#drawing soothes some of the decision fatigue in the rest of my life hahaha
battle-of-alberta · 1 month
Got a question for Drum to round out my camping trip themed asks! While dinosaurs aren't exactly paranormal, the current town of Drumheller does contain the hamlet and ghost town of Wayne. Have you ever brought Paula and Vulcan with you to check it out? For that matter, what's it like living by a ghost town? And what (if anything) does that do to the municipality representative that lived there?
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to be continued...?
(wahoo answered in less than a year hooray!)
We did pass by Wayne on our way into Drumheller but didn't stop, by that time we were so tired and ready to go home hahaha. As usual, Drumheller belongs to @zomsaurus (and who has dibs on designing Wayne too hahaha) (let us know when you go on your research trip :) )
Some more notes...
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Meta Stuff
this is kind of my feeling on what makes a personification exist. I think if a town's population was relocated or only exists in memory, their connection to our world starts to fade
(This is also why non-municipal personifications like nations would probably be a bit tougher and more resilient, to a point.)
(and I'm still concerned about something like Fort Walsh that was rebuilt as an educational tool as kind of a reanimated corpse? lol)
Wayne technically exists as part of Drumheller, like a microcosm of how Strathcona exists as part of Edmonton, so I think amalgamation is one way to cheat death also.
In Hetalia canon there has been one case where a micronation "gave up" and "went back to being a human", though I'm not sure that interpretation works with the way I do things. Interesting to think about, anyway!
A bit more on the Hetalia approach: Prussia is "retired" and it's suggested in this linked scan that he's slowly becoming increasingly mortal. Ancients like Rome will still appear in the dreams of their descendants as well.
the votes are in and the chat thinks Wayne should be half ghost like Danny Phantom
Some fun facts about Wayne
Last I heard, Wayne's population was 28 whole people! At its peak, it had about 2,500.
I think the Rosedeer Hotel / Last Chance Saloon is under new management now, but it's one of the big attractions. If you don't mind the shared washroom down the hall, perhaps the honeymoon suite is for you!
The saloon also has real bullet holes in the walls (framed), though they're from an incident in the 1970s rather than the 1910s
How is Wayne related to Red? Kid sibling? haha. Coal town origins, as is true of many ghost towns...
Waynestock is a big music festival/camping event in early September. It lasts 3 days and features about a hundred artists!
You might recognize Wayne in the movies. Shanghai Noon was partially filmed there!
Other notes...
I keep writing Drum as the "normie" or straight man of the gang even though next to anyone else he isn't normal at all, haha. He just is devoted to the scientific method, that's all! and also jesus
finally my knowledge of star trek comes through for me again on this blog B) remember, you can survive a shoot out at the OK Corral so long as you believe in yourself (though a mind meld doesn't hurt) :)
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