#drew this to test new brush settings cause im frustrated with how slow i draw... it helped a bit but it wasn't good for some stuff
lexicog · 1 year
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hey who want this as a sticker
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hellishvu · 5 years
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Doodles and Feelings;
— i really wanted to write about peter but i couldn’t think of anything good… like at all so i decided to check out this website where i got this prompt from the website <- link here, and yes i did write this so long ago but my account of peter parker is messed up somehow and tumblr hates me so im posting it here hopefully it shows up in the TAGS- 
彡 where peter draws doodles of you two together but things end up mixed up when you find them.
“You don’t have to help me study, Y/N I swear I got it.” Peter says getting his keys from his backpocket, you rubbing his hair telling him to open the door anyway.
“With all your superhero stuff, as a friend I want to help you catch up.” You slouched on his couch, seeing the living room clean. Guessing Aunt May cleaned it before leaving so you two could study alone.
“Yeah just go ahead to my room and I’ll bring us snacks alright?” Peter says in the distance already walking to the kitchen, you nodded grabbing his backpack opening his bedroom door. You saw his desk with a bunch of markers and an open notebook.
You looked down seeing a picture (badly) drawn but you could make out what it was. It was him doing the iconic spider man kiss that was written in all newspapers and movies. You snickered but seeing the person giving the kiss was another male, couldn’t tell who it was.
Peter walked in with the snacks in his hand seeing what you were seeing, you snickered to yourself seeing Peter drop almost everything to cover the drawing.
“Come on you could’ve told me you had a crush on someone.” Raising an eyebrow, Peter looked at you utterly confused. Okay maybe he was bad at drawing but he wasn’t that bad was he?
“What do— I mean yes! Crush on a guy, you know… just crushing on a guy named… John.”
“Well Pete the John must be really lucky.” Peter smiles at you but in the inside he was dying, how could he not know it was you in the first place? How could he leave it out in the open also?
“Well no more doodles about lovey boy John it’s time to study.” Setting down the stacks of textbooks and Peter taking his notebook closing it and seeing the title “Peter’s obvious crush on Y/N” written by the famous Ned. Setting it down so only the back of the notebook was shown, protecting his secret love doodles.
Study time went by quite slow, seeing Peter almost passing out on you when you started talking quantum physicals. You felt his head lean on your shoulder, small snores coming from the guy softly sleeping. You never admit it but you love moments like these, when Peter comes back to you after all this superhero spider man stuff to just be vulnerable.
Aunt May came in, knocking before she opened the door. Seeing Peter sleeping on your shoulder you waved trying to help him by still doing his notes for him. Aunt May saw the notebook on the doodle notebook faced down but she knew all too well of the heart stickers that it was the notebook.
“Oh you must’ve found his cute doodles of you and him.”
“Him and I? You mean I and Him? Us?” Turning to Peter the small drool beginning to form, the brown curls he had, and the beautiful pink lips he had. Aunt May covered her mistake by awkwardly laughing backing away till she closed the door.
Peter woke up, rubbing his eyes. The half eaten apple he didn’t finish on the desk and the open bag of chips. Peter saw no trace of you but saw the notes perfectly done by yours truly. He looked through them all seeing you had highlighted every important thing or what would be on the test. He got to the last page seeing a date, time, and place.
Peter walked to the place seeing it wasn’t too far and telling Aunt May that he was going to meet the boy of his dreams that could possibly connect the dots to the drawing… well it wasn’t a good idea. He walked in the place seeing art supplies and two chairs with two canvas.
“Oh you made it!” You jumped out causing Peter to scream, you laughed at him while he whines. Peter wearing his green hoodie looking like he was ready for bed since it was so late. At least he wasn’t in his hello kitty pants.
“What is this? Aren’t they closed?” Peter asks seeing the building lit by candles so people didn’t think it was open and interrupt your time with Peter.
“Well I got some connections and boom we are here!” You smiled grabbing a tube of paint showing off that you bought the supplies. Peter sat down on the stool seeing the blank white canvas.
“Y/N you know I can’t do anything artistic like.” Passing the paintbrushes to him and the cup of water to clean the brushes. You grabbed a glob of paint on your brush plopping some paint on his nose. The vibrant color on his nose, seeing Peter gasp.
“Just draw what first comes to mind.”
“Kissing you, god kissing you comes to mind.” Thoughts of just throwing all this paint and kissing you came racing through Peter’s mind.
You started painting almost immediately, Peter shocked at how you came up with something already. You played soft music to hide the quiet empty art store. The paint somehow mixing and half of the time you’ve spent asking Peter where a certain color was before realizing it was right in front of you.
Peter spent most of his time looking into your eyes, your gorgeous eyes. Doing slow progress on the canvas because he couldn’t shake off you, how he saw how your hands gripped the paintbrush. He wanted to know how it felt to hold your hand.
A new song started playing in your music collection, the soft melody and the lyrics about falling love. The lyrics hit too close to home for Peter. The song about having a crush on someone. The lyrics sharing the same struggles that Peter has, the thoughts about you all day, wanting you to take the hint, and the frustration of not making a move. Peter could literally start to cry, he hummed trying to stop the tears but once one dropped then another did and he was full on sobbing. You stopped painting, getting off your stool holding him close.
“Hey what’s wrong? Did something happen? Are you tired?” Peter sobbed a little more into your chest his hoodie still up so you couldn’t touch his hair. God, did he want you to ran your hands through his curls though, you rubbed his back though drawing little circles with your fingers. The silent art store was now filled with soft melodies and Peter crying.
“Do you know how much you mean to me? How much you make my heart flutter? The nervousness when you’re so close to my face that I could just kiss you.” Peter looks up you embracing his face seeing the red puffy eyes.
“I like you so much. Drawing cute doodles in that notebook even if they were terrible, they were how I felt.” Peter’s weak voice from the crying grabbing the notebook from the backpack he brought along with him.
“Well funny you say that.” You rubbed the back of your neck, Peter sniffing when you turned around your canvas. The famous underside down kiss, but you had practiced a whole shit ton at home before this so the painting came out decent. The vibrant colors, the deep red of his suit and he saw you drew you embracing his face pulling him into that kiss.
He could tell who it was and that made him feel like cloud 9. You waited for a response of anything till Peter chuckled the weak voice slowly going away.
“I know I’m not a John but will you go out with me Peter?” Embracing him once again, rubbing his cheek with your thumb. The dry tears leaving marks and the bright smile coming from his face. It was worth the practice and the waiting.
“Of course. A 100% yes.”
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