dromomaniacom · 11 years
travel fugue
Hello Dromomaniacs!
Welcome to my newest adventure. For the past five years, I have been working for an airline and doing quite a bit of traveling. I love researching destinations before I go them for the first time and am most interested in finding the best food, the most offbeat attraction, and the most potent drink a city has to offer. I grew up in Boston and moved to the Bible Belt for 3 years, so clearly I love a good culture shock.
I've always had a passion for writing and now I will finally combine my two loves (travel & writing) in the new blog; where I will bring to you city guides, travel memoirs, restaurant and bar reviews, travel tips, and much much more.
Coming up, we have a very exciting trip in the works - my very first long road trip. I have been extremely spoiled with free flights for the past 5 years and it is time to get back to basics. I will be heading from Boston to Buffalo, to Cincinnati, to Nashville, then on to New Orleans to celebrate my birthday. Then back! I'm super excited and will keep you updated in the planning process as well as share updates from the road.
xoxo Aimee
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