tinogiehd · 10 months
Can we show this some love its incredible art
holy shit this is gorgeous. EVERYBODY STREAM
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panniagulia · 5 years
A short piece from the dream sequence of my diploma film👽🖤 . . . . . #dreamanimation #animationbrokenthings #animationfilm #brokenthingsanimation #diplomafilm #animationfilm #artistoninstagram #art #animationart #dreamsequence #dream #spookydream https://www.instagram.com/p/B0fSggqhtA3/?igshid=b8tdjfmjfpxj
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dreamanime · 2 years
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legado-visual · 6 years
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Dreamanimal - Zorro - -----stores ------------ Society6.com/legadovisual ------ https://displate.com/displate/585592 ------ #digitalmanipulation #underwater #vintage #antique #antiquegods #dreamanimal #teriantrophy #nahual #digitalillustration #surreal #sexygods #nagual #zorro #mystic #myth #mythical #legend #bubbles #ethereal #contemporary #dream #dreamanimal #legadovisual #arteydiseñomexicano
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snailconvention · 5 years
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In my dream the other night my ex introduced me to her new cat. It rose up from the ground casual as a camel, tall as a dog, super intelligent and graceful, with long legs and a long neck. She was thinking of calling it “Bryan (something)”. “Oneiric Cat Encounter”, Pencil on paper with digital color, 2019.
The Ungoogleable Michaelangelo www.voidandimagination.com
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ldrarryl · 4 years
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luupiirto · 5 years
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Even more attacks!!
Characters belong to DreamAnimates, WormCoffin, Grievers27 and my baby boy piiloprinssi
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unknown--martyrs · 6 years
Rules: Bold what you prefer and tag 10 people. Thank you sea!!! <333333 @fruitskies
01. coffee or tea
02. early bird or night owl
03. chocolate or vanilla
04. spring or fall
05. silver or gold
06. pop or alternative but i mean... both
07. freckles or dimples
08. snakes or sharks
09. mountains or fields
10. thunderstorm or lightning
11. egyptian or greek mythology
12. ivory or scarlet
13. flute or lyre
14. eyes or lips
15. witch or fairy
16. opal or diamond
17. butterflies or honeybees
18. macaroons or eclairs
19. typewritten or handwritten letters
20. secret garden or secret library
21. rooftop or balcony
22. spicy or mild
23. opera or ballet
24. london or paris idk rly! want to visit both
25. vincent van gogh or claude monet
26. denim or leather
27. potions or spells
28. ocean or desert
29. mermaid or siren
30. masquerade ball or cocktail party
i tag: @msnayla @henrywinterish @sacredsister @northstargrassmaiden @rhythmsole @caramelizee @hymnofpan @beautyisalwaysbizarre @dreamanimals
sorry if youve done it already or dont want to! <3
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poroussoul · 6 years
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 Source: dreamanimals
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mediavilla-art · 3 years
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Trippy Wolf (without a moon!) #wolfart #wolfartist #wolfartwork #wolfpainting #arcticwolf #wildlifepainting #animalportrait #animalportraits #animalportait #petportrait #petportraitartist #petportraits #dogportrait #surrealarts #surrealartists #lsdart #lsdartwork #lobo #lobos #おおかみ #wilk #волки #волки🐺 #loups #lupi #wilki #wölfe #darkpsychedelic #darkartwork #dreamanimal (hier: Cologne, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ9UjgAn44s/?igshid=lp3r2htblj6u
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theinkscript · 4 years
A Right to Dream
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It is 2050. Adam, a scientist, has created a dream machine. Adam’s dream machine opens doors to infinite realities – the allure of each so irresistible, so preferable to the ups and downs of ordinary life, that it has caused society to collapse. Once plugged in, people wish nothing more than to remain in their fantasies. The global death toll rises exponentially on a daily basis as people starve while plugged into the dream machines. Governments have fallen into disarray. Children are left to run amok in the streets. The world has descended into chaos. Heads of states, desperate parents, even the Pope begs and then threatens Adam to terminate the machines. But Adam is immovable.
11-year-old Adam sifts through the familiar blue of a UN food bag. “Another pita? I’m sick of bread. Morning, evening, day in, day out, just bread bread bread. I want olives, hummus, potatoes, falafel, even a frika salad would be better – oh and meats, I miss lamb, and Jiddo’s roast chicken…” Adam trails off at the thought of Jiddo. Jiddo who was too old to leave with them, who waved them off with an expression Adam had never seen before, who had probably said habibi to Adam for the last time that morning. Adam could feel his cheeks begin to tremble. But 11 was much too old to cry, at least in daylight, and especially not in front of Marya – Marya whom he had never seen cry, not even when her little sisters froze to death last winter because the tents kept getting flooded. Adam still remembers those little grey bodies, rolled up in tarps and tied at each end so they resembled giant sweets, carried off by Marya’s uncle one by one to be buried in the camp’s makeshift cemetery. Uh oh, he was spiralling. Quickly, Adam takes a big breath, recites a Mahmoud Darwish poem backwards, and ploughs on “anyway, one day, I’m going to own a piece of land again, at least 100 dunums of it, and I’ll have a farm with fields of grapevines and lemon trees, hills and hills of them. And there will be chicken and sheep everywhere. You can barely hear yourself think with all the baaaaahing about you. Wait, don’t you say anything Marya, I know what you’re going to say, that I’ll never see a tomorrow like that, that I’m just dreaming, but so what? I have a right to dream. Everyone’s got a right to dream.”
12-year-old Marya, who had been glaring furiously at a swarm of roaches by her left sandal this entire time, looks up. Set deeply against her sunburnt cheeks, Marya’s emerald eyes gleamed. At that angle, she looks disconcertingly like Jiddo. “Dreams belong to people who mean something in this world, people who still believe life owes them a fighting chance. Look around you Adam - you and I are less than sewer rats, less than dirt. People like us don’t have a right to dream.”
15-year-old Marya is a nurse in the neighbouring camp’s hospital. Adam hasn’t seen her in two years. He is dropping off supplies as a volunteer. Their eyes lock. The sides of their lips lift in recognition. Suddenly, a whistling catches their ears. “Zenana!!!” someone yells. A cracking explosion throws him off his feet and all turns black.
Sitting alone in the library, Adam scrolls through scanned texts of Plato… Aristotle… Vasubandhu… Hobbes… Locke… Descartes… on his Gen-1 holopad. Interrupting his fierce concentration were memories of devastating disappointments and unexpected kindness from strangers to Adam and from Adam to strangers throughout his journey for asylum.
It is late evening. Adam sits on a bench in front of his laboratory atop a tall grassy hill. He appears at once empty and deep in thought. A woman sits down beside him and his heart skips a beat. It's Marya. There’s no mistaking those eyes. “Are you…” he whispers. “Real?” she finishes the question for him. “I thought you were… I mean you were pinned down by concrete walls…” stutters Adam. “Alhamdulillah, I lived” answers Marya calmly. “But I wonder, if the Adam I knew died that day... because the Adam I once knew would not have wanted this” she gestures towards the sprinkling city lights below. 
Through gritted teeth Adam mutters “I have given them the greatest gift of all, the right to dream… you of all people should understand!”
They sit in silence for several minutes, each wandering through their own thoughts. Marya is first to break it. “Do you remember that day we were sitting in front of our tents after standing for hours in the food line only to see that all we received was bread once again?” she asks. “Do you want to know what I was thinking then, watching you try not to cry over that bread?” Marya pauses “…I was looking at a swarm of roaches circling in the mud. I thought – they didn’t have to stay here. Roaches haven’t got passports. Roaches aren’t branded by their skin colour or foreign accents. They weren’t trapped like us, they could go anywhere, yet they remained in that heap of trash of a camp anyway. I felt I could understand them though. I accepted my life as it had become – rotten as it was. But you were different Adam, different from everyone else I knew, you had the audacity to believe that we deserved better, you hung on so stubbornly to… I suppose hope.” She shifts then to look him in the face “Where has that little boy gone?” She gently places a card in his hands. “I think Adam, it was never about dreams… but choices… we didn’t have any back then, but you do now. Choose well.” She presses her forehead against his, holds him that way for an eternal fleeting second, and walks off into the night.
With trembling hands, Adam flips the card over. It was a photograph of two grubby children, hand in hand. It was Marya and him the day they arrived at the refugee camp and had their photos taken. So frightened had they been, they had clung to each other and refused to split apart even for the short time it took to snap that photo. [FADE OUT WITH ADAM STARING AT PHOTOGRAPH] 
Adam realizes he has gone about things all wrong. He wanted to bestow upon the world a universal right to dream but ended up shackling everyone to an inescapable nightmare. He had to terminate the machine. Except, the machine had taken on a life of its own. All this time, it had been inconspicuously feeding off the life force of trillions of virtually lived realities. The only way to terminate the machine now was to enter its realm and deactivate its core. And only Adam could do it, for once plugged in, no one else would be able to stay tethered to reality long enough to make their way to the core. [BACKSTORY: IN THE MONTHS FOLLOWING THE EXPLOSION IN THE CAMP HOSPITAL, ADAM TRIED TO MANEUVER HIS DREAMS SO THAT HE COULD HAVE REACTED IN TIME TO SAVE MARYA. BUT IN SPITE OF EACH NIGHT'S SUCCESSES AND DEFEATS, THE INSTANT HE OPENED HIS EYES, HE WAS HIT WITH THE STAGGERING REALITY OF MARYA'S ABSENCE. AFTERWARDS, ADAM BEGAN TRAINING HIMSELF TO PULL BACK WHENEVER HE SLIPPED INTO THE SHADOWY TERRITORY OF THE SUBCONSCIOUS. SINCE THEN, HE HAD NEVER ONCE PERMITTED HIMSELF TO DREAM, FOR FEAR THAT HIS DREAMS WOULD CONSUME HIM, SO POWERFUL HIS LONGING FOR WHAT HE HAS LOST AND FOR WHAT WOULD NEVER BE]. Adam’s act to terminate the dream machine would be a sacrifice, an act of mutual destruction – for he would not be able to leave the dream world before it caved in on itself. But his act would also liberate him from the knotted tentacles of dreams and reality in which he had unwittingly ensnared himself.
Before plugging into the dream machine, Adam imagines all the nightmarish demons he will encounter [RAPIDLY FLIPPING ANIMATIONS]. Still, he knows that is the only way out. So he plugs in… and instantly falls asleep.
When he opens his eyes, Adam is in the courtyard of his childhood home. It's a sunny afternoon and no one is around. Nearby, a few chickens cluck gently. Adam tiptoes up the back steps and hears a familiar song playing on the radio [DREAMS ARE MY REALITY]. He peers through the door crack and sees Jiddo patiently peeling a pomegranate. Jiddo looks up at Adam, puts down the fruit, and smiles “I dreamt often of seeing you again habibi, and those dreams have sustained me all these years, but to hold you in my arms, to feel the warmth of your flesh and bone, I would trade all my dreams for this one moment”. Adam’s heart swelled.
But then… "Adam", then more insistently and this time with a hint of panic, "Adam, the pomegranate!”. It was Marya's voice calling to him. Jolted, he remembers that he is inside a dream [ADAM SEES THAT THE GLOWING PULSATING POMEGRANATE IS THE HEART OF THE MACHINE]. Adam’s eyes circle the house, lingering over photographs that seem to belong to a different lifetime, a different Adam. He scans the kitchen floors etching in his mind every mosaic tile and each one of their cracks. Finally, reluctantly, his eyes land on Jiddo... It would be so easy to remain here forever, wasn’t this all he had ever wanted? A breeze blows through the stained-glass window gently rustling the faded curtains – its scent of home achingly familiar. He breathes in deeply and closes his eyes.
A few seconds later, he approaches Jiddo with averted eyes. Standing in front of the old man, Adam sees how much he himself has grown. Gently, Adam envelopes the old man in his arms. Jiddo smells of their farm’s dust, of orange peels, and the charcoal of a shisha pipe – Jiddo smelled of home, the only place Adam had ever been able to call his own. Adam knew what he had to do. He held his grandfather’s gaze and said “Jiddo, not a day passes by that I don’t think of that morning we left… and I held on to a boyish dream that one day we could return to those happy old days”. Adam pauses, looks down as his adult hands, and continues “But it’s time to stop dreaming you see, because I don’t need to anymore, I can create my own happiness now – well, at least I can try”. Adam looks into Jiddo’s eyes with trepidation, hoping that Jiddo would understand, would not be hurt, would not see Adam’s choice as a betrayal. But Jiddo only pats Adam on the shoulder and says “I am happy you experienced the wonders of childhood so deeply that you cannot lay them to rest, but you are right, the privileges of adulthood are just as dazzling. It is time to let go our what no longer belongs to you, and give a chance to all the things that can be my boy”. Adam nods and takes the pomegranate.
The moment he touches the fruit, he is connected to all dreamers still attached to the dream machine. Adam realizes he must free them all (wake them up from within the dream) before he terminates the dream machine or else they too would perish with it. His mind’s eye flashes through hundreds of thousands of dreams and their makers – and sees Marya.
[LAST SCENE: Marya and Adam wake up together, because two people with a shared reality is the only thing powerful enough to pull them back from the allure of the dreamworld.]
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feliciathescribe · 3 years
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PUPPY Meaning: a young dog; a conceited or insolent youth; immature; undisciplined; needing to be trained; wayward. #DreamDog #DreamPet #DreamTraining #DreamPuppy #DreamBreed #DreamAnimal https://www.instagram.com/p/CKJdUjnlM7R/?igshid=1665clp3rv2fn
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mamakinshasa · 5 years
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#art #Recovery #recoverybar #recoveryisntlinear #recoverYou #recoveryroleplay #RecoveryPointWestVirginia #recoverydoneright #recoverycommunity #recoveryday #recoveryorlando #recoverywins #recoveryagent #recoverymethod #recoveryformula #RecoveryInspiration #recoveryworlds #recoverytruck #recoveryforreal #RecoveryEP #RecoverySucks #recoveryzone1 #recoverydog #recoveryaftercare #RecoveryGalsArtExchange #recoveryhome #recoveryphase #recoverydatahardisk #recoveryfam #recoverytime
#instadaily #Overcome #overcomeevil #overcomefears #overcomeyourfear #OvercomeBullying #overcomeadversity #overcomeit #overcomeyourlimits #overcometattoo #overcomeyourself #overcomelawnservices #overcomer #overcomeyourpride #overcomers4FREEdom #overcomeyourfearsandyouwillconquertheworld #overcomechallenges #overcomeeverything #overcomeevilwithgood #overcomediabetes #overcomeselfdoubt #overcomesdarkness #overcomethepain #overcomedepression #overcomerofdisease #overcomeall #overcomeobsticals #overcome38 #overcomeHER #overcomeeveryobstacle #overcomecravings #friends #Depression #depressionstate #depressionlife #Depressionhasnoface #Depressionshilfe #depressioncampaign #depressionsdits #depressionconfessions #depressioncherry #DepressionIsNotAChoice #depressioniskillingme #depressionistnichtsch #depressioneon #depressionhurts #depressionsupport #depressionthougts #depressionfree #depressionisarealthing #depressionenhabenkeingesicht #depressionisnotajoke #depressionqoutes #depressiondrawing #depressione #depressionglassware #depressionepisode #depression #depressionisreal #DepressionIsAillness #depressionthings #depressionsucks #repost #nature #Anger #AngerFree #angermanagementsportsgym #angermovition #AngerKillsYou #angerese #angerfist #angeredarena #anger1 #angerdoesnotexsist #angerscity #angerapproved #angerisfear #angermaier #anger #angersenautomne #angeriffen #AngerMangement #ANGERFLARES #angermanagment #angeroffenrirteam #angermanagement #angerslafoliedouce #angerbr #angers #angerville #angergym #AngerAndRage #angerme #angera #girl #Disorder #disorderdesign #disorderedeating #disorderandreaart #disorderlyconduct #disorderedeatingrecovery #disordered #disordermagazine #disorders #disorder #disorderhelpers #DisorderNotDecision #disorderly #disorderrecordings #disorderlycats #disordertributeband #disorderandrea #disordermind #disorderlies #DisorderMag #madpeople #insane #dirty #gay #wrong #lesbian #animal #beast #satan #dysphoria #fun #Love #lovelaurenelizabeth #lovecraftbar #lovenocco #loveyourparrot #lovelydayforahike #lovelyflowers #lovesthekowloonwings #lovethesedoors #Lovelovestolovelove #loveVPL #lovebam #lovethecountry #lovepuppy #lovelygardenguide #lovedalla #lovemangaanime #lovemango #lovelocallondon #loveanimalsdonteatthem #loveballaratinautumn #lovemangaandanimeforever #loveyourworkcc #loveofbasketball #loveyouresthetican #lovelifeffs #Loveanddesignstudios #loveismyrealname #lovelylocksbeautyshop #LoveYouuuuu #style #Dream #dreamerwisherliar #dreamingthedream #dreameatermerry #DREAMTEAM1 #dreamcatchersb #dreaminteriors #dreamcatcherindia #dreamwedding4you #dreamrooms #dreamdiaries #dreamheaven #DreamLifeNow #dreamgabby #dreamribbons #dreambath #dreamingtravelcontest #dreamyarchilover #dreamequatcher #dreamlady17 #dreamqueen #dreamsintomemories #dreamlady #DreamLandLive #dreamautomotive #dreamtheater25th #dreambigproject #dreamhouse #dreamsdolls #dreamanimal#smile #Me #medicineman #merchantcenter #metrodetroitphotography #meikertaapartemen #messdinner2017 #membersofhumanity #messingerfoto #meykap #mesinindustri #mealpandeliveryph #mekashanghai #MeggaSale #merkava #mechanicalinfluences #meno26 #megangibbsphotography #MerissaHamilton #mememedico #medavitaartist #meatspecialist #mercedesclassegamg #merijnhos #mensfashionstoday #meetupfootball #metropoliamotorsport #menabrands #metallicclothing #MemeMomAllDay #MetavidaPer#food #Poetry #poetryinmetal #poetrywriting #poetryprints #poetryinmontreal #poetryfordays #poetrysociety #poetrythoughts #poetrybooks #poetryofforms #poetryreading #poetry101 #poetrytribe #poetrybyme #PoetryRecommendation #poetrypoetryoftheworld #poetrywriters #poetryonline #poetryinmotion #poetryadventcalendar #poetryagram #Poetryurdu #poetryfromthesoul #poetryimages #poetryi #poetryofsl #poetrygames #PoetryInABoxSlippers #poetrybillboard #poetrypen
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todorokiscute · 5 years
What are your fave sites to watch anime?
I use to download the episodes on superanimes and dreamanimes, which are episodes subbed in my language (portuguese). In english, I only download when I can’t find in the sites above, I prefer to search first at Kissanime (altough I don’t like this site, it has a lot of anime old and new) or 9anime.
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eleonfreeman · 7 years
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Laura Stanley in her new office with one of my mixed media pieces from '07 in residence. This piece is just visiting and is still available for purchase, email me for more info. #poetryofdreams #ericfreeman #cats #anteaters #art #painting #drawing #dreamanimals @lauradiamondswow (at Laura Stanley Personal Jeweler)
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yinyangmanifesto · 7 years
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DREAMANIMAL snake skin
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