#drax aemyar
arcenergy · 5 months
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so—let us be about it, hero
chen chen, “god, gods, powers, lord, universe—” |  david levithan, "how they met and other stories" | cj hauser, "the crane wife" | ada limón, "the hurting kind" | phoebe bridgers, "funeral" | toothachebench, "sun bleached flies" | tony kushner, "angels in america, part two: perestroika" | fleabag | georges bataille (tr. bruce boone), "guilty" | nikos kazantzakis | tomasz kawecki, "burning man" | disco elysium | alejandra pizarnik, (tr. yvette siegert), “[…] of the silence, extracting the stone of madness: poems" |  emily dickinson, "the complete poems of emily dickinson" | stevie smith, "harold's leap"
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arcenergy · 2 months
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oc drawing 4 my frand
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arcenergy · 4 months
Would you be willing to share more info about Drax?? Pwease 👉👈
i have an obscenely long lore document but it's out of date at this point because my brainrot runs a mile a minute but drax tldr
ishgardian but got kicked out (his dad sux)
always pretty good with magic but never got the chance to practice
very quiet, emotionally stunted, didnt think much of himself
wandered around gridania from ~16-26. at first it was just random gigs to have some money but he eventually got into the adventuring gig because he crashed a lot of bars/inns/taverns and the usual crowds ended up squeezing his name/occupation out of him. drax at this point is like the vid of the dude reading a book at the tyler the creator concert
at first adventuring gigs were for the money and the people he traveled with were decent enough but he got more of an emotional attachment after dalamud fell and now he was Actually helping people
got considerably better at magic during his travels also started doing suspicious black magic oOOooOOOoooooooo but he's really good at blowing stuff up so its ok :) ! nothing bad happens i prommy
when hydaelyn gives her blessing of light it turns his brown eyes into that dodge ram bright ass yellow highbeams and it's genuinely unnerving for most people when they first see him and drax hated it until he ends up enjoying being hydaelyn's silliest soldier and sees it as physical proof of her blessing
during ARR MSQ he ends up going a little too hard on the magic and its killing him a little bit so he gets the emo white strips of hair
he's like omg no its ok ill stop <3 and then never stops. at all. he gets way overboard into the insane hero complex and obsessed w hydaelyn bc he didnt feel like he had a purpose until God Told Him So so he continually pushes himself and causes considerable injury to himself until it becomes routine years later
ends up becoming a drk after haurchefart dies cuz he feels bad about the homie and wants to take a more proactive role in protecting his friends instead of being a low life dps player. he also gets a little silly during heavensward (killed a LOT of templar knights)
also during heavensward since he lost the blessing for a lil bit the highbeams got turned off and his eyes were brown again n he hated people seeing it bc it was Vulnerable for him but in reality 99% ishgardians had 0 idea he looked any different and were freaked the fuck out by the pope killing, dragon-slaying man running around ishgard covered in blood and gore from WHO knows what and now he has lightbulbs for eyes. No fucking wonder people thought it was the end of days if they looked outside their window and saw THAT guy
also a set of duo as in Two ! warriors of light with my friends oc risu bc what's the point if there's no crazy homoerotic drama
drax is genuinely nice and kindhearted though i dont think that ever went away even as time went on. there's still a big soft spot in his heart for looking out for people as he gains an immense amount of empathy towards others during his travels/especially after the 'protector of Literally Everyone' role gets forced on his shoulders. he cares so much it's practically his downfall because he'd rather cut off his own hand then even risk the possibility of harming someone else with that hand. it doesnt help that he didnt view himself very highly before turning into a "hero" so now his self worth hinges on everyone thinking he's doing a Very Good Job being Hydaelyn's Specialest Guy at all times even though the light has nearly killed him like 30 fucking times at this point
i think he became more mentally unwell after killing hydaelyn and is trying to exist in a world that she left for everyone to do what they want with but drax never had the opportunity to do anything he ever wanted his entire life (and now hydaelyn essentially dictating the rest of his life by slapping her blessing on him) and he's now trying to fill the void by doing random shit until something clicks. stay tuned if this works out for him
ty for asking about him. ill fix the lore doc eventually (i wont)
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arcenergy · 1 year
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i havent posted my art but i still draw i swear!! i only draw fictional gay men though. sorry
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arcenergy · 2 years
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arcenergy · 2 years
the fictional man is living in my brain again
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arcenergy · 2 years
me: man im so bored..idk what to play drax aemyar:
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arcenergy · 2 years
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average conversation at the last stand
catboy #2 is kphal who belongs to @rickylafleurs 
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arcenergy · 2 years
drax aemyar
drax aemyar
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drax aemyar ^
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arcenergy · 3 years
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epic wedding moments 
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arcenergy · 4 years
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so………black mage, huh?

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arcenergy · 3 years
drax 6, 7, 18? 😳
male wife drax......
6. Do they have an irrational fear?
i think him having a fear of heights would be really funny because he’s tall. no i will not be taking followup questions on this
7. What makes them laugh?
desperately want drax to act like a dad in his 40′s either during or after his midlife crisis so “dad humor” or alternatively morbid humor bc he’s still a black mage main so he has to lean into that a little bit i think. but also i think any of his friends generally make him smile Just Because!!
18. What makes them consider someone a friend?
i think drax generally likes anyone who embodies similar ideals to him (so generally just like. Being Nice And Helpful) and i think he’s one of those people that uses the term “friend” in a very loose manner so “my friend that works at the tavern” or “my friend down the street” are very common phrases for him so even if they arent really his friends he just Refers to him that way. designated drax friend. 
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arcenergy · 3 years
17 through 21 for drax and 8 9 10 11 for mustard.
17. What is their general attitude towards strangers?
UMMMM i think he’s overall friendly and polite. i think he’s a bit of a softspoken man and never raises his voice. very smiley 
18. What makes them consider someone a friend?
drax considers a lot of people friends and it’s nothing super big or whatever it’s just like if someone has helped him out a good few times and seems like an overall good person then he’ll prolly refer to you that way. he’s very generous with the term
19. What do they do when they are overwhelmed?
he either doubles down and pushes through whatever he’s working on because he’s kind of a ‘fixer’ at times and feels compelled to fix things so whenever a situation is overwhelming he’ll keep on pushing himself through it because once it’s over then it’s done. sometimes he’ll take a moment to step back like if there’s a lot happening at once and go take a break (usually hunker down in his library in an attempt to be productive with reading but also enjoy the silence the study provides to clear his head). 
20. How easily do they forgive other people?
depends! he’s usually a forgiving person but if someone has truly and deeply wronged him then it’s highly unlikely that he could make himself trust them or forgive them entirely, even if he sees that they’re changing. there’s just some things he doesnt forget 
21. How easily do they forgive themselves?
i think he can forgive himself for minor mistakes and accidents but he feels a lot of responsibilty on his shoulders at times and often times takes the burden of others mistakes onto themselves with his ‘fixer’ mentality and if he’s unable to rectify a situation then it troubles him for a long time. he’s always kinda been a loner and i dont think he’s used to just Sharing burdens with people or believes that he’s strong enough to just continue truckin’. 
8. What makes them feel alone?
omg my friend and i had a long discussion about the concept of loneliness and being alone in regards to the guardians and it drives me a little bit insaneeeeeee everytime i think about it. being a guardian is kind of a lonely existence at times because you’re revived with no memory of before and all you have is your ghost and despite how close you might be with your ghost or your fireteam a lot of guardians do go on solo missions (especially hunters) and can spend days if not weeks out on the field just working day in and day out. it’s defintely a lonesome existence 
in regards to mustard i think he’s always been kinda lonely. like he has friends but there’s defintely precious few that he’s truly had some sort of connection with and all of those relationships have frayed ends and get kinda messy bc he’s a messy person being with messy people. i think what makes him feel most alone isnt a long solo mission but more just the aspect of being forgotten. mustard knows that he’s going to spend the rest of his days fighting and has always envisioned a lone gunslinger kind of exit but the question for himself isnt really when he’s going to go out but what’s going to happen after. he wonders if people are going to remember his name for all the right reasons. he wonders if he’ll be talked about long after he’s gone and be equal parts and inspiration but also a warning for future guardians. he jokes about how he wants a big fancy statue in his name after he dies but i dont think it’s entirely ironic because to him the only thing worse than dying is having your sacrifice being forgotten. he wants it all to be mean something even if he wont be around to see it 
9. What is a virtue they wish they had?
forgiveness i think. he sucks at letting things go and he’ll be hung up on things for longer than it’ll ever be worth it because he’s just so stubborn and wants to Really feel something over his anger and grief to make it all be worth it but it hardly ever is
10. Would they consider themselves a grounded person, or someone with their head in the clouds?
hmhmhmm i think it varies. i think he’s overall a cocky person with high-minded ambitions but i think his self-confidence comes from his former successes (and i think you deserve to be a bit cocky after killing a god or two). but i think he’s grounded in the aspect that he knows what he’s capable of and testing his limits 
11. What is their fatal flaw?
much to think about!!!!!!!!! but probably his stubborness . he’s very very stubborn and does things in a particular way and That is the way that things are going to be done for Him and if you interrupt his work then he’s gonna get pissed about it. he doesnt care if he gets reprimanded for doing something stupid after the fact because at least he got to do it in the first place
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arcenergy · 4 years
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by god i will learn how to draw this motherfucker
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arcenergy · 4 years
10 and 20 for drax! (or one that you really want to answer)
10. How does your OC react when they’re embarrassed?
mostly by pretending he isnt LMAO a lot of hand waving and trying to move on from the embarrassing subject matter. i also think he reflexively covers his face when he’s upset or flustered (mostly just covering his mouth or looking away)
20. What are some of their weaknesses?
he is SUCH a sap he cant help it!! he doesnt want Anyone suffering for his sake and if someone tries to do anything for him he’ll feel guilty abt it for several weeks. bc of this he tries to shoulder everyone’s burdens on his own n it rarely works out . he just wants to help :( 
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arcenergy · 4 years
17, 18, 19, 20 :]
(also i just noticed there was a+b questions attached to some of these but like..it’s fine. i answered the actual question we’re Fine) 
17. Which oc is a morning person?
drax forced himself to be a morning person because beginning to travel at 10am-12pm doesnt really work. with that being said though he is slightly grumpy during the mornings 
18. Which oc usually wakes up late in the day?
arcetri would wake up at 3-5pm everyday if she didnt have responsibilities. mustard wakes up at 3-5pm despite his responsibilities 
19. Which oc lives in a place where there is little to no sunlight?
ive always envisioned denerim as an overcast city since it’s right next to the water. somebodys ripping fat clouds 24/7 and there’s fog forever. also a lot of rain
20. Which oc lives in a place where there’s an overabundance of sunlight?
i feel like this should count (although it’s technically called “gloom” weather in game) 
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