buildhope · 4 years
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@dreadheir​​  /   ❝  hey,  so,  tell me about where ya came from.  val didn’t say a whole lot,  just that you moved with ‘em.  all the way across the country?  quite the jump,  i’d say.  ❞    and it’s one he’s made himself, too.  everyone has their reasons for needing to start fresh,  he just wonders if theo’s are similar to his own.
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kanimal · 4 years
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she walks toward the living room slowly,  debating her move carefully in her head.  she could sit in a chair,  or she could sit next to him on the couch.  she’s not sure,  because she wants to sit next to him,  but she doesn’t want to make it weird.  things have changed between them  ----  ever since that day in the kitchen,  she can’t stop wondering how to get back in that position,  so close to him,  taunting him,  touching him.  but forcing that to happen again feels wrong  ----  she wants it to happen naturally,  yet she’s overthinking everything.  hands are clasped together,  and she goes for the second option.  it’s casual;  she’s next to him,  but not too close,   her hands falling to her lap as she stares at the television for a long moment before saying anything.  ❝  watching anything good?  ❞   she asks, turning her head over to look at him finally.  /  @dreadheir​.
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wanlidas-archive · 5 years
my favorite female character:  vanya.
my favorite male character:  luther, klaus.
my favorite episode (if its a tv show):  man on the moon
my favorite cast member:  justin maybe
my favorite ship:  klaus & dave but are there any other options
a character I’d die defending:  luther.. not entirely but i feel like people are so quick to blame him for everything when all his siblings have put the same exact intentions into a different bad move but he’s the only one who ever gets burnt for it.  he is so much more isolated than everyone else and never got the chance to actually see the world for what it is so his perception of everything is SO skewed and that’s what makes him so incredibly interesting.  like i said,  not entirely,  because i do not like the way he’s handled things but i also feel like there’s a big reason for that that people ignore and it’s that he has absolutely no knowledge of personal relationships and social cues.  he is just so fascinating please
a character I just can’t sympathize with:  r*ginald
a character I grew to love: luther :/
my anti otp:  luther and allison why is that a fucking thing this question makes my blood boil
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doomdays-a · 5 years
the  only  reason  tracy  yelled   “  theo,  stop  “   and  tried  to  paralyze  him    /    fight  back  was  because  she  thought  she  could  help  and  protect  him  MORE  if  she  was  alive  than  if  she  was  dead.         she always  fights  to  be by  his  side  to  ensure  that  she  can step  in  if  needed   whenever  a  threat  presents  itself.        
it  happens  in  the  hallways  when  the  beast  comes  in      ——     she steps  in  front  of  him so  she’s  forced  to  fight  the  beast  before  it  gets  to  him.        
it  happens  in  eichen  when  the  hellhound  comes  in.          the  hellhound  growls  at  theo,      and  tracy     immediately  lets  go  of  her  current  victim  to  offer  a  threatening  look  and  growl  towards  the  hellhound.
it  happens  again  in  eichen  when  theo  tells  corey  and  josh  to  take  the  hellhound  down.       but  as  soon  as  they  refuse,        she  takes  the  lead and  tries  to  attack  him herself.
when  deucalion  is  mouthing  off  to  theo,       she’s  quick  to  go paralyze  his  tongue to  take  the  stress  of  theo.  
when  deucalion  makes  him put  on  the  mask,     she  keeps  looking  back  at  him,     trying  to  understand  if  theo’s actually  hurting or  if  he’s  getting  something  out  of  it       (     theo  trusts  deucalion,       but  she  can’t  tell  if  she  should  yet,       because  while  she  knows  the  mask  is  powerful,       she’s  more  concerned  whether  or  not  theo  will  survive  it.     )
theo  sends  tracy  to  the  house  to  open  the  mountain  ash so  the desert  wolf can  get  to  malia,      and  she  had  every  intention  of  staying  there   until   her  and  theo’s kanima  /  master  connection  indicated  that  something  was  wrong  with  theo     (    when  he  was  hurt  by  the  beast  and  she  brings  him  to  the  lair  to  help  him.    )
protecting  theo,       making  sure  he  is  alive before  anyone  else     (     especially  herself     )     is  always,      no  question,       her  #1  priority.        she  likes  knowing  that  she  can  act  as  a  buffer  between  him  and  any  threats.        while  she  knows  that  theo  can handle  himself,       she  doesn’t  think  he  should  have  to  waste  his  energy  when  he  has  other,     bigger  goals in  mind.       that,       and  she  knows  not  everyone  can  be  ready  for  EVERYTHING    —–      she  can  take  a  step  back  from  situations  to  get  a  better  look  at  it  all  and  see  where  and  how  she  can protect  theo  better.        
when  he  was killing  her,      this  was  the first  thing she  was  worried  about.      she  worried  that  he  would  now  be  a  LONE  WOLF     (      she  never  had  any  faith  in  corey  and  hayden  to  stay  with  the  pack,       and  she  didn’t  have  faith  in  them  to  believe  they  could  ever  protect  theo  well  enough.     )         she  knew  he  was  acting  on  impulse  and  worried  that  he  would  regret  it,         that  he  may  find  himself  in  a  bad  position  and  that  it  would  be  HER  FAULT  for  not  being  there         (     she  has  always  been  quick  to  blame  herself even  when  something  is  his  doing.     )        
but  still,      if  she  knew  that  was  the  best  option for  him  and  knew  it  was  really  what  he  wanted,        she  would  have  no  problem  giving  up  herself  and  her  power for  him  as  long  as  it  helped  him  survive.         (       they’ve  had  this  conversation  before,         that  she  would  do  ANYTHING  to  help  him  survive,       even  die     —–     something   dreadheir  and  i  have  written  out  many  times.     )    
theo  killing  tracy  was  not  an   act  of  betrayal  to  her,       and  it  wouldn’t  be  had  she  survived  the  attack.         she  would  simply  be  GRATEFUL  that  she  could  offer  him  something.        this  is  the  main  reason  i  do  not  interact  in  a  canon  timeline  PAST  season  five     —–     what  happened  here  was  very  much in  character  for  both  characters  and  showed  a  lot  about  who  they  were,       especially  to  each  other        (     theo  willing  to  sacrifice  even  his  best  beta  just  for  his  selfish  needs,        tracy  so  heavily  manipulated  by  him  that  she  would  be  willing  to  give  herself  up  for  him.     )  
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kanimal · 4 years
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she has just returned from the grocery store,  unpacking the bags and putting the items away as neatly as possible,  his voice in the back of her head reminding her that he will tell her if she’s ever being too messy.  she’s not actually worried;  it’s purely out of respect for his standards that she tries to follow them.  what she pulls from her bags isn’t just items of her own, though  ----  it’s his usual.  his drinks,  his favorite snacks,  his normal necessities.  most of it,  she hadn’t even realized she was grabbing,  only noticing that he was out and needed more.  it’s not something she thought about consciously,  only something that seemed right.  she’s humming to herself as she unpacks, dancing around the room as if she’s completely alone,  her attitude so carefree and light.  she goes on until she turns,  spotting him in the doorway.  she stops,  biting down on her lip as she offers a shy smile his way.  ❝  oh.  you’re home,  ❞   she mumbles,  slowing her steps as she reaches for the next item to put away.    /   @dreadheir​​.
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kanimal · 5 years
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leaving seems like the best option  -----  but leaving also feels like the beginning of the END.  it took a lot to get her here;  she had rejected the idea of attending one of his parties multiple times,  and now that she’s here,  she feels like it’s a waste to leave,  even if she’s miserable.  it’s not because of him;  it’s because of how crowded it is,  how loud it is,  and how many people are constantly moving around.  she has never truly been alone with theo,  and the thought still scares her,  knowing how quickly her feelings are developing for him,  but right now it feels like the best option.  she didn’t mean to,  but she’s made her discomfort obvious,  subtly moving behind him whenever they talk to someone new,  avoiding eye contact with everyone,  and not saying anything to anyone but whispers to theo.  finally reaching her limit,  her hand lightly grabs his elbow,  and she leans in towards him.  ❝ do you mind if  ----  ❞  she starts,  clearing her throat.  ❝  is there somewhere we can go?  somewhere  ---  i don’t know,  quiet?  alone.   i  ---  i’m sorry,  i just .  .  .  i need a break.   just for a minute.  ❞
   ↺ @dreadheir​
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kanimal · 5 years
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it feels like it’s been hours since she’s been laying here,  though she knows it’s only been minutes.  her back is turned to the man that lays beside her  -----  a stranger,  yet somehow,  still the only person she knows at all.  this is new,  sleeping next to one another,  as if it’s going to provide them some sort of sanctuary in a place that likely isn’t safe at all.  but somehow,  she feels safe next to him anyway.  slowly,  she turns on the bed,  facing him and bringing her hand to rest on his elbow.  she runs her fingers along his arm to silently tell him she needs him,  then brings her hand back to find his.  her eyes search for his as she pulls his hand up,  resting it over her fast-beating heart to tell him that she’s too anxious to sleep,  and she wants his company.    /   @dreadheir​.
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kanimal · 5 years
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she had met him on the way to his room earlier,  said goodbye to him as he hurried off to class,  and intended to get some homework done before he returned  —-  but after getting comfortable in the room that she has been spending more time in than her own,  she had fallen asleep,  face down on his bed,  the book he lent her still open on the bed.  her body stirs when she hears the door open,  but she doesn’t open her eyes right away.  it’s only a few moments later that she murmurs,  body stretching and rolling over to her side to look up at him with a bashful grin.  ❝  sorry.  your bed’s taken,  ❞    she mumbles,  not yet moving to sit up,  only looking over at the clock and then back to him.  ❝  are you done with classes for the day?  ❞  she hopes so;  if he is,  maybe she can stay like this.   /   @dreadheir​.
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buildhope · 5 years
“this whole place would fall apart without you.”
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he chuckles softly as he slips off his work gloves,  squinting as he looks up at his new employee.  ❝  think so,  huh?   i don’t know about all that.  ❞   he’s modest  (  he always is  )  because while he takes pride in what he does and everything he’s done to get here,  he’s never thought of himself as holding that much power.  none of this could be done without his team.  he’s always wanted to do this,  bring people together for something bigger.  ❝  it’s people like you i need.  i can kill my back every day tryin’ to get things done around here,  but let’s face it,  i ain’t the strongest here,  ❞  he points out with a grin.  ❝  and that’s why we need people like you,  huh?  ❞   he asks,  patting his shoulder gently.  ❝  it may just fall apart without you.  literally.   hey,  you do good work,  it’s good to have ya ‘round. ❞
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kanimal · 5 years
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❝  theo  .  .  .  ❞    she whispers,  hand on his shoulders and shaking him slightly to wake him up.  it’s the first night they’re spending together since she’s moved to his city.  they’re in her new apartment  ----  something she hasn’t yet adjusted to  -----  and she can’t sleep.  normally,  she may assume that her lack of sleep is because new places are difficult for her to find comfort in,  but she knows it's not all that.  she’s too excited.  and she may be doing this often  ----  looking for a reminder that this is real.  ❝  wake up,  ❞   she whispers into his ear,  leaning up to press a kiss to the side of his head.  she’ll apologize later,  but right now,  she just wants to talk to him.  that’s all she can think about.
   ↺ @dreadheir​
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kanimal · 5 years
“remind me of what it’s like.”     ↺    @dreadheir​
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she’s laying close to him,  arms wrapped around him tightly in a protective hold.  his words surprise her,  but they don’t push her away at all.  she’s careful in response,  bringing her hand up to his cheek to rest the backs of her fingers against it.  ❝  theo,  ❞   she whispers,  leaning forward to place her lips against his other cheek.  ❝ anything for you. ❞  her words are dragged out,  lips dragging down his cheek over to his jaw.  she intends to make each of her touches as soft and as loving as possible,  wanting nothing more than to make him feel comfortable.  she pulls back,  eyes meeting his.  ❝ okay.  let me, ❞  she whispers,  carefully pulling her arms away from him and pushing him back on his back.  she crawls over him, sitting lightly on his waist as she brings her hands to the bottom of her shirt to pull over her body.  hair falls against her shoulders as she tosses the shirt aside.  ❝  tell me if this is okay,  ❞    she speaks quietly,  her eyes still locked with his. 
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kanimal · 5 years
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she jumps up as she hears the knock on her door,  relieved that he had taken her silent invitation.  she runs her hands over her clothes to straighten up,  wearing pajama shorts and one of his zip up hoodies ever since she had gotten the pizza.  half and half,  one side filled with his favorite toppings,  and the other filled with hers  ---  no stuffed crust,  just as he likes it.  she opens the door with a grin,  hand resting on the doorframe as if to create a barrier between him and the rest of the room,  like she won’t invite him in.  ❝  hey,  you.  didn’t expect you.  ❞   it’s clear that she did,  a teasing grin instantly forming over her features.  ❝  you know,  i’m throwing a real rager in here.  i’m not sure if it’s your scene,  ❞   she taunts.    /   @dreadheir​.
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kanimal · 5 years
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she’s been trying to figure him out ever since he invited her to his house party this weekend.  she’s been trying to figure him out longer than that too,  but this feels like a development she doesn’t know how to read yet.  he wants to hang out with her outside of the library,  some place personal.  she’s never been invited to a party before,  and her first instinct was to say no,  but it’s him.  she’s so curious about him,  curious about what it is that he may see in her  ----  and whether or not whatever she’s feeling is even reciprocated.  she’s been more on edge than usual as they sit together at their usual table in the library,  shifting in her seat as she can’t stop her mind from wandering.  finally,  she breaks the silence,  bringing her pencil up to his book and tapping it lightly.   ❝  can i  .   .  .   show you something? ❞   she asks,  staring back at him shyly for a long moment before  she flips to a different page in her sketchbook,  finding a sketch that clearly resembles him.   she gulps,  turning it around and sliding it over for him to look at.  ❝  i don’t think i even realized i was drawing it.  most times,  i don’t realize.  i just  ---  draw whatever’s on my mind,  and then i look down,  and  .   .  .  usually i’m surprised.  ❞   lips rub together,  her eyes staring back at him.  she was thinking of him randomly.  does he ever do the same?  maybe she can start to find answers based on whatever his reaction to this is.
   ↺ @dreadheir​
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kanimal · 5 years
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it’s peaceful in their garden as she finishes up a her latest drawing,  theo sitting in a chair nearby and keeping her company in silence.  there’s something that’s been on her mind lately,  something she hasn’t known how to bring up until she finds an opening now.  her name is signed to the corner of the piece before she takes it off the board,  making her way over to where he’s seated and climbing into his lap.  ❝  hey,  ❞   she speaks quietly,  leaning forward to press a kiss to his forehead.  ❝  i want to show you something,  ❞  she insists,  bringing the drawing up into her lap.  ❝  there’s something wrong with this.  and  ----  i want to tell you what it is,  but it’s sort of  .  .  .  i don’t know,  a big conversation, ❞   she insists,  gulping as her eyes meet his.  she knows she likely doesn’t make sense,  so she forces herself to go on.  ❝  here,  ❞   she says,  pointing to her signature in the corner.  her face turns red,  scared of how he’s going to react to this despite knowing in her heart,  he’s going to agree.   ❝  i don’t want to sign my name like that anymore.  ❞  it’s not just about signing her name.  it’s about her name,  entirely.  shaky sigh leaves her lips,  tongue swiping over them as she takes a deep breath.  ❝  i don’t -----  think that makes sense.  that being my name.  i don’t think it makes sense, ❞   she tries to explain.  ❝  i think  .  .  .   it should be  ----  yours, ❞   she says,  still not directly saying what it is she wants to say,  but she can’t get there.  she needs to figure out how he’s reacting first.  
↺ @dreadheir
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kanimal · 5 years
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she spots him sitting alone at the lunch table and knows it’s her chance.  last night was the first time she allowed herself to spend the night at his place,  and as good as it was,  it only made her panic.  they’re getting comfortable with each other;  she’s getting comfortable with him,  and the more she does that,  the easier it is for her to get hurt.  and spending the night with him wasn’t as simple as she’s sure it might have been for him;  it was a big deal for her,  and she felt like she was risking a lot.  but just because she ran off quickly that morning,  without saying much to him at all,  doesn’t mean she wasn’t happy with the way it went  ----  and now,  she has to make sure he knows it’s not something else.  her hands clutch her tray tightly as she moves to stand in front of him at the table,  offering a small smile.  ❝  can i  -----   sit here?  ❞   she asks,  teeth tugging on her bottom lip as she slowly sits across from him,  nerves suddenly kicking in again quickly.  ❝  sorry i left so soon this morning.  ❞   she was scared of that good morning kiss,  of that look in his eyes when he saw her staring back at him,  of whatever conversation they may have that would feel too real.  so when they both started to wake,  she had told him she was in a hurry  ----  only to be left thinking about this all day.   ❝  i’ve never  .  .  .   really spent a whole night with someone.  i just felt kind of lost this morning.  you know,  felt like i had a lot to do,  didn’t have enough time to do it,  had to get to class  .  .  .    ❞   it’s true,  she hasn’t and she did feel lost,  but the rest of it wasn’t the problem.  even sitting before him now makes her anxious,  in a good way,  just one she hasn’t fully processed yet.  ❝  i wish i didn’t.  leave so early,  i mean,  ❞   she blurts,  speaking honestly.
  ↺ @dreadheir
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kanimal · 5 years
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she wakes up suddenly,  gasping lightly as she realizes she’s not in her own bed.   she doesn’t remember falling asleep,  and it definitely was never her intention ----- but she’s clearly made herself comfortable while she was asleep,  her hand holding his that is wrapped around her waist.   she can’t help but to smile,  the thought of him climbing in after she had fallen asleep one that is endearing to her;  but at the same time,  she’s scared,  because they’re so close now and she doesn’t know what to do with that yet.   she gulps,  her fingers unclenching around his and fingertips lightly brushing up his arm before she turns her body over to face his.  small,  bashful smile forms on her lips as she sees him looking back at her.  ❝  oh,  i  ---  hi, ❞   she mumbles,  voice tired.  ❝  i’m  ---  i’m sorry,  i didn’t mean to fall asleep.  in .  .  .  in your bed.  we were supposed to be studying,  i know,  i just  ----  tired,  i guess, ❞  she insists,  clearing her throat as she looks up at him nervously.  ❝  and i was .  .  .  comfortable. ------   sorry.  for falling asleep on you.  ❞
   ↺ @dreadheir
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