carameliise · 7 years
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reggiedarlin · 3 years
The Boy in The Band.
*disclaimer the face claim for Remus in this is Matt Hitt and for Sirius it is Damiano David or Conan Gray*
Sirius was obsessed. Well obsessed was an understatement, Sirius lived and breathed Remus Lupin. He had posters all over his bedroom, to his father’s dismay, and had his music on repeat 24/7. Who is Remus Lupin you may ask? Remus Lupin is the lead singer of the famous band Drowners, aka Sirius Black’s all time favourite band. So, as you can imagine, when he had the chance to get free tickets and a chance to meet Remus Lupin himself he was ecstatic.
“Oh my god Lily! I need to enter this competition like if I don’t I will die.” Sirius told lily over the phone that night. “Yeah I know you would you dramatic bitch. You’ve been obsessed with Remus since we were like 15!” answered Lily laughing at her best friends antics.
Lily and Sirius had been best friends since they were born. Lily had been there for Sirius when he had come out. His mother had been accepting, his father not so much. It was so bad Sirius’ dad ended up beating him so much he had ended up in hospital where the hospital then rang the police and reported his dad. He was in jail, but Lily had stuck by him for his whole life and he loved her for it.
“Anyway what do you even have to do for this competition?” Lily asked stopping her laughter for a minute. “You have to post a picture on Instagram proving you’re their biggest fan. After the deadline they will go through them all and pick who’s is the best and you get free pit concert tickets and get to meet the band.” explained Sirius. “Well I’m pretty sure you have that in the bag just post a picture of your bedroom and you’d probably win.” suggested Lily jokingly but her friend thought this was a great idea. “Oh my god, Lily Evans you are a genius I love you.” “Wait? Why am I a genius?” questioned the redhead unsure of what she had said was so genius. “I could get you to take a picture of me in my Drowners sweatshirt in my room posing with my cardboard cut out and I could post that!” explained the boy his voice getting higher and higher with excitement. “Well then Sirius Black go get your shit together so tomorrow we can take that picture!”
“Sirius! I HOPE YOU GOT YOUR SHIT TOGETHER BECAUSE WE’RE TAKING THIS PHOTO!” Shouted Lily unlocking the door and walking into Sirius’ flat with her key. “I’M UP HERE LILS!” shouted back the 20 year old from his room getting ready for the photo his 5 year long celebrity crush had a chance of seeing. “Ooo! Make sure you put the glittery eyeliner on!” said his redhead friend walking into his room. “Yes, also I love how completely unfazed you are about the fact I could be naked every time you just walk into my bedroom.” laughed the boy sitting at his desk putting on the eyeliner Lily suggested. “Oh please I’ve seen you naked that many times nothing would surprise me anymore.” spoke Lily nonchalantly. “Right, so I was thinking, we could have you like knelt on your bed with your cardboard Remus and I’ll stand in the corner so I can get the whole room in the pic and you can like do a few different poses so you can post multiple pictures and like caption it whatever you want. How does that sound?” suggested the 19 year old to her best friend. “That sounds great! Let’s do that! exclaimed Sirius. 
After two hours of trying to get the perfect pictures they had finally got one. The picture was of Sirius on his bed in his Drowners sweatshirt and baggy jeans hugging the cardboard Remus Lupin for dear life. He had captioned the picture “I would sell my soul to recreate this picture with the real Remus Lupin”, tagged @Drownersband and @Remus.Lupin and posted the photo. Now all he had to do was wait.
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alex-turner-jpg · 8 years
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drownerrs · 10 years
Drowners - Watch You Change (Strings Version) 
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alex-turner-jpg · 10 years
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Teenage icon. ✌️✌️✌️
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better-than-u · 10 years
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HI I MET MATT HITT THAT IS ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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mmakingelectricity · 10 years
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CHAMPION. @mattxhitt @drownersband (at Brooklyn Night Bazaar)
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themodernbeat-blog · 10 years
Albert Hammond Jr./Drowners @ Music Hall of Williamsburg (6/13/2014)
Concerts have a habit of building themselves up all on hype. Arctic Monkeys are a band that told us not to believe the hype, but fast forward almost ten years later, they are easily one of the best live acts out there.
Albert Hammond Jr. finds himself in a sea of hype as well, especially as The Strokes are making a fairly large comeback, as well as a new EP out in stores. On top of that, Drowners are receiving a tremendous amount of hype right now for their debut album, which is a mix of The Strokes and The Smiths. How do two acts prove to a crowd that the hype is worth it? Hammond Jr. and Drowners stormed the theatre with energy, proving there is a reason for the hype.
Kicking the night off, Drowners played through their entire debut album with such ease. Seeming to enjoy every moment out there, they resonated with the audience. As a fan, I knew I would enjoy it, but plenty of people in the crowd told me they didn’t know who they were. Those people seemed to be walking out with either their vinyl or CD. What gives Drowners such a unique taste is Matt Hitt (yes, the model). His quick and catchy songs are a formula for success. If you haven’t had the chance to see them, it’s a must-see. It’s English (or Welsh) music, growing up in New York City.
After they quickly got off stage (although their bassist Erik Lee Snyder seemed eager to talk to fans), there was a bit of a waiting period as stage hands prepared for Albert Hammond Jr. As someone who isn’t too familiar with his entire catalog, I wasn’t expecting myself to get a huge kick out of his set as I did Drowners. Slowly but surely, his famous white Strat came on stage with the chips and marks from thirteen years of touring with The Strokes. It was time to see someone who has made history.
He and his band came on stage with such a genuine happiness and gratefulness that it could cheer the saddest of men up. AHJ, who has a fairly large catalog of music to play, rocked through his set. The last time I have seen this much energy was when Arctic Monkeys played MSG. There wasn’t an inch of space on that stage the band missed. He held on to the audience, even with lesser-known songs. It seemed that the night was just an entire moment of energy and fun. Alas, the night had to end, as he closed with “It’s Hard to Live in the City” off his debut album. It felt like a classic the way everyone in the crowd belted the lyrics back at the singer/guitarist.
To be fair, for me, the day didn’t start at the concert. I had been outside for five hours before doors opened, with the goal of getting a good spot and meeting Matt Hitt from Drowners. Mission accomplished. Although I didn’t speak to him too much, it was great for him to take the time out to say a few words to me. Along with that, I met Fabrizio from The Strokes, who just seemed so happy to be supporting Albert. Then, on top of that, I met Albert Hammond Jr. and helped him carry his amplifier in. AHJ was super happy to be there and was nothing but a great guy. It’s always such a pleasure when a talented musician is also a great person. So, while the concert may not have been for everyone, it was something worth seeing. The start to my day only made it better. It didn’t even matter there were flash-flood warnings everywhere.
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jacob-hf · 10 years
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last night was amazing best gig i've been to by far i hung around outside and finally got to meet matt and then i gave him the zine i made for his birthday and he signed my copy of between us girls and then i got a photo with him and it pretty much completed a fantastic night!
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fuckoffmaaan · 10 years
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Matthew Hitt before performing at Coachella 2014.
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marwhale-blog · 10 years
I caught up with the boys of Drowners this past Sunday before their performance, check it out!
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fleshofdolls · 10 years
Bought tickets to see Temples and Drowners next thursday ((--:
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