#drop them nalu nation
soup-in-soup · 4 months
This is a robbery‼️
— Reblog with your best nalu wallpaper
Here's mine:
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I'm 99% sure this art is from Mashima himself btw‼️
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allfiredupfornalu · 11 months
Chapter 31: The Fearful Poison Jelly
Well well well, this was actually NaLu evidence (the first ones I can say). As a LoLu shipper back then, it doesn't taste good to me. But now as a NaLu, I'm elated.
In the story so far, Gray was defeated by Lyon. Lyon commanded his underlings to kill the villagers and Natsu's team.
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I actually remembered watching this on National television, which was unexpected for me at that time. A drop, and then ..
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Natsu suddenly grabbed Lucy.
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And it costs, a plant to die. More like the soil to have this crater.
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Awww looked at how his hand protects her and she holds his arm due to shock. This was so cute, I actually rewatched this just now and I can't help but squeel 🤭❤️
Next is Natsu's fight, looks like it would be separate fights for each of them so NaLu moments may be paused for a while.
I'm actually watching Dragon cry right now, I really need some NaLu moments to make my day.
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petri808 · 4 years
If you're taking requests, how about a Nalu Christmas Au. The big writer lucy goes back to her hometown and meets her high school sweetheart after so long and a mutual break up, and her feelings resurface??
Happy Holidays Anon! Hope you like it!
All I want for Christmas
Nalu modern day AU, loosely inspired by the Mariah Carey song All I want for Christmas is s You. @fortheloveoffandomevents
“Come on it’d be great,” her friend Levy coaxes through the phone line. “I haven’t seen you for over a year because of your hectic schedule.”
Lucy sighs, “I know. The new book is doing great but travelling around the country for all the book signings has been tiresome.”
“Exactly! Which is why you need to come back to our hometown for the holidays and get the much-needed R & R you deserve. I’m not taking no for an answer Lu, I’ll send Gajeel to kidnap you if I need to.”
“Okay, okay!” Lucy laughs aloud and smiles to herself because she knows Levy would do it too. “I’ll come home for Christmas.”
“Good! You can stay with me. Text me the deets when you book your flight.”
“Alright. See you soon Lev…. And thanks!”
“That’s what best friends are for…”
Magnolia. Home to the Magnolia High Dragons and Fairytail Café where Lucy had spent the better part of her high school years hanging out with friends. After going away to nearby Crocus University, and a short-lived career at Sorcerer’s Weekly Magazine, her dreams had come true when one of her novels was picked up by a major publishing house. The rest, as one might say, was history.
Three successful novels later and 9 years out of high school, Magnolia was a city always on her mind but far from her ability to visit as often as she’d like to. Most of her closest friends still lived and worked there, like Levy Redfox, her best friend. Unfortunately, it was much more convenient to live in the bigger city of Crocus, close to her editor, so for now, Lucy made do with visits every chance she had.
It would be a 4-hour train ride from Crocus on the bullet train, putting her into Magnolia around 5pm that evening. Her plans were to stay a week, so as the train pulled away from Mercurius Station, Lucy settles in. Let the Vacation begin! There were so many things she was hoping to do in the short time she’d be visiting. One week sounds like a lot of time, but when you’re having fun it blows by quickly.
Day one was all about relaxation and settling in at Levy’s home with her family. Lucy was excited to see how big the Redfox twins were getting. Day two was planned as quality girl time with Levy and their friend Cana. As an early Christmas present, she’d signed the trio up for a spa morning at Blue Pegasus, then lunch at Fairytail Café, ending with a shopping trip so Lucy could pick up gifts. She could have shopped back at home, but that would have required lugging everything with her on the train. For the third day, Lucy and Levy would prepare for the Christmas Eve party Levy was hosting, cleaning, organizing, decorating, and cooking that needed to be done.
And that would bring her to Christmas Eve itself. The party was meant to be a friend reunion of sorts. As Cana had pointed out, parties were the quickest and easiest way to gather a bunch of people under one roof. All of their old friends from high school were planning on attending…
Lucy pauses in her thoughts. All of their old friends. She shakes off a creeping anxiety, nothing would ruin this trip for her as long as she didn’t let it. It’s not like it was a bad thing, awkward would be a better word for how she was feeling about seeing a certain person again. ‘You’ll be fine Lucy,’ her unconscious chimes in, ‘you two ended on good terms, went your separate ways for the sake of career choices. There’s no shame in that. He hadn’t even crossed your mind in years.’
That was true. This was the first time in probably 5 years that she’d actually thought about her high school sweetheart. Lucy had no idea what he was doing, if he was a family man now, or if he was even in Magnolia. She’d done that on purpose, not wanting to dredge up old emotions, even stayed away from social media to avoid coming across him and seeing things she may not want to see. Again, she shakes her head, ‘not gonna think about it!’ It wasn’t worth getting her hopes up. Lucy pulls out her headphones and turns on her music, it was time to send him back to her past once more.
“Levy!!” Lucy waves at her friend as she drags her suitcase across the train platform. The short woman was easy enough to spot thanks to the blue color of her hair.
“Lucy!!” Levy wraps her arms around and hugs tightly to her friend. “I’m so excited you’re here!!” She lets go, crossing over to take hold of the suitcases pull handle, “let me help you.”
“Thanks,” Lucy smiles, pulling from the other side.
Time flying by really was an understatement. Lucy had so much fun with Levy and Cana over the last couple of days, that she couldn’t even believe that Christmas Eve morning would dawn in a mere 7 hours. It was like the old days, the three of them goofing off around town, playing Princesses at the spa, and laughing it up at the café for hours. She was happy to see that place doing so well. Old man Makarov had finally given up the reigns to his grandson Laxus and his wife Mira to run, but while keeping the place the same, updated and livened it up even more.
It was almost midnight, as Lucy and Levy reclined on the couch with a couple of mugs of cocoa going over the morning routine. They expected guests to start arriving around 4 or 5pm which gave them all day for any last-minute decorating and cooking.
“I think we’ve got everything covered,” Levy states confidently. “I’ve got games for back up if things gets boring, music programmed on my Spotify. Gajeel is gonna take care of putting the drinks in the cooler and dealing with the grill. His parents will pick up the twins in the morning too.”
“I can’t wait to see everyone again,” Lucy takes a sip of her drink. “It’s been so long.”
“Everyone is excited to see you too Lu.”
Lucy brings her lips up to the cup and sips at her drink to muffle her words. “I doubt everyone.”
“Are you…” Levy sits forward, turning her body towards her friend, “Are you worried that Natsu won’t want to see you? He wouldn’t have accepted the invite if he felt that way.”
“I supposed,” Lucy sighs. She puts her drink down on the coffee table. “I’m probably just psyching myself out for nothing, but… 9 years is a long time.”
Levy places her hand on her friend’s shoulder, “you’ll be fine Lucy. Besides, there will be so many others here, you’ll have plenty of people to catch up with. Natsu will become just another face in the room.”
“I hope so.”
“You’re tired, so trying to sleep on it,” Levy squeezes Lucy’s shoulder before standing up. “In fact, we both need to get to bed.”
“You’re right. Goodnight Levy.”
All the guests had arrived by 6pm on Christmas Eve, packing the house full of people. Lucy was having a great time reconnecting with everyone, flitting around to the different pockets of partygoers. There was so much to talk about, she asking how they were doing, while they grilled her on the successes she was making in the literary world. Drinks flowed, music filled the air, and best of all her anxiety was keeping at bay for the time being. Natsu was around, talking with the guys and acting just as she’d imagined, unchanged, but seemingly uninterested in her. Not in a bad way, for he’d said hello, just not focused on her. Lucy wasn’t sure if that was upsetting or a relief.
After all these years he had barely changed. Natsu still looked as he did the last time, she’d seen him outside of the Fairytail café. Their break-up was mutual since she needed to go away for college, and he was leaving for the national guard. But that didn’t mean the feeling she held for him had gone away. Lucy groans internally, ‘Why did he still have to look so damn good!’ Her friend Juvia brought her up to speed on what Natsu had been doing. Apparently, he and Gray were now police officers here in Magnolia, which is why Natsu kept in such good shape.
By 11pm, the party had wound down. A few guests that had to work the next day, including Gray and Juvia had gone home, leaving just a handful relaxing in the living room or dining room areas. Lucy stood in the entryway that separated the two rooms, leaning against the frame after a conversation with Erza. She was growing tired but didn’t want to go to bed while guests were still there.
That was a lie. The main reason she didn’t want to leave was because Natsu was still there. All night she’d fought the urges bubbling up, the desire to see if there was still a spark between them. And the more it simmered, the more those thoughts ate away her. How do you go from being friends since primary school, joined at the hip by middle school, to a couple in love in high school, then nothing since then? Do such intents die so easily? A lot of people thought they’d become inseparable and were shocked when they broke up. It was both their choices, and both their faults for not keeping in touch over the years, but they’d been young.
Lucy sighs, and turns away so if he looked, Natsu wouldn’t see the light tears building in her eyes. She drags her finger under her eyes, catching a couple drops of tears. A stupid song on the stereo wasn’t helping either. Mariah Carey belting out, ‘All I want for Christmas is you…’ Yeah talk about a mood! Ugh, nostalgia mixed with alcohol was turning her into mush!
“Hey are you okay?”
She feels a light graze against her waist and stiffens. “I’m fine,” Lucy turns with a fake smile plastered on her face to hide the sadness, “just getting tired.”
“Luce, I know it’s been a long time, but you can’t hide from me. I could always tell when you’re feeling down.”
“I’m fine really, Natsu,” her smile only widens.
She knows he knows she’s lying.
“If you say so,” he plays along for the time being. “Hey... um, we didn’t really get a chance to talk tonight, but I wanted to congratulate you on the new book.”
“Oh, thank you, that’s really sweet of you.”
“I always knew you would be successful one day.”
“It is what I always dreamed of.” She almost wanted to say, it was a lonely experience, but catches herself before it slips out. Sure, she was doing well, but she was all alone in Crocus, and quite possibly this career is what cost her the once love of her life. Lucy pauses in thought, that was the first time she realized that about her choice. But it was a hard choice to make, her dream of being an author, or her dream man slipping through her fingers?
Natsu notices Lucy zoning out and waves a hand in front of her face. “Earth to Lucy?”
He chuckles, “I have one more question.”
She looks up and notices a nervousness settle on his face. “Oh--kay?”
“Are you still single?” Natsu rubs the back of his neck. “I-I don’t mean to be so forward, but I figured this might be my only chance and I needed to take it.”
Lucy blinks in surprise. “Yes, I’m still single. Why do you ask?”
“Because if you are then…. Then I want to do this.”
Before she can even ask what ‘this’ is, Natsu leans down and steals a rough and needy kiss upon her lips, holding it for what felt like a lifetime.
Lucy’s body immediately melts against him, and he reacts by wrapping an arm around her waist to steady her. All those dormant memories of their past trysts flood her mind. Natsu always felt so…. Perfectly made for her, and she for him.
Natsu pulls away slowly, letting their lips hover for a second, as if preparing for round two, before releasing part of his grip. He lowers his head, closing his eyes, savoring the heat left on his skin. “God Luce, I’m such an idiot for letting you go once.”
With a deep breath to steady herself again, Lucy leans her forehead to his. “You’re not the only one at fault.” She sighs, “I stayed away out of fear that you’d moved on, because I think my heart wouldn’t be able to take it. But we’re here… now…. It’s a… second chance if we want it.”
He smiles and cradles her face, “You’re all I ever wanted Luce.”
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kiliinstinct · 4 years
Dragon Bond: Chapter 4
Summary:  The bond was formed to save a Kingdom before it ever became a nation. Now, it is waning and the Dragon’s grow restless. One Princess has the key to save it, but how can she when unaware it even exists?
Current Rating: T Pairing: Nalu and Various Others Written By: RougeScribe A03: All Current Chapters
Important Note: This story was originally written 5-6 years ago and made it up to 10 chapters before I removed it from FF.Net. Many of the chapters are unedited, but it is my wish to eventually continue this story. See this post for more details!
|Ch 3| – |Next|
Chapter 4: Back Too Soon
It was high noon when Mirajane realized something was wrong. Like most nights, she had stayed up late to clean and shoo the occupants out by sunup. The feeling was subtle. An inkling that gradually grew throughout the day. First during her time at the castle (bustling about the kitchen’s and sculler) - only to grow in intensity as time clicked by, closer to time for the bars opening. Despite these feelings, Mirajane had many things to look forward to. The top of her list being a hopeful return of Natsu and Lucy that night. 
Yet, she couldn’t shake the feeling off; couldn't put her finger on it. Worry slowly consumed her as she hoped the tavern master would visit soon. She often brought all her concerns to him and this time was no different. Years ago, Mirajane had learned that feelings were not to be ignored; that there was always a connection with the world around her -thanks to the magic in her blood.
 It would always serve as a special warning: An innate sense that all mages would have, if they could learn to listen. She did, but understanding was another thing entirely.
The woman had just settled on ignoring the feelings, loading the ovens in the Tavern’s Kitchen with firewood, when the cause of her feelings struck her. Quite literally in her abdomen. With a force that pulled air from her lungs in a loud, pained gasp.
 "MIRA! We have to get NATSU!" A distraught Happy had barreled into her with wings extended and a glow around his body. He was shivering from exertion and tiny paws dug into her dress like a lifeline. The small cat was a sight she had not been ready for.
"Happy? What are you doing here? It's only been a day since you left!" She held the blue ball of fur close as he shivered, bereft with fever caused by overexertion.. "Oh, you poor thing, what's happened?"
Happy  barely made out the words as his wings drooped and eyes glazed over. "I.. have...to tell Natsu that-that... there's something important I have to tell him!" He wavered for a moment and Mirajane  set him down in the corner of her kitchen, where she often let him sleep after a long flight. He looked like he needed it, practically melting into the tiny, square cushion as white wings faded away.
 "He may be here tonight," She consoled and forced the distraught cat to lie down. "Please rest, you're not well.." He looked close to protesting, but another rack of shivers took him as he dropped off to sleep. Mirajane worried her bottom lip, teeth biting into the soft skin as she observed him. She would wake him as soon as Natsu arrived, she decided. It had to be serious to put the little thing in such a state. 
 Mirajane resumed preparing to open the bar and silently hoped whatever was so urgent wasn't half as serious as Happy made it out to be. They had plenty of things to worry about without more bearing down on them. Frowning, she made a mental wish that everything would be just fine at Natsu’s arrival. 
The day was far too lovely to stay indoors and the Courtyard Gardens were well suited for taking a book and reading within them. Lucy had finished her studies that morning and was eager to enjoy her Afternoon freedom. Braced against an ornately decorated bench, she perused through a tome of Ancient Legends and wondered how the librarian always knew exactly what book would catch her eye each day. She vowed to ask one day, but the tiny woman never stayed in the vicinity long enough to gain her attention. Always so busy… and Lucy hated the thought of using her own authority to get in the way of that. 
So she took her newest acquisition and found fit to read with a contented grin on her face.  Despite the random sounds of shouting and what sounded suspiciously like an explosion off in the distance. It pulled her attention away from her musings many a time, brows furrowing in curious agitation. Near the Mage Barracks, of course- the Corps must have been sparring, or training or…  well, whatever it is they did when bored, she supposed. 
From the distance, it almost looked like they were playing and after a fifth interruption, she caught the telltale signs of Natsu darting in between a few of them- his pink head hard to miss. (And it gave her the answer to her unasked question pertaining to the sudden bursts of flame that caught her eye.) He never understood subtlety- a trait that often made her wonder how he ever got his job with her.
The changed subject in her mind pulled a wistful sigh from Lucy- head tilting back to look towards the clouds while her fingers marked the page in her book. She had done it. She had visited Fairy Tail and it had been more than she could have hoped for. The night had been such a whirlwind, but the liberation of being accepted as someone normal made everything look all the more bright. Lucy no longer wondered why Natsu made a habit of rushing off to their any chance he could make- in fact, she was rather excited at the idea of returning. Would he take her? She hoped!
Natsu had given her a possible hint towards bringing her there again, the night before when she realized she would not get a second venture out two days in a row. To not rouse suspicion, naturally, but only her trust in Natsu had kept her patience in tact.  He may not have been the sharpest spear in her Father’s Family, but he was the most reliable, of that, Lucy was certain.
Giggling to herself, Lucy resumed reading. The book’s contents held her interest, covering all manner of myths and legends that could have been true once upon a time. She was especially interested in the chapters speaking of Dragons. No one had seen a beast such as that in generations, but the tome’s details rekindled a small childish hope that maybe they would prove to be real in her lifetime. 
Lifetime- … her thoughts danced towards the summer awaiting her, ruining the bubbly emotions in her stomach. There’s no way I’m seeing a dragon if I’m married off before the fall hits… How was she to deal with that? Jude’s words from their last talk in his office left a foul taste in her mouth and Lucy forced her eyes back into focus on the words in front of her. She didn’t want to think about it. 
Lucy had no chance to turn the page. A sudden gust of hot air fanned her face, force great enough to blow her hair back as a burst of fire exploded by her feet. The heat engulfed her and she shrieked, legs folding under herself to the safety of the bench. Her book fell against the stack brought with her and scattered to the ground. With eyes flinched, she awaited the fire to either spread or disperse, opening only when a sudden shadow passed over. 
Her eyes met with Natsu' back, blocking the flash of light and energy that had gone off too close.it. As the light faded, Lucy blinked the spots out of her, dazed.
"Damnit,"Her guard cursed and she noticed the scorch mark inches from her feet and the charred edges on two of her books. "Gray! You almost made me hit Lucy, you bastard!"
"What- Don't blame me for your terrible aim, Natsu!"
He growled again as Lucy jumped from the bench, ignoring her hair draping across her face in messy strands and that the hem of her skirts were lined with soot. She inspected the charred ground, surmising that a misplaced blast of magic shot the distance from the training grounds to her seat. She would have been impressed by the distance Natsu covered with both his magic ad reflexes, but the smell of a few burnt strands of hair struck her, fueling her rage. She noticed the royal guard Natsu fought at Fairy Tail the day before, shouting towards them, but Lucy didn’t pick up the words he said. 
Lucy couldn’t contain her fury and shouted, "Natsu! ... You MORON!" Snatching a book, she  struck the back of his head. Not enough to damage, but enough to stun. Natsu spun to face her, eyes wide and expression sheepish.
"Lucy! -I'm sorry, I didn't mean," He fell silent when she took one step towards him and waved the book threateningly.
"That is Princess Lucy to you, right now!" She seethed - steam felt as if it could burst from her ears. With an imperceptible bow and a light squeak of apology, Natsu shot back towards the grounds, where she was certain he'd begin his fighting anew with Gray. The urge to chase after was great, taking two more steps after him before she froze, mentally attempting to compose herself.
 She looked like a mess. Was the daughter of a King and had just struck her body guard in public! Panic swelled within and  she hurriedly began gathering her books.. She hoped her father didn't catch wind of this! Lady's did not shout and strike their guards in anger and they most certainly didn't run across the grounds in a singed dress! With a mental note to inform the gardeners about the damage, she rushed back to her quarters, hoping to find Lisanna in time to help her change.
She didn't notice Natsu watching as she ran before he resumed sparring; Just as she didn't notice the Quartermaster shout at the two Mages. If she had stayed longer, she would have witnessed the old man, furious in his reprimands, interrupted by a servant rushing out a small set of doors, summoning him inside.Perhaps she would have also noticed the annoyance that crossed his face as well as the sudden, scowl shadowing Natsu’s expression.
But she noticed none of these things, as she had near ruined books to apologize for and a new dress to change into. If Natsu was lucky, she wouldn't strike him again when he took her out that night!
Makarov Dreyar, Quartermaster and trainer of the Mage Corpse, was not happy when he entered King Jude's study. His brats had destroyed the grounds again and had even embarrassed the Princess. If not for the fact he knew Lucy kept secrets from her father, he would have assumed this summons to cover the event that had occurred, but he was lucky. News did not spread so fast. Makarov wasn’t worried when he walked the halls to the King’s study, but his gait carried a stiffness that revealed a secret tension.
He hated speaking with Jude.
Makarov slammed the door open as he entered and stepped in fast enough for the doors to bang shut behind him with equal force. The resounding echoes served to expel his irritation and he fought the urge to sneer when the King glared from his seat.
 "Greetings, Your Highness, " he said, tone mocking as he bowed low to the floor. It was a quick bow, but thanks to his short stature, it looked as if he would touch the ground with his nose anyway.
"Makarov," Jude greeted with a hard stare and eyed the doors, "I now know who to blame the next time one of those mages slam that door in my presence. Apparently even you don't have manners."
"My apologies,” Makarov replied drolly, "but I thought you knew that already."
Jude was unamused, but declined to respond. Instead, he pulled out an old ledger from the desk and turned the frayed pages. His expression shifted, reflecting anxiety. Makarov, like many others, knew the King as a stoic, calculating man-  but he recognized that ledger. Standing straighter, he twitched his nose and waited.  So, he was summoned for that was he?
"The demands for tithe have not been made this year," Jude said after minutes of silence. "It's every five years, and this is the fifth year, is it not?"
"It is."
The King stared at him and Makarov had to resist rolling his eyes.
"It is, your highness." He amended, biting his tongue. The King nodded and resumed looking through the pages. His face was taut and his eyes glowered as if trying to set the pages alight. Makarov cleared his throat and added, "Perhaps there is no Tithe this year?"
"Don't be absurd, you know better." Makarov nodded his consent and Jude grumbled under his breath slamming the ledger shut with an aggravated hiss, "They better not dare to demand more from me if tithe does not make it on time. I won't give them double just because they lost their minds and forgot to issue the new demand!"
He was angry and Makarov wisely held off from reminding his King that these things were not easily forgotten. Instead, he glanced out the windows and shrugged his shoulders. "Perhaps, you should make a trip to see them."
Jude sputtered, turning his scowl on the shorter man."Preposterous, that would be far too suspicious this time of year."
"Would it really, your majesty?" Makarov questioned with a raised eyebrow. "The King of Fiore has been cooped up in his castle for the entire winter and decides to leave for a week-long excursion of hunting to resettle himself. A few trusted guards come along and it's an outing. Is that something to question?" The room grew quiet as Jude stared and Makarov’s eye twitched. While he entertained himself by annoying the King, Makarov gave no show of it.. The candles flickered as the two men pressed their wills upon each other with their gazes until, finally, the King deflated.
"You make a valid point," He conceded, but his glare turned acidic, "You will accompany me for this." Makarov’s face dropped and he cursed beneath his breath. Of course that's what would happen, why was he even surprised?
"Lucy, you're not still mad at me are you?"
"Do not call me Lucy."
Natsu whined childishly and pouted, "You are still mad at me!"
"No. I'm just livid."
Lucy sighed, "Fine, I'm still mad at you!"
"I knew it! Come on, I told you it was an accident!" Natsu whined again and Lucy rubbed her temples in consternation. He had been begging her to forgive him since they began their trek  to Fairy Tail. They were still walking down the street and his begging had persisted every step of the way. She would have forgiven him the moment he’d walked through her door  if he hadn't been pressing her the entire time.
Lucy didn't want to be mad. She was excited to see the bar once again and wanted to excitedly talk to her friend all about it. There was still remnants of her panic from that evening that held her tongue, however- twisting into her throat each time she considered it. Lucy was usually more composed. It would do neither of them any good if her father suspected she had been 'corrupted' in some manner. She struggled with the fear that he would change her guard to another if he ever thought Natsu negatively impacted her.
Sighing, she turned her gaze towards him and shook her head,"Yes, I know you did." She said, feeling her mind growing exhausted from the exertion of holding her anger.
"Then can you forgive me? I swore I wouldn't let anything harm you Lucy, even with my own fire. I did manage to stop it after all." Sensing her ire was starting to die , Natsu placed an arm on her shoulder and ushered her towards the double doors of the bar that quickly approached.
"Maybe, but stop calling me Lucy!" She ordered, feeling that despite her willingness to forgive, she still had to hold onto something to punish her fire mage with.
"No way!" He countered, hands now gripping the door handles. How did they get there so soon, she wondered? "You're not a Princess when you're out here, you're just Lucy! So I'm calling you Lucy all I want." The tone in his voice brook no arguments and Lucy’s face flushed.
Of course he'd know the exact words to say, didn't he always? Being just Lucy was a privilege she didn't get often and the statement sent all aggravation out of her head. "F-fine... just - just open the doors already!" She groused, crossing her arms while her face flared.
Natsu grinned in victory, "You got it, Lucy." She was more prepared for what she would see than she had been the other night. Lucy was ready for the smell of smoke and alcohol and the buzz of conversation. The  cheering and drunken songs. She was even prepared for the smiles on everyone's face when they welcomed her like an old friend and for Natsu to rush off and brawl with the first person he saw the moment they entered.
That didn’t happen. 
What Lucy wasn't prepared for, was the blue streak of fur that attached itself to Natsu as soon as they crossed the threshold, shouting piteously, "Natsu! I have to talk to you right now, why didn't you come sooner?!" Nor was she prepared to see Natsu greet it with a concerned, haphazard smile, a pat on the head and a confused tilt of his head.
"Happy? You made it here in less than two days? How did you manage that, buddy?" His smile was wide, but something in his eyes dulled. Lucy noticed half the occupants were watching them as the scene unfolded, but she couldn’t pay attention. Her eyes were glued to the furry animal with wings nestled in her bodyguard's arms.
"I flew as fast as I could!" The cat cried out, exhausted, but his eyes were wide and he spoke with a rush. "I have to talk to you right now! It's important!"
These things were not things that Lucy could prepare herself, let alone process. She didn’t even register the words coming out of the cat's mouth other than the fact that words were, in fact, being said- rather than it being a halluzination. There was a cat with wings.. talking to her bodyguard like they knew each other. A cat with…
The book she had told of myths and legends struck her like a ton of bricks and Lucy asked before she could even think, "...is...that an exceed?"
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@lovelyluce @yuldragneel @bearpluscat @millennial-star-gazer @caandleworks @kaycha1989 @furidojasutin @just-another-dream-girl @whatdidyasayiamdaydreaming @dlshieldss @ctay21 @acidrain1698 @clockworkassassino @celestialwolf24 @hollyw5937 @moeruhoshi @littlejinxed @moonlitstargazerforever @doginshoe @squeep123 @bitch-stole-my-nutella-again
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coleymari-blog · 7 years
Diverging Paths
Fourth Prompt for @nalu-week2017. Second Day: Tarot; where Natsu and Lucy meet in a different time under MUCH different circumstances.
As Princess of the Realm, Lucy had many obligations. Her father, King Jude of Heartfilia had his fair share as well, hence why his only daughter was currently packed into a carriage on her way to meet her future husband. In order to preserve peace between their two nations, her father had promised her hand in marriage to Prince Dan in the neighboring country to the South. Unfortunately, she was used to feeling like a bargaining chip.
Sitting in the ornately decorated, wood cart, Lucy stared out the window at the passing landscape, sighing to herself quietly. Her Royal Guards, Erza and Gray, sat on the bench opposing her, bickering about their responsibilities once they arrived in their new home. She’d been lucky when Dan had allowed her to bring two of her closest loved ones with her. Even the fact that he’d allowed her to do anything made her want to scoff. All that did was set the tone for what she knew would be the rest of her miserable days.
“Cheer up, Lucy,” Erza remarked warmly, drawing the princess’s attention her friends. “I’ve been assured that the King’s castle has a beautifully maintained garden. Perhaps we could take a walk through it after we’ve settled in our quarters.”
“If my new jailer permits,” Lucy grumbled, crossing her arms delicately over her chest, as much as the tightly laced bodice would allow of course. All she’d done was move from one prison to the next. At least she wouldn’t be completely alone. Sighing, she dropped her shoulders and attempted to relax. “Sorry, Erza,” she said, her royally influenced smile etching on her lips. “You’re right. I’m sure they’re beautiful.”
Gray was the next one to voice his opinion. “I don’t get why your Father picked this guy, apparently he’s a royal pain in the ar--.” He didn’t get to finish his thought before Erza punched him in the arm, hard. His steely gaze turned on his ally quickly. “Was that really necessary?!”
The two soldiers were bickering before Lucy knew it, causing the blonde to laugh at the familiarity of it all. It felt like she was home again, easing the ache in her heart for a moment. All before disaster struck.
“Titania!” yelled the Carriage Driver, another of Lucy’s guards named Gajeel. By the tone of his voice, the Princess could tell the matters outside were serious. The carriage screeched to a halt, jostling the young royal between its walls. She was commanded to stay put as her two best friends left her unattended in order to fend off whatever enemy lurked in the surrounding forest.
Lucy’s mind automatically assumed the worst, picturing Bandit raiders, assassins from warring lands, she’d been warned of it all by the time she was ten. Before she had even left her castle, Sir Capricorn, the head of her Father’s guard, had warned her of the possibility of interception on her journey. The worried princess calmed her racing mind by reminder herself that Gray, Erza, and Gajeel were three of Celestiana’s best warriors. Whatever had come for them, her guards would take care of the problem before it even had the chance to escalate further, she was sure.
Erza rushing back into the carriage didn’t bode well for Lucy. The redhead was heaving beneath her armor plates, her hand covered in blood splatter. Probably from the unfortunate soul that dared to cross blades with Erza “Titania” Scarlet.
“Princess, we must take evasive action,” the redhead commanded, throwing open the opposite door. Lucy and her guardian took off into the dense forest in hopes of finding an appropriate hiding place. As they scurried, the bandits were hot on their tail which caused the blonde girl to panic.
“Erza, what are we going to do?” she asked, her voice shaking with fear. The two Celestials dodged between the foliage as Erza made them serpentine through the trees.
Finding a hollow log, the guard quickly peered around, ensuring they were alone. “Lucy, I need you to hide in here until I can come back for you,” she instructed, kneeling down to aid her charge. Tears sprung forth from the princess’s eyes.
“P-please don’t-t leave me b-behind” she pleaded, fingers gripping onto her best friend’s armor. The soldier hastily tucked Lucy’s appendages back into the log.
“I’ll come find you, I promise,” the redhead whispered before taking off again into the forest alone with hopes of finding her comrade in one piece.
Hours soon passed and the sun began to fade behind the mountains. Lucy, stricken with fear, had refrained from moving a single muscle as she awaited her valets’ return. The forest had been eerily quiet, leading the princess to believe that everything was fine, or that everything had gone terribly wrong.
Deciding to disobey Erza’s command, Lucy forced her stiff body out of her hiding place in order to find her friends. After wandering for awhile in the dark, she unfortunately became more lost in the process, coming back to her spot multiple times in attempts at finding her way out. Grumpily she threw herself down onto her log and huffed, desperately wishing that she’d been able to pay better attention to her surroundings. No doubt Erza and Gray knew where they were, wherever they were.
A rustling in the trees soon caught Lucy’s attention and she jumped up from the log, grabbing at whatever ‘weapon’ she could find in the near vicinity. With a rock in hand, she awaited whatever was out there. “Show yourself!” she demanded, heart racing and courage wavering. The last thing she expected to see was pink hair...?
Two hands shot out of the brush, a tuft of pink soon following, accompanied by a man around Lucy’s age dressed in the typical Gypsy attire. His muscled chest was tanned and exposed beneath a patchwork vest, baggy white linen pants covered most of his lower body, and a frayed white scarf held back his salmon locks. “I’m not here to hurt you,” he said slowly as if speaking to a child. “You’ve been running around these woods for a couple of hours now, so I figured I would help you.” He nodded to the rock in her hand. “As soon as you drop your weapon that is.”
Lucy looked at the stranger, at her rock, and back at the stranger before placing it back on top of the log. “Want to tell me why you let me run around all that time instead of helping me?!” she screeched, hands now on her hips.
The forest gypsy just grinned toothily before beckoning her to follow him. “There’s way worse in these woods than me,” he threw over his shoulder as he turned and walked further into the forest, leaving Lucy with no option but to follow.
After a few silent minutes, the two of them arrived in a small camp outlined by a handful of wooden wagons. There were maybe twenty people in all, each dressed just as her mystery savior. He walked her to the wagon near the ‘top’ of the circle where there sat an older man dressed almost identically to the man on Lucy’s right.
“Natsu!” bellowed the man from his perch, causing the Princess to tremble slightly. “Why have you brought an outsider to our camp?”
Natsu looked at the ground, an obvious sign of respect and subservience. “She was lost in the woods, Papa,” he explained, gesturing to her clothes. “And she obviously wasn’t prepared to spend the night out there.” Lucy blushed as the gypsy continued to speak on her behalf. “Please, let her stay the night and I will escort her back to town come morning. Please?!”
Looking over the young girl, Igneel agreed with his son. “Very well, but she is your responsibility.”
Lucy wanted to speak up for herself. She was a Princess for Gods’ sake! She was no one’s ‘responsibility’ save for Erza, Gajeel, and Gray. A small gasp tore through her sealed lips, Natsu the first one to realize. “Something the matter?”
“Did anyone find anyone else in the forest today?!” she cried, tears streaming down her soiled cheeks. Natsu turned to his father, receiving a slow nod in response to his silent question.
“There are a woman and two men in one of the wagons,” the pinket explained, running his hand through his hair. He pointed at the bottom of her gown, where her family crest was elegantly stitched in. “Wearing cloaks with sigils like that. But they’re sleeping. They weren’t exactly in the best shape when my sister, Wendy got to them. Thankfully she’s our healer, so she got to work right away before we even got them back to camp.”
Lucy sighed in relief as Natsu led her to the neighboring wagon. He parted the drapes and allowed her to see her friends, all three sleeping soundly and bandaged up practically everywhere on their bodies. She shook her head as she continued to cry. “This is my f-fault,” she choked, “T-they’re my f-friends. They w-were protect-ting me.”
“Protecting you?” Natsu asked, taking a minute to put two and two together. “Wait! You’re the Heartfilia Princess, aren’t you?!” The rest of the group fell silent but their facial expressions told her everything she needed to know. Obviously, they weren’t exactly devoted inhabitants of the town, and her father hadn’t exactly been kind to their people. All she could do was hope that her story would win them over.
After recounting all that had happened, and being verified by Wendy (who had gotten bits and pieces from her patients before they passed out), Natsu led her to the first wagon again and went inside, helping her up the rickety steps. He rummaged through a trunk before throwing her a dress to wear, one much lighter than her own. “Go ahead and put that on for now,” he instructed, leaving her alone in order to do just that. “I’ll be by the fire when you’re ready.”
Lucy changed quickly and followed Natsu out to the fireside. There were children playing, people eating, drinking, and laughing, and another woman reading cards. She couldn’t help but smile at what surrounded her. Part of her envied the freedom the Gypsies had, the way they traveled from one town to another in search of adventure. Another part of her wondered if she could ever give up her royal life to lead one of poverty and uncertainty. Looking around the circle, Lucy’s gaze kept returning to the card reader, filling the princess with intrigue.
Seeing her attention being drawn to Cana, Natsu led them both to the fortune teller and sat them down on the other side of her crate.
“I’m guessing no one has told you your future before,” the brunette slurred, stacking her deck before handing it to the blonde. “Shuffle these while thinking of the one question you’ve always wanted to be answered.”
Looking around at the happiness and freedom that surrounded her, Lucy couldn’t help but wonder if she would ever have the same. Would she be destined to have every aspect of her life controlled for her or would she command her own destiny one day? After she was sure the cards were completely shuffled, she handed them back to the fortune teller and sat back, awaiting her fate.
Cana set the cards in a very simplistic order, a simple line of three. Flipping the first card, she explained that that particular card meant she had encountered recent misfortune, like losing someone she cherished. The middle card signaled that she was at a crossroads. Before reading the third card, Cana took a moment to watch as Natsu stared intently at their vistior with emotions she’d never seen from him before. Grinning, she flipped the last card, and couldn’t believe that the fates were with her.
“Looks like your in for your own adventure, Princess,” she teased, “Hope you’re up for the challenge.”
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