#drew this for an rp where we just. just. sent all of our michaels into one universe via the time travelling ball pit
crumbleclub · 11 months
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baby mike doodle!! this would be shortly after the bite
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theholycovenantrpg · 3 years
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Admin Rosey: I never really thought that Raphael’s application would be so f u n to read. Macabre? Absolutely. Impassioned? Of course. But hilarious to the point where I was giggling? Definitely unexpected but that is what made this so enjoyable and it is ultimately why this application received a r e s o u n d i n g yes from each of us. There was a perspective that I always envisioned for Raphael but was never able to articulate it myself until you laid it out, word by word, with this application, Mimz. Raphael is such a multi-faceted and character that holds so much potential, and the way that you wove it into every aspect of the application made this so fun to read. Thank you so much for taking the time to produce such a wonderful application! Your faceclaim change to Kendrick Sampson has been approved. Please create and send in your account, review the information on our CHECKLIST, and follow everyone on the FOLLOW LIST. Welcome to the Holy Land!
Personal Pronouns
Activity Level
i’ll typically check the dash every day, and i try not to keep replies stewing for longer than a couple of days! that said i can be a little slow, especially around exam seasons.
How did you find the group?
miss minnie bleubeard’s blog
raphael, with a fc change to kendrick sampson
What drew you to this character? 
short answer: divine amorality sexy HAHAHAHA
long answer: there was something i read a little while ago about some of the best surgeons being able to dehumanize their patients to a rather frightening degree. there’s a level of abstraction that you need in order to not let your empathy get in the way of the practice of medicine; ultimately, a body is a body is a body, right? and then there’s the moral quandary of healing - it is a doctor’s duty to heal, but what does that actually mean? to what extent is a doctor’s duty to relieve suffering? to obstinately prolong life? if the body heals but the mind still ails, is a person healed? what i’m getting at, here, is that in some ways the healer is the most dangerous character of all. 
when i read raphael’s bio, there was a quote in that article from a surgeon named david cheever that came to mind: “as a result of anaesthetics, the surgeon ‘need not hurry; he need not sympathise; he need not worry; he can calmly dissect, as on a dead body.’” to me, raphael is an explosion and expansion of this concept. raphael is, quite literally, a medical ethicist’s worst nightmare, and to me, that’s absolutely fascinating. without sympathy, what separates a healer from an educated control freak with a god complex? with raphael, we can extend this concept to its furthest extreme. raphael isn’t even human - how could he even begin to sympathize with an experience so foreign to him? why would he worry about something trivial as human suffering when it essentially exists as a theoretical concept to him? divine beings have no reason to play by human rules, and as a creature raised by god’s side raphael was so far removed from the concept of human suffering that it’s sort of a no-brainer that he developed a sick fascination with it, like a child who managed to con their parent into buying a grand theft auto game and is obsessed with running over pedestrians because the stakes never quite feel real. it’s a perspective i’d absolutely love to explore in a group rp setting because the nature of rp means that it’s kind of...completely unsustainable? like as writers we’re shoving these characters together, which means that raphael will have to be exposed to mortals. there’s room for a lot of character development there, and it seems like something extremely interesting to explore.
BUT HERE’S THE THING⁠—and this is where the character gets really fun, in my opinion. i’ve talked a fair bit about god complexes already, but when applied to raphael an interesting question is raised: how much is a complex, and how much of it is actually being divine? what really made me want to get my grubby little hands on the reins of raphael’s story was seeing the disconnect between the way his connections are written from raphael’s perspective versus the other character’s perspective. it’s a fun little hubristic shade that makes him an unreliable narrator and infinitely more interesting than a simple morality thought experiment. i think it’s easy to see raphael as this super cool, all-powerful master manipulator (i think that’s a pretty accurate take on his self-image, in fact), but he’s not the only player in this game. for every pawn he’s trying to move, there is someone else trying to use him in a similar way, and i don’t know that he truly understands the ramifications of that. see, i think it’s easy to reduce raphael to the points i discuss in the previous paragraphs because that’s what he wants you to think of him. but this is a world of gods and superpowers and magical political intrigue and game of thrones doesn’t exist so nobody can tell him that he’s on the path to becoming a cersei lannister (admittedly i haven’t watched got so this reference might not be right but i feel like it’s right so uh. yeah!). maybe i just like to see arrogant men getting knocked down a peg? this might be a projection of that. i dunno. i just know that there are quite a few mind games and mental gymnastics to untangle with raphael and that’s fun. he’s fun.
also. i would like to once again reiterate: divine amorality sexy. it’s not good, to be clear, and i don’t condone it, but i’m just saying.
What future plots do you have in mind for the character?
i think Raphael’s big character arc revolves around a simple question: how far are you willing to go to achieve what you want? 
ostensibly, it’s an easy answer: very far. but when your desire is antithetical to your very purpose, when chasing it puts you at odds with the thing you’ve worked to build, do the goalposts move?
(the correct answer is that raphael did not build caelum. he simply destroyed god.)
let’s say, hypothetically, that raphael gets what he wants. the world is thrown into war and chaos and destruction, yadda yadda, raphael gets his blood and his suffering, great. he’s lived through this before (a couple times, actually), so you think he’d realize by now—eventually, the dust will settle. people will tire of suffering. and where will that leave raphael? how many times will you remake the world to watch it burn? can you ever be fulfilled chasing a temporary high? 
(the correct answer is no, but raphael is an immortal being. more importantly, he is a patient one. he will wait a million days for rome to be built, if only to witness the single day in which it will burn.)
i think raphael needs to reckon with these questions. i think he’s lived far too long with his mentality unquestioned and that has made him both insufferable and a major threat to society. this is a long and pretentious way to say that raphael honestly kind of needs a hobby whatever the thc-verse equivalent of therapy is, but i think any sort of positive character development is contingent upon a recontextualization of suffering and chaos and raphael’s masks.
of course, this isn’t to say that introspection will only lead to positive character development. perhaps a raphael who looks deeper into his psyche will come to understand that his desires outweigh his role; perhaps such thoughts will push raphael over the edge of propriety and into something more outwardly despicable. no matter what, though, i think that the direction of raphael’s character development will be largely shaped on how he decides to prioritize his⁠ roles and goals. 
let’s discuss the archangels, shall we? despite it all, raphael genuinely loves his brothers. i would argue, even, that raphael believes that his scheming is in service to the other archangels; he’s not blind to the way complacency has softened the angels. at this point, the only true threat to the angels is themselves—if michael wants to to unlock a state of sanctifying grace, it will happen at the hand of one of his kin. 
i spoke earlier about raphael’s goals ultimately being futile. this is largely because they are diametrically opposed to michael and gabriel’s goals, and while raphael knows this intellectually, i don’t think he’s quite thought about what the long-term implications of that conflict entails. he’s so caught up in the conflict between michael and gabriel that he’s neglected to consider how he factors into the dynamic. could he be the common ground that brings michael and gabriel together? could he be the final straw that breaks them apart? he is excited for the fighting, the fallout; but has he stopped to consider what the long-reaching effects of such a rift may be?
raphael is breaking his family apart because he loves them. will that be enough, when he is sent to pick up the pieces? whose side will he fall on, if he is to pick a side at all? 
i said this in the previous section but i’d like to reiterate it: i think a big reason raphael is Like That is because the stakes have never quite felt real to him. raphael’s a pot stirrer, but he’s not a creature of action. to this, i say give him real stakes. to be honest, i don’t know exactly what that entails, because i could see a number of ways in which tangible pressure manifests itself for raphael. perhaps his meddling with michael and gabriel steps too far, and his brothers  perhaps the angels become suspicious of his maneuvering, in which the spider is drawn into his own web of intrigue. maybe we apply positive pressure, where the ails of the world require a healer and raphael is tapped to higher purpose⁠—and higher power. maybe raphael will find himself tempted by the very demons he holds in contempt. 
the point is that raphael has largely been a character who acts through others. even now, we see this through his grooming of romilda, with his subtle manipulation of michael and gabriel. i want him to become a more active character, either by his own volition or by his hand being forced. 
similarly, i’m extremely interested in seeing how raphael navigates the political elements of this verse. i expect it stings a bit to be the only archangel not given a position of leadership; perhaps he holds lingering resentment toward zadkiel for being given a role raphael had expected to receive. does he subtly undermine zadkiel’s leadership? i want to watch him play up tensions with the vices, to hide a vicious war-hawk perspective under the guise of a concerned healer. i want him to smile in abaddon and samael’s faces and plot their suffering in his mind. i want to see the snake slither in the grass, to return to his original form as a spider spinning a web of intrigue across his court. yes, i want a more active raphael, but i think the political drama is ripe for development, as well.
this one’s a long shot, but i could maybe...see...raphael……..falling. i can guarantee you that the idea has never even crossed raphael’s mind, and that he would literally rather be smited than be cast out of caelum, but i can see it. i think he might be happier, actually; if he fell, he could really lean into the chaos and suffering thing without any compunction.
of course, this is something infinitely easier said than done. were raphael to be cast out of caelum, he would have nowhere to go. infernum would never take him⁠—he’s made far too many enemies among their ranks. he could wander the holy land, but he’s far too proud to bind himself to its existing social systems. (he wouldn’t be able to look gabriel in the eye.)
raphael would have absolutely nothing. 
but he would also be free.
that’s right, i think that a horsemen-style liberation arc would be an absolute banger for raphael. again, i don’t think it’s feasible unless a very specific set of circumstances happen, but just imagine a raphael with nothing to lose, free to go absolutely apeshit. his only prerogative is to make sure you have a bad day. he is free to sow whatever chaos, whatever suffering he so wishes across the land. WHEW.
Are you comfortable with killing off your character?
yes, but i don’t see him going down easily.
Driving Character Motivation
entomological curiosity, in short. consider: why did god leave the apple in the garden of eden? why do humans keep animals in glass cases? why do children burn ants with magnifying glasses?
raphael wants to observe the world. a good healer must understand his patients at a fundamental level, and such truths are only revealed when the subject is broken down to its basest parts. you see, raphael was weaned on temperance and virtue; there is a lush decadence to emotional extremes that he finds most fascinating. they are debased. they are crass. they are wantonly sentimental, in a garishly beautiful way.
but this is not all. he wants to stave off boredom, and these are the tools he has to play with. for all of his machinations, raphael is a simple being. raphael has no grand ambitions, no lofty ideals, and that is what makes him so dangerous. he wants to be amused. he wants to be stimulated. he wants to observe a world in which things happen.
ostensibly, this is not as selfish a motivation as it may seem. as a healer, raphael knows something that many do not: serenity cannot exist in perpetuity. it is impossible for the world to remain unchanged⁠—even if the change is not evident, it is happening. an eternal peace is all but a stagnation of the kingdom; the only thing stagnation breeds is degradation. the angels are weakening because they are not being challenged. michael and the virtues may be doing extensive research to find an alternate explanation, but raphael knows this to be the truth. 
of course, the irony underlying the selfless explanation of raphael’s motivations reveals the truth of the matter: it is a farce. perhaps it is a lie that raphael has even convinced himself he believes, but it is farcical nonetheless. raphael claims he wants to invoke change because stagnation is dangerous, but riddle me this⁠—if this is true, why has raphael never changed? centuries upon centuries have passed, and the world has changed around him, but raphael himself has remained largely unchanged. he is the orchestrator of change, not its agent nor its subject, and that is just the way he would like things to stay.
Character Traits
CHARISMATIC - there’s a reason very few have cottoned on to raphael’s true nature, and it’s not (just) his pretty face and magical girl-esque aura. there’s something effortlessly captivating about raphael, a pace to his cadence that has you hanging on to his every word, a lightness to his smile that makes you want to coax it out whenever and however you can. everything about raphael puts people at ease, except for his eyes, which tend to put people on edge if he’s not careful. he’s not gregarious or the outgoing sort of charismatic by any means, but he does manage to exude an overwhelming charisma.
PATIENT - it’s important to remember that before raphael turned on god, he waited for him. raphael performed healings for centuries and never raised a hand against his father in that time. think of all the angels that fell, that rebelled; raphael was not among them. no, raphael played the dutiful son, allowing his resentment to fester and boil deep underneath his skin, but never to surface. for centuries he served loyally, biding his time. remember: lucifer fell. raphael did not. which one killed god? as i mentioned in the plot section, raphael will wait a million days for rome to be built to witness the single day it burns. prolonged suffering is perhaps the most beautiful of all. fortitude goes hand-and-hand with patience.
INTELLIGENT - in a few ways. raphael is well-studied, with extensive knowledge of biology and chemistry and history and politics. raphael is emotionally intelligent; he hides his true nature behind a veneer constructed to meet expectations. he may not be as talented as gabriel in this regard, but it is a skillful construction nonetheless.
MANIPULATIVE - i mean. yeah.
ARROGANT - he thinks he’s smarter than god???????????????? tbf god was a bit of a headass in this universe but we’ve all read enough tragedies to know where this kind of hubris ends up going.
CRUEL - there’s a bit to unpack here. i’d argue that there are two types of cruelty: malicious cruelty and callous cruelty. raphael is certainly capable of both, but i think he embodies the latter. with certain notable exceptions, raphael’s cruelty is rarely personal; it is a thoughtless sort of cruelty, the type inflicted upon beings considered expendable. raphael is selfish and petty and powerful, and these traits coalesce into a casual cruelty. 
In-Character Para Sample cw: light gore
Look at how they look at him. God’s good little lambs, lined up all in a row, passive and pliant and patiently awaiting benediction. Patiently waiting for Raphael. 
Raphael hates them.
No. This is false. It is difficult for Raphael to muster up stronger feelings toward mortals than a vague sort of amusement, the sort of affinity one might have for a particularly stupid kit when it does something surprisingly clever. In this regard, he understands that he differs from his kin. Gabriel, in particular, has developed a particular fondness for the mortals. Why anyone would wish to strip mortals of their most fascinating behavior⁠—to the point of openly defying their Father⁠—is beyond Raphael. He has given up on trying to reason with his brother on the matter. 
The first supplicant is beckoned forward. They pray to the Lord and Raphael touches their forehead with one palm, cups their chin with the other. His fingers splay carelessly around a throat all but bared to him and the ceremony is so mechanical Raphael allows his thoughts to wander⁠. 
How easy it would be to tighten his grip. How beautiful it would be, to watch the lamb’s naive adoration flash into fear, to watch fear darken into betrayal and resentment and the most beautiful emotion of all: despair. He can feel the pulse at his fingertips. It would quicken in a stress response, he knows. It would quicken, then it would pound, and then maybe it would stop.  It all falls to Raphael’s whim. In this moment, Raphael holds their life in his hands. They have all but laid on his sword for the promise of absolution and when they look up at Raphael with their dumb, trusting eyes he can see the sparkling tracks where tears once fell, down the hollow of a cheek into the pool of a collarbone. He finds himself overcome with the desire to trace the fall with his tongue. “Give me your pain,” he murmurs. Let me taste it. Let me understand. 
He takes it. He does not taste it. He does not understand.
He releases the mortal. Those beautiful tear tracks are already fading. “The Lord be with you,” he says, and perhaps he even means it. His Father’s gaze burns into his back, even from a world away. He’d laugh at the irony, were he free to. Is this the weight you so desire? he wants to ask the devotee. No, Raphael knows the truth: God’s love is a shackle. God’s love is a leash and it is holding Raphael back from his fullest potential.
“And also with you,” the lamb responds. Their head is bowed obediently in prayer and they shuffle away, appropriately awed. The next supplicant is beckoned forward.
The light of Raphael’s presence obfuscates the darkness in his eyes.
Later, much later, Raphael finds himself studying his hands. He flexes them, balls them into fists, stretches his fingers as far as they will spread. 
How easy it would be to tighten his grip.
The hand is at once an individual unit and a summation of individual parts. The hand contains twenty-seven bones and thirty-four muscles connected by over a hundred ligaments and tendons. Wrists connect to metacarpals, which connect to carpals, which taper off into delicate phalanges. Individually, each of these parts are largely useless; were Raphael to take a scalpel and drag it through a tendon, across the joints, the strings would be cut and the puppetry would cease to dance. You would be left with a small pile of carpals and metacarpals and phalanges, loose strings of muscle and tendon. At times, it is difficult to fathom how such mundane component parts are the instruments of extraordinary acts.
Raphael flexes his hand, watches bone shift under skin. If he remembers correctly, mortals have an idiom about knowing your hands, or something along those lines. He will not pretend to be familiar with mortal culture. Did you know that, wings aside, mortals and angels all have the same bone structure? 
Of course you did. It is common knowledge that God made all beings in His image, or so the story goes. 
This is an easy answer, but one with interesting implications. Let us extrapolate. If mortals and angels are essentially biological mirrors, and each are made in the image of God, does that mean that God will bleed like His creations? Slide a scalpel across God’s knuckles—will His puppets cease to dance?
Raphael could find out. It would take only a single blade, sliced through a single tendon. 
Now, Raphael is not so arrogant to believe himself the blade. He would not even consider himself the hand. Such a role requires a particular kind of conviction—
( —and that sort of conviction is made manifest in bitter disillusionment⁠—the sort inflicted upon Michael. How easy it would be to find himself in his brother’s ear, whispering of their Father’s capriciousness and the unnecessary cruelty that resulted for the poor, poor humans— )
( —and that sort of conviction is made manifest in righteous anger⁠—the sort inflicted upon Gabriel. How easy it would be to find himself in his brother’s ear, whispering of their Father’s neglect and the unnecessary cruelty that resulted for the poor, poor humans— )
( —and that sort of conviction is made manifest in a whetted hunger⁠—the sort God gifted to each of His angels. Hunger breeds hunters and heaven is full— )
—that Raphael simply cannot embody. Rage has never been his forte. 
Consider, however, that the hand is controlled by nerve impulses. A spark is all the hand needs to transform from a collection of bone to an agent of action. Yes. He clenches his fists. Here are the bones, the veins, the tendons, the muscle. Angels and mortals all share the same bone structure.
Does God?
raphael has classically beautiful wings. i’m talking TEXTBOOK cherubic angel wings, with the sweeping white feathers and all. raphael kind of hates them, though he takes a great deal of pride in them.
raphael doesn’t have a signature weapon. he’s proficient with blades, yes, and fights with a surgeon’s precision, not the strongest nor the fastest but eerily efficient in his blows. but he is a healer—at the end of the day, his empty hands are all he needs. (his empty hands are what you should fear.)
raphael hates the heretics pro forma but. but. he cannot deny a certain...fondness for them. the heretics exhibited such dedication to a futile cause; they believed their suffering to be something noble. it’s a laughable notion, certainly, but a sentiment so distinctly human it’s almost charming. should they wish to return, to throw themselves on the knife over and over and over, well. raphael shall not complain. he shall smile beatifically, perhaps abate their suffering, even⁠—and watch them do it again. 
in a modern au, raphael is a reality tv producer. ok actually he’s probably a surgeon but i think he’d make a very good reality tv producer. alternately, there is a universe out there where raph fixated on like...baking, or k-pop, instead of suffering. those are good timelines, i think. maybe not the k-pop stan timeline.
raphael is the living embodiment of that dwight schrute “we need a new plague” meme.
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tasksweekly · 5 years
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In celebration of Black History Month, here’s a masterlist below compiled of over 110+ Cape Verdean faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. If you want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever character or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags, @ mention us or send us a messaging linking us to your post!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by an artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on culture and customs.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Ana Firmino (1953) Cape Verdean - singer.
Sandra de Sá (1955) Brazilian [25% Afro Cape Verdean, 71.7% Afro Brazilian, 1.1% Unspecified Indigenous Brazilian, 2.1% Unspecified European, 0.1% Unspecified Other] - singer-songwriter.
Maria de Barros (1961) Cape Verdean - singer.
Pebbles / Susan Lynne Semedo (1964) Cape Verdean - actress and radio personality.
Fantcha / Francelina Durão Almeida (1965) Cape Verdean - singer.
Karin Mensah (1965) Cape Verdean - singer and educator.
Maria Alice / Maria Alice de Fátima Rocha Silva (1971) Cape Verdean - singer.
Anika Noni Rose (1972) Cape Verdean - actress and singer.
Blu Cantrell / Tiffany Cobb (1975) Cape Verdean, African American, Narragansett / Italian, Scottish, French, German, English - singer-songwriter and producer.
Nancy Vieira (1975) Cape Verdean - singer and composer.
Suzanna Lubrano (1975) Cape Verdean - singer.
Lura / Maria de Lurdes Assunção Pina (1975) Cape Verdean - singer.
Sara Martins (1977) Cape Verdean - actress.
Sara Tavares (1978) Cape Verdean - singer, guitarist, percussionist, and composer.
Milka Loff Fernandes (1980) Cape Verdean - actress and tv presenter.
Carmen Souza (1981) Cape Verdean - singer-songwriter, guitarist, and pianist.
Jenifer Solidade (1984) Cape Verdean - singer.
Tatiana Silva / Tatiana Silva Braga Tavares (1985) Cape Verdean - model and Miss Belgium 2005.
Mayra Andrade (1985) Cuban [Cape Verdean] - singer.
Jennifer Dias (1985) Cape Verdean - singer.
Ashley Holliday / Ashley Holliday Tavares / Ashley Popelka (1985) Cape Verdean [Afro Cape Verdean] / Bohemian Czech, German, Austrian, English - actress and director.
Débora Gonçalves (1985) Cape Verdean - singer and basketball player.
Leila Lopes / Leila Luliana da Costa Vieira Lopes Umenyiora (1986) Cape Verdean - actress, model, tv host, and Miss Universe 2011.
Cyann Ribeiro (1986) Cape Verdean - actress, singer-songwriter, model, and author.
Sara Santos (1986) Cape Verdean - actress.
Brandi Marie / Brandi Marie King (1988) Cape Verdean, Ivorian, Mexican, Portuguese - actress, model, and web star.
Elle DaCruz (1989) Cape Verdean, Portuguese - model and tv personality.
Analicia Chaves (1989) Cape Verdean, Portuguese - model.
Elle Varner / Gabrielle Varner (1989) Cape Verdean [Afro Cape Verdean] / African American, Swedish - singer.
Samira Vera-Cruz (1990) Cape Verdean / Angolan - actress, director, producer, and editor.
Chelsea Tavares (1991) Cape Verdean - actress and singer.
ARI / Aeriél Miranda (1992) Cape Verdean / African American, Creole, Cherokee, Jewish, Portuguese, French, German - actress, model, and filmmaker.
Elida Almeida (1993) Cape Verdean - singer.
Noe Milk (1994) Cape Verdean - porn actress.
Mai-Lynn Yim (1995) Korean / Cape Verdean, African American, Irish - actress and model.
Brigite Jazz (1995) Cape Verdean - instagrammer (brigiteeeee).
Ângela Maria Fonseca Spínola (1995) Cape Verdean - model and Miss Portugal 2005.
Andrea (1995 or 1996) Cape Verdean - youtuber (CurlsBeauty).
Shawna Rose (1995 or 1996) Cape Verdean, Cherokee - actress and model.
Samora Smallwood (?) Cape Verdean / Unspecified - actress, director, and writer.
Tirzah Evora / Tirzah Ellen Evora (?) Cape Verdean - actress, model, and Miss Cape Verde 2011.
Melanie David (?) Cape Verdean - actress, singer-songwriter, and blogger (instagram: iammelaniedavid).
Africa Miranda (?) Cape Verdean - actress, spokesmodel, and producer.
Diana Lovell (?) Cape Verdean - actress and model.
Vanessa Borggea (?) Cape Verdean - model and Miss Cape Verde 2006.
Celina Pereira (?) Cape Verdean - singer and educator.
Geneva Maccarone (?) Cape Verdean, Italian - actress.
Kathlyn Celeste (?) Cape Verdean - instagrammer (kathlynceleste).
Leniza Evy (?) Cape Verdean - instagrammer (leniza_evy).
Belinda / Belinda Lima / Belinda Lima Francis (?) Cape Verdean - singer.
Nadine Fortes (?) Cape Verdean - instagrammer (vaidosadmais).
Patricia Neves / Patricia Alves (?) Cape Verdean - actress and costume designer.
Gardénia Benrós (?) Cape Verdean - singer.
Diamond Dos Santos (?) Cape Verdean, Belizean, Dominican, Brazilian - musician (instagram: diamdada).
Bela Duarte (?) Cape Verdean - singer and painter.
Sara Morgado (?) Cape Verdean - model.
Joyce Delgado (?) Cape Verdean - Miss Cape Verde 2018.
Cristilene Pimienta (?) Cape Verdean - Miss Cape Verde 2017.
Cristy Spencer (?) Cape Verdean - Miss Cape Verde 2013.
Joceline Fortes Rocha (?) Cape Verdean - Miss Cape Verde 2009.
Zamise Fonseca (?) Cape Verdean - Miss Cape Verde 2008.
Jocilene Afonso (?) Cape Verdean - Miss Cape Verde 2007.
Tânia Neves (?) Cape Verdean - Miss Cape Verde 2005.
Wilsa Fortes Pina (?) Cape Verdean - Miss Cape Verde 2002.
Carmelinda Gonçalves (?) Cape Verdean - Miss Cape Verde 1996.
Beautyxskillz (?) Cape Verdean - gamer.
Maggie (?) Cape Verdean - bodybuilder and instagrammer (blibram).
Alexandra Santos (?) Cape Verdean - model (Instagram: asantos._).
Dany Silva (1947) Cape Verdean - singer, composer, and producer.
Eddy (FMG) / Eddy Fort Moda Grog / Eddy Fortes (1950) Cape Verdean - rapper.
Johnny Rodrigues / João Rodrigues (1951) Cape Verdean - singer.
Leonel Almeida (1952) Cape Verdean - singer.
Boy Gé Mendes / Gerard Mendes (1952) Cape Verdean - musician.
Val Xalino (1953) Cape Verdean - actor, singer, producer, and recorder.
Vasco Martins (1956) Cape Verdean - guitarist and pianist.
Mirri Lobo / Emilio Rito de Sousa Lobo (1960) Cape Verdean - singer and composer.
Ramiro Mendes (1961) Cape Verdean - singer, artist, and author.
Bau / Rufino Almeida (1962) Cape Verdean - musician.
Michael Beach (1963) Cape Verdean - actor.
Tito Paris / Aristides Paris (1963) Cape Verdean - singer, guitarist, and bassist.
Izé / Mário Lúcio / Lúcio Matias de Sousa Mendes (1964) Cape Verdean - actor, singer, composer, writer, and painter.
Teófilo Chantre (1964) Cape Verdean - singer.
Benzino / Raymond Scott (1965) African American, Puerto Rican / Cape Verdean, German - rapper, producer, and record executive.
Tó Cruz / António José Ramos da Cruz (1967) Cape Verdean - singer.
Stomy Bugsy / Gilles Duarte (1972) Cape Verdean - actor and rapper.
Jacky Brown / Jacky Teixeira (1972) Cape Verdean - rapper, singer, and presenter.
Tcheka / Manuel Lopes Andrade (1973) Cape Verdean - singer-songwriter and guitarist.
Gil Semedo / Gil Semedo Moreira (1974) Cape Verdean - singer-songwriter, producer, and music executive.
Izé / Izé Teixeira (1974) Cape Verdean - singer.
Nelson Freitas / Nelson Zé Ferreira (1975) Cape Verdean - actor, singer, producer, and recorder.
Boss AC / Ângelo César do Rosário Firmino (1975) Cape Verdean - rapper-songwriter.
Gilyto / Mr. Entertainer / Gilyto Semedo (1976) Cape Verdean - singer-songwriter, dancer, producer, mentor, and cultural activist.
Milton Lopes (1977) Cape Verdean - actor.
Hernani Almeida (1978) Cape Verdean - guitarist and pianist.
Elizio / Mister ODC / Di Cabo Verde (1979) Cape Verdean - singer-songwriter.
Masspike Miles / Miles Wheeler (1980) Cape Verdean / French - rapper and singer.
G-Amado / Gonçalo Jorge Amado da Veiga (1985) Cape Verdean - actor and singer.
Roberto Xalino (1987) Cape Verdean - actor, rapper, singer, and producer.
The Afro Boy / Luis Borges (1988) Cape Verdean / French, Swedish - model.
Deivys Nicola / Deivys Nicola D’Almeida (1997) Cape Verdean - youtuber (D Rock TV) and instagrammer (d__rock).
Lisandro Cuxi (1999) Cape Verdean - singer and dancer.
Drew Fonteiro (?) Cape Verdean - actor, dancer, writer, and illustrator.
A'Ali de Sousa (?) Cape Verdean - actor and filmmaker.
E-Life / Elvis de Oliveira (?) Cape Verdean - rapper and radio DJ.
Manu Lima (?) Cape Verdean - musician, composer, interpreter, and author.
Luis Alves (?) Cape Verdean - actor.
Ashar Medina (?) Cape Verdean, Surinamese - actor, director, and writer.
Don Xavier (?) Cape Verdean - actor, motivational speaker, author, and entrepreneur.
Leroy Gómez (?) Cape Verdean - singer-songwriter and saxophonist.
Jovino dos Santos (?) Cape Verdean - actor, composer, and interpreter.
Nelvino Lima (?) Cape Verdean - actor, radio presenter, and travel blogger.
Michael Monteiro (?) Cape Verdean - actor, stuntman, and screenwriter.
Curlyheadedbrownboy_ (?) Cape Verdean, Unspecified Native American - model.
Dj Viesel (?) Cape Verdean - DJ.
Gany Fernandes (?) Cape Verdean - model (Instagram: therealgany).
Amber Rose / Amber Levonchuck (1983) Cape Verdean [Afro Cape Verdean, Portuguese], Scottish / Ukrainian, Irish, Italian - actress, model, and talk show host. - Sexist and homophobic comments.
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gumnut-logic · 6 years
Favourite Character Meme
From @the-lady-razorsharp
Rules: Name your ten favorite characters in any fandom, then tag ten friends to do the same.
Jim, John, Jack, John, Michael, John, Tony, and Virgil. Hmm, that’s not ten, but these are the only ones up there on a pretty much equal standing.
Jim Kirk - Star Trek: The Original Series & The Alternate Original Series. This is my original fandom. This is where is all started. The first fandom I encountered way back in 1986 (and yes, I am halfway through my lifespan, told you I never grew up :D ). He was in my first fanfic (which will never see the light of the internet because omigod bad - though you can see my second one - Goodbye, Spock - both of which were physically printed in my local club’s fanzine all those years ago). My history with ST is a little different to some. I entered through the James Blish books as at the time the show was not being shown on TV at all, videos were scarce and expensive and ST was not trendy, not at least until ST:TNG came to play a few years later (well, try four years, it took forever for anything to get onto this side of the planet back then). Fortunately there were books in libraries and I was an avid reader (and as a budding librarian, I had my ways :D ). So due to this, William Shatner wasn’t in the equation when I first met Jim Kirk. In fact, when I first saw ST:TMP I stared at the screen and asked what TJ Hooker was doing in the captain’s chair?! 
Jim Kirk is your typical hero. Sacrifices himself to save the day, has great friends who would do the same for him, and a honkin’ great big starship to back him up. What’s not to like? :D
John Crichton - Farscape In the early 2000s before the new Battlestar Galactica changed sci-fi storytelling for good, Farscape was at the forefront. It bent the rules that BG later broke completely and that single astronaut stranded on the other side of galaxy found himself in a world nothing like the safe Star Trek he probably grew up with.
John Crichton is a geek, but a geek with spine and a good set of leather pants, long black jacket and a big gun to match. At heart he was a gentle scientist, but he was forced to adapt and kick ass. But through everything something in him stayed true and the world around him which at first found him simply a weak oddity eventually mapped itself to him. His weaknesses became his strengths, his associates of suspect motivations became his loyal friends and together they took on the universe.
And the leather, c’mon...
Jack O’Neill - Stargate SG-1 Oh, poor Jack. Stargate fandom was where I truly waded into fandom. I started really writing here back in 2003 (yes, I’ve been on FF.net that long). I met some fantastic friends through Stargate that had both me and them travelling thousands of miles to meet each other. It was also where I learnt to whump. As I said, poor Jack :D i wrote my first novel length fic in Stargate all 75,000 words of it. Took three months, most written by hand as I couldn’t type fast enough - by the time I finished it, I could touch type. 
Jack is the only character I can claim to still be older than me, just (it was a momentous year when I passed Jim Kirk’s age of 34, our characters are forever young, we are not). He is the goofy colonel, typical tough guy with a soft heart, but will of steel who always did what he thought was right, willing to make the necessary sacrifices just like Jim Kirk, and again with the team who would all do the same for him.
John Sheridan - Babylon 5 Okay, I admit it, I was a Scarecrow and Mrs King fan long before Bab 5 was even dreamt up. but the beard in season 4 that did it :D I’ve never written in this fandom, basically because it is pretty much a closed loop story and the actual show did a pretty good job of  venturing where fandom would have gone anyway :D
John was another military type with a strong moral backbone (would you believe that I’m not a military type, but all these guys seem to be - what that says about me, I don’t know :D ). Again he is soft around the edges hence the whole Delenn storyline. Maybe for me it is a combination of kickass, doing what is right and squishy insides :D
Michael Knight - Knight Rider I loved Knight Rider as a kid and in 2004 when I discovered the tiny little KR writing fandom online, I instantly fell in love. Real Life at the time was a bit of a challenge and KR was a haven for me. I wrote a lot of KR fanfic and it and the people I met in that fandom still hold a special place in my heart. Michael and Kitt saw me through some tough stuff and I returned the tough onto poor Michael. If I was feeling awful, he got it. I used my writing as a vent zone and managed to create something out of it. This was also the fandom that introduced me to RP. And yes, I RP’d Michael Knight, you can find my long abandoned journal here. I also managed a bunch of other characters including a several hundred year old version of KITT.
I really should say Michael and Kitt, because just like Kirk and Spock, one character isn’t much without the other. A hothead ex-cop who, once again, has a moral core to stand up for the small guy and drives a smart car, literally. The both of them together are quite capable of kicking ass. A not so typical buddy cop show with so many writing possibilities. I built up my writing skills in this fandom and eventually started writing original works (which were all brought to a grinding halt by the event of motherhood in 2008, thus followed the lack of writing for the following 10 years...until a month ago).
John Sheppard - Stargate Atlantis I’m mentioning this John because I fell into SGA quite hard about three years ago, but with the exception of one unfinished attempt at fic (which you can find on FF.net), i haven’t really written anything in this fandom. I like a bit of John and Rodney interaction and because I know SG-1 so well, and John is really just a younger version of Jack in many ways, it was inevitable.
John is military (again ::sigh:: ), but not military. He breaks the mold and tends to be just outside what he should be. Again a softy, not as confident or as steely as Jack O’Neill, but with his own code and strengths.
Tony Stark - Marvel Cinematic Universe Well, in all that writing desert, this is where I have been. There is enough fic in that massive fandom to keep an addict fed for years, literally, I’ve tried it. I have never written any Avengers fic. There is no need to, and really with young children, a job and a small business there really wasn’t time.
Tony Stark is a geek with money. He has troubles, he’s socially messed up in places, but under it all he does his best. He cares, sometimes too much, and is willing to step up to do what is necessary. He is far from perfect and he screws up big time, but he continues to try. There is also a load of angst and whump attached to this poor character, even in canon. (I think the last movie sent me into shock, I really shouldn’t have seen it while recovering from appendicitis, it hurt). And he is not a soldier, he has made that perfectly clear.
Virgil Tracy - Thunderbirds Are Go And here we are today. About a month a go this fandom hit me like freight train and in the process revived my writing skills, created this journal and drew me back into fandom. I still don’t have time to write, but somehow I have.
Out of all the characters above, Virgil is the most different. He has an artistic side which I can understand, being an artist myself (no, I don’t play the piano or any other instrument, unfortunately). He’s a softy, he’s kind, a bit of a dork, he’s calm (much unlike all of the above), he has four brothers he would do anything for, is certainly well built for a cgi character...and he drives a big honkin’ aerotank :D Pairing him up with Scott leads to interesting conversations and the whumpfactor...I’m so sorry, Virgil. But I think at the core of it is the hero again. The Tracy boys go out to save people. There are no guns, no animosity, they are just trying to help because they care. And who couldn’t fall in love with that?
I’m not going to tag anyone, but feel free. it is an interesting way to share info about yourself :D
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