#drawing pokemon is so fucking hard omfg
bluefoolmadness · 2 years
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That boy with anger issues
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disizletzi · 7 years
@casandsip tagged me in this and I’m bored so let’s do this :D
Are you named after someone? Not that I know of. From what my parents told me, I was born, and they needed a name, so they looked through a calendar and went “hey! that name’s good” and voilà
When was the last time you cried? hm. Some time this week, definitely. I’ve had trouble keeping up with my meds and it kind of fucked up my mind big time and basically I was feeling like a useless piece of shit but it’s good now Do you like your handwriting? not really but people tell me I write super fast so maybe that’s why What is your favorite lunch meat? I just... what kind of question is that? XD Hm, the answer is always beef. Probably.  Do you have kids? I wish. But not yet. I have a bunch of friends with kids so I’ll have to live motherhood vicariously for now :p If you were another person, would you be friends with you? hm I don’t really know because I’m aware people see me differently than I see myself so. I don’t really know, for real, I’d love to meet, like, an alternate me, just to see what it feels like to be friends with me Do you use sarcasm? with my brothers, yeah. I mean, in my head I do, too. I’m such a cool person un my own head.  Do you still have your tonsils? Yes. But I wonder who wants to know that? Not a very interesting fact about me x) Would you bungee jump? noooo no no no no no no noooOOOOoooo! Omfg no, just two days ago I saw a video of a girl doing it and crashing on the ground, you could pay me a million dollars I wouldn’t do it. I’m so scared of heights it’s not even funny What is your favorite kind of cereal? anything with chocolate, like, the crispy rice chocolate ones?  Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Only if I really have to
Do you think you’re a strong person? I’d like to think so, yes What is your favorite ice cream? Vanilla. Story of my life, tbh What is the first thing you notice about people? Their eyes, I think. Because I’ve been training myself to look into people’s eyes because apparently it makes you seem super charismatic or something. People are beautiful, anyway. I can’t get enough of them, like, I stare at people all the time, it’s so awkward What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself? Uh. I didn’t think this question would be so hard to answer but... I’m honestly not sure. I’d say I have grown a belly in the last few months and it’s really bugging me.  What color pants and shoes are you wearing now? Black and blue jogging pants and black and blue trainer shoes. (I’m on point even when I’m being lazy) What are you listening to right now? the sound of a really weird looking Bruce Lee movie, coming from the TV downstairs. Mom’s bf loves martial art movies. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? black, like my soul  Favorite smell? not very original but the smell of gazoline, like, for real. Also, my little brother is worse than me when it comes to personal grooming and the latest perfume he bought smells really good Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? Hm. My little brother I think. Conversation went something like,  Bro: “Can you come get me?” me (just woke up): “Now?!” Bro: “Yeah. My friend’s parents want us gone before noon.” me: “... it’s 12:15.” Bro: “Well, yeah. That’s why I need you to come now. So?” me: “................. I hate you. I’ll be there in ten.”
Favorite sport to watch? Ice skating or gymnastics like those sports are so wild Hair color? Something between light brown and red, I have some leftover from years of using hair dye. 
Eye color? Dark green. I love my eyes Do you wear contacts? nah. Just glasses when I get a headache
Favorite food to eat? I mentionned beef earlier, but, potatoes, man. Like, beef + potatoes = the secret to happiness Scary movies or comedy? Depends on the mood. I only like scary movies when I’m not watching them alone though. Last movie you watched? "The Possession” with Jeffrey Dean Morgan. I’m not done with it yet, but I had to pause this afternoon and didn’t get to start again. What color of shirt are you wearing? Black with the comic con logo on it (the french comic con. It says “I was there” in several languages) Summer or winter? SUMMER OMFG BECAUSE HEAT AND SUN AND WEARING SHORTS AND BEING BAREFOOT ALL DAY Hugs or kisses? both and please someone come hug and kiss me it’s been so long What book are you currently reading? "Wired for story: the writer’s guide to using brain science to hook readers from the very first sentence” by Lisa Cron, and I have “Story” by Robert McKee, “Doom” by Chuck Palahniuk and “77 Shadow Street” by Dean Koontz waiting  Who do you miss right now? lots of people What is on your mouse pad? I never had, and will never have a mouse pad, since I don’t own a mouse, mouses are the devil’s toys, they never work, and I hate them.  What is the last tv program you watched? I think “Friends” was on TV while i ate lunch What is the best sound? the sound my cat makes when she’s purring and suddenly she yawns Rolling Stones or The Beatles? neither. Both have great songs, but I don’t know enough of their music to make a choice What is the furthest you have ever traveled? i went to California when I was 15 and it was awesome!  Do you have a special talent? At one point in my life I knew the pokemon song by heart. Not the title song, the one with all the pokemons’ names. Alas, now there’s a lot more than 151, so it’s kind of a useless talent.
And sometimes I draw things and write stories. That too. Where were you born? a small town in France, near Lyon for those who know a bit about it. 
tag 10 people: I’m so sorry I’m too tired to think of people, so, Idk, maybe @polestardean, @consultingcas, and my brain refuses to function enough for me to think of people. Do it if you want, make sure to tag me so I can read it :D
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