#dsd! harry styles
she-is-ovarit · 1 year
Trans History (long post sorry)
This post uses "transsexual" in place of "transgender" as this was the widespread accepted terminology until fairly recently and is what was used in the original source for this information.
In 1885 the Criminal Law Act was passed which made homosexual behavior illegal in the UK. Transvestites within the gay movement were easier to identify publicly and became easy targets.
Ernest "Stella" Boulton and Fred "Franny" Park were arrested in 1870 for indecent behavior and attempted to be persecuted on the grounds of cross dressing instead of sodomy. They were let go.
Because of these laws, homosexual transvestites began to seek out doctors to "cure" them. These doctors and researchers were called sexologists. Krafft-Ebbing (1840-1902), professor of psychiatry at Vienna was one of the first to be interested in transvestitic behavior.
Magnus Hirschfeld was another, a Germon sexologist, and his works were considered groundbreaking during the times.
At Hirschfeld's clinic, Dr. Felix Abraham performed the first transsexual operations in 1926 on an unnamed trans man, penectomy on his domestic servant Dora in 1930, and vaginoplasty on Lili Elbe who would die from complications from the procedure.
Christine Jorgeson, former American GI, underwent several transsexual operations and drew attention from the media. The media immediately focused on the appearance of Christine, "Ex-GI Becomes Blonde Beauty". This essentially was effective marketing and brought transsexualism into the public eye. Jorgeson's psychiatrist, Dr. Hamburger (yes really) began to receive a ton of letters from people wanting to change their sex because they wanted to escape homophobia or live in/be associated with the gender roles associated with the other sex.
This caused a bunch of doctors to start their own clinics because they smelled money, such as endocrinologist Harry Benjamin (who trained at Hirschfield's clinic). He went on to publish the first medical textbook on transsexuality called the Transsexual Phenomenon in 1966 and personally began training a bunch of other doctors in the subject. His clinic was based in New York. Dr. Elmer Belt opened up clinics in Los Angeles. Dr. Georges Burou specialized in penicile skin inversion vaginoplasty in Casablanca.
Janice Irvine wrote of transsexualism's "widespread public and professional acceptance" as early as the 1970s. While gay men and women practicing transvestitism were originally criticized (because it was essentially homosexual people defying gender norms associated with their sex), transsexuality on the other hand was almost immediately accepted. Transsexualist origins lie in doctors attempting to "correct" the genitalia of people with disorders of sex development, homosexual people fearing for their lives and attempting to escape incarceration for being homosexual, and (mostly homosexual) people feeling wrong for not conforming to the mannerisms, expressions, and style associated with their sex, culturally.
While the beginnings of transsexual medicine began in the 1950s, with interest in the subject by psychiatrists dating back since the early 1900s, most "treatment facilities" for homosexuality, paraphilias, and gender nonconformity transsexuals became widespread in the 1960s and 1970s. Ira Pauly in 1965 who was a professor of psychiatry at the University of Oregon counted a total of 603 "male to female" transsexuals and 162 "female to male" transsexuals. He then reported on post-operative adjustment of 121 of these people, describing it as successful. He voiced a cautious psychiatric support for transsexualism based on this, stating that since psychology seems to have failures in reverting it and until alternative procedures or treatments are discovered, it was the best approach society had for this demographic.
I mentioned disorders of sex development (DSDs, commonly called "intersex conditions") above. Transsexualism has been closely associated with people with DSDs. In the 1950s, protocols were established for doctors to determine the sex of infants with DSDs, which was a rare anomaly. These infants bodies would then be modified to "correctly" correspond with whatever sex they were assigned by doctors. Transsexualism and the correction of "intersexualism" overlapped because doctors studying transsexualism borrowed procedures used to "correct" infants with DSDs.
Robert Stoller, a professor of psychiatry in California and considered to be a famous transsexual expert by the 1970s, began to focus on badly constructed genetalia. John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore became a headquarters for "treating" both "intersexuality" and "transsexuality". More texts were published: Transsexual Sex Reassignment (1969) by Richard Green and John Money, and The Transsexual Experiment (1975) by Robert Stoller. French psychoanalyst Catherine Millot commented, "there was a sense in which there was no transsexuality before experts like Benjamin and Stoller 'invented it'." There was rare support for transsexuality in 1965, but by 1975 about twenty major medical centers were offering treatment to thousands of transsexual people.
It took until 1977 for transsexual surgeries to be presented to the American Psychiatric Association. By that time "normalization of sex reassignment" was institutionalized and thus "assumed" by John K. Meyer and Donna J. Reter of the APA.
However, when Reter and Meyer by their very forced hands assumed the "normalization" of sex reassignment, they at the same time cast public doubt on it and it's "almost routine acceptance".
While medical doctors and psychiatrists pushed sex reassignment surgery, psycho-analysts almost always remained doubtful of it. A well-known psychoanalyst from New York, Lawrence S. Kubie, publicly rejected and renounced the term "transsexual" completely, suggesting "genital transmutation" was a more accurate fit. He criticized the term "transsexual" stating that the word was too simple for such a complex phenomenon, and falsely alluded that problems had been solved when in reality, they weren't. He illuminated that there were many men at this time that wish to appear as women but to consider themselves and be considered as men who "simulate women", but needed to present themselves as "textbook transsexuals" in order for physicians to agree to alter them. So, these transvestites fell under pressure to conform as transsexuals.
Kubie and his co-author James B. Mackie argued that the concept of transsexualism was a combination of both false diagnoses and lack of clarity on patients, with "emotionally charged" and "dramatic" medical intervention.
Even Robert Stoller in 1973 voiced his own unease in an article he wrote for the American Journal of Psychiatry, describing a "carnival atmosphere that prevails in the management of male transsexualism". Just the patient's request for sex reassignment brought immediate acceptance. By this point, many homosexual transvestites were educating themselves on SRS and HRT to have their sex modified to avoid homophobic persecution, and many even knew more about these procedures than their doctors. Stoller went on to write:
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The conservative view among medical professionals at this time was to convince transsexual people/transvestites that they were really the other sex.
Homosexual sociologist Edward Sagarin wrote in a book on "deviants" in 1969 that male-to-female transsexuals suffered from "doubly unacceptable" self-imagery in being both homosexual and feminine, and that the solution was to convince them that they were really women and not men.
Additionally, there were striking observations made of the behaviors of a subset of people seeking sex-reassignment surgeries and hormone treatments:
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John Money, the sexologist who infamously forcibly transitioned an intersex child by the name of David Reimer, also described transsexual male people as "devious, demanding, and manipulative"
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Meanwhile, L.M. Lothstein who pioneered a study on female-to-male transsexuals in the 1970s and 1980s diagnosed FTM transsexuality as a "profound psychological disorder", describing most as having personality disorders and while not psychotic, having thought disorders that affect their ability to relate to others and sense their reality. Lothstein felt that the solution to help transsexual people didn't lie in surgeries or hormone treatments, but in psychotherapy. He hesitantly felt that it was possible SRS and HRT was needed before psychotherapy to "disrupt their rigid defensive structure".
I'm writing a lot so I'll stop here. Sorry for the abrupt end. I might add more later as a reblog. But here is the primary source that I essentially heavily paraphrased.
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Protective Dad already
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SUMMARY: Dude dude I just saw a post about Sarah and mitch's new baby and Imagine y/n being pregnant too with a little girl and Sarah with a boy and they keep saying that maybe they can be together when they are old enough and Harry being the overprotective dad he is and whine and making tantrums bc that's his little princess and no boy except his dad (and mom) deserves her love more and he's crying and hugging y/n belly begging the baby to just love him and only him - 🦁
GENRE: fluff, angst too
Word count: 900+
WARNING: protective harry, pregnant reader, Sarah being pregnant as well... Are these even something to be scared of?
PAIRING: Harry Styles x reader
Thank you @harrywritingsbyme for letting me write this concept
Please don't post any of my content anywhere else without my permission
28 weeks along, you were one week behind Sarah in your pregnancy. It of course wasn't planned for you and Sarah to get pregnant at the same time, but it happened. You both were excited and knew your bubs would be the best of friends like you Sarah, harry, and Mitch.
It was now known that you were having a little girl while Sarah was having a little boy. The both of you had an inside joke that maybe your kids would grow up and fall in love with each other.
Harry had no idea before that you both had that inside joke before he overhead you both talking about it.
You and Sarah sat on the couch talking about baby things of course. You were both debating on what name to call your kids.
"I want to call her Amelia but Harry wants to go with willow." You said. Sarah nodded, "yeah me and Mitch were going to call him Arlo. It fits and we both agree on it."
"It must be so nice when you agree." You laughed, stroking your growing bump.
"You know, maybe if you go with Amelia they would both match Because Amelia and Arlo both start with an A."
A smile creeped up on your face. "That'll be amazing. They would both brag about having the same letter in their first name. I can see it now." You laughed to yourself thinking about it.
"Not to go too far but what if they grow up and have kid-,"
"Woah woah woah."
You and Sarah turned around at the sudden interruption. Harry stood in the doorway with two cups of what seemed to be lemonade. He was frowning telling you he had heard your conversation.
"What the hell do you mean if they grow up and have kids?" Harry walked around the couch, sitting the cups on the couch before placing his hands on his hips in a sassy stance.
You looked back at Sarah with a grin. She laughed, grabbing the lemonade, drinking it.
"So Harry, me and Sarah were thinking maybe our kids would end up falling in love with each other because you know they'll be friends just like us."
Even before you were finished talking Harry was shaking his head. He hated the thought of his baby girl growing up, and falling in love with someone crushed him even more. He didn't want that at all.
"No, no our little girl will not date anyone. She will stay little forever." Harry kneeled down to your bump, he pressed his head up against it. "Hey little one don't fall in love with anyone. I want you to be little forever, please don't grow up for daddy."
Harry let a tear escape his eye which you caught. You instantly grew guilty. You didn't know it would hurt him this much. "Harry honey, I'm sorry. We were just joking." You mumbled taking his chin in your hand.
Harry sniffed. "I'm sorry. I just um… I need some time to think." Harry quickly got up and walked outside.
You looked back at Sarah, your mouth open in disbelief. You didn't expect him to be upset as he was.
"I'm going to go check on him." You said as you got up. Sarah nodded understanding you.
You walked outside to the patio where Harry was. He was staring out into the distance. You slowly walked up to him, not wanting to disturb him but still wanted to know if he was okay. "Harry, are you okay?"
Harry turned to you, "yeah, I'm alright."
"Yeah, I'm sorry." Harry sighed. "It just hit me right then and there I'm going to a Papa. I'm going to have a little girl that I have to protect and watch grow up."
You walked up to him continuing to listen to him.
"She's going to fall in love and' I'm going to hate it, but it will happen." Harry ran his hand over his face, letting out an ugh. "It just sucks."
You exhaled softly reaching out for Harry's hand. "I know honey, I know it's going to be hard. I'm scared just like you are. I don't want to watch her and any other kids of ours grow up and fall in love and eventually get married. But it's going to happen and we can't do anything about it. We just need to enjoy the time we have with them while they're little beans."
Harry smiled at your little beans comment warming your heart. "Sarah and I were just joking. We don't want them together, we just want them to be best friends just like all 4 of us are. It's nothing more."
Harry pressed his lips into a the line. "Yeah, okay." Harry exhaled, squeezing your hand lightly. "I'm sorry." You smiled at him softly. "It's okay harry. I'm not upset. Now how about we go back inside and enjoy our day okay."
Harry nodded, "alright."
Harry followed you back inside to where Sarah and Mitch were waiting. "Is everything ok?" Sarah asked. Harry breathed out a yes before sitting on the couch beside you.
"I was just having a hissy fit." Sarah and Mitch laughed. "Yeah, sounds like Sarah." Mitch commented.
Sarah's mouth fell open. She slapped his chest with a frown. "Shut up, no it doesn't." You all laughed and continued on with your talk.
Who knows maybe your kids would have something in the future but now you all were going to stick with them being friends and let them figure out what they wanted when they are adults some day.
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I saw a lot of people doing this in the last few days. And it sounded kinda fun... Now that I am finally done with it I actually regret it though. 😂 But I managed to do it with only using one band twice. And I learned that a lot of the songs I love actually start with the same letter, so this is a really random list of songs...I do like them all though.
Thank You For Everything – Sunrise Avenue (Not my favorite Sunrise Avenue song, but I am just so thankful for their music)
Hypa Hypa – Electric Callboy (you're pretty and I like ya… 😉😂)
Enemy for Me – Blind Channel (I ran out of songs beginning with an e, so this is the second Blind Channel song I use here. And yes I filled those songs in randomly…)
Ready, Set, Go! – Tokio Hotel (My first concert ever was Tokio Hotel in 2007 on their „Zimmer 483 Tour)
End of My Days – Michael Schulte (This song always manages to make me smile, and reminds me of someone really special…)
I Believe – Kamrad (He was the opener at a Sunrise Avenue show, and recently got back my attention through that song. I heard it on the radio and was like, I know that voice)
Say the Name – Malik Harris (Despite this whole ESC drama surrounding Germany last year I love Malik Harris and have been a fan of him since I first saw him live in 2018. He was the opener for James Blunt at a show I attended near my hometown. We actually met him after the concert and took some pictures with him. He was so nice and the first person to actually spell my sister’s name correctly)
Jezebel – The Rasmus (I’m not the biggest fan of them, but I kinda like the song. Also when I think of Jezebel I am immediately reminded Harry Styles song „Little Freak“)
UFO – Alex Mattson feat. Solamay (How could I not include him in this 😂)
She Got Me – Luca Hänni (Been a fan of him since his DSDS casting back in 2012. That was the first and only time my favorite candidate actually won the show. I haven’t watched the show since then anymore. But I was actually also rooting so hard for Switzerland in 2019 when he took part in ESC with that song. I don’t even know who the German entry was in that year)
The Death of Me – Asking Alexandria (This song reminds me of a really dark time in my life. It helped me a lot back then)
Matilda – Harry Styles (No words for this song…🖤🖤🖤)
Everything i wanted - Billie Eilish (I don’t listen to her music often but this song is just…)
Musik sein – Wincent Weiss (I actually can’t listen to this song anymore but I had to include Wincent Weiss since I actually attended 11 Wincent Weiss concerts because of my sister. And there are probably many more to come…I mean I like his music aswell but I wouldn’t have needed 11 concerts, but I also would almost never say no to a concert.)
You & I – One Direction (I wasn’t the biggest One Direction fan, but I still liked/like some of their songs. That one is probably my favorite)
Sarcasm – Get Scared (I don’t listen to this song often anymore, but when I do it always brings back memorys. And there are some people I would really love to play it to…)
Eraser – Ed Sheeran (I love Ed Sheeran, and will finally see him live next month. Can’t wait!!!)
Lividi sui gomiti – Måneskin (I love the song, and I especially love the lyrics of this song)
Faithless – Black Veil Brides (The Chorus speaks for itself I think…And BVB is still one of my favorite bands)
Autopsy – Blind Channel (This song has been stuck on my head since the album release…Thank you for that boys… 😂 )
Not ready – Myle (I hate/love my sister for introducing me to that song…😂)
Drown Me Out – Andy Black (This is my go to song when I need to cheer myself up)
Irgendjemand wie du – Fabian Wegerer (He was the opener for Wincent Weiss at one of the shows I attended this year. The song just kinda stuck. And the guy is actually so small 😂)
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