chemicalmorality · 3 months
"How the hell are you still alive? You should be dead." (from park!master?)
"According to who? The Time Lords? I haven't been back to Gallifrey since the Time War."
She rolled her eyes, turning away from them to pull another switch on her TARDIS. She hadn't met this incarnation of the Master yet - she had no idea how long it had been for them since their last meeting, or if the last time they'd seen each other had even occurred at all for them.
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🙊💬 + the master (eleven?)
(@drummingncise sent a meme from here!) - (always accepting!)
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"They saved my lives," came the soft, velvety sound of a man half-gone from a truth serum. The smirk he'd been wearing since his arrival did not falter, but rather it darkened around the edges as the response is so freely given.
Vivid imagery danced across his limbic system as he imagined all of the ways in which The Master had both saved and destroyed him, again and again in various forms and fancies. Best friend, fiercest competitor, most villainous enemy- all contained in one singular, solitary lifeform that seemed to beckon to him like a siren from a craggy shoreline.
Theta's eyes drew narrow as his would-be captor circles in front of him, green eyes dilated and nostrils flaring, his gaze almost predatory despite being the one in binds. His telepathic signature shuddered, inky black and undulating gently.
His tongue trailed along the backs of his bottom teeth, counting them in order to dispel the visions in his mind and the thrumming pulsations of the serum, coursing through his veins, coating his hearts and procuring whatever tortured, poetic phrases they could muster.
"Their hearts understand mine… and I hate them and I love them and hate them all over again, you wouldn't understand, it's-- it's not so simple as what I think of them, it's… deeper than that, much more fragile and complex. One soul cleaved apart and forced into two separate vesselssssssss!" he ground out, jaw flexing beneath taut flesh as he cracked his neck, the serum sending him into an intoxication that was just light enough to be infuriating.
He growled sharply and lashed out against his binds, jerking forward so suddenly that the metal legs of the chair he was sitting on began to dent just so. Veins pulsated at his throat, and his teeth bared for a few moments as he strained against the binds that held him, causing them to cut into his flesh, hissing at the delicious sting of it.
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Gone was the slightly intoxicated lilt in his voice, the almost-hazy look in his dilated green eyes.
"And if you touch so much as one hair on Koschei's head I will tear your mind apart and put it back together over and over until there's nothing left of you but the pitiful creature I see lurking away inside…"
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sclfmastery · 8 months
“If we had never met, it would have saved us both some grief.” (from oncomingx to simm? 😇)
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"Oh, speak for yourself!"
Disgusting, the vulnerability that bursts past his resolve. More disgusting still, the Doctor's sullen selfish posturing.
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"I'd be dead. And you KNOW it! I don't have the luxury of a multi-galactic fanclub to fall back upon!"
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auroradicit · 4 months
@drummingncise sent ✏️ for an incorrect quote
The Doctor: Are you ever going to listen to me? 40: Yes. Absolutely. The Doctor: When? 40: When you're right.
The Master: I’m the smartest, wisest person in this group. 86: Really? Then why is your hand stuck in a vending machine? The Master: I paid for my Mars Bar, I’m getting my Mars Bar.
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vxidlight · 2 months
@drummingncise cont from here x.
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The Doctor was threading the wires through the little device by hand since the sonic could not do it for him. Still, he kept an eye on them. He had not been expecting the dramatic rolling of their eyes. In truth, the Doctor didn't know what to expect, but he certainly was not expecting that.
"Wh-who are you?!" He exclaimed, cautiously taking a step away from them.
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primeguarded · 5 months
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"Oh, hello?"
"You aren't alone. You don't know me yet, but you...you will. And I need you to know things will get better, okay? You have to know that. Hello, Master."
for @drummingncise
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protectxthem · 3 months
@drummingncise [c]
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His skin felt like it was trying to crawl off his body, the longer he sat next to and talked to them. He was immortal but that's where his "powers" stopped, he should be able to tell the difference between the two Time Lords, he's been around the Doctor for a long time and with the Master for over a year, trapped.
He swallows down the bile building in his throat as he fixes his eyes on them. "But.. You.." He inhales and then exhales. "Master." The word tasted foul on his tongue and lips, but it needed to be said. "I watched you refuse to regenerate. How?" He just asks, as if the question didn't need to be finished.
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ofthetardis · 6 months
@drummingncise continued from X
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The Doctor pauses briefly before letting out a regretful sigh. "I know. And I'm sorry...but we had also started going our separate ways long ago."
It was there, hidden away in the deep and long history they shared with each other-- the Master had become who they are now, trying to rule the universe, while the Doctor-- he was just an idiot with a blue box, trying to save the universe from his childhood friend and others. "After all these centuries and you still can't understand--- we don't have to rule the universe to see it and enjoy all it has to offer." He said with a smile. "Why must it always be like this between us?"
Were they to be locked in a never-ending battle of wits with each other forever?
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onefivc · 7 months
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"  I  KNOW  you're  dying  trying  to  figure  me  out  "
@drummingncise liked ' for a lyric - based starter '
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chemicalmorality · 3 months
@pjtraveller sent in: " that's my business. you let me worry about that. "
She arched an eyebrow, but didn't back away. If he was who she thought he was...well, perhaps it was only to be expected that he'd inherited some of her distaste for questions.
Should she pry further? Even if he turned out to be her progeny, did it even matter? It wasn't as though she was the particularly maternal type, which was exactly why she'd parted with her spawn as soon as possible. Additionally, he might hold some resentment towards her for abandoning him, and she despised drama. Everything was pointing for her to leave, and yet, even so...something compelled her to stay.
She felt sick. Was she experiencing maternal instinct? The Rani, the second most wanted criminal in the world, feeling sentimental? What was this? It was so unlike her she almost wanted him to suffer a spontaneous heart attack just so she didn't have to deal with him.
This was out of character. She ignored it, and focused on the matter at hand, pushing her lapse in judgement to the side. She opened her mouth to give a fake apology so she could leave, but then she froze.
Was that -
Artron energy?
How was that possible? Clearly, he'd travelled through time, but to her knowledge, Earth didn't have that kind of technology in the 21st Century. Had something gone wrong with the Fobwatch? Was it just residual energy? Was she imagining things?
She hadn't felt so out of sorts since the last time she'd seen him, when he'd been significantly smaller. She shook herself out of her thoughts once more, and gave him an expression of appeasement so as to leave as soon as possible. Dallying here would only make this strange feeling in her stomach worse.
"I meant no offense. It simply...looked familiar."
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cosmicangsts · 7 months
❛ the reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated ❜ (from my alt pre-war master?)
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ah, yes— a temperate, clear day; PERFECT for getting a feel for the local biology of today's planet! so that's where he is found; squatted beside a tree in his suspenders ( it's a nice day, no need for the overcoat and sweater ) , half - moon spectacles perched on the bridge of his nose as he sketches an interesting mushroom - like specimen alongside the rows of his written notes in his journal. his ink pen is between his lips and his marker brush is in hand as he sloppily shades in the drawing— he doesn't consider himself an artist, see; it's not about aesthetic. it's about the study, getting down the INFORMATION!
. . . oh, boy. only one person would be vain enough to use that opener, really. one person would find him, even here, of all places.
the doctor can feel his mouth go dry and his blood run moderately cold. the hair on his arms is pricking up. he slowly glances up from his work . . . and then behind himself to confirm visually what he already knows deep down. at least there is no sloppy disguise to befuddle him this time ( shameful on his own part ) , which he is grateful for, even if this particular face is not one he's familiar with. he's clearly missing something, because the last he knew of, the other time lord BURNED TO DEATH at his own hands.
but. the master is alive. it's hard to describe how it makes him feel, and the unreadable expression on the blonde's face reflects such as he straightens, closes and pockets his notes on the flora and fauna native to this planet in his peach and tan striped trousers, and regards the time lord he once called ' old friend ' with a degree of calculated wariness.
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" . . . ah, yes. so it would seem. " and with that, the previously calm air in these woods is HEAVIER and tenser than the atmosphere at a family reunion seconds before everything hits the fan because someone made a snide remark on their aunt's runny, bland and unseasoned potato salad.
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sclfmastery · 3 months
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"Do it. Just do it."
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"Fobwatch me. Surely it'll count as me doing it myself. Just get it over with."
@drummingncise for Darvill!Master
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auroradicit · 2 months
@drummingncise said: if you HAD to choose, who’s your favorite muse? (pick your favorite) | multimuse asks
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is it cheating to say it's usually one of whoever is loudest? some of them jack are scrunguses and never get to be the favorite, but otherwise....
maybe robin? she's technically the oldest muse I still write, and her batfam verse especially gives me so many feelings. she's not necessarily the muse I'm proudest of or that I've developed the most or whatever, but that does make her special to me.
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dosminius-archive · 3 months
❛  don't ask.  ❜ (from park!master?)
Don’t ask? Oh, sweet sweet incarnation of mine, you know YOURSELF well to this point — he’s going to ask, whether you like it or not. It’s in his nature to do so, after all, with this current incarnation running around. What kind of foolish request was THAT? How embarrassing of them. You’re BETTER than this, Master.
Emerald scleras looked upon on the other, giving themselves a small (menacing) smile.
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❛ Oh, my dear, but I must. What happened? ❜ 
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primeguarded · 5 months
things i like abt ur blog hmmmmm: 1. muse thats incredibly likeable and sympathetic, 2. amazingly sweet mun who is so easy to plot with, 3. i like hearing ur transformers infodumps :) (this is SOOOO anon wdym)
// EM I will have you know that it took me several minutes to even RESPOND bc I was flooded with emotions like omg...Ily my friend. Seriously, it means a lot to me. It's super fun to write with you and I'm just so happy that ic and ooc it's gone this well!!
Also I'm glad you enjoy my Lil info dumps, honestly I always think I dump way too MUCH about it xD
But again, tysm Em, this made my night! 💞
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watsonjackpot · 4 months
☆ put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. It's time to spread positivity ! (UNO REVERSE!!! @parkersbite )
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+ ( You're so sweet! <3 Thank you! It's been fun writing with you so far, and I really can't wait to see where our stuff goes ! )
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