#dragonshy draws
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hhnnn,,, blorbo,,
Yes I used Miu's one pose from her one art, it just fits the ~vibe~
Time taken: ~4 hours / Program used: Paint dot Net
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thebindingofdragonshy · 4 months
Checking out a lady with her little kid Kid, unprompted: "I'm gonna be five soon!" Mom: "You're very excited, huh?" Me, attempting to make conversation as I scan: "You're gonna be five! When's your birthday?" Kid: "Septemberrr…. Eleventh" Me: Mom: Me: Mom: Me: "oh-" Mom: "Yeah it's very- unfortunate. She was due August 29th and then uhh"
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^^ my face when ^^
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voyagerii · 2 years
Meet the Characters: Rockefeller Springs
Well, welcome to the first MTC event, starring Rockefeller "Rocky" Springs! Without further ado, let's meet them!
-Basic Info-
Name: Rockefeller Springs (Rocky) Age: 15 Birthday: 2007/02/21 (Using today, 2023/01/26 as a reference point) Pronouns: They/It
-Physical Characteristics-
The first notable characteristic about Rocky is the fact that they are a mechanical creation made out of gears and bolts. They have "hair" that is actually just steel wool. It uses the fact that it's a robot to repeatedly reshape and rebuild itself. Other notable characteristic include their vaguely steampunk aesthetic and glowing red dots for eyes. They also have the useful ability of creating raw metal from their fingertips. Here are some references as to what they look like. Credits to my two friends @thebindingofdragonshy (Note: this is not her usual art style) and @renthewerecatboi, respectively. They have slightly different takes on their appearance and I am tuning my artistic abilities at the moment so this should just be a base guideline for your vision. This is beginning to look like a text wall so I'm now going to transition you to the images.
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One of the primary traits of Rocky's is how unhinged they are. They have lost any sense of sanity and are hanging on by a thread at the verge of snapping. This is due to the first ~13-14 years of its life being left in complete isolation with nothing but itself and whatever they build. Besides that they have one major passion, inventing. Whether it's flying cars or even weapons concealed as regular items such as pens, they love making things. Rocky gets quickly attached to people they meet, this isn't too much of a problem unless you don't like Rocky, in which case it's very hard to get rid of them at this point.-
Rocky is 5 feet tall (152 cm)
Their favorite color is orange
They have kill count of 4, which can go higher in some AUs, the current highest is 79
What started as a joke lead to Rocky being able to build things at nigh-impossible speeds, once there was a joke about Rocky building an entire plane in 47 seconds
During its original creation in November 2020, it was original going to be made out of Gold, Silver, and Palladium, giving them a bright yellow color. However sometime the following year, I changed the composition to a more Copper and Titanium based mixture, leading it to have a more red-orange color.
They can and will remove their eyes from their sockets
They also can and will remove their limbs and replace them if they feel like it
Ren's drawing of Rocky was done on September 8th, 2022
Dragonshy's drawing of Rocky was done on Christmas Day, 2022
They get incredibly nervous when physically restrained to the point of frantically crunching down on whatever they can
Their favorite things to build are plane
Their Number 1 Fear is abandonment. Number 2 is restraint
They have tanked 7 direct explosions within 20 feet
Signature maniacal laugh "Oh! So these—these ones can... explode?" Proceeds to poke at it "Well... it wasn't there when I saw it! It just... teleported in!" Context: Rocky crashed into a tree while driving a flying boat at 160 mph "AHAHAH! I get that a lot... 14 years of isolation really—really does something... to you, doesn't it!?" "I'llfuckingblowyouupintotinybits! GET BACK!" "Might get me a few lawsuits but oh well!" "A few of these are Weapons of Mass Destruction and I do not want any legal trouble for possessing—possesing them... AHAHAHA!"
-Ending Notes-
That concludes the first MTC! If you have any personal questions about Rocky then feel free to ask! This'll be a little rough around the edges but being mid at something is on of the early steps to being good at something so what it do!
And with that... Goodbye!
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Okay, so, a while back I did an MLP Headcanon on Dragons. And while I mentioned it there, I want to talk a little more about Dragons and their hoarding tendencies/Greed.
So, a lot of this has to do with Dragon’s Magic. Dragons have some spellcasting abilities. Obviously they Fire abilities(fire breath, heat/flame immunity, being able to warm themselves in the cold unlike other reptiles), but they can do other spellcasting as well. 
For example, Spike’s ability to send letters through his firebreath is a spell. Celestia taught it to him when he first became Twilight’s assistant(Because while she could’ve done the journal thing like Sunset had, Twilight was more likely to accidentally ignore messages for a good read). The spell also has variations like an alarm sound to get the attention of the one it’s sent to(because again, Twi and her books.)
They can obviously cast several other spells as well, but I’m not going to go into a list of what all they can do. Although, out of all creatures that can do Spellcasting, Dragons and Unicorns have the widest range of spells. 
Dragon Magic is closely tied to emotions. Different emotions create different spells, that sort of thing. It’s different than Crystal Pony emotional spellcasting, having more of a range of ability than just elemental, and the fact that they can’t sense emotions or radiate them. 
However, like all creatures whose main magic is tied to Emotions, there are downsides/dangers. For Dragons, it’s Greed. As a species they already have natural hoarding tendencies, so using Greed Emotion is easy for them to slip into a bit of madness. AKA, Greed Berserkers, which is what Spike did in ‘Secret of my Excess’.
They can still use Greed in spells, it’s just a bit dangerous. I mean, to put it one way, how about I quote the most appropriate character? Greed from Fullmetal Alchemist. “Greed may not be good, but it’s not so bad either. You humans think Greed is just for money or Power, but everyone wants something.”. Essentially, they’re allowed to want, allowed to use that emotion, but they’re more likely to go out of control. 
Now, I’ll come back to the Greed Berserker in a bit, because first I need to talk about Dragons and their hoards. 
All Dragons have something they like to collect/hoard. It’s not just gold and jewels either. In my previous post I referenced those drawings of ‘Uncommon Dragon Hoards’, and it’s pretty accurate to what I mean. Dragons just find something they like and start collecting them. They’re very protective of their hoard, and care for it well. That protectiveness can be a little overboard sometimes, making the Dragon upset and sometimes aggressive when someone messes their hoard, but it’d take a lot for them to attack. 
Here’s where the differences between regular hoarding and Greed hoarding come in. 
Regular hoarding involves the Dragon collecting a specific set of things and treating them very carefully. However, a Berserker will take anything and everything, not caring for the state its in. While a normal hoard can be one of gold and jewels, a Berserker’s hoard will likely have a lot of gold and jewels because those type of things can survive the Berserker’s roughness. This is why the ‘hoard of gold and jewels’ is considered ‘common’. 
I made the example before with the red Dragon in ‘Dragonshy’ and the green Dragon in ‘Owl’s well that ends well’. The green Dragon is a Berserker while the red Dragon is a loner who just happens to have a hoard of gold and jewels. 
(Side headcanon, the red Dragon’s hoard is actually (mostly) legally gained. Some he found dropped or abandoned, some was pirate treasure(I said mostly legal), and some he actually sells stuff for. Alchemists, potion makers, apothecaries and the like will pay a lot of money for various Dragon parts (Scales, horn and claw clippings, etc.).)
Overall, Berserkers are also much more beast-like, not quite sapient anymore. The only thing that matters to them is collecting their hoard and keeping it. They’ll attack anything and anyone that messes with what they’ve collected with no mercy. It doesn’t matter who it is. Even their loved ones aren’t safe from them. 
Meanwhile, as I said before, while a normal Dragon can be overly protective of their hoard, they do still have their minds. They can, you know, realize they’re being overprotective and not murder their cousin for touching their teacups. 
It’s difficult to get a Dragon out of Berserker mode. Loved ones have the closest chance to being able to talk some sense into them, but are still in danger. In theory, if you can disrupt their Magic somehow, it would return them to normal. Going back to when Spike’s situation with going Berserk, it wasn’t just ‘liking Rarity’ that snapped some sense into him, but also her Magic as the Element of Generosity. (She didn’t realize it, but she was tapping into her Element Magic when she talked him down, and essentially Generosity cancels out Greed.)
Now, onto some other headcanons, important Dragons and what their (normal)Hoards are!
Spike - Some think it’s books, since, you know, he’s a lot like Twilight and does live in a library too. But actually, his hoard is very strange. Spike’s hoard is friends/family. 
As I said, it’s very strange because unlike other hoards, he can’t just put them all in a room and protect them. Well, he can, but they might not like that. But his hoard is a bunch of sapient beings, some of which he doesn’t see often. They’re spread out all over the world, and even in another Dimension(Or in one case, other Dimensions and Timelines).
It makes him more and less dangerous when someone messes with his hoard. On one hand, he won’t be upset if a stranger interacts with them, and he does, you know, recognize them as sapient beings that can do whatever the hell they want. But when it comes to the various villains that wish to cause them harm, the usual feelings of ‘I want to protect them because they’re my friends/family and I love them’ are enhanced by the Dragon instinct to say ‘those are Mine!’, and it can make him more dangerous in battle.
Ember - This is mostly because I find it funny. So, Ember didn’t really /have/ a hoard before she met Spike and started interacting with Ponies more, and going into Pony towns. 
She has a hoard of plushies. Everyone finds it adorable and she’s grumpy about it some of the comments, but she just finds them so cute she can’t help but collect them. 
Torch - Oddly enough, his hoard is scepters. Well, scepters, staffs, wands of sorts, any kind of Spellcasting stick is added to the collection. His hoard is smaller since, well, those type of things are hard to find without stealing them. So he either has to find one abandoned(like, some kind of Daring Do-esque treasure), or shrink down and go into a town to buy one. Well, I say ‘buy one’, but it’s rare to find one in a shop. Maybe some kind of secondhand shop or something, but usually to buy a Magic Scepter/Staff you have to commission someone with the specific skills to make them.
The Bloodstone Scepter was strange to him, as part of him wanted to consider it part of his hoard, but it’s only temporarily his due to the fact that he’d have to give it to his successor. To consider it part of his hoard would count as ‘stealing’ in a way, and as I mentioned, only Berserk Dragons steal for their hoard. 
Garble - He likes rocks. I know you’re probably expecting him to have something badass or ‘edgy’ because he’s in that ‘asshole edgy teen phase’ or whatever but no. He just likes rocks. They’re not even gems(well, some are). He’ll just be walking along and see a cool looking rock, pick it up, and take it home. Honestly? relatable. I’ve done that. One of the cool rocks I found was actually a lighter. not the weirdest thing I’ve found on a walk. That goes to the bag of cooked pasta on the side of the road. 
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I DREW THE BLORBO! AGAIN! But this time with mouse ears :O
This is actually for a (not yet occurred) event in an RP I'm in, because we all agreed he deserves mouse ears, and we also all agreed it would be fun to have it happen over the course of the rp instead of just retconning the mouse ears in and pretending they were always there. I drew in the lines for the fingernails on the one hand, went "wait he wears GLOVES, FUCK, WHY DID I DO THAT" and then decided to just leave them because I wanted an excuse to do fun nail stuff
Time taken: like 5 or 6 hours? (My sense of time is bad) Program used: Paint Dot Net
Something something reblogs >>> likes, something something "click on image for better quality", the typical art stuff
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I drew Vau again!!! Lyrics and Pose from Bug [バグ] by Kairiki Bear (well, an English translation of that song. Specifically Will Stetson's)
This song gives me somewhat of Vau vibes and I can't explain why to save my life. This line in particular gives me EXTREME Vau Vibes for, uh, much more obvious reasons If being an author/roleplayer or a flavor text is like having operator privileges, I suppose Vau's situation would be a lot like having admin privileges
Fun fact, PDN crashed while I was making this!! Luckily I asked some friends for advice on the lineart so I managed to recover the lineart but I had to redo the background which was annoying Thankfully the redo didn't take nearly as long as the first time since I already knew how to make it but augh
Click on the image and then click view original,, trust me it looks better that way
Time taken: ~4 hours Program used: Paint.Net
[Reblogs >>> Likes, thankies <3]
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RIP OSHA official... Gone but not forgotten.
Welcome to the stars <3
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Sadie Eidola (OC)
Is that blood or wine in the glass? Your choice! I'd tell you more about her, but a lot of that extra would spoil things for an rp I'm in with some people who follow me >:P Those cat ears are actually just part of a headband, she's not an actual catgirl. Her wings and tail are cybernetic. Her mom made them for her! Or got them commissioned for her, I haven't decided yet…
Lyrics from "We don't sleep at night" by Cash Cash Time taken: ~6 hours I think? Program used: Paint dot Net
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I present! A finished drawing of Bad-End Wish! (One of my OC's! Or, an AU of one of my OC's? Whatever) I originally drew this on paper and then I colored this digitally, but I decided I liked the paper texture so I did the coloring in a very interesting way... As a result this ended up taking me an hour instead of "like 15 minutes?" like I was originally anticipating Lyrics from Appetite of a People Pleaser (by ghostie-P/GHOST) which is also what the outfit is inspired by. Incase the lyrics still aren't readable even though I tried my best: "Now that I've become a full course identity / Take a bite of me! / I hope that I've become a favorable delicacy / THAT I'M WORTH SOMETHING!" (edited)
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Celestial Messenger
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This art was heavily inspired by this super cool song I found, go listen to it. Which is also where the lyrics come from.
Character is my OC, Tacita Triquetra Somebody (I know, weird last name), dressed up in (almost) the same outfit as the character in the song's official PV.
Lyrics incase you can't read them for some reason: "You can't flee from your fate! Nothing will save you from calamitous embrace" [Plaintext: You can't flee from your fate! Nothing will save you from calamitous embrace]
//Made on Paint Dot Net. Time: ~4 hours//
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So I drew the milk delivery tiktok
It's the Starbucks Milk Delivery TikTok but I drew it with some of my friends' OC's (two friends ocs, not two oc's of one friend)
Left: Ivica / Right: Screwy
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I forgot to post a full sized version of my icon like I usually try to do when I change pfps but I am now remembering to do that so here it is
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[[Feel free to use this one with credit. If you want a version with a different flag in the bg ask me and I will provide]]
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Ezra Nyame holding an end crystal,,, what she gonna do
This drawing,,, I swear I just dumped all of my effort into this drawing holy heck. I'm REALLY happy with how it turned out though, which is why I'm posting it.
This is probably my best drawing of Ezra Nyame so far. And probably one of the drawings I'm most proud of out of ALL my drawings. Ezra's one of my fav OC's of mine, so they deserve getting one of my best drawings :P
Fun fact, this drawing has so many layers that when I was adding my signature with the vector brush it was actually lagging.
(The video was auto-generated by the program I use for drawing [Adobe Fresco] so if it's buggy in any way uh sorry about that) (It gets a tad light flashy at one or two parts be warned)
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Quick little #RedInstead drawing
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Ezra Nyame says wear #RedInstead to show the world that you accept autistic people (such as herself)!
[/Transcript of text in the image/ Sign: I’M NOT A TRAGEDY. I AM NOT BROKEN. THERE IS NOTHING “MISSING” FROM ME. I WANT ACCEPTANCE NOT AWARENESS Speech Bubble: And that’s a fact! Other text: Are you aware of me now? Happy Autism Acceptance month! Wear #redinstead to support the autistic community this April! /End Transcript/]
Also, don’t use the blue puzzle piece! That was started by auti$m $peaks which is a hate group, and also insinuates that autistic people (like myself and Ezra) are “missing” a piece. Use the infinity sign instead!
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Ditto and Pink Slime steal a cuberry
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@queenjayrogue​, this was your request, yes? I don’t know if this is exactly what you imagined but I hope it’s cute anyways! This actually took a lot less time than I thought it would, so it’s too bad I didn’t have motivation to draw this until fouR DAYS BEFORE CHRISTMAS JWHFLKJEHF
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Ezra Nyame sings to the night sky
“Black rock shooter... Why have you gone away...?” “Black rock shooter... My fond old memory...”
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