#drey i feel like you love babylon
ilostyou · 2 years
youngblood (by 5sos) ranking!
ghost of you
meet you there
lie to me
why won't you love me
want you back
if walls could talk
moving along
talk fast
better man
empty wallets
woke up in japan
monster among men
@fountainpensongs your move. but first .. things to consider! (buckle up i didnt even realize how long this was)
ghost of you will never not be my top song off this album and quite frankly possibly all of 5sos' discography but not in a basic omg ghost of you! way. in a. this song is Mine and it makes me Feel and. yes. anyway. meet you there is a very solid 2 for me bc !!!! it fucking SLAPS and one of the songs i immediately fell in love w listening for the first time and that has not changed. more???????? same thing. extra points for the easier-more transition and being absolutely phenomenal live (myt and more also slay vocals across the board. as always, but bears mentioning). next lie to me, great song on its own but when you consider the background 🙃 feelings are hurt and it's very solidly up there. wwylm actually only recently grew on me but i LOVE her now, it's actually a super sad song?? really really like it actually. next we have the youngblood/wyb/iwct stretch which really is interchangeable based on my mood lol they all SLAP and imo are a tier (youngblood maybe s tier bc of how rockstar™ it is of them esp live) but either way. slay. wyb would maybe be higher but in a way it feels kind of basic to me for some reason? but i do like it a lot it's never a skip and is almost always a straight bop. then we've got moving along and talk fast - moving along goes surprisingly hard but i'll say it's not their best songwriting and feels kinda cheesy lol so. very good middle of the album here. talk fast is SO FUN im obsessed w calum's verse, absolute banger but don't necessarily love it more than the ones above it yknow? THEN the little holy trinity of better man/valentine/babylon being songs i really did not like or listen to UNTIL i listened to the myt tour live album and i was Changed by these three specifically (better man - FUCK me at a quarter to three???? luke?? excuse me??????? valentine....the entire thing. the whole damn thing. michael did not leave one crumb and calum is HOT. babylon - pure vibes live and see prev re calum.) i however dont love the studio versions so they kinda hang down here lol. THEN LASTLY. my dead last trio. they can die. i have listened to mam maaaaybe 3 times total i Do Not Like It. woke up in japan makes me full body cringe idk why, empty wallets i just ? do not vibe with. don't like her either
honorable mention for when you walk away! a whole bop but i can't just stick her in the rest of the ranking bc i don't really ? know where it would go bc it's so separate to me
and NOW thank you for coming to this actual ted talk
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karin-in-action · 8 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you for tagging me @fallingforfandoms. I love doing questions like these.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I've got 68 works 😳
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
My word count is 229,462
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I write for Tatort Dresden and Tatort Saarbrücken. Sometimes other Tatort teams or Radio Tatort are included as well. I've also written for Lost in Fuseta, Druck, Ragnarok, Blutige Anfänger and Babylon Berlin. Everything except Druck and Ragnarok were crossovers with Tatort because I like combining the stuff I like.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Tatort Pride Month Drabbles: my very first drabble collection that I wrote. The one that started this all. The one that makes me unable to stop writing more drabble connections. The one that no other drabble collection I'll ever write will reach.
Italian Summer (lol ur not harry styles): a Druck fanfiction that I gifted my girlfriend for Christmas when she was still just a friend. Started writing it in summer, so it was summer themed, but only finished it in winter.
Don't be sad, Mr. Laurits: a Ragnarok fanfic written after the end of the second season, because I did not want Laurits to suffer all the time. He needs someone who supports him and he now does.
Es geht weiter (Drabble Collection): one of my many other drabble collections. This one is there, so I can post drabbles whenever I feel like it, when I'm not doing a monthly collection.
And the walls kept tumbling down: an unfinished Druck fanfiction in which I gave Leonie and David a shared past. I never finished writing it and the first chapter is all that exists of it.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try my best to respond to comments. Comments make me so happy. It's so nice to see that others appreciate my work. But I'm not as good at replying as I wish I was. At the moment I have quite a few comments that I have not answered to. I try to get to it from time to time, but the more there are, the harder it is sometimes.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
The angstiest ending I ever wrote was for Zu spät. I want to make it an open ending, but I almost certainly ended up killing one of the characters. And then I did it again for Feed me Poison, fill me 'til I drown except that this time it actually was an open ending. Sorry, Leo.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
A baby being born on Christmas eve is the happiest ending you could ask for, right? Then Freudige Erwartungen – eine Weihnachtsgeschichte in 24 Drabbles is my story with the happiest ending. If a wedding is the happiest ending, then it's Tatort Pride Month Drabbles.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I got a negative comment once on Italian Summer where I was accused of transphobia. But like that's the only time I really got a negative comment and I'm not sure, if it qualifies as hate.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Uhm, yes. So much of it. I feel like lots of it is a little unhinged, if you can use that to describe which kind of smut I write. But I think I also write smut that is more ''normal''.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Yes, I do. I'm not sure, I'd call them crazy. I have written Tatort Dresden/Tatort Saarbrücken, Tatort Dresden/Babylon Berlin, Tatort Dresden/Lost in Fuseta and Tatort Dresden/Blutige Anfänger. I once started writing a Drei ???/Ragnarok crossover, but I never finished it and haven't posted anything of it. That was a crazy idea for sure.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Also no
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not sure, if it really counts, but I have two shared drabble collections with @disappointingsalad. We've both written our own drabbles independently from each other, so not much actually working together. She's also written a scene for Ein nicht so stilles Wasser and she's helped me ''translate'' for I don't want a lot for Christmas. Looking at all this, I want to thank you so much. You've done so much for me.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
I know, I should say Karin Gorniak/Leonie Winkler, but I also love Esther Baumann/Pia Heinrich so much.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I really want to finish my Drei Haselnüsse für Aschenbrödel Tatort AU, my Aaron Gorniak as a toddler AU and my Vampires in Saarbrücken case fic. I don't think that's actually happening in the near future. I also should be continuing my rainbow family Tatort Dresden Fanfic.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I'm honestly not sure. Maybe it's writing stuff that is a little unhinged.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Staying in character and actually finishing my work.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I've written English fic in the past and sometimes I'm wondering how. Writing dialogue in German comes a lot easier to me.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Surprise, it was One Direction. I since orphaned the fics I had published, because I now believe that it is wrong to write fanfic about real people. But that's everyone's own decision. If you do write fanfic about real people, you do you, but I won't.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
My favourite one is Durch den Sturm. It was my first big writing project and my first cross-over. It was also my first time writing smut. So a lot of firsts. It will always have a special place in my heart.
I'm tagging @disappointingsalad @frauv @lucy-in-space @krejong @geschichtenweiterspinnen
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haroldgross · 7 years
New Post has been published on Harold Gross: The 5a.m. Critic
New Post has been published on http://literaryends.com/hgblog/sense8-series-2/
Sense8 (series 2)
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The first series of Sense8 was a mind-blowing experience. Its scope and inventiveness blazed new ground for the small screen. It challenged its viewers on many levels and managed to set up a world and set of conflicts that had you begging for more. Even if it wasn’t new material for readers of folks like Theodore Sturgeon, it was the best depiction of those ideas I’d ever seen in visual media.
Then came the holiday special, which was an important story bridge, but which also indicated a potential shift in quality. So it was with no little trepidation that I dove into the long awaited second series.
One of the first things that is immediately obvious is that one of the rich aspects of the show, the 8 languages, has been shifted to all English. It is a subtle change at first, but as the show goes on it definitely feels diminished and less credible. One of the fascinating and wonderful aspects to Sense8 was the multi-cultural breadth of the characters. It is part of its core message that people of all countries and creeds can work closely together, can love one another. Now, not only does it all sound the same, but some of the actors are struggling with the language, and subtleties, such as using English as a way to make others feel dumb or less, have been lost.
The scale of the show has also been pulled back. In some ways this was anticipated. Sense8 is not one of Netflix’s most successful shows in terms of sheer force. It will work for them for years, I’ve no doubt, but budgets aren’t typically planned on that hope. So I can forgive this, especially if it means we get more. However, there was at least one great addition to the cast (which I can’t discuss without blowing surprises), but I will say that Doctor Who fans will be pleased.
While Straczynski (Babylon 5), and Lana and Lilly Wachowski (Jupiter Ascending) are all still very involved, I was sad to see Tom Tykwer (Drei/3)disappear from the creative staff. There was a magic with all of them that seems just a little less without him there. And the rules of this world are somewhat fungible at this time… this could be because our main characters really are still learning about what they are or it could be that the writers are not staying consistent. Time will tell on that, but it does need to clarify how Sensoriums can reach out to one another and when/how someone can take over someone else.
OK, all of that said, this is still a fascinating and brave show. It is doing things and dealing with themes that no one else really is, and certainly not in this way. The end of this series, of course, sets up the next and it has definitely raised the stakes again.  So, yes, I am anticipating the the next series already. I hope it gets renewed and I hope it comes with a bit more of the original series feeling back into it.
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