#dreammakcr || sam winchester
ofmusingsxandmayhem · 2 years
Cont. from @dreammakcr​ || Sam & Rose (x) 
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“I suppose my kind hardly have a stellar reputation for being the friendly sort, so no offence taken.” Rose assisted him despite the fact he likely was more than capable of doing so without, merely wanting to show that she wasn’t a threat. He clearly had bad experiences with the supernatural just as she had with hunters, but she wasn’t going to tar all with the same brush. “All is forgiven. What is it you need to ask? And also, do you have a name I can call you?” 
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theirmadness · 27 days
get to know the mun.☺
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what's your phone wallpaper: my doghter! ♡ last song you listened to: plastic hearts — miley cyrus. currenly reading: still on my re-read of the art of war. last movie: abigail. last show: house. what are you wearing right now?: stitch nightie. ♡ how tall are you?: 5'7, almost 5'8. piercings / tattoos?: no piercings. about 8-9 tats i'm in the process of removing so i can do a full arm sleeve. ask me about it, lol. glasses / contacts: reading glasses! last thing you ate?: kinder bueno. white. 'cuz it hits diff. favourite colour: yellow, pink & black. current obsession: cookie dough with ice cream. it's all i want. do you have a crush right now?: crushin' on myself, girlies. favourite fictional character: i have too many. but rn, probs sam winchester, jessica jones, wanda maximoff & hermione granger. BUT, tony stark and sherlock holmes get eternal honourary mentions bc they are literally the loves of my life. ♡ last place you travelled: brazil.
TAGGED BY: stolen from boo bear, @murderdeals. ♡ TAGGING: @w1dowed, @sav1ored, @downs1de, @sclvged, @missperfectlyfinewrites, @qapsiel, @bloodsalted, @wrathfulmercy, @dreammakcr, @eyeless-smiles, @therelentless and you. ♡
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