#drop the 'obi-wan' its neater
kaydear · 2 years
thots on obi-wan kenobi, which i refuse to call the show as a whole, because kenobi sounds neater:
That opening montage of the prequels?? A-fucking-mazing. Every shot every quote the music?? Chef's kiss. The episode paid for itself within five minutes
Order 66 again has me feeling things, it looked great, I'm just waiting for how that scene becomes pertinent - one of the younglings is Reva??? Perhaps?? Does she hate Kenobi because she saw Anakin at the temple and blames his master?? Even though she knows that Vader is Anakin and works for him??
Reva needs a lot of character work for her to even start to intimidate me as an Inquisitor. Like why are they letting her in the field?? Is she a good duelist?? Is she powerful?? She 'came to them' but the superhard Kenobi hunt that she's obsessed with doesn't impress me since we haven't seen her in action against anyone who's an actual threat
Like the Grand Inquisitor gives her waaaaaay more second chances than I would expect a Sith to be cool handing out to an unrespected underling. Like don't do this cool thing but I will in no way be restraining you. He deserved to get stabbed for thinking that he had done enough to make Reva fold
If anything, the Inquisitor's introduction/work on Tatooine coulda been way more impactful. Like the Grand Inquisitor gives a speech about how Awesome and Nice and Helpful the Jedi are, expecting that to make the people who are being helped by them hand them over?? It works for telling the audience in no uncertain terms that the Jedi are Good but it doesn't work in-universe as an intimidation tactic
Bail. Bail Bail Bail Bail Bail Bail Bail Bail
I'm curious how much of the season will be the quest to return Leia to Alderaan - will they stop on Tatooine? Will this explain how Obi-Wan gets his homestead from New Hope?
We're one third of the way in. Three act structure??
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