#dream's sunday club
improvisoicons · 1 year
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ꔛ⊹ Dreamcatcher icons
(JiU, Dami, Siyeon)
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luvsacurse · 2 years
esse Dreamcatcher com esse Oh My Girl 🥺💖
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writing-for-life · 9 months
Sunday Mourning—About Dream Entities and Stars
Why Head-Canons Are Wonderful, But Forcing Them On Creators Isn’t
And as always: Send me asks about everything Sandman-related!
First of all: I don’t want to take anyone’s head-canons away from them, it’s what fandom is partly built on. I support them, I love them, I have plenty of my own. The Sandman very explicitly tells us about “books never written” in Lucien/ne’s library, and we can be sure ours is in there.
But that’s not quite the same as harassing both creators and other fans in an attempt to make fanon canon, and that’s what partly sparked this post. So if a super-long meta exploration of “Sunday Mourning” (and there is a lot in this post) that also contains a bit of fandom criticism (feel free to skip that if you just want the meta) isn’t your thing—this is your warning 🤣
Also: Massive spoilers ahead…
The theory that Morpheus forever lives in Hob’s dreams (and with Hob) as a dream entity regularly makes the rounds. And it’s a nice theory, and I get why people like it. I also get that “The Wake—Sunday Mourning” is maybe ambiguous enough to consider it a possibility (which then goes into head-canon territory). All good so far.
What’s problematic is when fans begin to leverage their head-canons/theories as “true because Neil gave it a like”, and then proceed to present them as canon.
Neil likes posts, yes, but he said *several times* and *very explicitly* that’s never endorsement of anything, but rather valuing that people put thought into stuff and engage with his stories critically (and he also said that it’s sometimes just a slip of his finger, but that just as an aside, you’ll find one example here).
So if Neil liked a happily-ever-after-dream-entity post, that means he supports your head-canons as head-canons because he always does (or his finger slipped—I guess we’ll never know). Again: In a way, it’s even an integral part of The Sandman. It also means that he likes the fact you engaged deeply with the source material, in either a heartfelt or critical way.
What it *doesn’t* mean: Head-canon is the same as canon despite both being valid in their own way. He said all of this a million times in a million posts.
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Let’s explore that particular theory and start with an ask:
His endorsement goes as far as acknowledging that “it’s never only a dream,” and that “dreams are where the stories are.” And we need to stop pretending it’s anything more than that, even if he likes a few posts here and there (posts that go in all different directions, btw). Neil used his own experience with grief and mirrored it 1:1 in how Hob handles Morpheus’ death in The Wake and Sunday Mourning.
Here is a quote from the Sandman Companion:
NG: […] Bette's stories have happy endings. That's because she knows where to stop. She's realized the real problem with stories—if you keep them going long enough, they always end in death.
HB: It also makes me think of Hob's dream in part 3.
NG: That was something that actually happened to me. [1]I dreamt about a friend who'd died six months earlier, woke up completely upset that she'd died, [2]and then realized I'd simply had a dream and felt enormously relieved... [3]and then I woke up all the way and remembered that she really had passed on.
[numbers and bold by me]
And then remember what happened to Hob:
1. He found out in a dream Morpheus had died and woke up upset and crying in The Wake, Chapters 1-3 (#70-72).
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2. Then he had another dream that somewhat gave him closure and a sense of relief (Sunday Mourning, #73).
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(Can I also just point out where Destruction’s fingers are pointing here and then contrast it with what he told Daniel in The Wake about “walking amongst the stars”, or Morpheus actually turning into a star?)
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(What might the end of the story be? Who knows, but once again, have a look where Destruction’s fingers are pointing.)
3. Then he woke up all the way and felt peace (also in Sunday Mourning).
Make of that what you will, but to me, saying that scene was based on his own dream is basically Neil confirming that Morpheus has “really passed on.”
Will Hob remember Morpheus? Of course he will. That’s what humans do. Does Morpheus live a happily ever after in Hob’s dream with Hob? And would that be in character? And would he want his memories to be intact to make that happen? Would that truly be passing on?
I will explore why canonically, we don’t find much to support that notion, and why it would seem OOC. But if you believe it, it’s your personal truth. Should we call for the ending to be changed though to make our personal truth that of the author?
Life and death are our own, and it’s never just a dream
Destruction was in Hob’s dream (when Hob never really knew him), and Destruction walked away from it all. As did Morpheus. They’re both free. It was very likely (and I'm phrasing this carefully on purpose) a dream gifted by Daniel!Dream (who had a very long talk with Destruction during the Wake) to give Hob closure, and it seems straightforward enough if you read The Wake not just single-mindedly focused on one thing. Daniel!Dream is not in the original panel, but he is in the background of concept art of that panel for a movie pitch by Jill Thompson and Neil Gaiman, so we can probably assume it was always the intended subtext.
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And what does Death say in Façade? Or what does Morpheus say to Orpheus, or to Delirium after he killed Orpheus? That life and death are our own.
Destruction’s life is his own.
Morpheus’ death is his own.
And Hob’s life AND death are his own.
The three of them are the literal embodiment of that sentiment:
One walked away and chose life.
One walked away and chose death.
One chooses life for as long as he sees fit and can choose death if he stops doing so.
It makes sense to put them in a panel together at the end for that very reason (and a few others of course).
That, right there, is already “more than just a dream.” It is the story, not just a metaphor. It is canon, and it is fairly explicit.
Would Morpheus ever want to be a dream entity with all his memories intact?
From this point onward, we get more into interpretation based on canonical character traits:
Morpheus living forever as a dream entity *tied to Hob’s dream* is canonically antithetical and OOC. There, I said it. He wanted to be free from the Dreaming, he even said so to Death (“But even the freedom of the Dreaming can be a cage, of a kind, my sister,” in #69).
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But existing as a dream entity WITH ALL HIS MEMORIES INTACT (that alone should make people say, “He would never want this in a million years” because it’s the very source of his pain—he wanted punishment for Orpheus’ fate/death—Nuala called him out on it) would forever tie him to it. Plus, it would make him Daniel’s subject in a way. It would be, again, very OOC.
Also: Dream had very strong feelings about the dead NOT belonging into dreams/the Dreaming permanently, or the living building their lives around them. WHY would that apply to Hector, but not to Morpheus himself? Again, it makes no sense in continuity.
But Destruction was in that dream…
Destruction visited Daniel!Dream during the Wake. They talked about a lot of stuff that’s very relevant, I recommend a reread if you’re not certain (this is long enough as it is, so I’ll skip it at this point). And it makes narrative sense to anchor that in Hob’s dream for reasons already outlined (they might not make sense to Hob, but they make sense to us, the reader, if we are willing to see that “it’s more than just a dream” isn’t equal to two people riding off into the sunset together, as nice a head-canon that might be). What I *do* want to point out though is that Destructions talked about “walking amongst the stars” and again, where he points in Hob’s dream.
Someone said this somewhere else and drew parallels to Stardust: Morpheus *does* become a star (or returns to them, who knows), it’s all over The Wake. That star is in literally *every* panel with a window/sky after his barge has transformed. And what becomes of him as that—who knows, since we all know stars have some sort of sentience in Gaiman’s universe, and that “oblivion is not an option” if Death took your hand to lead you into the afterlife. Again: Head-canon territory…
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Head-canons are beautiful
No one is trying to take them away from us. Let’s knock ourselves out in fanfic and fanart, it’s comforting and healing. The Sandman is a story about stories. Our stories are our own, and they are true for us, that’s the whole point. And Neil will *never* tell you your head-canon is not real, because for you, it is, and that’s all that matters. But the constant need to elevate fanon to canon really gets exhausting at times, especially if it involves pestering the creators, constantly being on their blogs/tagging them and trying to get them to confirm what we want.
And to those that insist we will undoubtedly get a happily ever after because “Hob’s dream says so”, and think the writers somehow should “read the room” and provide fan-service (side-note: What is it with this entitlement in fandom? The creator tells *their* story, not yours):
One of the main messages of the story is (already in 24/7) that stories only have a happy ending because we know when to stop, but that they ultimately *all* end in death. No matter how much people say that “the show is so much more hopeful”, that very line has already been brought into the show. They didn’t take it out. It will have weight at some point, I’ll put my money on it.
But show!Murphy isn’t comics!Murphy...
People point out that show!Morpheus is different from comics!Morpheus to justify we will get a different ending. Making Morpheus a bit softer around the edges seems, at least to me, a move to make him likeable as the protagonist, because it would be very hard to like early comics!Morpheus, to be frank. The fact that he brought Gault back from the darkness—I saw that as giving show!only fans a nicely wrapped end of the first season, because we didn’t even know if we would get a second one at that point. It also shows us that he is capable of change—a thing I am near certain he will repeatedly deny as we go on (he already did). So no, I personally don’t think it set him on a different path. There are even scenes in the show that very heavily foreshadow The Kindly Ones (the cracks in the window are overlayed onto his face in such a way that they heavily hint at the scar he is going to receive).
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So yes, by all means, let’s have a bit of ambiguity in Sunday Mourning for the people who don’t like the tragic ending, but let’s also focus on more than just making everything about the ship. Their relationship is important, and even more so because it isn’t romantic—that’s why it grows and lasts (unlike Morpheus’ romantic relationships). But it’s only the tiniest fraction of what The Sandman is about.
I write fanfic. I give Morpheus happy endings, too. I get it, I want him to be happy, too. But no matter how much we write him in character, we will ultimately break character the moment we make him do things that lead to a different outcome. In canon, he is the way he is. And I am afraid to say:
I personally think he is also like that in the show, even if they softened him a bit around the edges and shoved certain messages down our throats that people who know the comics didn’t need, but newbs to the Sandman did (“I’m listening now…”)—it was a good move, and all of that made sense for show-narrative reasons. But not once did I have the feeling that he wasn't exactly the same Morpheus underneath it all, and we already had too much foreshadowing to think that we would really get a different ending.
Why chemistry isn’t confirmation of the ship
That’s another one: To turn one (!) show-writer’s comment that Morpheus’ and Hob’s chemistry was a thing, and that they allowed that type of ambiguity, into, “Their romantic relationship is canon.” These two things are not the same. And Neil said that Benton’s comment did not make Dreamling any more real/canon, but people conveniently forget that. He also didn’t deny it, he just didn’t confirm, because, again: He doesn’t confirm or deny head-canons. They’re ours. Let's please stop pestering the man to confirm our head-canons and fantasies, but that just as an aside.
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It shows one thing, however:
How conditioned fandom is to make everything about romantic relationships (ideally m/m), even if they have nothing, and I say nothing, to do with the main message.
And it’s okay the wish for these relationships matters to some people, but they don’t have to matter to everyone else, to the extent that we expect the actual story to change. Why try to twist his arm into changing his own story, and the way he wanted to tell it?
So again: Head-canons are beautiful. Trying to get them confirmed by creators and foist them upon everyone else (to the extent that people get harassed) is not.
And if I'm proven wrong on this, I’ll still die happy, but I'm putting my chips down right now and say:
Morpheus will die in exactly the same way as in the comics. And if we get The Wake, we will get a scene in Sunday Mourning that can hold ambiguity for processing our grief, just like the comic can. And the shippers will say, “He’s with Hob, yay!”, and the non-shippers will say, “Nah, not what I saw.” And Neil will get a million asks and answer each single one with:
“What do *you* think?”
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iamlisteningto · 3 months
Batu’s “Zeal” / “Sunday”
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catcherinsomnia · 2 years
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Season greetings from Dreamcatcher!
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sinceileftyoublog · 1 month
Andrew Combs Interview: The In-between Space
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Photo by Austin Leih
Andrew Combs has discovered the magic in the stillness. For this singer-songwriter with a family, including young kids, the evening, post-bedtime, represented the do-or-die moment for creativity: He could either kick back and relax or start some new tunes. What he found was that such hours of the night were actually the most fruitful. At ease, Combs was able to tell all kinds of stories, from autobiographical and biographical to fictional, with tones ranging from light, sweet, and romantic to heavy and devastating. The result is the aptly titled Dream Pictures (Chunk of Coal/Missing Piece), a collection of songs that started at home and built up into their own surreal worlds in the studio.
Upon reading the history behind Dream Pictures, I immediately thought of Combs' previous album, Sundays, because it was also named after and born out of a regular schedule. (Combs wrote a song during the week and recorded it on a Sunday.) But in speaking to Combs last month, it became clear to me that Dream Pictures' existence as a product of mental clarity was more casual than it was some newfound, purposeful desire to create. It's also not an album of kitchen table existential dread like Hiss Golden Messenger's Bad Debt; while they contain moments of self-doubt or even anger and violence, the songs on Dream Pictures are attitudinally variable, even within themselves. On "Eventide", Combs' dedication to his wife rife with subtle drums and piano, muted pedal steel, and whooshing synths, he nonetheless delivers lines like, "I passed away deep in my slumber / Far from fury and far grief." The folky, soulful, and textural "Your Eyes and Me" juxtaposes clever, pointed similes--"Your melancholy hair like curtains in between your eyes and me"--with verses that are weighty in their ambiguity. "Swan dive in the water / Down to the bottom of the lake / Visions of you and our daughters / But I drowned them all now, didn't I babe?" Combs asks, as you gasp, wondering who or what (the visions? the daughters themselves?) was exactly drowned. The very same song contains a plea to "remember the good before the bad," a useful mantra no matter the context.
On Dream Pictures, Combs worked again with Dom Billett, the drummer on Sundays. Billett co-produced Dream Pictures and helped Combs flush out the instrumental arrangements, playing drums, bass, piano, and synthesizers and providing background vocals. Overall, Billett's keen ear for atmosphere, combined with Combs' acoustic and electric guitar playing and Spencer Cullum's pedal steel, gave life to the idea of "dream pictures." Opening track "Fly In My Wine", written by the three of them, is an instrumental consisting of upright piano, pedal steel, and field recorded audio from Richard Serra's installation at the Bilbao Guggenheim. "To Love" is another sonic experiment, one not too far removed from Combs' initial demo, Combs delivering high-pitched, starry-eyed mantras over analog synths, electric guitars, and noise. "The Sea in Me" binds scraped acoustic guitars with an 8-bit synth line. These off-kilter sound collages effectively represent the fragility of memories and dreams. Even on comparatively traditional pop songs like the ballad "Point Across", the echo and delay on Billett's snares feel like time being bent. And when the instrumentation itself is cleaner, it effectively contrasts Combs' unhinged narrator: On Burton Collins co-write "I'm Fine", an electric guitar and Rhodes jam, Combs plays the part of the lovelorn person denying his own heartbreak. "Do I ever touch your heart at all?" he asks, "Or are you busy laughing while I'm punching the walls?"
When I spoke to Combs, he was again in the stillness, but he wasn't working. He was on a beach in the Florida panhandle, on a vacation with his family and parents, getting some much needed rest before moving again. Starting tomorrow, Combs will embark on a two-and-a-half-week tour of the UK, Ireland, and the Netherlands, armed with an acoustic guitar, drum machine, and keyboards. Though Combs is known as a Nashville singer-songwriter, his first love was electronic music, and these days, he writes most of his songs on piano as opposed to guitar. And if the sparkling smog of Dream Pictures is any preview, he might just be able to shed that Americana label once and for all. Below, read our conversation, edited for length and clarity.
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Photo by Austin Leih
Since I Left You: Sundays was titled and formed around a dedicated day of the week that you sat down and recorded the song you had written over the past seven days. Dream Pictures is sort of similar in that it was inspired by your periods of creativity after your kids went to sleep. Is there something that's special in general about setting aside consistent time for music?
Andrew Combs: Honestly, it started out of pure necessity. It's [when] I can have time alone. I don't know how conscious I [am] of it, but at this age, I'm trying to stay more present and really take in every day and what I'm grateful and thankful for. That doesn't necessarily mean that the songs are all about that, but [I'm] trying to be cognizant of the world that I'm living in now. That time of day is when [songwriting] is easiest to do, [when] I'm still with it enough that I can formulate creative output that may or may not mean something.
SILY: Let me ask you a couple questions about what the songs on Dream Pictures are about. First, I'm assuming there are some songs on here that are not autobiographical.
AC: Yeah. I do feel like pieces of me are in every song, but "The Sea in Me" is about two friends going through a breakup with each other. That's not about me at all, really, but there are things I identify with in that song from my history.
SILY: Even if songs aren't about you, however, they have that same sort of biographical presence, that "moment in time" feel.
AC: Listening back now, I definitely think that's correct. They are little snapshots in time.
SILY: Quite literally, the opening track, "Fly In My Wine", has field recordings, which I find, when mixed with abstract instrumentation, to be very dream-like, which would go along with the theme of the record. When did you realize you wanted to open the album with something like that?
AC: When I figured out the album title was going to be Dream Pictures. I'm right there with you in that field recordings mixed with abstract music feels dream-like. I also really love the song "Eventide". I wanted it to be the first song, but I didn't feel like just starting [the record] with the song itself. I wanted to have some sort of bed to dip your toes into.
SILY: "Eventide" is, on the whole, a dedication to your wife, but one can read yourself working through some troubles. A line like, "I passed away deep in my slumber / Far from fury and far grief"--I don't know what you're referring to, but both within the album and within certain songs themselves, there are moments of struggle or darkness.
AC: Totally. I'm always looking for the darkness in the light and the light in the darkness. Maybe I should try to accept the light when it's light and the dark when it's dark.
SILY: But the former is more true. It speaks to the complexity of things, that things aren't one or the other.
AC: Sure. It would be nice, though, to live in the light.
SILY: If we could figure it out, everybody would be doing it.
AC: That's right.
SILY: What's the story behind "Heavy the Heart"?
AC: Without getting too namey, it's sort of about Elvis, but it's really about a couple people I've known within the music industry who burned it at both ends. They've all been tragic people deep inside, destined for a large and horrific crash.
SILY: Spencer Cullum's pedal steel stands out to me throughout the record. Normally, pedal steel stands out in general by virtue of its sheer quality, but on a lot of this album's songs, it's really subtle. Was that a product of Spencer's choice, the mixing, or something else?
AC: It's a combined brainchild of Spencer, myself, and Dom. Pedal steel is a beautiful instrument, but being in Nashville and starting our careers in the Americana sphere and hearing pedal steel all the time, it can be overplayed and overused. We three have all gravitated towards simplicity and stripping back instead of layering and putting a lot of stuff on top. That being said, on a song like "Mary Gold" or "Genuine and Pure", we really wanted it to stand out for a solo section. I know Spencer's taste is similar, and Dom's is probably the same, but I really like Steely Dan pedal steel instead of alt country [pedal steel,] a more tasteful, thought-out thing. Some of [the pedal steel subtlety] is in the mixing, but I'd say 90% of it is where we chose to put it.
SILY: The instrument has become really prevalent in indie rock to the point where so much prominent indie rock is basically alt country. You'd be considered more of an Americana artist, accurate or not, but Dream Pictures is closer to me to Steely Dan than it is alt country.
AC: Yeah. I know how I got into [Americana,] but I don't necessarily know how I'm gonna escape those tags. [laughs] I'll let time deal with that.
SILY: You've definitely never released a song like "To Love", which is electronic. Can you tell me how that song came to be from start to finish?
AC: I made demos for a lot of [the Dream Pictures] songs on my computer at home. I have a really simple setup with the MIDI controls, microphone, and guitars. That was the only song for which we actually used a lot of the demo. I didn't think or know if it was gonna fit. I still don't really know, but I like it a lot. I definitely feel like there's a handful of songs that I really like that I have stowed away in that vain.
When I first got into music, I was into electronic music. Besides hearing The Beatles and knowing it was something special, when I first started making my own compositions or songs, it was all electronic stuff. It's something I've always loved to do. I haven't always felt confident enough to put it on a record. I definitely feel like I'm doing it more and more. [On the] "To Love" demo, I had done the drums and some of the keyboards and the guitar solo and the vocals. [Dom] added percussion, more keys, and real bass. I don't have a real bass, so I just played bass on the keyboard. It's definitely different than the rest of the record.
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Photo by Austin Leih
SILY: I wanted to ask you about "Table For Blue", which seems like a very sweet, simple, almost low-stakes song, in the best way. Is that how it fits within Dream Pictures, providing levity?
AC: Yes. It's the kind of song I've always been trying to write since I started writing songs. It is a low-stakes songwriting song. I'll always try and write songs like that, but they're fewer and farther between these days.
SILY: You co-wrote "I'm Fine" with Burton Collins. Can you tell me about your working relationship with him?
AC: Burton and I have written a lot since 2011 or 2012. For six years, I had a publishing deal where I was co-writing all the time for people on Music Row. Burton is one of the very few people I've maintained a working relationship with. He's mostly an actor. He doesn't play or sing. But he's a brilliant lyricist. He writes with Doja Cat and also collaborates with country people. He did a kids play. He likes to keep his fingers in as many things as possible. We've written a lot over the past ten years and try to do so once or twice a year.
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Dream Pictures cover art
SILY: How did you come up with the front cover for the album? Lately, you have a lot of experimental photographs of yourself adorning your records.
AC: It's a photo my buddy Austin Leih took. He's done videos for me in the past and did the "Eventide" visual accompaniment. I was just messing with the picture and the idea of "dream pictures" and the in-between space, [such as] between dreaming and sleeping. I might have hit the nail too much on the head.
SILY: It doesn't have to be subtly symbolic. It can just look cool.
AC: Good. [laughs]
SILY: You co-designed the record cover, too. I know you paint, but do you do design work?
AC: My dad is a retired graphic designer, so I grew up knowing that world. I've always dabbled in it, but I've never had the money to buy the Adobe suites and have never had the time or want to learn how to do it technically well. It's something I do find pleasing to toy around with. I didn't have much money behind this record and Sundays, so [I tried] to do as much as I could by myself.
SILY: Will your upcoming tour be the first time you've played these songs live?
AC: I've played a few of them at a show here and there, trying them out, but yeah, in terms of a formal setting. I'm playing solo, so it's not going to be a full record experience, but I'm trying to incorporate drum machine and keyboards. I'm so bored by the [just] acoustic guitar thing.
SILY: I'm sure it'll prove an artistically satisfying challenge to adapt the songs in that way, too.
AC: Totally. It's actually been really fun.
SILY: On what instrument did you write most of the Dream Pictures songs?
AC: A lot of them were on keys. I'm not a great keyboard player. I just kind of plunk along with chords. Dom did the more elaborate arrangements. I have an old RMI Electra-piano and mess around on that a lot. There are certain things that only guitar can do, but I've grown bored with it being the thing I reach for every time. I think it's nice to start with keys or even a drum beat to change things up.
SILY: Are you planning on touring in the US?
AC: I don't know. I'd like to do some stuff. I can't really foresee doing a real long tour, hitting smaller markets, because I can't afford it. I would at least like to do New York, Philly, the East Coast big city stuff. Do a Nashville show, maybe go out West. It might also depend on if a big artist likes the record and wants to take me out to do some opening sets. I'm always keen on that in the States. It's a lot easier that way.
SILY: That makes sense. You don't have to do a ton of the planning yourself.
AC: And if they have an established audience you haven't tapped into. I did some shows with The Milk Carton Kids, and it was the best opening slot ever, because their crowd is quiet and respectful and they listen. What I do is subtle and can be quiet, so it worked. Then you have those people on your side.
SILY: Are you writing right now?
AC: The time period after you make something and before it comes out is actually really productive for me. It's a time to dream and mess around without a deadline or expectations. I don't know what exactly it is, but I have ideas floating around for what's next. Who knows whether it will stay that way or morph into something different. A lot of my time right now is being spent getting ready for the tour.
SILY: When you're making music, do you try to not consume other media? Or are you pretty good at compartmentalizing and not letting other records, TV shows, movies, or books affect you?
AC: I like learning and listening and seeing new stuff all the time, so I keep it going at all times.
SILY: Anything recent you've liked?
AC: I read [Daniel Mason's] North Woods, which was really beautiful. I'm re-reading East of Eden, which is one of my favorites. The King Hannah record is really cool. I'm listening to these Romanian folk songs, which are mostly a capella with maybe some sparse instrumentation, but they're really cool. I wouldn't know how to tell you what they're called, though, because they're in a different alphabet. I don't watch a ton of TV. I really liked The Zone of Interest.
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Photo by Austin Leih
Tour dates
8/22: The Keep, Guildford, UK 8/23: The Railway Inn, Winchester, UK 8/24: Stanford Hall, Bottesford, UK 8/25: Caroline Street Social Club, Shipley, UK 8/26: Kazimier Stockroom, Liverpool, UK 8/27: St Mary's Creative Space, Chester, UK 8/28: The Workmans Cellar, Dublin, Ireland 8/29: Cleere's Bar & Theatre, Kilkenny, Ireland 8/30: The American Bar, Belfast, UK 8/31: Run of the Mill 2024, Paisley, UK 9/1: Sneaky Pete's, Edinburgh, UK 9/3: Water Rats, London, UK 9/5: De Doelen, Rotterdam, Netherlands 9/6: Luxor Live, Arnhem, Netherlands 9/7: Burgerweeshuis, Deventer, Netherlands 9/8: Sugar Mountain x Indiestad Met Festival, Amsterdam, Netherlands 9/9: Muziekgebouw Eindhoven, Eindhoven, Netherlands
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maiteo · 10 months
Do I wanna hear this horrendous mash up accent idk 🫣 if he carries on playing like he’s been doing then pep will ship him back home anyways 😭
maybe this is all apart of his big plan….think about it. he’s already got a couple of trophies with those bums and I’m sure the ucl made him feel real accomplished…
also NÃO it’s not cute to me he doesn’t sound like himself😭 I don’t think I rb’d it, it was too much for me but I’m sure it’s in his tag under the videos part
0 notes
jyoongim · 7 months
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Human!Alastor x wife!Reader
Themes: 1930 based! Human!Alastor x wife!Reader, domestic life! fluff, smut, devotion, slight manipulation, mention of children, pregnancy,  blood, murder, secrets 
In this chapter: slow build up! Smut! Love-making, Creampie, slight breeding kink
this chapter is VERY long!!!
Chapter one Chapter three
Chapter two
The sound of voices filled your home as the ladies chatted in your parlor.
“Oh honey is that peach cobbler? Why you would think it was Sunday with the spread you made.” Agnise said as you came from the kitchen with the dish and placed it on the dessert table, causing all the ladies to turn to you.
You had finger sandwiches filled with ham, beignets, one too many cakes, banana pudding, sweet tea and lemonade.
You were in a baking mood and since it was just high noon, you kept it lite for today’s meeting.
You let out a laugh “oh it was nothin’. Thought we deserved a treat since the last time we saw each other. We housewives deserve a little sugar sometimes.” The ladies giggled at your comment.
Grabbing a sandwich, you took a seat by Rosie, “Now what were y’all talking about while i was in the kitchen?”
”Abi was telling us the Smiths youngest was found in bed with that scrappy gent that worked down at the mill” Rosie said, sipping her tea. You gasped, hand over your heart “Ain’t that girl engaged to um oh what that boy’s name?” You snapped your fingers trying to think
”David Johnson” Abigail snickered “Just know Old smith threw a fit. I heard her mother went crying to the church shouting. Ooooh must have been real bad”
Agnise chimed in “Also Harriet told me that Elaine is expecting…and it ain’t her husband’s” shocked gasps filled the room. “Elaine? As in love the church, has three youngins Elaine? Oh that poor woman I don’t know how she do it” Rosie shuddered. Abigail smirked “Yeah poor Elaine, so who’s the father?”
Agnise chuckled “Take a guess”
Literally you, Rosie, and Abigail looked to each other puzzled.
”Pastor Brown from the next town over”  Agnise said.
squeals and laughs erupted from all of you.
You shook with laughter as you took a deep breathe. “Ok ok enough of that. How have y’all been?”
Rosie was running a boutique, New Orleans finest clothes and it was really taking off. She talked about how some cheap fabrics came in and she ain’t have a clue what to do with them.
Agnise happily chirped about how her two oldest had got accepted in some fancy school on the other of town.
Abigail complained that she thought the maid was stealing her clothes, claiming too many of her fine dresses were missing out of her closet.
”Oh dear how is that handsome husband of yours? I was hoping to the man when I was coming in.” Rosie said smiling. 
Rosie and Alastor were the closest besides Mimzy. He often dropped by to have her make your clothes and tailor some of his suits.
”Oh you know how Alastor is” you waved your hand, “he set out early this morning to the radio station. We’re suppose to down to Mimzy’s club tonight”
Agnise and Abigail looked at you shocked “That ol rigity joint? Oh darling no. That man makes good money, why y’all going down there?”
You had met Agnise and Abigail when you were in school.  They were a bit more Polish than Rosie who didn’t mind a good time.
”I think that lounge is rather charming. The music is good.” You defended.
”Well enjoy it now, I had a dream bout fishes and you know what that mean” Agnise said, giving you a knowing look.
You blinked, then blushed, taking a sip of tea. “I don’t know what you’re talking about” you feigned dumb.
She smirked, red lips curling “You’ve been hiding news from us haven’t you?”
Abigail looked at you, “Are you?”her honey eyes roamed over your figure.
”Ladies no! I’ve told y’all me and Alastor haven’t discussed children. We don’t have time for that” you said pouting at their accusations.
”What man don’t want his own running around? The two of you been married for a few years now, i had half expected at least something.” Agnise said.
”Alastor has just settled in good as radio host. What kind of wife would I be if I just randomly suggested having a little one running around? No I couldn’t.” You gripped your cup, looking down.
You and Alastor hadn’t really discussed children. You figured you would wait a few years to get settled into your marriage before thinking of children.
With alastor’s career taking off, you didn’t have it in you to just spring the notion on him.
You didn’t mind. It was quite nice not having to clean and look after a baby.
You did want to potentially have children with Alastor.
The house would be a lot livier and you thought Alastor would make a great father.
”Y’all ain’t getting any younger dear!” Agnise said “i mean unless there’s a another woman invovled”
Rosie let out a hiss, glaring at the woman “Oh shush that! Alastor wouldn’t do that! He loves his wife too much to even look at another woman”
Agnise shrugged.
Abigail patted your hand “Honey don’t listen to her. I am sure you’ll have a whole litter running around afterwhile. Not having children ain’t all that grand.”
You pouted. That did not make you feel better.
Rosie seeemd to pick on up your down mood and interjected
”We came to discuss books! Enough of this husband and children talk! So we left off at Charles securing the mistress!”
The little gathering went on without a problem, but the comments and conversation still bounced in your head. 
Alastor wouldn’t seek out another woman just because I haven’t…right?
You and Alastor’s intimate life was fine to your knowledge.
 The man wasn’t the most affectionate, but he did try. 
He was loving and gave you anything you wanted.
THATS what any wife wanted right?
Not having children didn’t seem to make him any less doting with you.
But you still felt that nagging doubt as you tried to reassure yourself.
”Bye now! Tell Nathaniel I said hello and Abi please just see if the maid took your dress!”you hollered from your porch, waving the ladies as they smiled and walked down the street.
You sighed. Rosie had stayed behind and was cleaning up.
”oh Rosie you’re a guest please let me” you said grabbing the dirty dishes.
”I’ve been here so much this is practically my home girl please.”she laughed as she grabbed the tablecloth and put in in the hamper.
”Those two are certainly a handful. Don’t take what they said to heart. They are just bitter their husbands don’t love on them like yours” she chided.
You hummed. Rosie was right. What did it matter that you didn’t have kids? That didn’t change anything.
”I know Ro but I feel like I’m failing as a wife. But i promise I’m fine I swear” you quickly said as she gave you a look.
She looked at the clock “Oh my well look at the time! Do give Alastor my love dear”
You gave her a hug and walked her out, waving her goodbye as she waltzed down the road.
You were now alone.
The house was quiet and you had cleaned up everything so you wouldn’t have to look at the mess in the morning.
You rolled your shoulders, sighing at the tension and decided a quick nap wouldn’t hurt as you wait for Alastor to come home.
The sun began to slowly set through the trees as Alastor ran a bloody hand through his hair, the brown strands slicking back as he breathed deeply. The man had put up quite a fight, but luckily Alastor could quickly deal with his little problem. 
He had planned to take his wife out for tonight, but with the way he was feeling, he would rather be in your embrace and sleep.
He would stop and get you your favorite flowers as an apology and maybe cook for you instead. A soft smile appeared on his face as he imagined your face as he came in with flowers and kissed your soft lips as he propose hell cook for dinner.
Soft jazz would be playing and after the meal he would ask you to dance. Peppering your face in kisses as you laughed at him, thinking he was silly.
And maybe afterwards, he could indulge himself in you. A shiver ran through his body at the thought of your face contorted in pleasure. 
Oh yes he was sure you wouldn’t mind why he came home late
He hid away his shovel in an old storage house and changed clothes.
Getting in his car, he hummed along to the radio as he thought of what to make for dinner.
Alastor softly closed the back door as he slowly set down the flowers and groceries. He peeked his head in the parlor and found you sleeping on the couch.
He quickly made his way upstairs, hid his clothes in the back of your closet, showered, and went back down stairs.
He grabbed the flowers and slowly slid beside you, pulling you into his lap.
You snuggled into his neck, eyebrows scrunching, waking up ”hmmm Alastor?” you groaned as he snickered. He pressed his lips to your plump cheek “Seems my darling wife had a very long day. Seems I got caught up at work and didn’t catch the time. But…” he pressed the flowers to your nose as you took a deep inhale of the flowers, smiling “I do hope you would forgive dear.”
Your heart fluttered at the man, standing to put the bouquet in a vase.
You caught sight of the time and gasped “oh no! I can’t believe I fell asleep for that long, lord on high I ain’t got a single thing out to cook.” You went to make your way to the kitchen, but Alastor was quick to wrap his arm around you, pulling you into his lanky frame. “Don’t you worry about dinner darlin’ I got it. I had promised you a night out and forgot. So to pay for my offense Ill cook dinner and why don’t you go upstairs and put on something pretty  for me hmm?” He pressed a few soft kisses along the column of your neck, making your breath hitch slightly, before patting your ass to get you moving towards the stairs.
Once you made it back downstairs, the smell of dinner made your stomach growl.
Alastor was just setting th plates as you entered the kitchen. “Book club must have been something today, I see you baked a lot of goods today. Good thing I checked before thinking of making dessert” He turned to actually look at you.
Gorgeous is what he thought as he took you in.
You opted for a simple slip dress that fell just before your knees. How enticing.
 You accessorized with your pearls and even had your hair curled slightly.
He couldn’t help but wrap his arms around your waist and bring a hand to his lips, kissing it as he looked at you with utter devotion.
”My my don’t you look lovely dear” he whistled, twirling you around slowly.
You blushed and looked towards the stove “Dinner smells great Al, what did you make?” He ushered you to the dining table and pulled you chair out for you to sit before fetching tonight’s dinner.
Shrimp and grits in one bowl and jambalaya.
For dessert he took a piece of butter cake that you made earlier and chilled sweet tea and lemonade.
You moaned in delight as the flavor of the jambalaya burned your mouth. “Oh Al! You added a bit more spice this time but it goes good with the grits. oh i love your jambalaya.” You praised him.
You practically danced in your seat as you ate causing Alastor to chuckle.
”I never tire of your praise for my mother’s recipe my dear. I must say this cake might just be my new favorite” he said.
You decided to fill him the latest gossip you heard today from the ladies
”Rosie sends her love by the way. Oh you would not believe what Agnise told us today…” you started.
Alastor had a lazy smile on his face as you talked animatedly about todays gossip. He nodded along and even gasped at the details you shared. You made him swear he wont repeat it anywhere, including on the radio.
You took a sip of lemonade ”Agnise made a comment that she was surprised we haven’t had kids yet. Can you believe that woman?” Alastor tilted his head “I wouldn’t put it pass that one. Well what did you say?”
Alastor asked taking in your reaction as you pouted, swirling your fork in your grits before stabbing a shrimp. You sighed “I told her that we just weren’t ready. I mean you just got settled in at the studio good. Then the nerve of that woman to say that you were probably seeing another because I wasn’t putting out.” You mumbled that part, feeling  pinges of doubt start to rise in you as you looked at him.
Alastor scoffed “darling I only ever had eyes for you” he reached across the table to grasp your hand, thumb fiddling with your wedding ring. “Nothing will make me look at you different. To me, you’re perfect. You are much more than I could ever deserve” he smiled at you. “Do you want children darlin?” He asked.
You blinked, a warm blush crept up your cheeks “I-I mean it might has crossed my mind once of twice, but I-I dont know” you looked away, feeling shy.
Alastor grinned “I think you would make a wonderful mother my dear. Through I will admit having to share you i dont know about that” he laughed “buuuuut if having children will make you happy, who am I to say no?” His voice dropped an octave as he smiled at you.
You were shocked. You hadn’t thought that Alastor would be open to having children. But you didn’t just want to have kids because of social pressure. You wanted it to be something you were sure of…
”Its a big responsibility if we have children Al”you whispered. He hummed, shrugging “Dear I make more than enough that our children will have comfortable upbringing, besides Ill be there the whole step of the way”
That reassurance made your heart swell.
You smiled, a soft laugh bubbling out of your chest “Then I guess well see what happens then huh?”
You finished dinner, Alastor leaving the dishes to soak and you giggled as he dragged you upstairs. “Alastor! Hahaha dont you have work tomorrow?” You entered your shared bedroom and squealed as he lavished your exposed shoulders in kisses.
He groaned in response as he unbuttoned his shirt as his hands gripped at your hips.
”what do that have to do with us delving into the throws of pleasures darlin? Its been quite some time since I’ve paid you proper attention.”
Your back hit the duvet as he situated himself between your thighs. Your dress bunched at your hips, exposing your lacy garter. His hand toyed with the fabric, lips curling in a smirk “Were you planing to seduce me dear?” You shook your head as you curled your arms around his neck, pulling his head to meet his lips.
”Hmmm lets keep the pearls and garter on” he grinned down at you.
”Nngh! Ah! Ah! Ha! Ah! Oh god!”you cried out as Alastor thrusted into you. Your fingers gripped at his hair as you moaned into his neck, kissing over the red bruises forming on his skin.
Fingers flexed on your thigh, keeping your leg pressed into your stomach. The only sound that filled the room were your sweet moans and his soft grunts and the slap slap of his dick burying into your cunt.
Alastor’s back muscles flexed as you raked a hand along his back, groaning as your nails left burning trails into his flesh.
”One more. You can give me one more can’t you darlin?” He asked huskily as he snapped his hips into yours.
Your body buzzed as your third orgasm approached. The pearl necklace that hung around your neck, bounced with your breasts as Alastor nipped at your neck. One of his hands crept up your chest to play with one of your nipples. Tugging and pinching the perk peak as your cunt clenched around him.
”I can’t wait to see you pregnant ma cher. All nice and round, carrying my child.”
A sharp pinch had you whining “These lovely tits of your full of milk god I can’t wait to taste it” his head shifted to your chest, his warm mouth taking the mound into his mouth. Teeth and tongue teased as his thrusts picked up pace.
”A-Al! Oh! Oh! P-Please!” You threw your head back in pleasure.
Alastor couldn’t help but let his twisted feelings take over, a hand wrapped around your throat, applying slight pressure as you whined.
He brought his face back to yours, nose brushing against yours as your swollen lips enticed him to suck and bite at them. He maneuvered both your thighs to be pressed against your stomach, giving him leverage to hammer into you soppy heat.
”You want me to give you a baby darlin? Hmm? Want me to fill the needy cunt of yours and spill my seed into you?”you moaned, eyes glazed with lust.
Alastor smirked “Use your words baby. C’mon” a harsh thrust made your toes curl.
”y-yes please please Alastor give me a baby!” You cried.
A wild look was in his eyes 
“Oh ill give you all the babies you want. I’ve wanted to see you swollen with my child since our wedding day. You’ll look so pretty baby. All filled with my cum and swollen. Yeeesss what a lovely sight you’ll make”
His thumb worked tight circles on your clit as your back arched into him as your orgasm ripped through you. Alastor slammed his lips on yours to swallow the loud moan that tried to spill from your lips.
He grunted as his hips shuddered. Chasing his orgasm as he rode yours out. With a hiss, his dick twitched and soon warm cream painted your gummy walls.
With a sigh, he coaxed his tongue against yours as he gave you a few more soft thrusts.
Panting and flushed, your legs fell limp as he pulled out and smirked at the mess he had made of you.  A white stream slowly pooling out of you.
Spent and feeling the blissful afterglow, you curled into the covers, wincing at the stickiness between your thighs. Alastor pulled you into his chest, kissing your forehead “normally Ill clean you up, but since were trying no need.” He brushed a curl out of your face as you began to fall asleep
”Alastor?” You said tiredly.
He hummed, as he ran his hand up and down your arm, admiring the red bruises on your neck and shoulder
”I love you”
He grinned as you dozed off.
”I love you too dear”
Soooo what did you guys think??? Bit of a slow burn yes? we got a peak into what Alastor was doing hehehee
@nightshadelm @th3-st4r-gur1 @amurtan @lunaramune @southern-bayou-beau  @karolinda007-blog @simphornies @yourdoorisunlocked @nettaw @purplecatsandhearts @catherine1206 @jellibean2018 @thewinchestah @wonderlandangelsposts @alishii @readergirlstuff @missgurlsstuff @yuzurixx @darkovergrownforestnymph @dasimp777 @markster666 @alastorsgirl48 @alastor-simp @alastorsaries @preciousbabypeter @alastwhore666 @strawberrypimp666 @stawberrypimpsimp @queenariesofnarnia @peachedtvs @peachedtv @tpks @siiv3r @hazelfoureyes @okay-babe @aconfusedworld @chewbrry @altruisticalastor @yunimimii @dievia3 @alastorsdear @alastorsdarlingdoe @t0byisher3 @dennsfz @twismare @nanami1chu @yoongibabs @menthatilove @smoky000 @luzzbuzz @stygianoir @kiralaufeyson84 @for-hearthand-home @luzzbuzz
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Partners? Partners.
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Five Hargreeves x Fem!Reader
Summary: Y/N Hargreeves, formerly of the Sparrow Academy, finds herself virtually alone in the reset timeline. The Umbrella’s bring her in to their chaos and she builds something new for herself while still navigating the grief of losing her family. She’s happy in the simplicity. That is, until the one Hargreeves she can’t seem to win over comes to her with an offer she might not be able to refuse.
Warnings: Some cursing. Some angst.
(Part 1/?)
A/N: This one will be 4 or 5 parts. A bit of a coffee shop AU if you squint
She missed her family. She missed them so desperately that sometimes when she dreamt of them at night, she would wake up in tears as the loneliness set in and she realized that her dreams were the only place she would see them again. They had been dysfunctional and as far as families go, not that close, but they had been hers. She would never understand how she had survived everything, how she had made it through the reset when the others did not. She technically had Ben but he had distanced himself not just from the Umbrella’s, but from her, as soon as they fell into this timeline. Now he was in prison for a white-collar bitcoin crime and he refused to have visitors altogether. She was well and truly the last of her family.
It got easier with time and she fell into a predictable, mundane routine. For the first time in her life, she was forced to slow down and be a normal human being. No powers. No Sparrow Academy. Just living and surviving.
She found an apartment with a roommate who mostly kept to themselves and a stable, if not a bit boring, job as a barista at a local coffee shop just a block from home. It wasn’t much and some months she was barely scraping by, but it was a start and she was happy.
The other Hargreeves children, the Umbrellas, brought her into the fold of their chaotic family and soon, she began to feel less alone.
She had brunch with Luther every Sunday at his club. They spent that time talking about Sloane, keeping her memory alive between them. She shared her childhood memories of her sister and Luther soaked it all in, grateful to receive any little piece of new information about his wife that he could get. She was thankful for that time with him and happy that someone loved Sloane the way she always deserved to be loved. Even if it was just for a moment.
Diego and Lila had her over for family game night at least once a month and she had coffee with Lila every week at the shop. Their children called her aunt and she made sure that they were properly spoiled, much to their parent's dismay.
She made the trek to Victor’s bar often in the evenings not just for the free drinks, but because he was actually wonderful company and he made sure to carve out time to sit and talk with her whenever he could take a break from running things. Like her, she suspected that he also felt a bit lonely.
Klaus and Allison came as a pair these days. Their dynamic was a sight to behold as Klaus navigated his newfound sobriety, and Allison pulled together a life doing what she loved, to support her daughter. She loved being around them.
But there was one particular family member that Y/N could not quite figure out.
Apart from their initial interaction at Sloane and Luther’s wedding where he had drunkenly accosted her about her powers, he had barely acknowledged her existence. While she was building relationships with his other siblings, he kept her at arm's length. Sure, he was cordial with her at family events and dinners, but that’s where he drew the line. He rebuffed every attempt she made at finding a connection with him.
That is until he started showing up every morning at the coffee shop she worked at. The same time every morning and the same, predictable order.
The first time he walked through the door she was taken aback. She knew he lived on the other side of town but she chalked it up to some work thing bringing him there.
He made his order, indulged her in small talk, and sat down, opening up a newspaper to read while he sipped his coffee.
She thought it was a one-off, but was very surprised when he turned up the next morning at the same time.
And then the morning after that and the morning after that.
He began conversing with her for longer periods of time, asking questions about her day-to-day life after the reset and even sharing some tidbits of information about himself. She knew he worked for the CIA and had recently moved into a new apartment.
A few weeks went by and each day was the same. It reached the point that she would have his coffee made and the donut he liked set aside before he even made it through the door.
But after a while, her curiosity began to get the better of her. Why was he here? Why was he suddenly showing interest in her and what she was doing with her life? It was making her crazy!
“Your black, boring coffee, sir,” Y/N said in the most sugary sweet voice she could muster, setting the cup down in front of the irritating man in front of her.
Five immediately picked it up and took a deep sip, “Fantastic as usual.”
She pulled the chair out across from him and sat down with a huff, “Cut the crap, Five. We both know you have much closer coffee shops to your apartment. Why, may I ask, do you insist on frequenting mine? Is it just to pester me?”
“Maybe I just like your company,” Five shrugged, leaning back to observe her.
This poked at her ire even more. He was always doing that. Just observing her like some sort of animal in an enclosure. Always there at his little table near the window. Rain or shine.
“Oh please!” She scoffed, “You’ve never given any indication that you even like me, let alone enjoy my company. In fact, until you started showing up here every day, I was pretty sure you hated me. So, again, cut the crap and tell me why you’re really here.”
“Fine,” he said, sitting his mug down so that he could give her his full, undivided attention, “I have a proposition for you.”
“This should be good.”
“My boss wants me to take on a partner,” he explained, “but the problem with that is that I don’t really trust…anyone really. But I’ve watched you these last few years, Y/N, and I know that you’re smart, analytical, and incredibly sharp. Your powers fine-tuned all of your senses and even if you don’t have them anymore, that’s still there. And that’s what I want in a partner.”
“Five, I’m not even trained to work for the CIA,” she reminded him, “I’m sure they’re not going to just let some random person join ranks without experience.”
“But you do have experience,” he insisted, “you’re a Sparrow. You’ve literally been trained since birth to be a fighter, a spy, or whatever else Dad needed us to be.”
“Need I remind you that neither the sparrows nor the umbrellas existed in this timeline? So none of that is going to mean jack shit to anyone.”
“It will if I forge a few documents,” he said, leaning forward so that he could get a clear look at her, “How do you think I got this far looking this young? I’ll do the same for you and everyone will think you’re an FBI transfer. They’ll be none the wiser. Trust me, not everyone high up is as smart as they’d like to think they are.”
She doubted anyone was that stupid.
“Five, this might come as a surprise to you, but I actually really like my life here,” she told him, “it’s peaceful and easy and I don’t really need any more than that. After so long of fighting and striving for perfection for the Sparrows, I’m ready to just settle down and live slowly. So, thanks, but I think I’ll pass.”
“You say that,” he chuckled, “you say that you want peace and quiet but I know that’s just something you tell yourself. Because I’ve told myself the same thing and it didn’t suit me. But let’s face it, you’re as unhinged as me. You NEED the chaos. You thrive on it.”
“You’re really not doing yourself any favors here, Five,” she hissed. “Besides, why me? Why haven’t you asked Diego? Hasn’t he been bugging you about bringing in his resume? Make him your partner.”
“Diego and Lila have enough going on in their lives,” he waved her off, “And Diego is a skilled fighter but he lacks in the brains department. Trust me.”
With that final statement, Five stood up and pushed in his chair before downing the last dredges of his coffee, “Just think about it, okay? And until then, I’ll be here every day, as usual. No one makes a cup of coffee quite like you.”
With a wink he left her sitting at the table alone, wondering why on earth she was actually considering his offer.
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pelova4president · 5 months
Green looks good on you
Aggie Beever-Jones x Reader
summary~ You’ve been friends with Aggie for as long as you can remember. You just don’t know when you started to catch feelings. Aggie keeps giving you mixed signals and it’s driving you insane. Will she finally confess her feelings with the help of her teammates?
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Aggie has been your bestfriend since preschool. You were inseparable since the day you met her. Aggie wasn’t like all the others girls in your class. The blonde girl was funny and witty, just like you. It clicked immediately and you became bestfriends.
Aggie loved football and so, as the supportive little friend you were you would go and play with her. You weren’t really good and hardly any real competition for her but she enjoyed it anyway.
In school she would go up to the boys and ask if she could play with them. The first few times they told her no and she’d accepted that. But you were angry, they couldn’t just exclude Aggie like that.
You were standing behind your bestfriend and Aggie asked them again if she could play along and yet again they told her no. You don’t know where you’ve gotten the courage from but you walked towards the boy talking and pushed him.
“You can’t tell her no! You’re just scared she’ll beat you!” you yelled, your little eyebrows furrowed in rage.
Aggie smiled at your outburst but as some of the boys were walking towards you she got into action. She took you by your arm and signalled for you to leave.
“No Ags, i’m not leaving. They’re mean to you and you should play too!” you told her, still staring at the annoying boys infront of you.
“Fine, Aggie can play with us.” the tallest boy of the bunch said. A few boys groaned but agreed anyway.
When Aggie was able to play with the boys you didn’t have to play with her anymore. You didn’t have to stand in goal and act like a keeper even though you’d dodge every ball. You didn’t have to come home with grass stains all over your clothes because Aggie wanted to practice sliding and tackling.
You were her cheerleader on the sidelines and every time she’d score she gave you a big smile as celebration.
It wasn’t long until Aggie got to play for a real football team. Every sunday you got out of bed early, ready to go and see your bestfriend play. Her parents would drive to your house to pick you up and go straight to her club.
The first few times you did watch, but sometimes you were a bit bored and started picking flowers and made a necklace out of them. When Aggie was done she’d come up to you and you’d hand her your selfmade necklace. The two of you would act like she’d just won the World Cup and couldn’t shut up about it the whole ride home.
At the age of eight Aggie got scouted. You were over the moon for her. She deserved it but it meant you’d get less time with her. But it was her dream and that was all that mattered to you.
You still got plenty of time with her and you got to see her play every weekend. She was still she same Aggie but there were more feeling involved.
When Aggie got into the older age groups it scared you a little. It wasn’t all about the older girls that could hurt Aggie in a game but there was also more competition for you. You were scared of losing your bestfriend. She was talking about all those girls you didn’t know like they were her bestfriends. Those girls were so so pretty, you couldn’t compete.
When you were fifteen you finally realised it, you had a crush on your bestfriend. You had a crush on Aggie Beever-Jones.
At first you hated it, you even cried to your mom about it. It wasn’t so much the fact that you liked girls, it was the fact that you liked Aggie that bothered you so much. You just didn’t want to ruin your friendship. Aggie was everything to you.
It wasn’t really a surprise to your mom. She saw it coming but she hated to see you so sad.
“Why don’t you just tell her how you feel, she would never be angry or mad at you, love” your mom advised you.
“I just don’t want to lose her. She’ll be weirded out by me.” you groaned into her shoulder.
“Aggie would never be weirded out by you and i think you know that sweetheart.” she kissed your forehead.
But you couldn’t tell her, it would ruin your friendship.
There were times that you thought Aggie was giving you hints. She got more touchy than she normally was and more jealous whenever you talked about another friend of yours.
“Aggie are you jealous?” you asked her with a slight smile.
“No, i’m not jealous.” she told you coldly.
“She’s not my bestfriend, you are.” you’d assure her.
Aggie would groan and mumble a bit, “That’s not what i’m worried about.”.
Her football career and personal life melted into one when she signed her first contract. Football was her life now and she’d have to find a way to find a good balance.
Aggie took you with her to party’s and dinners of her Chelsea teammates and you knew most of them by then. Aggie had told you about most of them in detail so you wouldn’t be so nervous to meet them. And luckily they were nicer than you would’ve thought.
You don’t know why - maybe it was because Aggie took you everywhere with her, or the way you looked at each other, or how she would hold you, or how she talked about you - but every teammate of Aggie assumed you were dating, so when Aggie told them the two of you weren’t dating they were a bit surprised.
“How long have you been together anyway?” Millie Bright asked when you told her about your childhood together.
You looked panicked and didn’t answer. But Aggie did. “Oh we’re not together Mil. Just friends..” she smiled.
“Huh wait- you two are just friends?” a very loud Scottish accent almost yelled.
This time you answered, “Yeah.. just bestfriends.” you smiled politely.
Millie and Erin found each other after dinner and planned something. They just couldn’t fathom how the two of you weren’t together already. You obviously liked each other and Aggie only talked about you. And you went beyond red every time Aggie smiled at you or gave you a compliment.
Zećira interrupted the two friends to see what they were talking about and when she heard what the subject of conversation was she had to be in on it. The keeper waved Niamh over and they had it all planned out. As proud as they were of their little plan they couldn’t have you find out.
“So you’re single right?” Zećira asked you.
You nodded as you felt half of the Chelsea team’s eyes on you. You got red as a tomato as the following words fell out of Zećira mouth.
“So you’re down to date. Niamh here is single too. The two of you would make a perfect couple, don’t you think Aggie?” she grinned.
Aggie rolled her eyes, “hmm, yeah” she put on a fake smile.
Niamh was on you all evening. If she wasn’t near you on the dance floor and talking you up, she was getting you a drink.
“You look absolutely stunning.” the temporary captain whispered in your ear.
A dark blush rose to your cheeks and you thanked her. “You don’t look bad yourself.” you told her.
Aggie saw everything and without really noticing it she was holding her glass a lot tighter than necessary.
“They look good together, don’t ya think?” Erin asked the jealous forward.
“No, they don’t” Aggie flatly said.
Erin laughed at that. She had seen the way Aggie was keeping an eye on you all evening and she’d be lying is she’d say she didn’t atleast enjoy annoying Aggie a little bit. It was funny seeing her so jealous when she would never admit her feelings for you.
“Look i get it mate, you like her. But she likes you too. Just go and tell her.” Erin told you. Aggie shook her head.
“Beever-fucking-Jones, grow some balls man. She’s been eyeing you up all evening and you’ve been undressing her in your mind too. Get your fucking girl mate.” Erin was done with all this bullshit. She pushed Aggie off her chair and towards you. The Scottish player signalled for Niamh to walk away.
Aggie was nervous to talk to you. She didn’t want to ruin your friendship either.
“Hey, can i speak to you please.” you nodded. “I mean like, outside or something.” she corrected.
You walked towards the little garden with her. You could still see the inside of the bar with all the girls inside.
“I’m just gonna say this because i don’t want you to date Niamh. Or anyone else for that matter.” Aggie sighed.
“I really like you. Not just as a friend or bestfriend but like really really like you. I love you, i’ve loved you since.. i don’t even know when and i really really would love to make you my girlfriend.” Aggie said the last bit with her head down.
You took her hand into yours, rubbing over her palms. “Ag, i would really really love to be your girlfriend.” you grinned.
“It did take you a long time though but i’m glad you finally made a move Beever-Jones.” you laughed.
Aggie gasped. “You could’ve made a move too!” she defended herself.
So you made the next move. You kissed her, like you’ve wanted to all those years.
“AGGIE HAS A WAG!” you heard a familiar Scottish player scream.
“Does your team really have come with you?” you asked her.
“Yep, it’s a package deal.”
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improvisoicons · 2 years
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一 ❥ Dreamcatcher icons
(Dami, Yoohyeon, JiU)
like/reblog if u save ♡
credit if u use ♡
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esthercore · 5 months
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𝐓𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐲 (Yandere! Sunday x Reader)
Gn! Reader (sub/bottom reader)
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Desperate Pining series - Sunday edition
pt.1 | pt.2 | pt.3
CW: power play, sexual guilt, desperation, mind fuck, mind break, yandere doing yandere stuff, sunday being sunday, conditioning, sunday molding reader
Play the song for best experience
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You had made many mistakes in your life, joining the Iris family, your career choice, but none could compare to falling for Sunday, the Oak family's head, daring to pine for him romantically, while all you were a mere performer, hell, not even an innocent singer or actor, you were a host/hostess in a nightclub, a glorified whore.
You could never forget the day you saw the angel, in the club during your shift, as he entertained some family's guests.
The way he walked, talked, moved, breathed, it cause your brain wiring to fuse in mere seconds. He was holy, divine, just a mere look at him, caused your heartbeat to palpate an unhealthy amount.
And Xipe, in all their glory, gazed your way they day, as you were picked to serve his table, god, his melodious voice left you all tingly, breath heavy.
The way he looked at you with such softness, his pretty smile, making you to whimper unconsciously, your thighs rubbing together in your tiny little bunny suit, your pussy wet / cock already dripping pre cum.
So you found yourself moaning and inside a restroom stall, one hand inside your underwear, other in your mouth, to prevent any noise to escape, albeit you were doing a terrible job in it.
Your vision started swirlling around, purple curvy borders around you, as if you're looking at a screen, your mind entirely consumed by thoughts about Sunday, till the second you orgasmed.
It felt, dirty, dirtier than you were used to feeling, as you knelt on the bathroom floor, panting, heart heavy, longing, your body jittery and mind confused at your actions. But most importantly guilt, guilt for lewding someone so holy, a guilt akin to felt when sinning, yet, double as tempting to repeat.
And all those feeling increased exponentially, as you got out the stall, only for your eyes to meet those golden ones through the reflection in the mirror.
"You make such cute noises, there's no need to hold them back," he said, as he turned around and stepped closer to you, your heartbeats resonating with his footsteps, only for your brain to stop working as he took your hand and kissed the area you had bit earlier, staring deep in your eyes.
From that moment on, you memories remains a blur, the kisses, the touch, the luxury hotel room which you could'nt have ever afford, and the tears.
And God, did that strange guilt scare you off, you don't really remember it yourself how you physically jolted at the thought of him penetrating you, daring to refuse the leader of Penacony, making him settle for a sloppy blow job and a thigh fuck, you barely even touching him, making him do all the work.
Yet, the man was gracious enough to let you stay over in the room for the night, blessing you with the opportunity to wake up next to him.
"Won't you pay me back for this opportunity, little sheep?" He asked you, caressing your cheeks gently, his touch akin to a whisper, light, sight, barely there, reminding you how you dared to reject his affection last night.
So you stayed, helping him get ready, buttoning his shirt for him, as he read some texts on his phone, tying his tie, the way he liked, getting him some coffee and breakfast from the breakfast buffet in lounge, because he's too prestigious to mix in common folk, all while he scrutinized you whenever you didn't do the tasks the exact way he liked.
And the second he left the room, you felt hollow, as if your heart had a gaping hole in between as if he took away a part of your soul with him. So imagine the unfathomable amount of joy you felt when Sunday kept frequenting the club more and more, always picking you to serve his table, giving you that kind look, praising you, doing everything in your power to please him, putting extra effort in everything.
All that, only for your heart to break when you heard the whispers about Sunday starting to indulge in some of your co-workers in bed.
Cause, after all, your sin wasn't craving the angel's attention, but to even think you could ever deserve it.
Your weeks your brain stuck on the thought, if the Sunday will come back in club the next day, if he will ask you to serve or not, or will he ask your co-workers, the one who get to lay with him at night. Will he get disgusted by you soon, get tired of pathetic little you.
But till then, those few hours serving were enough, despite the pain and longing, you were willing to suffer if it meant keeping that damn smile in your life.
All such thoughts spiralling in your head 24/7, causing you to get anxious randomly, to the point, your friends started worrying about you. As your self esteem started dwindled down, day by day, as you kept comparing yourself with him.
So it was a shocker when one day the man showed up near the cramped dingy alleyways you live in, greeting you with the same sweet smile, as the first day, you saw him.
You humored the man for some while, best to your capabilities as your breath started to get heavier and heavier in his presence, only able to look at him with a longing gaze, his words flying over your head, till you both stood in silence for a while, your brain to gushy to realize.
"You know, little lamb, you really need to learn some from Sydney," he said, pulling you out of your daydream, gently brushing your cheek with two fingers, then using them to slap your cheeks lightly.
You winced at the name of your co-worker, the one labeled as 'Sunday's favorite',
"Invite me to your apartment," he instructed, cutting you off "It's only polite to continue our conversation, inside, right?"
So there you were in your tiny, cramped, studio apartment, he thought of your living condition to be proud, that much was visible on his face, as you brewed him some tea, the most expensive one you had, which was probably too cheap for Sunday's taste, while he chewed your head off on speaking about random things.
But mostly instructing you how to do things properly, like pouring him tea, how to serve him, how to sit properly, and so on. Which you followed diligently, of course, Mr. Sunday, is a kind soul, teaching someone like you, how to behave.
"(Y/n), replace your black net stockings with white ones" he instructed, referencing to your work uniform, before leaving.
So you did, the next day serving him, like a "good boy/girl" those words causing your face to flush, redder than a tomato.
And you got rewarded alright, as he lead you to the same hotel room, from your first night. This time the experience was more sweeter, gentler, yet you still had a break down at the thought of getting penetrated by him.
Heart pounding hard, you got a full-on panic attack this time, getting coddled by Sunday, as he has you sit on his lap, facing him, his dick rubbing against your pretty hole, as he cooed on you, his one hand patting your back, while caressed your face.
"Darling, you had no problem, jumping on Hudson's dick, what's wrong with me?" he asked, out of nowhere, as his hand now grabbed the behind the back of your neck, causing you to whimper.
"Ah, so you don't remember your clients, huh? How sweet of you, to happily lay with someone whose name you can't recall, over the man, who's been kind enough to hide you in your stupid mistakes"
He sighed, hitting your cheeks with two of his fingers.
"Tell me, my little lamb, what do you think, when you see me?" He asked, his lips laying on your Adam's apple.
"P-preety" you whispered out.
"That so, doll?" he took whispered, taking your hands, and putting it on his face, "if you think, i'm preety lay your hands on me," Sunday said, as you looked in your eyes, an desperate expression in his gold eyes.
To be continued ~
Have you longed for someone so much so, you start feeling disgusting?
Can't you tell I'm desperate? Can't you tell I'm cheap? You don't gotta love me, we don't have to speak I'll see you in the morning, if you gotta leave I'll see you when I see you You Were a Dream - Artemas
(Excuse me if this was bad, It's my first fic and I'm suffering for horrible period cramps )
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thatlovinfeelin · 1 year
His Wings of Gold | Bradley Rooster Bradshaw |
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When Bradley called you and asked if you would come down for his winging ceremony, you couldn’t say no. It was in September, right after the semester started, but you wouldn’t miss it for the world. You couldn’t let Bradley be all alone, not when he didn’t have any other family to be there to support him. So you got on a plane and flew down, just in time for the ceremony. 
Dressed in your casual sunday best, you made your way onto the base, showing your ID at the gate, knowing Bradley had you on the approved list. Your heart pounded in your chest as you drove your rental car. You were nervous, both for Bradley and for yourself to actually be the one to pin the wings on. You didn’t want anything to go wrong, this was his special day. 
He promised to meet you out front of the officer’s club, where the ceremony was being held. You couldn’t wait to see him, it had been months. Both due to your work schedule and his training. You hadn’t had time to fly over and see him, and you hated it. This was one of the longest periods you’d gone without seeing each other since he graduated from college.
You saw him the second you pulled into the parking lot. He had to be sweating in his dress whites, the heat was unnatural for this time of year. He paced back and forth, waiting on you. Your heart broke, you could tell he hadn’t been sleeping. 
“Bradley!” You breathed out, running from your car. 
You could see his shoulders relax when he spotted you, steps quickening so he could reach you faster. He reaches for you, wrapping you in his arms, breathing in your scent. He can’t put into words just how much he missed you. 
“Baby,” His voice cracked just enough to let you know he was trying not to cry. 
It broke your heart. You should’ve found a way to come sooner. So you hugged him back as tightly as you could, without getting makeup all over his dress jacket. You wanted him to feel every ounce of love that you had for him. He deserved nothing but love. 
“I’m here, Brad,” You whispered in his ear, “I’m right here.”
“I can’t believe you’re real. I feel like I’m dreaming.”
“You aren’t sweetheart,” You told him, pulling back slightly, “You made it. It’s almost over.”
He sighed, and closed his eyes, nodding slightly. You could see the beads of sweat starting to form under his cap. So you nudged him towards the building, “Let’s go get a drink.”
He nodded again and started walking inside, hand guiding you from the small of your back. Inside was a mess of Wingees and other personnel that were here to watch the ceremony. Bradley led you over to the bar and ordered for both of you, two bottles of Bud. 
“I want to introduce you to some of my friends, if that’s okay?” He questioned. 
“Baby, this is your day. You do whatever you want,” You told him sweetly. 
He just smiled and waved over a female with dark hair, “Natasha, this is Y/N, my girlfriend.”
“Oh my god! It’s so nice to finally meet you! I’ve heard so much about you!” Natasha gushed, reaching over to hug you, “Brad here doesn’t shut up about you!” 
“Oh my god,” You exclaimed, “Me? I’ve heard so much about you! Brad doesn’t stop talking about you!”
The other female blushed slightly and took a sip of her beer, “Only because I’m one of the only ones to put up with his ass.”
“Yeah, thanks Nat,” He groaned, “I think you just like me because of the care packages Y/N’s sent me.”
“Yeah actually, thanks for those,” Nat said, tipping her beer towards you. 
You couldn’t help but laugh. You sent Bradley a care package once every two weeks, full of his favorite candy and snacks. Sometimes you added in his favorite movies, just to brighten up his day and remind him to take time away from studying. 
“Glad you enjoyed them too!” You laughed, hugging onto Bradley. 
When the time came for the Ceremony to start, Bradley downed the rest of his beer quickly before leaving you to sit with the rest of the winging class. You took your seat in the audience, leg bouncing as you waited. The whole time you couldn’t take your eyes off of Bradley. You wished his mom was here to see this, you know Carole would’ve been so proud of him. 
“LTJG Bradley Bradshaw, front and center,” The announcer called. 
You took a deep breath and made your way up front. The announcer continued to give a bio on Bradley, including the fact that he would be stationed in North Island for TOPGUN. You took a deep breath and stepped up towards him. They said that you were the one pinning him just as you reached him. 
“Hi baby,” You whispered to him, taking the wings, “I’m so proud of you.”
He smiled big and wide as you gently pushed the golden wings into his uniform. You tried your best to make them straight for him, so he wouldn’t have to fix them later. He held your hand and pulled you close so you could get a picture together. You couldn’t help but smile wide as everyone cheered him on. 
What neither of you knew was Pete “Maverick” Mitchell slipped out of the back door before Bradley, or you, had the chance to see him. But he wasn’t going to miss Bradley getting his wings. Even if the younger pilot was no longer speaking to the older man. But he looked at Bradley as if he was his own son, he couldn’t let this day go by without being there. 
After it was all over you took some more pictures together. You saw the way he looked at you when they awarded the spouses with plaques to thank them for their sacrifice and help they gave to their aviators during training. You could feel the love he had for you. And although you’d never talked about marriage, you knew he was thinking about it. 
“We should do that you know,” he stated a while after once you were back in his little shared house with Natasha. 
“Do what Brad?” You questioned, reaching up to kiss him. 
“Get married.”
“Braddy,” You sighed happily, “You know I would marry you in a heartbeat.”
“So, let’s go do it.”
“Right now?” You questioned.
“Why not? We can treat the after party tonight as our wedding reception,” He half joked, “We can have a big ceremony later for your family.”
“Really?” You questioned, “Don’t you want today to just be about you?” 
“Baby, it’s about us,” He replied, “You helped me earn these. I want to celebrate everything with you. So c’mon. Let’s go down to city hall.”
“Okay, Brad. Let’s do it.”
“Yeah, let’s go get married, my love.”
“Wings of gold and a wife, this day can’t get any better,” He smiled so big you swore his face hurt. 
“I love you so much,” You told him, kissing him deeply. 
“I love you even more.”
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ghostofhyuck · 4 months
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NCT Dream and 7 days with them.
Mark Lee ; Sunday church and brunch date
Sundays with Mark meant that it is the only time that he can live up to his faith. Sure, you're not really of that religious person but you're willing for your boyfriend. You two visit the nearest church around your place and would dedicate a small portion of your morning to attend it. You admire your boyfriend's dedication and faith so you just sit there and try to sink in what the priest's preaches. After church, you two would go out to have a brunch date! It'll compose of pastries and light breakfast while you two slowly sink in the cozy Sunday morning ambiance.
Huang Renjun ; Lazy Monday mornings
Monday mornings are the most dreadful time of the week. It wouldn't help either if your boyfriend is already whining that he's sleepy despite sleeping early that night. You have to drag him out of the bed because he's been pestering you with "five more minutes" every time you wake him up. When you succeeded with waking Renjun up, he'll be clinging to you like a koala bear as you drag him towards that the dining room where you prepared a heavy breakfast for him so that he can be fully-awake. <3
Lee Jeno ; Tuesday cinema promos
Tuesdays is when cinemas at your mall have promos. It can be the time where you drag Jeno to watch a movie with him. He's not really a huge fan of movies but hey, he can't complain when there's a promo. He'll be the type to pick the most random time slot like 10 am or 2:30 in the afternoon because the movie house is usually not crowded (especially on a Tuesday.) you two will watch the movie in silence, probably munch on the promo snacks you two bought and after the movie, you two would go eat inside the mall, reviewing the movie and whether or not the money was worth it. 
Lee Donghyuck ; Vacant Wednesdays
Wednesdays with Haechan can be a weird occurrence. It's that type of day where you two don't know what to do, stucked in the middle of week and pondering whether you two should do something productive or not. Some Wednesday, you two would go out and probably do a small shopping at the mall because you two want to buy out of impulse. Some Wednesday, you two are just in your apartment. Maybe sleeping the whole day away or doing a random deep cleaning as early as eight in the morning. 
Na Jaemin ; Happy Drunk Thursday
Thursdays with Jaemin meant Happy T! You two don't have any classes every Friday, so you two have planned to get drunk on a Thursday night. You two would dress up, do a pre-game at your place with a few bottles of beer or maybe a small bottle of vodka, then go straight to a club where you two dance the night away. Tons of people would either: hit up on you or Jaemin especially when one leaves the other to go the rest room, that's why don't be surprise if Jaemin has his arms around your waist the whole night. Maybe steals a kiss on you or two while giggling tipsily. 
Zhong Chenle ; Friday night-out
Fridays are the best especially when you have Chenle. You two would always find a way to make your Friday night the life of a party. If not going out to drink, Chenle would be the type to drag you to a karaoke bar just to sing your lungs out. Of course there will be drinks but singing >>> anything else. Friday nights are always an adrenaline for you two, one time, you two even rented an electric scooter and drove it around the empty streets of the city at an ungodly hour of 2 am. 
Park Jisung ; Saturday morning walks at the beach
Despite being a rest day, you and Jisung would try to be productive even though Saturdays can be so boring. Jisung would drag you out at five in the morning when the sun is barely out and it's a bit chilly. He'll drive you two at the local beach where a lengthy baywalk can be located. For once, Jisung would always tell you that you two should try to be fit by walking or maybe jogging at the beach. So walking it is. It'll be peaceful walk, with you two holding hands, as you two talk quietly while admiring the beach while the sun slowly rises.
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heavenlycloud · 11 months
i don't like the way he's lookin' at you: 6th member! reader x huh yunjin
request: lessera in states r making me insane so i have a request...... at the lakers game one of the players (or a random dude. whatever you want) is checking out yunjin/being flirty with her so reader obv gets jealous and thr two start acting very homosexual which makes the press and fans go. crazy. thank you :3
cw // VERY MILD nsfw, swearing, jealousy
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the one place you fell short as an american was being heavily into sports culture like everyone else had growing up. sunday night football was a huge occasion in your house, even more so when your older cousin began playing professionally. however, you never understood anything about the sport, it simply made no sense to you. most of your family teased you as the odd one out growing up for it because football was their thing. but you were quickly redeemed when you took a liking to basketball.
as a little kid your parents put you into sports just to make sure you were moving enough and getting exercise. they realized by middle school that you actually possessed a talent for it, so they put you in a club league. up until high school you played both club and school teams and indulged in both NBA and WNBA games when they were on tv. otherwise you were watching NCAA tournaments on your laptop, especially in March.
your love for the sport remained strong even after you had to quit playing to become an idol. instead, you kept up with your favorite team of all time: the Los Angeles Lakers. so when you heard that you and your members would be attending a Lakers game in LA during your trip to the US, you almost passed out. you'd only ever been to one other which was with your grandfather as a gift. that night you got to see kobe bryant, your favorite player and sports role model, play. since then it had been a dream to return at least one more if you ever got the chance.
the entire trip you were anticipating sitting in the stands and watching the game, a dream you'd had since childhood. all over social media your fans had been trending compilations of you sharing your love for basketball, especially with your members. the most ironic part of it all was that your members didn't really have an idea about the sport- especially your girlfriend.
time and time again you'd tried to get yunjin to understand basketball even so much as watching games with her and playing them back to explain. however, all she did was smile and nod, cheer when either team got points, or pointed out the most attractive players...mostly the last one which is why you no longer streamed WNBA games in her presence. yet, she was still the first one to steal all of your favorite team's jerseys, hoodies, and sweatpants from your closet.
you paced around your hotel room with nervous jitters as you tried to calm yourself before you all had to leave. yunjin watched in amusement from across the room with a smile on her face as she secretly recorded you. sensing a pair of eyes your way, you looked up and covered your face, "stop teasing me!" she giggled and stopped recording, captioning it simply with your instagram handle.
through your split fingers you noticed her outfit and smirked at the sight. her personalized jersey fell right against her upper thigh and just covering the tiny black shorts she was wearing beneath. she took a step back with a questioning look, "why are you looking at me like that?" you answered with a smug look, "nothin' you just look good n' i like the fit that's all." yunjin turned around and onced herself over in the mirror against the wall, "y/n i don't even have real pants on." you bit your lip and walked over to her, pressing your front against her back. she softly gasped when your lips hit her neck pressing a kiss gently to her skin. between kisses you mumbled, "ion mind. like i said before, you look good ma." she felt your teeth graze her skin and for a moment she started to give into your touch. a deep, breathy moan fell past her lips and you smirked as your fingers bunched up the material of the jersey around the hem.
right as you went to pull it off yunjin pushed you away, "no y/n." you groaned and pleaded, "come on now- lemme make you feel good, my pretty girl." yunjin felt butterflies erupt in her stomach at the pet name but she refused, "no because last time i let you do this before an event we were late." you gave her a look as if you didn't know what she meant and she clarified, "don't pretend you didn't mark my chest so bad they had to change my entire outfit last minute." you let out a laugh and admitted, "n' you still looked fine as hell in that lil' turtleneck." yunjin scoffed and pointed to the bathroom, "go take a shower so we can leave." you tried once more, "you sure you don't wanna join me?" your girlfriend gave you that one look you hated and you huffed, "ugh fineeeee." yunjin hummed and rolled her eyes playfully, shaking her head before deciding on the bottoms she wanted to wear with her top.
the entire ride to the staples center you were trying not to fangirl out too much. when you actually arrived you were in too much shock to even make a scene. your members took pictures and you did the same, making sure to capture every moment you could. when you all were escorted to your seats, you snapped a picture of just you and yunjin leaned over the camera so the upper half of your face was showing. you captioned the picture, "baby's first basketball game 🩵" and posted it right before the game started.
a few minutes into the players warming up on the court, you felt a shift in the air around you....something just felt off. when you looked down towards the end of your section your heart sank in panic until you saw eunchae happily talking to your other members. yunjin nudged you and asked, "what happened?" you shook your head and replied, "thought we left eunchae somewhere, but zuha's head was just blocking her from my view." yunjin laughed lightly and patted your leg, "everything is fine, enjoy this okay?" you nodded and smiled right until you noticed a guy sitting right beside yunjin, staring...hard.
his eyes flitted to her chest and you immediately took your Lakers varsity jacket off, "put this on." the firmness in your voice startled her slightly but she listened nonetheless because she liked wearing your clothes anyways. you turned away from the guy and the second you did, he tapped yunjin and flashed a charming smile, "hey." your girlfriend turned to the young man who looked no older than 24 and smiled back, "hi!"
the young man made conversation with yunjin casually but you could read between the lines to know what he was getting at. the entire time yunjin was catching no signs or signals that this dude was clearly into her. it was times like this that you didn't exactly find her obliviousness endearing. a slight bump to your arm caught your attention as yunjin added, "and this is y/n. she's in the group with me." you gave a tight lipped, forced smile before leaning back into your seat, placing a protective hand on yunjin's thigh. thankfully the game beginning pulled yunjin's attention away from the guy and to you and the middle of the court.
throughout the game you and your members were paying attention to the game, you more than others obviously. yunjin stole glances at her phone, from the corner of her eye she was definitely texting her friends about something totally unrelated which made you laugh. however, every so often the young man beside yunjin just had to tell her something about the game. being the polite and attentive person she always has been, she listened which you knew was giving the guy some kind of message that he was misinterpreting for interest.
you knew there were cameras on your entire group so you maintained composure the best you could. however, on the inside you were just dying for there to be a brief moment where you could make yunjin swap seats with you. into the second quarter, the Clippers called a time out which gave the guy enough time to start talking again. just a moment before yunjin laughed and said, "i don't even know what's happening to be honest." it was a mindless comment but it gave the young man enough confidence to start breaking down the game.
yunjin leaned closer to the guy to hear him and began laughing at what you deemed as stupid jokes. your girlfriend on the other hand, was eating it up. you stuck your tongue against your cheek in annoyance and sakura made a motion with her hand that she often did as a way to tell you to relax. you nodded and leaned your head against her shoulder and she patted the top of your head.
simply hearing the guy speak irked your nerves enough but the fact that yunjin was actually listening to him explaining what you'd tried to explain for years just made you more angry. you noticed the way he leaned towards her, manspread so his knees touched hers, and smiled a little too brightly for your tastes. his eyes lingered on her body when she stood up, and that was your breaking point.
without thinking you placed your hand firmly on yunjin's thigh, squeezing her leg gently. you held onto her hand and played with the wristband you both wore as the game continued on. when she stood up you followed in suit, slipping your arm around her lower back and resting your hand right above her ass. you smiled smugly when she grabbed onto your bicep when she jumped in excitement over a team scoring points. when you both sat back down you slung your arm around her shoulder, letting her play with your hand that rest against her shoulder. the game didn’t even finish before you and yunjin were trending on twitter and tiktok, and you knew it’d stay that way for days on the latter. but that only brought smirk onto your face knowing that people were noticing your behavior, a subtle way of hinting that yunjin was only yours.
when the game ended and you all got back to your rooms you barely let the door close before you were pressing yunjin against the wall. she giggled as your breath tickled her skin and sent shivers down her spine, "what's gotten into you today?" your hands undid the buttons on her jeans easily and you let them fall to the floor while her jersey fell against the very top of her thighs. you picked her up with ease and her legs wrapped around your torso, her arms holding your head against her chest lightly.
yunjin laughed and looked up at you from the hotel bed, her coppery red hair fanned out against the white duvet. she reached up and ran her thumb over your eyebrow, "hmm?" you shrugged and slipped your hands beneath her top, running your hands against her heated skin and letting your fingernails trail lightly behind. yunjin grabbed both of your hands and pulled them from her body before pushing you gently off of her. she scooted back against the pillows and headboard, opening her arms and legs for you to lay against her. she insisted softly, "come here baby."
you sulked and pathetically crawled into her embrace, her arms engulfing your body and ankles locking over your legs. you mumbled into her torso, "ion't like the way he was lookin' at you." yunjin hummed for you to repeat yourself and you clarified, "the fuckass dude next to you. i ain't fuck with that guy." your girlfriend brushed her thumb over your ear and your eyes fluttered shut out of instinct. she asked, "baby, you know i was just being nice." when you let out a dissatisfied sound and turned your face further into her body she laughed.
yunjin asked you seriously, "did it really bother you that much?" you sighed and answered, "i didn't mind that you was talking to someone. i'm not finna tell you who you can and can't talk to. i ain't like that he was lookin' at you up 'n down like a creep...n' you was all interested in him explaining the game too i guess." yunjin told you, "if i'm being honest...i wasn't even listening to what he was saying. there was someone filming us and i didn't want them to think i was rude so i played along. you were the only thing on my mind anyways, i gave you as much attention as i could."
you mumbled with a smirk, "not enough..." yunjin gently pushed you from her embrace and you switched spots with her. your back now against the pillows and headboard while she straddled your lap. she reached for your top and pulled it off with ease. you still had a slight pout on your lips with your face turned away from her in feign annoyance.
yunjin leaned forward and pressed a kiss to your lips, then another one on your cheek, down your jaw, and your neck. she pulled away for a second and said, "is this enough?" you shook your head in refusal and yunjin ran her thumb across your lip with a smile, "remember you said that." just then yunjin pressed another heated kiss to your neck, this time sucking your skin lightly just the way you like it. a smile tugged at the corner of her lips when she heard a whine fall past your lips, "yunnie..."
your girlfriend reached up and grabbed your neck, squeezing it lightly, "what's wrong baby? you wanted my attention, and now you have it. " she proceeded with her ministrations and your head fell back against the pillows behind you. your head swimming with no thoughts except how to explain to your stylist that you'd need high cut shirts and long pants for the remainder of your trip.
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verstappen-cult · 4 months
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✦ ۰ —ᣞ ⊹ ݁ ﹙ 🖇️ ﹚: monaco grand prix !
early morning coffee from the terrace overlooking the harbor. runs along the race track. evenings at the beach club. spa at le metropole to be ready for the numerous weekend’s festivities. lunch at cafe de paris. quick shopping spree to attend the race on sunday. watching free practice from the comfort of your apartment. being the paddock’s princess and making it your fashion show. late night dinners on your boyfriend’s yacht. relaxing at the paddock after qualifying. cheering for your boyfriend & celebrating his win at jimmy’z.
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gwen’s message. how i missed making my moodboards! i love being a little delulu and manifesting my dream life with them. & don’t know if you’re into them as much as i am, but a reblog is greatly appreciated. <333
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