#drawing characters being absolutely insane is appealing please make more of that i wanna see no bits of sanity left in their mind
roboyomo · 5 months
the pinacle of art is drawing your favorite characters absolutely going through it. doesn't matter if they're from a certain media or they're ocs LET THEM GO INSANE. show the absolute craze and desperation of this moment. illustrate the zero rationality left in their face as it is taken over by just insanity. THAT'S WHAT I LIKE TO SEE
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saturnsorbits · 2 years
HDKSJDBDB SATURN PLEASE hdjdbdbdb I love how you’re like “You can characterize Bakugo into any situation omg!”
And I’m just like… “No..no Saturn that’s the mental illness that comes with being obsessed with a 2d character. HELP” djndjdjjdjdb
No but ok I would absolutely love love LOVE to hear more about what you’re thinking about this quirk and the angst potential because I LOVE it. I just LOVE the idea of pulling people toward you and having others flock to you but still feeling utterly alone. Like that juxtaposition has always been so fascinating to me.
AND THEN I wanna know about how that will play into the relationship with Denki because I don’t know him well but I’ve always had a feeling that Denki has like some sort of abandonment issues? Which is why he’s seen as a bit clingy with his friends? And so like… how would a deeply clingy man with some abandonment issues react to someone who’s quirk is literally to pull people closer to them both emotionally and physically? Especially someone who questions all of those people that are so close to them because of their quirk yannow? Like there’s so much room for growth and to discover a bunch about each other and yourselves and just hdkdbdbd it would be such a good like coming of age fic? Idk man I’m rambling obviously but yes I love this and I love YOU 💖
You're selling yourself short! No amount of raw obsession can replace true understanding and you can tell how much you really understand Bakugo every single time you talk about him. You 'get him' and it comes so easy to you - I just - It's an enviable talent, for sure! (Pretty sure that's why Bakugo loves you so much, I can see the silent unspoken understanding you have for him making him feel insanely seen and loved. You make him feel like he’s worth it - getting to know him; loving him). 💕
I think what draws me in to the idea is not only the feeling alone in a crowd sensation that you've already mentioned, but the idea of true connections and genuineness. It can be difficult to find that sensation of 'kinship' for everyone, but with the added issues created with a quirk like 'Orbit' it creates a whole host of new, more awkward questions to contend with. In a way, it provides a sense of mundane celebrity status, but also refuses to afford any form of refuge because as the only person with said quirk - the user is totally alone.
It also could have a lot of morally grey avenues too when jealousy and possessiveness are explored!
As for Denki, there's certainly a whole host of insecurities at play. I think he certainly suffers with his self-worth and the feeling of falling behind/not fitting in and being an annoyance. Part of me thinks he’s definitely one of those people who is constantly worried about accidently pushing people away just by being who he is? If that makes sense. So, at first I think he finds it comforting. The idea of someone being literally magnetic is appealing because if everyone is drawn to that person, he's not weird for being clingy, right? That's just a thing that happens and that offers him some security. The problem comes with him realising that it isn't a two way street. The magnetism only works for the people on the outside, not the person with the quirk itself and so now, he has all the same issues he had before to contend with - plus, the added issue of the quirk itself.
I agree though, there's so much room for growth there with him having to dig deep and put aside both his issues and the quirk to figure out how he really feels. As well as learning the hard lesson that he is loveable and worthy and has value, regardless of anything else! Then, on top of it all, he has to wait for the other person to get their shit together too. It's totally 'coming of age'-ish! The self discovery alone would be brilliant character exploration...
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The Dumpster Fire that is ‘The Order’
First of all, why is his show labeled as a horror? My humble guess is that it was intended for younger audiences?? I genuinely wanna know. Because, even if it was for teens, some blood and a few dead bodies does not a horror make.  Secondly, what the fuck? And I truly mean that.  I mean, the idea itself doesn’t sound bad at all. A college student joins a secret society and finds out his supposedly evil dad is the head of it? He’s also in a werewolf club that fights that same secret society? Sign me tf up. But the execution just takes a really weird turn.  From the get go, you kinda aren’t sure if the show wants to be takes seriously or not. And that question is never answered. Literally in the opening scene the letter changes from ‘we regret to inform you’ to ‘congratulations’ in front of Jack’s eyes and he has absolutely no reaction whatsoever to that peculiar development, which kind of screams ‘not to be taken seriously’ similarly to the whole ‘My evil dad killed my mom so naturally I’m gonna join a secret society, become someone important and powerful and eventually use that power to fight him.’ Who on earth plots a revenge along those lines? But then a second later, the plot falls back in the supernatural drama category.  To top it all off there’s a whole lot of ‘woke humor’ which most of the time comes across as cringe worthy edginess we’re all happy we outgrew after HS.  But, even if you could somehow get pas the not-so-subtle jumps from complete absurdity to realism, there’s nothing else to hold on to. No character, no relationship, no plot line we’re offered is strong enough to pull us in.  In fact. one of the most annoying things about The Order is that basically no character has a personality. I am 8 episodes deep (and I don’t intend to finish it because that’s how boring it is) and I still don’t know anything substantial about anyone. And can we take a second to just look at Jake’s relationship with Alyssa? What even is that? Are they flirting are they not, does he really like her or is she a means to an end, is she into him or his dad, why are they kissing and why does it look so uncomfortable, did they just cast two people with the least chemistry on purpose or is bad writing/directing? So many questions. If we draw a parallel between Jack’s progress with her and him being on board with the wolves, it makes even less sense. He needs how many episodes to decide to try and kiss her, but when it comes to dedicating your whole life to fighting bad magic, you go from ‘no way, you’re all insane, you made me kill an innocent man’ to ‘I pledge my life to the cause’ within two seconds.   Speaking of things that make no sense, I have to mention Jack’s ‘friendship’ with Amir. Don’t get me wrong, I get that we meet people and think to ourselves how that could grow into a beautiful friendship, but acting as if someone you just met is really your friend, and that odd flashback to like one beer they shared, when Amir was found dead, is just... I don’t even know what to say.  The Order as an organization is equally puzzling. Who are they? Why are they? What’s the purpose, what’s the goal, the mission? I can’t settle for just a group of magic users who follow strict hierarchies but kinda all look out for themselves and don’t really like each other that much. And occasionally sacrifice goats. And change people’s memories.(And they can revive a golem and ask it who made it, but the fact that Jack, who found out about magic like yesterday, sabotaged their spell somehow goes right over their magical heads. ) But essentially it’s for the good of the whole wide world.????????????? And the masks are what makes me think an 8yo came up with the whole concept.  If you thought the werewolf knights are any less confusing, think again. They hear noises when ‘bad magic’ happens and solve it by killing anything that moves. Heroes. Also, how do they know what they are supposed to do if they refuse to read anything? I mean, that’s not how a secret society, since that’s more or less what they are, works. Someone has to tell you, show you, teach you. Sure, you have the wolves inside you, but if you don’t know they speak a certain language, it’s fairly certain you don’t know a whole lot. And why is there only four of you? How can four knights take down an organization as big as The Order? Especially since their preferred method is violent murder, something that is not very subtle and does not go unnoticed for long, which basically ensures the rage of the entire Order falling on their heads before they even begin their so called mission. Once again: ????????????????? And what even does ‘bad magic’ mean? The term is so vague and abstract that I have a hard time understanding how can you form an organization that fights something barely defined. All magic can potentially be bad magic. What are the guidelines here? Help me comprehend.  The show also has a very odd relationship towards death. One can sort of ‘forgive’ the wizards and the wolves for being chill about it, but if someone was targeting and butchering people on your campus, wouldn’t you be at least a bit worried? We don’t see any students panicking, we saw one police officer, there were no measures taken by the college, unless you count turning Amir’s death into a bike accident. And just when you start getting used to being casual about it, Jack has a whole meltdown over killing someone the first time he turned. And then also his professor. But even that meltdown is not very convincing, since most of what he does is just screaming ‘I KILLED AN INNOCENT MAN!!!’ into the void, without a much deeper attempt to deal with that. Which is why I don’t get why the show even made an issue out of it.  I also don’t get Jack’s grandpa. Like not even a little bit. Because if you think about it, it’s not * that * unimaginable that a little boy would come up with the idea of joining a secret society to avenge his mother’s death, but it is * very * odd to imagine an old ass grown up who not only thinks it’s a good idea to direct your whole young life towards revenge, but encourages it to a point of making a detailed plan on how to do that, and basically spends your entire childhood grooming you to become a little rage fueled bundle of psychological damage. All of this is only scratching the surface of the mess that is The fucking Order, because the show is a giant entangled coil of nonsense and I barely knew where to start. It’s fair to say that the biggest buzzkill is failure to pick a direction and stick with it. You don’t have to look that close to see some of the influences. The biggest one being, obviously, The Magicians, followed by some Teen Wolf, there’s even elements from Scream Queens, a bit of Buffy, a pinch of the Craft, etc. Almost like someone decided to look up successful shows in the supernatural/fantasy/horror genre and just smash them all up together in hopes of making something appealing to the largest audience possible. Personally, as a * very big * fan of before mentioned The Magicians, I get the feeling that Netflix wanted to make something that could rival it, but better. Because TM is, dare I say so, one of the best, if not the best, shows of the decade. I honestly have not seen anything like it, that has the same platform, in literally a decade. If you have, please let me know. 
Whit the BDE, edgy, but in a good way, humor, strong political views, strong female characters, fun twist and turns that actually do manage to mix absurd with normal life in a magical, no pun intended, way, sexuality representation, but not in a ‘we just want to please the gays so they give us the views’ way, great male characters we wish we saw more of, compelling character development and so on. Tho the most likable aspect of the series is probably the take on overdone story lines, where they twist the narrative just enough for it to become actually relatable. We all are tired of super special chosen ones who save the world because they are soo special and specially chosen by gods to save the world and all the dumb boring unspecial people with their pure hearts and strong characters. And also find true love.  You see attempts at this within The Order on every turn, except that it doesn’t work nearly as well for them, precisely because they went for that AND MORE. More wouldn’t even be a bad thing if it was’t so all over the place that it just comes off as ‘WE WANT EVERYONE TO LIKE THIS, GIVE US ALL THE VIEWS, ALL OF THEM.’ I am very much inclined to think this is what happened, considering other stuff Netflix has put out there. (Mostly referring to endlessly stupid shit like YOU, which only has the intention of being controversial and attention grabbing, for the views. Tho they do have some fun shit too, don’t get me wrong.) So I guess what I’m trying to say is,  the though of making something like TM, is not a bad one,  I’m all for it, but you actually have to put a shit ton more imagination into it if you want it to work out. But that’s just my opinion.   
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