremely unbalanced Memory: Eidetic memories Any unhealthy habits: Starts smoking as a way to relieve stress, or when it gets too much to handle. History Birth country: France Hometown: Marseille Childhood: Lived a relatively normal childhood with his baby sister until he was awoken with the dark arts one day, his sister with the light. Fearing for their safety, their parents sent them away to both Lumen and Umbra Clans so they could hone their gifts. Teen years: Training under Ivan’s tutelage, Isidore’s talents blossomed as he managed to take down one of the Clan’s gifted fighter, albeit with difficulties. Soon he made a pact with Monsieur Phenex, a Great Marquis of Inferno. Adult years: Accomplished in his line of duty, his next task was to be the mentor for the Master Assassin’s youngest daughter, Malika, who reminded him of his own sister. At the time, both he and an Umbran soldier, Durante, fell in love and engaged after years of courtship. Past places of residence: Vigrid, Black Swan Bay orphanage Briefly explain life story: Isidore was once a talented Witch under Ivan’s command before the Clan War erupted and nearly wiped both sides out, him included. A desperate Durante carried his and Marisol’s bodies to a far off place before sealing them in a tomb, using his gift to regress their bodies to that of a child, hoping they would be saved. 500 years have passed, and their tomb was discovered by an archeologist, surprised to see two living children sleeping in an ancient tomb. Curiosity piqued, he took the children to a man named Herzog to be studied and soon, they were placed under his care.
As time goes by, the now 19 years old Isidore lives peacefully with other orphans and even gets excited at the upcoming Christmas party when he found out Renata’s plan to ask Z as her partner. All of that were destroyed when bombs dropped out of nowhere and in his last moments was Renata pushing both him and his sister into the sea, begging them to live on. 20 passed and they woke up in a new place called Cassell College. The incident still fresh in his mind, he vow to kill every single monsters who murdered the orphan while trying to figure out those haunting scenes inside his head. Relationships Parents: Oscar D’Aramitz(deceased), Kahina Adebayo(deceased) Siblings: Marisol, Renata/Zero(adopted) Any enemies: Dr.Herzog/Osho, Bondarev/Masamune for the deaths in Black Swan Bay, the Laguna for the destruction of the Umbran clan. Friends: Erii, Aruna, Nono, Misaki, Satoshi, Johann Best friend(s): Chime, Tuncay, Aisya, Malika Important friends/relatives (explain): Ivan(His former mentor and the one who taught him how to fight), Salwa(Ivan’s wife and master of espionage Love interest (if there is one): Durante, Monsieur Phenex Combat Peaceful or violent: Peaceful, he only uses violence when it’s appropriate  Weapon (if applicable): Two pairs of guns named after the children of Persephone, a scythe that can be folded into a guitar containing the soul of a fallen angel and a sphere which uses his energy to manipulate time and heal injuries. Style of fighting: a mix between capoeira , krav maga, savate, boxing, bokator and stick-fighting. Others Occupation: Student by day, indie performer by night. After graduation, he became a bounty hunter while performing in cities and campuses. Current home: Cassell college Favourite types of food: Anything savory, spicy and sour. Favourite types of drink: fruit juices and herbal tea. Hobbies/past times: Strumming his guitar, catching up with the latest events, volunteering at shelters, doing music videos, watching YouTube videos, trying out recipes, sketching, crafting, documenting plants, napping, playing video games with his sister, bird watching, foraging, gossiping with people. Guilty pleasures: Erotic novels, late night snacking, staying up late to watch livestreams, consuming copious amount of jams and spreads. Pet peeves: When people didn’t finish their food, the sound of chalkboard being scratched, strangers touching him out of nowhere, being underestimated, going on unplanned trips, noodles not cooked right. Pets: Bebe (Citron cockatoo), Astro (African Grey parrot), Marmalade and Cream (cockatiel), Onyx (crow)
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yukihime242 · 4 years
I never make any recommendations whenever I post about games or other stuff because it is all about each person’s personal preferences. I don’t mind providing tips, advices or even guiding a player in certain parts of the game. I also don’t mind explaining some things to help another player understand the game better. But if someone were to ask me if I could make any recommendations, such as which class is better, which skill is good etc., I would never say anything.
But I have to make an exception for this. In Dragon Raja, there are currently six classes, with a seventh on the way, to choose and play from. The current six classes are Blade Master, Assassin, Soul Dancer, Gunslinger, Reaper, and Fighter. 
Let’s start with Fighter.
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Fighter is, logically speaking, a short-ranged attack class. But with Dragon Raja’s unique class system, it can also be a long-ranged attack because of the mech that accompanies the Fighter. 
I have never played Fighter but from what I have seen and observe in cross tournaments, the mech could shoot out missiles which is a long-ranged attack skill. Hence, the Fighter class is, in its own way, a combination of short and long-ranged attacks.
Next, the Reaper class. It is supposed to be a semi-short ranged attack (because of the scythe) but due to the skills that Reapers have, it is classified more of a long-ranged attack. 
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I think any player in the Dragon Raja community would know the pain of being a Reaper’s victim in tournaments. You can never escape from the Reaper’s clutches.
Moving on is the Gunslinger. Very obviously, it is a long-ranged attack class. No doubts about it.
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What makes this class unique is that the developers combined cannon and guns into one class. Regardless of which weapon a Gunslinger used, it is still a long-ranged attack class.
Soul Dancers are healer/support class. They are a long-ranged attack class regardless of skills. 
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Soul Dancers could attack from a distance. However, the disadvantage would be that you need to be near a target in order to heal the said target. Otherwise, it is still considered a long-ranged if you look at their attack skills only.
Next is the Assassin class. Like the Fighter class, it is supposed to be a short-ranged attack class (because logic guys, unless you all are thinking about dagger throwing). 
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Due to the unique development of the Assassin class, it is a combination of short and long-ranged attacks. Assassins can attack from a distance while slowly closing the gap before switching to their other attack mode to attack in short-range. 
Last but not least, the Blade Master class is the one and only purely short-ranged attack class.
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As expected of the most common class in the entirety of mmorpgs, it is a sword wielding class that can only be attacked within a short distance. 
Many players would go for this class. I am not very sure why but it is definitely the most go to class in any mmo games.
And in the upcoming seventh class which is the Puppeteer class, I can only speculate that it is going to be something like the Soul Dancer class, just minus the healing part. Given how unique all of the other six classes are in Dragon Raja, one can only imagine what the seventh class is going to be like.
So, back to the main question. Which class would I recommend in Dragon Raja?
My answer would be:
You can choose any class you like but just not the Blade Master.
I mean, seriously! After briefly going through all of the classes, Blade Master is the only class that is purely short-ranged attack class. Imagine yourself as the only Blade Master in the team and having to attack the enemy. By the time you have reached the enemy and are ready to swing your sword, the enemy crumbled before you as your other teammates had already killed it.
So yeah, I would not recommend the Blade Master class. Of course, this is just purely my own recommendation. If you are very interested in the Blade Master class, don’t let this post stop you from trying it out.
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slasherbunni · 4 years
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I love my avatar so much!! 🌼🌸🌼🌸 she's from the android game "Dragon Raja". I was a lil curious with the character customization 🤔 then I tried the game and I also liked the plot! 🌼 it's so well done I can't stop taking screenshots! You have cute outfits since the start and I like this! 🐰🍨 I am a gunslinger but you can choose another classe like swordsman, Assassin, soul dancer, fighter ans scythe!! It's a lil bit automatic with the auto quest selection but I really like to play it when I don't have time for more impegnative games🍨🎮
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