#drarropoly 2020 team activities
gameofdrarry · 4 years
Drarropoly: Lost and Found
Drarropoly is now in full swing, and our players are writing their hearts out as they make their ways around our Drarry-themed monopoly board. Each space has a prompt with different levels, each with different requirements, and players can earn points in a variety of ways. They can write or create art for these prompts, commenting and reccing gets points, and new this year, podficcers are welcome in Drarropoly!
Players are sorted and assigned at random to four different teams. All team activities and discussions are completely optional but can yield extra points to help win the game! These creative team activities are where players can imagine new, fun headcanons in the Harry Potter universe and perhaps a few stories of their own!
Team Activity 1: All Is Found
The leaders of the Hogwarts Unified Mavens of Protection (also known by their acronym, H.U.M.P.) are pleased to announce that four new artifacts have been found by our newly created research and excavation teams! It would seem by our research that these new artifacts once all belonged to the Hogwarts house founders. How exciting! Teams have already compiled images, as well as names, and what they have found about how this relic came to be.
For those that would also like to join one of our research and excavation teams, please check the links below before any irritable owls decide to eat this part of the report.
Signups are from Nov 1 - Jan 22, follow this link to sign up! Still have questions? Follow this link to read our full rules and FAQ!
Team Activity below the cut!
Team 1:
Rowena’s Remembrall
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The Founders’ Follies by Bartholomew Collingwood, page 154.
Rowena’s Remembrall
This device was created by Rowena Ravenclaw in an attempt to keep her life in order. Ravenclaw is well-known for often being so involved in her hyperfixation on her studies that she needed to use the Remembrall to remember mundane things. Ravenclaw had a large hand in designing the Hogwarts castle, with its ever changing floor plan. In the process, she spent hours on this task, wandering and getting lost in the emerging structures, mapping the existing rooms and forthcoming spaces, and getting distracted by new ideas. Friends and colleagues often recalled Ravenclaw pulling out the Remembrall gone red and hearing her muse, "Hmm, I wonder what I've forgotten?"
This was how she missed supper umpteen times, as well as larger events like the changing of the seasons, and even, on one momentous occasion, her daughter's birthday. This was also how Ravenclaw ended up losing the Remembrall—she was too distracted and left it behind in an unremarked-upon location, and then didn’t have it at hand to remind her about it. It was later discovered in the Room of Lost Things, along with many other artefacts.
Team 2:
Helga’s Thimble
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When Hogwarts was being founded and the castle was being prepared for students, Helga Hufflepuff was working to make the castle not just a place of learning, but a home for all the students that would inhabit it. Most people know that she built the greenhouses, and landscaped the grounds, but many don’t know that she worked her fingers to the bone creating bed linens, and curtains in the colors each of her fellow founders wanted for their students' common rooms. But her favorite after hours project was to create tapestries of everything from woodland scenes to famous witches and wizards.
Castle walls can be cold and she wanted more than anything for the halls of her school to feel warm and inviting. One day Salazar noticed at a meeting of the founders as they reported their various duties and accomplishments for their school opening that Helga’s fingers were often raw and pricked from all her tireless work. So he set himself to a task, and made her a thimble. One that would not only protect her as she created, but once worn would cure and heal all wounds. At least that’s what he told her it did. He didn’t tell her that he also gave it another enchantment. One that he worked on for months to perfect. He wove a spell into the thimble that would make her embroidery once finished, come to life. It took quite a long time to perfect and he wasn’t able to give it to her until she was working on the final tapestry for the school. She meant it to be a surprise for her fellow founders, an image of all of them together that she had worked tirelessly to perfect. The surprise was on her, after she completed it using Salazrs thimble, the images came to life and moved about on the woven surface.
The original tapestry is lost to history. But the thimble was kept by Helga till she died. Even after division between the founders, it reminded her that there is kindness and love in the world.
Team 3:
Salazar’s Unending Chalice
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Team 3 has come into the possession of Salazar's Unending Chalice, a magical artifact found deep inside Hogwarts that once belonged to Salazar Slytherin himself. It is said that Salazar, as with the other founders, retreated into his vice of choice as history took a turn for the worse. Salazar's vice, as it was, happened to be drinking. The chalice is charmed to hold an unending amount of whatever drink is poured into it. Many have speculated that Salazar would fill it with all types of expensive, extravagant wines, but some have theorized that the drinks were a touch more... mundane.
Image Credit: https://shop.enesco.com/collections/wizarding-world-of-harry-potter/products/slytherin-decorative-goblet
Team 4:
Rowena’s Labyrinth
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Rowena, having been the one to design the moving staircases and most of Hogwarts' unique architecture, seemed the kind of person who would put a mysterious labyrinth in the castle as an extra challenge to her chosen 'Claws.
Long before there were passwords or entrances with riddles, any Ravenclaw who found themself out of the common room quarters after curfew would find themself in a mysterious labyrinth. This was a treacherous, impenetrable maze that appeared around the less than punctual student, and the only way out was to solve every complex trick and riddle in the maze until reaching the end of the Labyrinth. And there are many. Of course, if the student couldn't get through them, they would just wander in it all night until dawn, at which point the Labyrinth would disappear and the student would find themself near the girls bathroom on the third floor.
Perhaps Salazar always suspected that Rowena built something of this sort, even if he never saw it for himself, and that is why he put the entrance to his Chamber of Secrets near her Labyrinth's exit.
Nobody has ever been able to prove the existence of the Labyrinth until now, even though many Ravenclaws have sworn up and down that they've been caught in it over the past thousand years. No other house has ever seen Rowena's Labyrinth, and even the Headmasters, who know the castle in and out, can't say with 100% certainty that it's real. Over time, the Labyrinth became an urban legend of sorts, and everyone has always assumed the Ravenclaws were just making it up.
Even now, although it's been at least two centuries since the Labyrinth last allegedly surfaced, the Ravenclaw prefects still warn the first years to be extra careful and to be back in the common room well before curfew.
Images in the collage were taken from the real Labyrinth of Buda Castle.
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gameofdrarry · 4 years
Drarropoly 2020 Team Activity 2: Rowena’s Remembrall
Drarropoly is now in full swing, and our players are writing their hearts out as they make their ways around our Drarry-themed monopoly board. Each space has a prompt with different levels, each with different requirements, and players can earn points in a variety of ways. They can write or create art for these prompts, commenting and reccing gets points, and new this year, podficcers are welcome in Drarropoly!
Players are sorted and assigned at random to four different teams. All team activities and discussions are completely optional but can yield extra points to help win the game! These creative team activities are where players can imagine new, fun headcanons in the Harry Potter universe and perhaps a few stories of their own!
Team Activity 2: Put That Thing Back Where It Came From Or So Help Me The Discovering of the Discoveries
The leaders of the Hogwarts Unified Mavens of Protection (also known by their acronym, H.U.M.P.) are pleased to announce that our research teams have released their information as to how they obtained their newly discovered artifacts. Each team was kind enough to provide images depicting the locations of each relic as well, along with a short description of the when where and how of discovering it came about!
For those that would also like to join one of our Relic Investigation and Observation Teams (or R.I.O.T.s,) please check the links below before any irritable owls decide to eat this part of the report.
Signups are from Nov 1 - Jan 22, follow this link to sign up! Still have questions? Follow this link to read our full rules and FAQ!
Team Activity 1
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Rowena’s Remembrall was often mentioned in the stories that were written down about her by her friends and colleagues. One friend in particular wrote down the story in his diary about how he had spent months searching for it after her death. But the Remembrall was nowhere to be found.
One day a member of the team heard a rumour about an item that was seen in The Room of Lost things, which looked suspiciously like the lost Remembrall, and when the team had gone to look into it, they had found it stuffed away in a box with many other precious artefacts. It remains unclear where Rowena lost her Remembrall, or when the castle's magic moved it to The Room of Lost Things. Luckily the team have uncovered the historical item, and it has not been lost forever.
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gameofdrarry · 5 years
The Ides of Drarry: Signups open!
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Hey everyone! It’s Spooky 👻 and I’m here to talk about the next Game of Drarry game/fest 🎲 THE IDES OF DRARRY. 
(Game/fest art by @aceveria-art)
If you’re unfamiliar with the concept of the game/fest, basically, we take inspiration from popular board games and turn them into prompt-based fests using email, google forms, discord, and a public platform for posting of the writer’s choice. 
Once a player signs up, the mods use digital dice rolls to move them around on a fancy game board that is in google sheets. Each spot on the board has a specific prompt with its own unique parameters and when a player lands there, they get assigned the prompt via email. There’s no time limit to fill the prompt except the end of the game, so a player can take a day, a week, or even the entire length of the game to create for it. But once it’s filled, they head over to google forms and turn in the link to it and the mods roll the dice for them again for a new prompt. 
The one hard and fast rule is obvious: IT MUST BE DRARRY. Writers may include other background pairings and characters, even OT3, but Draco + Harry must be the main focus.
All ratings are welcome, however, submissions absolutely must be tagged appropriately wherever they are posted.
To reiterate, there are no time limits in Game of Drarry events. Writers may move at their own pace with no pressure to submit. The game does, however, end on May 15, 2020, which is the last day to receive a new prompt. All prompts will be needed by May 25 to be counted for points. 
Each game/fest has its own unique and eccentric details that are taken from the game it’s based on. The Ides of Drarry is based on the Game of Life and while most of this game/fest functions like previous iterations like Drarropoly and Drarryland, the Ides of Drarry has a new, exciting, and challenging addition that we are super excited about! 
The Ides of Drarry will have (2) player path options at signups just as the Game of Life has the Career and College paths. 
This path is basically the same as all previous game/fests. Players sign up and receive a prompt to be filled and turned in. Prompts will be based on actual Game of Life spots like Ski Trips, Art Auctions, Wedding Receptions, and even Babies! Each prompt is its own unique thing, and while it can be part of another universe, series, or work, it exists on its own. All subsequent or previous prompts filled by the player do not have to be related to or dependent on that prompt. Each one is a new creation, a new facet of the pairing that we love! 
This path is a bit different, but it is what it sounds like! Players who take this path signup with their favourite time period (Eighth Year, Post-War, etc.), themes, and tropes and the random roll of the dice decides their longfic story for them based off of their answers. Each turn will dictate certain details or aspects that the player must include in the next section/chapter that they write. 
Whereas a Regular Player would receive the prompt 
Drarry +  first flat. Choose either 1) living together -OR- 2) not living together -AND- either 1) terrible roommates or neighbours -OR- 2) terrible day-to-day habits 
...the Longfic Player would receive 
Establish Drarry’s living arrangements and include details such as roommates, neighbours, pets, pests, scenery, and other domestic features. 
Longfic players can either post their chapters or sections publicly as they go and receive points immediately, or share their progress via Google Docs with the mods in order to receive a new turn. Players who choose the latter will only receive points upon completion and public posting of their fic. 
Regular Players will have unique word count parameters for each individual prompt, but they will fit into the distinct levels of The Scale. Longfic players will be able to simply use The Scale for each of their chapters/sections as far as points are concerned. 
KNUT LEVEL 300-900 words = 3 points
SICKLE LEVEL 1250-2800 words = 5 points
GALLEON LEVEL 3500-5000 words = 8 points
Both types of players will receive PAYDAYS and DRARRY tiles. 
Whenever a player passes or lands on a PAYDAY they will receive a bonus prompt for not only themselves but their assigned team. Anyone and everyone on that team can fill the prompt at any time during the game once it’s posted to their team spreadsheet and discord channel. The PAYDAY prompts will be worded for both Regular Players and Longfic players or be available in two different forms. 
Example: Drarry + a carnival visit. 
So while a Regular Player waits for a new prompt or finds inspiration in a Bonus Prompt, a Longfic player can store that prompt in their head and use it for a later chapter/section in their story. It gives the Longfic player the ability to plan ahead towards something even though their normal turns are random and unknown to them until assigned! 
DRARRY tiles are similar to LIFE tiles. When a player lands on a spot that has a DRARRY tile, they receive a detail like Harry does wandless magic or Draco wears a tailored robe. Any type of player, Regular or Longfic, may use any amount of these details once they’ve been assigned to them for +1 points each. The returning form will ask if a player used one on their completed turn. 
While the Game of Life is about individual players moving forward on the board, earning money, and experiencing life events on the way to retirement, The Ides of Drarry, just like every other Game of Drarry game/fest, is about celebrating fandom. And fandom is about community. 
When a player signs up, the mods assign them a team. Because the Game of Life is centred around money, the theme of The Ides of Drarry is Gringotts! So the game/fest team mascots will be creatures of protection! (Hint: The First Team Activity will be choosing a mascot!) 
Every completed prompt earns points for the player’s team. There are opportunities for extra points through the completion of bonus prompts, team activities, and community comments.
Additionally, players have access to the Game of Drarry Discord server where they may chat with other players, lounge around in their team’s private channel, do word sprints, find betas to scream at, and have chat access with the mods. 
Players may post completed prompts on their chosen public platform. They will be prompted to submit the link when returning for a new turn. Players are encouraged to add their works to the Ides of Drarry AO3 collection, which is self-posting! The link will be available when the game/fest begins.
TL;DR — This is a lot to keep track of….
It seems like it is, but the mods have a lovely set of spreadsheets and keep track of it all.
Once you sign up, the email you receive will have all the information you’ll need, including a link to the more detailed player’s handbook and the discord server! 
And that’s really all you need to know!
Whether you play once or fifty times, we can’t wait to see your creative work!
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