akria23 · 3 years
So I just finished Episode 7. Earlier before the episode released I spoke on some thoughts I had about Fiats possible mom & the expected ending for DSN. I won’t speak on the possible end but they did give some more highlight into the possible mother. So a couple of hours before the the episode released I said:
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Basically I didn’t feel comfortable with the theory that Fiats mom would enter the scene with dislike for Leo which causes a choice to have to be made & Fiat (temporarily) choosing his mom. To me that’s bad writing - even with the mention of the mother in this episode - and that no matter if separation did or didn’t happen with Leo & Fiat (I debate with myself if we’ll get a temp split with LeoFiat because you can have angst without a separation) I personally would prefer better set up & feel that she can be ‘the bringer of chaos even without having bad intention.
So do I feel any differently after the episode?
No not really. This episode basically inferred:
• The mystery mom really is possibly Fiats mom (Picture on the stand)
• His dad has refused to let Fiat see her (Stated by Fiat)
• She really might be sick mentally or physically (wristband)
This leads me to believe a couple of things:
• Her watching the LeoFiat confession video might’ve been what clues her in to where Fiat goes to school & gave her a place to seek him that isn’t his he where clearly the father who doesn’t want her to see Fiat resides. This would deal with the ‘Why now?’ question.
• That this might lead into a ‘I did it for your own food / I was protecting you’ storyline (Fiats dad to Fiat. Which if they do 😒 my guy you just controlling)
This also makes me wonder if Leo knows why the dad has refused. But nothing in the episode really makes me feel any differently because although her just popping up at Fiats school was kinda creepy (for me) she could be there because that’s the only way she could get around his father who has kept her away from her child - they implied the control The father has had over Fiat & she could’ve been a victim of that as well. Or she really is a creepster and the father had an authentic reason for keeping them separate. Either way - emotional fallout. Because of this right now I’d say it’s more in line with the 2nd option I mentioned - Secrets or other issues brought forth by the mom’s reappearance/presence which leads to separation or just angst. She does seem to possibly be sick of some sort so it could still be one of the other 2 or something completely different. We’ll see.
Other things I loved from the episodes
Fiat telling ole girl to, “Dream on” had me cackling. I live for when he has that kind of energy. Stay bitter 😌 I do wonder if she’s gonna try to cause some trouble. They have kept her around surprisingly so I wonder if that’s for a malicious reason or if it’s just to show Fiats sassy, confident, confrontational side.
Leo’s mom is so cute! She’s everything I thought she was gonna be. They set us up to love her and she did not disappoint. Her relationship with her sons including Fiat of course. I can’t wait to see the dad.
Leon & Pob - Oooookay with the kiss 😘 Fiancé’s on training because mom said the mission is completing her collection of son.
This was a fun episode. Every time they make it seem like there will be drama and angst they pull out the lovely fun times. I like the episode I think the moms entrance have a fresh feel & helped push Leon’s relationship forward while also giving more characterization to both Leo & Fiat individually.
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akria23 · 3 years
I highly doubt DSN will get anything but a happy ending. I guess they could, but honestly, it would be wildly out of left field I don’t think they could justify it in the remaining episodes. DSN has established a pattern of setting up a conflict and then showing them working through it together. Not a huge blowout angst that results in a season where the main characters started ou together and broke up.
If anything, I actually think the series will deal with Fiat reconciling with his family. BL’s are not terribly subtle about foreshadowing, and no one can tell me Fiat and Leo’s parents conversation about fixing their relationship before the end is not exactly what’s going to happen.
Exactly. For me like I said it would just be very jarring to have a ‘sad’ or open ending but I also understand that some of the people feel otherwise because they feel like the big angst moments are still to come & they don’t see how big angst can be resolved quick when the end is near. But I also feel some ppl want a open ending because it sets up a better chance of a S2.
I feel like an unresolved ending would contradict not only the set up but the tone they’ve set for Leo & Fiat so far. I think every before they got together romantic they still have a concept of trying to deal with things when they could see the other was unhappy. I feel like that only leveled up once they started dating because the things they were forced to compartmentalize and deal with on their own so the other wouldn’t know they had romantic inclinations disappeared which left them able to be more open when handling their conflicts.
I haven’t seen episode 7 yet so I have seen the parents arrival but yeah that’s where it feels like it’s going. I’m more sure about that on the dad front than the moms but since they only shrouded her in the mystery vibe for me it’s hard to speak to her personal intent because they haven’t really presented her in any light one way or the other. Her intent can be good or bad but the culture usually likes to present ‘familial’ even when it comes to parents who are toxic and I don’t like that. So, I haven’t been keen on that storyline ever since they first presented the dad in the light of ‘strict parent who just can’t get it right’ - because that alone kinda clued where they were taking him. Maybe if they given the relationship more presentation in the series I could get invested but right now it just feels like another storyline where a parent affect led their child development & identity in bad ways (mentally & emotionally) but it’s okay because he stuck around and raised him financially 😒. Like no, there’s more to raising a human than opening your wallet & putting a roof over their head. Personally I don’t know if I buy into the concept of a toxic relationship that’s lasted for childhood into adulthood & has built resentment, abandonment issues, & mistrust can be ‘restored’ def without years of work & conscious effort.
So I hate when shows just glare over it as this ‘one conversation - I’m sorry- ok all’s forgiven & we’re great now’ type of thing. I prefer more depth and I could be wrong but I don’t think I’m gonna get that with DSN. I know some people would say ‘well this is about Leo & Fiat not Fiats parents’ but actually a large part of the reason Leo & Fiat are Leo & Fiat is because of how Fiats parents actions affected his life & self identity. His cling to Leo is born out of the abandonment that came from his parents. The story is character driven that’s why his parents are a part of the storyline because they are a huge part of his start & what he has to overcome. I just with they would’ve delved into it differently. I feel like they set the father up to not be seen as that bad way too early and have away that whole set up.
I’ve said before but I’m still surprised they waited to do the family stuff at the very end. I’m hoping this new episode sheds light to is there a reason behind that decision or it’s just how the cookie crumbled. To have Leo’s parents near to the end makes sense but not so much Fiats for me. Right now I think it’s just a fall for the setup. It’s harder to have the tone of ‘conflict resolution’ when there’s too much drama stretching through several episodes instead they placed it in the background and mentioned it ever so often to foreshadow it’s presence.
But yeah I agree with you - there’s no way that’s not where they’re going after laying down the dialogue the way they have.
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akria23 · 3 years
There’s not much for me to say theory wise for episode 8. I think I’ve basically said it all. As I said before there’s really no space for fiat’s mother to enter on a positive note no matter if she’s an active antagonist or an inactive one (meaning no matter if she intentionally comes to cause chaos or if the chaos she causes is not her intentional fault) that’s still only the space she has, given the set up we’ve already gotten.
Her exact madness is anyone’s guess. For me tho if they have Fiat just jump up & choose to leave Leo SIMPLY because his mom is back and don’t like him - I might vomit because that’s terrible writing. Everything Fiat has said & done has been to get in the exact place he is now, loved by Leo & accepted by his family. There has been no setup that says Fiat wants his relationships with his parents more than he wants it with Leo’s. In fact he’s spoken against that exact thing. So having him give into a woman whose abandoned him just to come back and separate him from the life he’s wanted & worked for years to have - just not believable. For me they’d have to set up a reason for him to choose her,
* Family obligation: Shes sick mentally or emotionally & needs someone to care for her - which could be tied to an out of location clause (much like the Chinese drama Go Ahead)
* Secret or preseperation: Some secret or other issue brought forth with the moms entry causes a separation or deep angst.
* Last Goodbye: (this is one of the plots I mean when I say inactive antagonist) The last goodbye is exactly what it sounds like - a character who is sick/dying re-enters the main’s life to either make right or explain bad behaviors that may have effected the mains life before they…well don’t have that chance anymore. While this would make her intention non-malicious it still can cause an emotional response within Fiat that could lead him to make choices that would affect his current life style. Even if she’s not ‘dying’ you could still get this kind of last goodbye plot where she’s been away for a specific reason & comes back with intention of setting things right but causes chaotic emotions.
She could enter on any kind of intention & still create chaos because intention & outcome are two different things. So it’s all dependent on what the writer wanted to do there & other than shrouding this woman we assume is Fiat’s mom in a tone of ‘mystery’ Mame really hasn’t given us much to build on to theorize what her intent is via story.
I also feel like people are still waiting for the other shoe to drop & the fallout from the angst. The longer the angst is held the more people seem to assume that means a ‘sad ending’ or set up for a second season. Personally I would hate that too. Leo & Fiat are not the kind of pair that needs a second season. Their story can be told in completion in one season. I think the desire continue to see their favs have people missing the bigger issue of story. This was what happened with TharnType as well. There really was no further story for the pair so it was an entire season of them dealing with the reverse of the same problems they’d had in season one so instead of talking about getting married some viewers felt they should’ve been talking about couples therapy. I won’t say it’s not an option though because viewers in large don’t really care about a well written storyline & tend to focus on cute moments & the aspect of their favs continuing to work together & as long as the investors/company see a chance for more success they’ll typically carry on.
Personally I think a ‘sad’ ending would go against the tone they’ve set so far of problem & resolution being condensed together. It would possibly be jarring to have a sad or ‘open’ ending when they could lean into a more hopeful ending that also teases ‘more to come’ which would likely be more favorable. Angsty endings can get extremely dramatic instead of feeling authentic - but I’m not gonna pretend like Mame is the perfect writer…I do remember TharynType and that brick & how she tried to give the main antagonist a redemption arc at the last minute. Tom foolery!
I guess this one is more about the possible writing concepts and how I feel about them rather than me deciding on a theory that I’m theorizing they will use. Unfortunately I don’t have any mutuals to talked to about this series. I guess most is waiting to see how it goes before giving it a chance.
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