#driving the scenic route bc the music is speaking to ozzie
jizzlords · 2 months
we've seen ozzie eat someone as a means of ending a life but I think another common way of ending a life, ozzie plays with their life. there's Millions of ways to make it amusing. for him, of course.
think Oogie with the gambling games, the black lights, think a musical number while putting you 6 feet under. death by lust ;} that's a fun way but why give you that fun/pleasurable option? it's supposed to be fun only for him and whoevers on his team lol. but yeah Ozzie's deaths being amusingly fun/with a bop. would broadcast your death (think live performance, making a spectacle of the offender). would make it a gameshow. dance dance rev a mfer. he'd make it comical depending on the severity. some just go missing mysteriously. but most don't get on Ozzie's blacklist! so you should be fine! :'}
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