ask-andrew-montrose · 11 months
A familiar owl flies into your dorm room. Surprisingly, it does not have an envelope in its talons but a rather short note instead, covered in cute colourful doodles of pumpkins, and bats, and sweets. When you take it into your hand, however, the doodles protrude from the paper creating a three-dimensional image: pumpkins have carvings on them that light up as if there are candles inside, bats flap their wings, sweets turn into bars of dark chocolate, salty nuts, and pretzels. But despite all that, it distinctly smells of lavender.
My dear Monty, Please tell me Theodora did convince you to go to the Halloween event today! We spent weeks organizing the Ball and I would really, really, REALLY love to see you there! It is only for years 6 through 7 so it would not be too crowded. You don't have to actually participate in games or talk to people if you don't want to. But it would mean a lot to me if we... [this part of the writing looks a little out of place: if you squint hard enough, you might notice the traces of the ink vanishing charm, the new text written in its place] spent some time together. I wonder if you'll like my costume~ With hopes of seeing you there, William ☀️
Once you put the note down, all the images become flat once again.
Andrew is in the middle of trying to mentally prepare himself for what is probably one of the hardest holidays for him. Between the candies being offered everywhere, and the costume Theo lovingly sent over to him earlier that day....he wasn't sure if he was going to make it.
Speaking of the costume, he had spent more time grimacing at it than it would have taken to just put the damn thing on. Theo had anticipated this, and even mentioned the threat of wrangling @ask-felix-aberg in to make sure he wore it in the event that Andrew tried to avoid the inevitable.
He groaned.
But just as all hope was lost, Montrose spots his most frequent owl visitor. Except this time...the parchment in his talons was very curious indeed. Getting closer, he was immediately intrigued by the festive doodles all over the lively paper. At the touch of his hands, he inhales sharply as it comes to life in the most enchanting of ways.
He smiles begrudgingly at such a personal touch. The dark chocolate, nuts and pretzels were a relief, and welcome treat indeed.
And then that lavender.... well, that wasn't too bad of a treat either. His eyes skim the letter, softening at what looks like William having a hard time writing one curious bit. He sighs lovingly and makes sure to bold one part specifically to reassure his silly fox.
My Fox,
I admit....I wasn't sure if I'd be up for it, but since you ask much more nicely than Theodora...Congratulations. Consider me convinced.
I am very much looking forward to seeing your costume, I can only imagine what that brain of yours has come up with. Just...promise not to laugh for too long once you see mine. Theodora delights in torturing me. As usual.
Games sound great, Will. I am ..actually looking forward to it.
See you there,
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