#dreams of a future made real with each battle i win ( julia ic. )
fiirecracker · 1 year
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❝ you ever sat to think about how different taken meat would taste like compared to what they originally were? they gonna be gainy like hive steak, and what not? ❞ | @thedriftcr
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yet again, the drifter stops her mid-step.
she opens her mouth, closes her eyes, and sighs. is this what her life is, now? dealing with weird-ass food questions in between gambit matches and world ending disasters? it could be worse. could always be worse. her head tilts up, eyes finding the ceiling. it's the best chance she has at hiding her smile.
"can you even eat taken?" asks the titan, and there is no denying the amusement. "don't they just... disappear when you kill them?
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fiirecracker · 1 year
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❝ you smile, and your face is like the sun. ❞ | @thvndersnow
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the statement catches her off guard, and, for a moment, all julia can do is squeak in response. her hand tightens around the long-forgotten cup of noodles. the styrofoam squeaks in protest. they were supposed to have been her lunch during this tour of wall-duty, but they have since grown cold. sometimes the company is just that enthralling.
"i— oh. oh, i did not—" nope, looks like she still isn't quite capable of speak. orange eyes widen, and heat rises to her cheeks. she is determined to try again. "i, uh, i mean—"
the broth begins to bubble.
she squeaks for a second time.
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fiirecracker · 11 months
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"i feel all thin," says the titan, very much not speaking of her figure. gentle fingers tap across the guardrail of the wall. she huffs, once. "sort of stretched, if you know what i mean: like butter that has been scraped over too much bread."
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fiirecracker · 1 year
Listen, I do not wanna hear that hot garbage you call music in my comms alright? | @thedriftcr
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"sorry, i cannot hear you over the lou bega!"
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fiirecracker · 1 year
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"stop smiling at me like that." - Astrid for Julia. hehe | @thvndersnow
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"i will not!" confesses the titan as she, predictably, continues to smile. not just smile, but grin. mouth split wide, apples of her cheeks pressing against her eyes. she seems delighted by this turn of events. "i can see it! you like it."
she extends her hands once more, offering out the shimmering starlit robe. a gift; one she had procured from tess.
"i even had them shade it your red. go on, try it on!"
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fiirecracker · 1 year
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the titan pauses where she stands, turning to look over her shoulder at the other. there's a moment of confusion. then, her face softens. the apples of her cheeks press upwards, causing her to squint just so with the curve of a gentle smile.
"sometimes i wonder what’s going on in that head of yours."
OPEN STARTER | into the woods
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fiirecracker · 1 year
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"Vesh," He slaps a hand against her shoulder plate, "Don't get in my way."
Oh, he was seething. The Vanguard had lied to them. Oh, it was a routine Hive eradication skirmish, nothing more. It'll take a day, at most. We wouldn't normally ask but we're spread thin. Well, them being spread thin was true, but nothing about this had been routine, had been normal. And to say that he, most zealotous of the cult's followers, was displeased with this development would be the understatement of the century.
That he would have to work for the Vanguard, for whom he oft only spared callous remarks and disbelieving scoffs... It was diabolical. Those snakes on their high horses were up to something.
"We've been in this shithole cave for days and I want, I need, to get back to the City. So sit there like a good girl and watch. You might learn a thing or two."
Thunder rumbles ominously just moments before lightning cracks into his hand, the Arc Staff luminous and humming, his whole body overtaken with the vibrance of Arc Light; he blazed with it, he was aglow in a way so few could claim to match in this day and age.
And when he moved, the storm moved with him. —@ahkein
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be kind, vesh. be kind.
it's a mantra she's had to repeat to herself for what feels like hours. days, even, considering how long they'd been down there. although julia prides herself on showing a certain amount of understanding, nordic makes it so difficult sometimes. grumpy and full of nothing but complaints, patronizing and stubborn—
well, every moment around nordic is arduous, to say the least.
taking a deep breath, julia pushes herself to her feet. she will not sit here and do nothing; not while her fellow guardian is in danger. (she also is not a good girl, and even if she was, he does not get to call her that. she is not his pet. she is not a pup.) even if he can handle himself, she will always be his backup.
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"the only thing anyone can learn from you is how to be an absolute schmuck," whispers the titan— only to immediately close her eyes and apologize to no one. that isn't kind. that isn't kind.
so she takes a breath. she stomps a foot, pushes the negative out through her the balls of her feet, and lifts her eyes upwards. be better, be good. be better. nordic is upset. pushing him will take you nowhere.
"let me know when you're done, v!" she says instead, and leans against one of the chitin-covered walls. "i'll be waiting, i guess."
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fiirecracker · 1 year
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"oh, osiris..."
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fiirecracker · 1 year
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looking down, looking up, then looking down again.
"so anyone wanna tell me why oryx has a chussy?"
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fiirecracker · 1 year
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“I like to fuck around and waste time at least six to ten hours a day, and let me tell you, that puts some pressure on your schedule. You have no idea how busy I am.” || Cayde for anyone teehee | @gaygxnslinger
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"if you need to waste six to ten hours a day, und the doctor recommends at least eight hours of sleep, then where are you finding time to do anything!" the little titan puffs out her cheeks, stamps her little foot. she almost looks upset. she would, if it wasn't for the glint of something dancing behind those orange eyes. "cayde, you need an assistant. and don't ask me where to find one!
"i've just taken to doing zavala's paperwork for him when he's not looking. i don't even know if he's noticed." a pause. "not the classified stuff, though. that's outta my paygrade."
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fiirecracker · 1 year
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"twerkout gambit time!"
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fiirecracker · 1 year
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❝ i would recognize you by touch alone, by smell; i would know you blind, by the way your breaths came and your feet struck the earth. i would know you in death, at the end of the world. ❞ — to julia from theo | @thvndersnow
the words steal the very breath from her lungs, and, for a moment, julia can only stare.
he is half her soul, as the poets say. he is her brother, her twin; she was born with him clinging to her heel, and she prays to never see another sunrise without him in it. those brief years without him had been empty, hollow. a life of adventure, but a life also so decidedly empty. she had not known what she was missing until he was found, but... oh, how she'd missed.
reuniting with him had not so much been an explosion of joy and love as it had been her soul, sliding into place. a soft 'oh, there you are! what took you so long?' before giving in to normalcy. it was not a celebration as it was finally becoming complete.
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"i love you," she says, and it is all there is. she steps forward, wrapping one arm around his shoulder, opposite hand pressing against the back of his head. tanned cheek smooshes against white curls. "i love you, i love you. more than anything in this world, more than light und the traveler und..."
turning her head, she presses a kiss to his cheek.
"i missed you."
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fiirecracker · 1 year
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❝  i will not be the raven on your shoulder all the time, predicting gloom.  ❞ | @exilegend
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despite her best attempt to control her emotions, julia's words are whispered, and colored in disbelief. there is a split second of indecision, of desperation, and then she shakes her head. little hands reach out, to grab one of his. she squeezes, warmly; gently.
"no! oh, no, i would— no, i would never accuse you of that. you are far more than a prophet or... or anything— oh, i am bad at this, aren't i?"
another squeeze of his hand, and julia takes a deep breath. this time when she looks at him, it is with a smile.
"you are my friend, osiris. und your guidance has been invaluable to me, but it is not why i search out your company." a pause, and she nods. "there. yes. that is better, i think!"
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fiirecracker · 1 year
ooc & julia tag drop.
baby grill there are no gds here ( ooc. ) / you are part of the human heart ( julia.) / his soul and mine; they are one in the same; split one in twain and we both feel the pain ( julia & theo. ) / dear brother swear to me you'll stay close; never out of reach ( theo. ) / you got no clue just how it feels when everyone expects so much you can barely stand ( julia musings. ) / sunlight in her hair ( julia aesthetics. ) want everyone to adore me even though people's emotions are out of my control ( julia secrets.) / have a love affair with the sun ( general julia ships. ) / dreams of a future made real with each battle I win ( julia ic. )
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