#drawing ur faves in masc or femme or androgynous styles isn’t what I’m talking about here though
pigeonperch · 6 months
Oh my god so I’ve been struggling for a very long time to articulate what made me uncomfortable about “femme” or “masc” versions of characters and it’s bc that’s almost always just used in place of the word “gender swapping” without actually changing the transphobic parts of the concept.
Like. The whole reason people dislike the whole thing of genderswapping characters is bc ppl act like man and woman are “opposite genders,” which is the part that this negates.
However the other, more PRESSING thing that is a problem is that people ASSIGN CERTAIN PHYSICAL TRAITS to these words like BODY TYPE, BREASTS/NO BREASTS, THICK/THIN EYELASHES, HEIGHT, HAIR, ETC, ETC, ETC!!! And this form of categorization should sound familiar! Because these are the things transphobes use to distinguish “the two genders”
There is NO “FEMME” BODY and NO “MASC” BODY. Like if someone called my body (short, large chest, wide hips, etc) “femme” I’d immediately think they were transphobic. Because it would be!! Femme and Masc are presentations, NOT bodies. Bodies have no gender.
(Obviously they have a sex, but that’s not what I’m talking about and if you think it is you’re clearly not the intended audience of this post)
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