#draw your ocs with your favorite ab character. its nice
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hes just so nice he could befriend the Reaper
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fleouriarts · 2 years
4, 11, 21, and 30 for the weirdly specific artist ask game :))
4. Fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw
MY OC SAMJULANG idk why but ive never been able to feel like i got him quite Right. the face shape i want him to have is for some reason wayyyy too hard to draw well and im not good at drawing dudes with abs. i think im getting closer to something i like (pic related) but who knows
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11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what
oh yeah if im just doodling ill watch youtube in one tab and have mspaint open in another. my fav channel for that is usually hivemind bc they have a LOT of long videos and also theyre funny. i actually drew julian and daewon based on a screenshot of them last night
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for finished pieces its different. i cant really focus on detailed sketching with another tab open so i fullscreen mspaint/clip studio and play smth on spotify. most of the time ill pick something from my library thats related to whatever im drawing. the most egregious example is when i drew this for my friends birthday and listened to the lion king 1 and 2 osts for so long that it fucked up my on repeat mix for weeks
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21. Art styles nothing like your own but you like anyways
ummmm probably really detailed naturalist work. like audubon's work. im so unsubtle with lighting and shape language that i cant imagine making something like that but i do think its nice. heres audubons black vulture plate its my favorite :-)
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30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated
my comatelma oc lineup tbqh cus its the first time i did an oc lineup and it also reassured me that i Do actually have nice variation in my character designs (which is something i worry about often for no reason). i added pics for all the other art here but im just gonna link to the original post for this so people can rb it if they want
[from this ask meme]
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earthbovndmisfit · 5 years
i got tagged by @yarewagon​ Thank you so much for the tag, pal!!! :D
All Time Favorite Character: Speedbert Bobwagon, of course~
Favorite Jojo: I don’t have a specific one, but if I have to choose, then I’ll probably go with either Jonathan or Jotaro.
Favorite villain: Main villain? I’m torn between Kars and Kira, but I’ll probably go with Kars because I really like the whole Aztec stuff and I really like the Pillar Men. Kira is an awesome villain, too. he’s a disgusting guy in general, but I really enjoy the whole serial killer plot. I’ve always liked reading and learning about serial killers irl and their motives and reasons behind their horrible acts and so on (psychology was one of my fave subjects in school), so it was really cool to have some of that with the unique jjba touch added to it. As for minor villains? Hol Horse. I love that cockblocking dumbass cowboy.
Favorite stand: Design wise? Star Platinum (SDC’s, mainly, but I also like SP The World). Killer Queen also has a really nice design imo. Ability wise? Hmm... Heaven’s Door, maybe.
Favorite part: Phantom Blood, followed by Battle Tendency. As mentioned above, I really like the whole Aztec thing there is to both parts –which is one of the first things that really got me when i first watched Jojo–, not to mention that I enjoyed the vibe there is to both parts (PB, especially, with all the Victorian escenery and whatnot). And, of course: Speedwagon is there, the man that stole my heart and made me fall into Jojo hell uwu
Favorite thing about jojo: The fact that the bizarre shit just keeps coming. Just when you thought you’ve seen it all, something new comes to prove you wrong. The designs are pretty neat, too, and its also got amazing characters and lots of feels. I also love that jjba breaks a lot of the established rules for a shonen from it’s time (the late 80s), such as giving us big buff men in crop tops, badass cinnamon rolls with hearts of gold and hot abs of steel, a bunch of homosexual subtext and much much more.
Hug: My dear Robert, of course~ but that’s a given so I’m going to add Jonathan as well. Both of them have gone through some serious shit and deserve all the hugs and love. Besides, they both seem like they’d give killer hugs.
Get or give comfort to: Same as above for giving comfort to uu Add SDC Jotaro and Polnareff there too. As for getting comfort from, it’d be Robert~ It will always be him uwu
Move out or Live with: The Ogre Street gang: Speeb, Tattoo and Kenpo :D They seem like a really cool bunch to live with and I really feel we’d get along well.
Marry: Do you really have to ask??? Speedwagon, ofc. I’d marry the shit out of him in a heartbeat
Character you relate to the most: Probably Kakyouin, feeling like he didn’t fit with the rest of his peers, never being able to make real friends and just..not belonging?? All that shit is something I’ve always dealt with (still do), especially irl.
Did jojo make a better change in your life? How did it help? Was it a big change or a minor change? Oh definitely. I started watching it during a really rough time of my life. It was thanks to jjba (Speedbabe, mainly, since he’s the one that really made me want to continue watching back then xd) that I could finally take my mind away from all that stuff bothering me despite The Sad™ plaguing the series. It’s been helping lots as well in different ways ever since. It’s also helped me a lot to improve my art as well as my writing and roleplay skills, not to mention that it’s also helped me learn and understand stuff I had limited knowledge on before, as well as improving further both my English and Japanese skills as well.
Self Ship or OC ship with canon characters?: I’m not really into self shipping cause the conventional way most people do it tends to be/feel quite... selfish?? There’s also the fact that I honestly hate myself with a passion, so I don’t think I could ever write or draw myself seriously, but I do like the idea of spending time with my babe, Speebs~ Which is something i’ve been “able to do” for the longest time now since he became my muse almost as soon as i got into jojo and has been so ever since xd (those of you who know me from my rp blogs know the way my muses work and what I’m talking about here), or the fact that I sometimes dream about him and so on. As for OCxCanon shipping, I don’t actively do that, cause I suck at creating stuff from scratch, but I’m not opposed to it as long as the OC is believable and doesn’t fall into the Mary Sue/Gary Stu type, whether it is in fanfics or rps or whatever. I mean, my first rp muse on this site was a canon character and one of his main ships was with a friend’s OC. I rp/write for canon characters, but I don’t rule out shipping with OCs as long as their author/mun is respectful and there’s actual chemistry between the characters, really.
If you had a stand which one would you like to have, which one would you most likely get with you past and demeanor? I’d like to have Heaven’s Door, or maybe Crazy Diamond, or Harvest. The one I’d get, tho? Idk... the most useless one you can think of, probably x’d
Dream activity, with who, where and how long: Spending the rest of my life with my sweet Robert, I don’t care where (knowing him, probably travelling the world together), loving him and making him happy until the very end uwu
tagging.... errrr, y’all know i’m an anxious mess and can’t tag people unless they openly tell me they’d like me to tag them in this kind of stuff so, if you see this and want to give it a shot, consider yourself tagged >:D (and feel free to tag me back or not if you’d like? i won’t judge you either way so go ahead and take it, fam :D)
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