saphinc · 4 years
my pet peeve is when you post a bio and you say like or comment if you want me to contact you for plotting and then when you message someone who likes it they ask you to tell them about your character, like did you not read the bio you just liked
what are your mun pet peeves ?
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saphinc · 4 years
Pet Peeve: Muns who want their character(s) to be the center of attention.
what are your mun pet peeves ?
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saphinc · 4 years
When you agree to have a ship or a shippy dynamic with someone’s muse and they act like they expect your muse to break character or avoid certain hurdles to make them official. Sorry characterization over ships all day every day!!
what are your mun pet peeves ?
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saphinc · 4 years
drpcq #0025 ; what are your mun pet peeves ? anon response round-up!!!
when ur muse only really gets interactions when they respond to someone elses post, but only gets like 1 or 2 responses on their own post
I agree with communication (or lack there of) as a pet peeve. Real life has to come first, but just a heads up would be nice.
drpcq: when you're plotting a potential ship and you can tell the mun has no idea what health or boundaries are and self-insert these issues into their muses to romanticize unhealthy, toxic shit
When muns act upset that your muse doesn’t react the way they think they should to their muse. Ex: their muse is popular and hot so everyone should either be impressed by them or want to fuck them or their muse is smart so every word they say should be as revered as a famous philosopher’s.
Pet peeve: when someone REALLY self inserts, especially when they were fine before but then they really start to self insert and its like ik this post is self insert and I dont feel comfy interacting because, ok this is gonna sound cold but, im not your therapist. Like if u wanna talk ooc about whatevers going on thats great, but I dont want my muse having to deal with your ooc/irl problems. I dont even know if what im describing is self insert but both are pet peeves.
When your muse and another mun's muse are dating, and the other mun expects your character to be super sweet and friendly with all their characters, even when they're being assholes and it's against their personality.
when people beg for plots but never reach out, when they beg for plots and never even bother posting an intro, when they clearly only take up characters for ships, when your ship partner writes the character flirty and whatnot with everyone else (as in yo ship ain't special), when they LIE about a hiatus need, don't lie, i don't need a reason, you could just say low muse, when they're active in the ooc but never post.... there gonna be a pt. 2 when people complain about anything but haven't tried to solve the issue themselves (i.e. no threads but never replies to starters or posts an open), when they make an admin come to them to ask about hiatus/whatnot, when they talk in the gc about needing a hiatus but never message the main then get mad when they're unfollowed, when people are clearly only taking up a character to look poc friendly (ignoring the ethnic background)... there gonna be a pt. 3 (you got me heated today, sorry) when a player lies about being busy but you're in another rp with them and they are posting multiple times daily. when members try to act like admins and boss players around, when people assume to know your character better than you and then argue when you correct them, when people try to guilt you into a ship/plot (oh nobody wants my female muses), when players try to get you to side in their drama (leave me out of it) there might be a pt 4, there might not
drpcq: muns who seem to want admins ( sometimes even other group members? ) to build their characters for them. i think collaboratively building something is great! but i've seen this be extremely one-sided a lot more than feels right
when someone is clearly only in the rp for ships. Like their characters are great when they're not in a ship, but as soon as they get in one thats all they ever talk about. And then they post an unfollow if their partner posts their unfollow. Like one: dont make your muses only personality trait their S.O. and two: platonic relationships matter too. Like I want a ship, but you don't see me only seeking romantic connections, if anything my platonic connections are deeper than my romance ones
drpcq0025: okay but i really am tired of seeing the character that is a bitch, will literally threaten to slice your throat with a knife around most people but around their boyfriend/girlfriend? is like silly puddy. it was cool for a while, but now it's getting tiring and like people have watched too much riverdale.
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saphinc · 4 years
drpcq: when muns immediately tell you how their muse feels about yours without collaboration and pretty much shuts down any opportunity for plotting ... obviously they get all the say in how THEIR muse feels but roleplay is a collaborative effort!!!
what are your mun pet peeves ?
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saphinc · 4 years
i usually find it awkward and a slight rude/offensive when members of a rp use a certain fc and people flock to praise that fc and say they’ll fc chase while others might use fcs that not everyone knows or cares for and it’s crickets. i feel it can make people not want to play that fc or be in a rp where fcs get praised and others get ignored
you are so right , anon. this is disheartening to see in groups & perpetuates toxic trends in the rpc like favoring thin cishet white faceclaims and exaggerating the importance of faceclaims in general ( rather than the character themselves ). 
to the rpc , please stop face chasing. i know we all have our favorite fcs to see and play against and that’s ok!! but don’t let that get to a point where you’re making others feel left out simply because of a faceclaim they are or are not using. let’s be better than that !!
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saphinc · 4 years
When your mun says they're excited about your ship, but barely talks or posts about it
what are your mun pet peeves ?
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saphinc · 4 years
#0026  ;  daily  rpc  question  !
what  are  your  mun  pet  peeves ?
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saphinc · 4 years
when a mun uses their muse ic to talk about the problems they're having with the rp. like if you believe the rp is cliquey go to the admins dont be passive aggressive and talk ic, because that doesnt fix/solve anything and unless you're gonna go directly to the admins and tell them what's happening they cant do much.
what are your mun pet peeves ?
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saphinc · 4 years
when a mun does not realize they need to take responsibility for their muse's actions. you cant have your muse be an ahole to people that a lot of muses consider family, burn their bridges with everyone, and support their S.O. who is a literal ahole to everyone for no reason other than thinking he's better than everyone else. and then be upset when they don't get interactions, and call an rp cliquey when you havent even had the muse try and make amends with those people
what are your mun pet peeves ?
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saphinc · 4 years
drpcq: trying to plot with a mun but they just don't reciprocate/match the level of energy or they don't give you a lot to work with beyond a short intro. and when you throw out potential ideas, it's constantly shot down with "they wouldn't do that" with zero follow up
what are your mun pet peeves ?
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saphinc · 4 years
whoops I went to send you an ask and tumblr unfollowed you, rude. but my biggest pet peeve as a mun is when people only wanna ship based on fc because the fcs were in something together or because they just like your fc and don't both reading anything about your character first.
what are your mun pet peeves ?
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saphinc · 4 years
when your female muse gets ignored but everyone wants to ship with your male muse
what are your mun pet peeves ?
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saphinc · 4 years
drpcq0025: when you ship with somebody and they seem hella into it and might even last awhile but then they go inactive in the rp (or on indie) and u never hear from them again
what are your mun pet peeves ?
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saphinc · 4 years
drpcq: when muns fc chase and immediately ask to ship without reading/asking about your character
what are your mun pet peeves ?
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