sigmafied · 3 years
hiii love, may i request dazai x reader where dazai finds out that the reader has a fever and is sick, and how can he take care of her? :)
this request is so cute shrimp thank you for sending it in! 💕 i saw that you weren’t feeling too well so i hope you feel better soon!
Under The Weather - Osamu Dazai
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- pairing: osamu dazai x fem!reader
- warnings: none
- notes: my heart while writing this wholesome fic🥰 i wanted to try and get this out by today or tomorrow, so i do apologize if it sounds rushed. i hope you enjoy, shrimp!
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You hated hiding yourself from Dazai, especially when you were supposed to be enjoying yourself. Your whole body was covered up with one of your soft grey hoodies, your face barely showing under the hood. You would’ve taken the jacket off when Dazai asked you if you were alright being stuffed up in such a garment had your face not have shown the physical pain you felt from your fever.
The agency had decided to take the week off to enjoy the cool weather by attending a local fall festival. While everyone else ran off to participate in apple bobbing contests and drink tall glasses of cider, you and your boyfriend decided to take a more relaxed approach and walk along the leaf-covered trails. The stroll through the festival started out alright until you felt your face burning up more as each minute passed by. You knew that you should’ve stayed at home when you heard the thermometer beep as it displayed your 100.2 degree temperature. But you also knew that everyone including yourself was so excited to ditch work and partake in seasonal activities. It’ll be alright, it’s just for another half hour. I’ll live.
“Y/N? Are you alright?” You abruptly stopped as your boyfriend spoke, his hand slightly pulling yours back so you wouldn’t lose your balance from walking too far ahead.
“I’m fine, honey. Why don’t we keep walking?” You tried to keep going down the path when you felt Dazai’s hand tug yours once again. He looked down at your face and noticed your cheeks. They were almost beet red with heat. He broke the connection that bound his hand with yours and brought it to gently cup your face. “Belladonna, you’re burning up. Do you wanna go home and rest?”
“No no, it’s alright! Let’s just stay and enjoy-” But before you could finish your sentence, chills ran up your spine and made your body shiver in reaction. Dazai pulled the hood that covered most of your face off only to reveal your flushed face. Based on your facial expression from the chills that coursed throughout your body, he could tell that you were in no condition to continue this walk. So, he made the decision to swoop you up by your legs and carry you back to his car, which definitely shocked you. “D-Dazai?! I can walk just fine, you know?” “Oh, I bet you can. But right now, you need to rest as much as you can.”
Once you guys got back to your shared apartment, Dazai insisted you lean on him as he helped you over to your bed. You retorted and said that you were fine and didn’t need to lay down, but he refused to accept your request. He lifted you up carefully on the bed so you could be embraced by the silk sheets and fluffy pillows that lined up against the headboard.
“Do you want anything to eat, love? I’ll order whatever you like,” Dazai said softly into your ear, making sure that his voice wasn’t too loud. He didn’t know how bad you were really feeling so it was better to be safe than sorry. “I could go for some curry rice, if you don’t mind. But if it’s too much then I can just-” Soft lips silenced your own as Dazai gave you a light kiss, your eyes instinctively closing as you melted into his affection. “You can never be too much for me, Y/N. I’ll be right back, okay?” Dazai got up from the bedside and walked towards your shared bathroom, washing a white rag and placing it on your forehead to try and alleviate your pain. He then walked out of the room, closing your door until a small crack was left open and leaving you with a smile. You could feel your heart start to beat faster, still awed by how caring your boyfriend was. How the hell did I get this lucky, you thought.
After you finished eating dinner, you asked Dazai to dim the lights so that the brightness wouldn’t hurt your eyes. You pulled the blanket you had been tucked in over your face, ready to go to sleep until you felt your lover’s arms wrap around your fatigued body. You rolled your body so that your head rested on top of Dazai’s chest.
“Honey, you’re gonna get sick if you cuddle me,” you said trying to untangle yourself from his embrace, but that only made him hug you tighter as he planted kisses across your forehead and cheeks. “Your health is way more important than mine, dear.”
“Don’t say that, Dazai. You need to go to work tomorrow.”
“Nonsense, I’d rather stay here with you.”
You couldn’t help but shed a few tears from all the love you’ve been blessed with. No one in the world could take care of you better than Dazai could, and yet no one was there to take care of him. When you were off on missions late in the night, he had no one to lay beside him in bed until it was too early in the morning to be awake. You couldn’t even imagine how Dazai felt on lonely nights. You made an unspoken promise to yourself that you’d be by his side in sickness and in health because you already knew he had done the same.
“Y/N? What’s wrong?” Dazai had noticed the tears that had dried up on your face thanks to the moonlight peeking through the window. He brought his thumb to your cheek and wiped it dry. “Talk to me belladonna, it’s alright.”
“I’m alright, Dazai. I just can’t imagine what I would do without you here with me. Thank you for everything. I mean it.”
Now it was Dazai’s turn to feel a stirring in his chest as his heart slowly started beating faster. Rarely was he ever thanked for such minimal tasks, so he couldn’t help but give you a smile. A genuine sign of gratitude.
“Of course, Y/N. I’ll always be here to take care of you.”
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tags: @nameless-shrimp
if you would like to be added to the tag list, feel free to reply to any of my fics!
fic requests are open!
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sigmafied · 3 years
Just A Friend To You - Chuuya Nakahara
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- pairing: chuuya nakahara x fem!reader
- warnings: none
- notes: holy crap i have no idea how this fic ended up being so long o-o. could not stop thinking about this song with chuuya for the past few days and i had way too much fun with this, hehe. i hope you guys enjoy!
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Chuuya couldn’t help but stand up from his desk and walk towards your office when he heard the faint sound of guitar strings being strummed. The acoustic melody filled the empty hallways as his footsteps clicked in time with the tempo of the tune. Everyone had gone home for the day except for you, insisting that you needed to finish writing a report for Mori. Confused on whether or not you had forgotten about his offer to take you home once you had completed your assignment, Chuuya wanted to check up on you to make sure you were okay. Did the song being played from your office also motivate him to visit you? Possibly.
Memories of his first meeting with you started to replay in his mind, your body donning that stunning red maxi dress as your delicate fingers played the smooth strings of your guitar and ultimately, his heart. He had noticed the small amount of spare change inside your guitar case and felt a slight feeling of anger swell up inside his body. You deserved so much more than this mediocre excuse of support. Chuuya decided to drop a $50 bill in the sleek black case, prompting you to stop playing and look up at the generous person who donated that sum of money. You couldn’t help but give a kind smile to the good-looking redhead right in front of you.
“Your guitar sounds lovely, miss.” The gentleman said which brought a slight blush to your natural rosy cheeks. You tried to cover it up but failed miserably, causing Chuuya to let out a small chuckle.
“You’re too kind, sir. I just wish it was good enough to support myself, haha.” Your expression dropped and was soon replaced with one of disappointment in yourself and your current situation. You had been playing outside of restaurants, shops, anywhere people could walk by you on the sidewalk and hear your songs in order to pay off the rent for your apartment. Most people only gave you a quick glance and went about carrying on their day and the people that did stop for a quick listen either didn’t donate or gave you at most a dollar. But this was different. Finally, someone had given away a sufficient amount of money that could contribute to your debt. Sure, it wasn’t nearly enough to pay off your apartment, but every little bit helped. Just as you thought the man was simply going to walk away after his flattering remark, he continued to speak.
“Well, I happen to frequent a bar that’s gotten pretty popular. I’m sure the people would love to hear you play, if you’d like to join me for a drink tonight.” Your ears perked up at the sound of that. Maybe you could make a little extra cash at the bar, even though you barely drank alcohol. Nonetheless, this was the perfect chance to turn things around for you. “That sounds lovely, thank you.” You set the guitar on your lap and kept one arm on top of it, extending your free arm out to the redhead. “I’m Y/N.”
“Chuuya. Chuuya Nakahara.”
Once the sound of your guitar became more audible, Chuuya began to extend his arm towards the doorknob but froze in place when he heard a familiar voice. Your voice was accompanying the lovely chorus to whatever song you were singing. It was already a joy to listen to your voice on its own, but to hear it musically? He hoped that this wasn’t just a romantic fantasy. What really captivated him was the words that flowed from your mouth.
And I loved you from the start, so it breaks my heart
When you say I’m just a friend to you
‘Cause friends don’t do the things we do
Everybody knows you love me too
Does she know how I feel about her, Chuuya pondered. Over the course of their friendship, he had started to grow more attached to Y/N. Every time Tachihara pestered him about his not-so-little crush on you he always denied it, saying that there was no way he could possibly fall in love with you. But trying to silence his feelings would only make him fall even harder. Plus, the lyrics matched his affection for you so maybe you were singing about him. It allowed Chuuya to think for a moment that maybe, just maybe, the relationship between the two of you wasn’t just platonic.
However, a candle of doubt ignited in Chuuya’s mind. For the past few days, you had seemed so bright and bubbly around one of the new subordinates and it pissed him off. His damn cheeks became flushed and his eyes sparkled with every word that came from your lips. He could tell that the new guy wanted you just as much as...no, that guy could never love you as much as Chuuya did. He knew that he shouldn’t feel envious of this guy since most of your time was spent with him. Laughing until tears spilled from both of your eyes. Crying together and comforting each other through insecurities and uncertainty. Seeing your beautiful smile and flushed face made his heart flutter in his chest. Yeah, that subordinate had nothing on him.
“Chuuya? What are you doing here?”
His train of thought was immediately stopped by the sound of your voice through the open office door. You had decided to take a break from singing to get a glass of water only to find Chuuya staring blankly into your eyes. Suddenly, your mind started to panic. Did he hear me singing the entire time? No, he couldn't have been here for long. Could he? You hoped that he had only heard a small portion of your song or even better, none of it at all.
“Oh n-nothing, I just wanted to check up on you and see if you were done with those reports for the boss,” Chuuya barely got the words out, still shocked from the little scare you gave him when you opened the door.
“Actually, I finished those a long time ago,” you chuckled as you looked at your watch, not realizing just how long you had stayed cooped up in your office with your guitar. “Are you heading home, Chuuya?”
“Yeah, I just finished all the paperwork from today's mission. I was gonna ask if you wanted me to take you home, but seeing as you're preoccupied I'll just see you tomorrow Y/N…” What are you saying? Just ask her already, idiot. Don’t let this chance slip away… But Chuuya couldn’t stop himself from turning his back to you and walking away. Luckily, you did by grabbing onto his wrist just before he left the door frame. He cocked his head sideways to see the same blush across your face as when you had first met him.
“Stay for a little bit. I don’t mind.” You gently pulled his wrist towards you, indicating that you genuinely wanted him to come into your office and spend time with you. Without hesitation, Chuuya followed your lead as you led him into your office, closing the glossy oak door behind him.
You sat down on the maroon chesterfield sofa that you were sitting on earlier, your guitar still laying in the same spot you left it. Chuuya took a seat directly across from you on a coffee-colored Lawson chair, anticipating what would happen now that you were both staying past work hours. He took this opportunity to ask one of the many questions that were on his mind walking down to your office.
“So Y/N, what were you singing when I came down?”
For a split second, you had completely forgotten that Chuuya had heard your song from outside the door. “It’s just a little original I’ve been working on for a while.” You hadn’t thought much of your statement but little did you know, Chuuya’s heartbeat started beating a little faster at your words. You had mentioned before that you had wanted to write and release your own singles one day. Every time you had a new idea in mind, Chuuya was the first person you visited to have someone listen to you. But this was the first time that he had ever heard this new song, wondering why you hadn't shown this to him before. Once again, memories of the past resurfaced in his mind as he imagined you setting up your microphone and guitar for your first gig at Bar Lupin.
“Are you sure people are gonna like my performance, Chuuya? Some of them seemed a little...off when they saw me.”
“They’re gonna love you, Y/N. Besides, this place could use some music to liven the atmosphere,” he responded, trying his best to reassure you and calm your nerves. It was your first time playing in front of a crowd of more than five people and were only used to people listening to you for a few seconds. Now, people would hopefully be listening to your entire performance which made you anxious. As you made your way up to the stage, Chuuya made his way to one of the tables that were right across from where you would be sitting. You perched yourself on the wooden stool that sat at the center of the stage, taking shaky breaths in and out. But then you saw his eyes: Chuuya's eyes. The little grin he gave you with those gorgeous blue eyes helped to alleviate your anxiety. You took one last breath before you grabbed the microphone on its stand and started performing your first song.
Any conversation that was flying through the air of the bar grew hushed as all eyes turned to look at the lady sitting on the wooden stage. Everyone seemed to be hypnotized by your beginning act, giving you the confidence to raise your voice and sing louder. One song turned into three songs and in the end, you couldn’t keep up with how many songs you had sung before the night was over and everyone who had given you a round of applause had exited the bar. As you packed up your stuff, you saw the collection of shot glasses on Chuuya’s little table. It wasn’t enough to get him wasted, but you helped him over to your car so that you could get him back to his penthouse safely.
“See, I told you they would love you. Nothing to worry about, right?” You didn’t respond right away and your head was hanging pretty low, leaving Chuuya worried that you were stuck in your own head. “You okay, Y/N?” As you lifted your head up, his eyes opened wide in surprise at the state you were in. Your face was stained with tears, eyes red and puffy but… you were smiling? He knew he wouldn’t be able to understand exactly how you were feeling, but he still wanted to be there for you. His coat was starting to fall off his shoulders, so he decided to wrap it around your shoulders instead. You gladly accepted it and pulled it in towards your chest.
“Thank you so much, Chuuya,” you finally let out, choking up a little from the tears that stayed unshed. “For what?” “For giving me a chance to earn some extra money and perform for others. If you hadn’t suggested I head down to this bar, it would have taken me a lot longer to find the cash I needed.” You wiped away your tears and took in a deep breath as you threw your arms around Chuuya to give him a quick hug. He immediately tensed up, being unfamiliar to such displays of gratitude. Once he loosened his muscles, he reciprocated your affection and wrapped his arms around your body. The perfume you had on made its way to his nose and sent his brain reeling. Everything about you from your outfit to your optimistic personality mesmerized him, which somehow gave him the confidence to pull you in closer. “Anytime, Y/N. I’ll always be here for you.”
“Do you think I could listen to your song, Y/N?”
Your eyes quickly widened at Chuuya’s request. Were you prepared to play it in front of the man that you’ve been infatuated with for months? But if you didn’t do it now, when would you? Would you even get close to building the confidence that you needed to play it for him if it wasn’t performed at this moment? No. This was your one chance to do this and do it right.
“Might as well play it for you now rather than later,” you replied with a smile, creeping towards your office chair.
Chuuya straightened up in his seat as you prepared your guitar. He would be honored to listen to your original lyrics, especially if he was the first person to hear them. There was no way he could turn your offer down. “I’d love to.”
You brought your right leg to sit on top of your left one and positioned the waist of your guitar where your top leg sat. Papers lined the stand that stood in front of you so it was easier for you to remember the words. You slowly brought your fingers to the worn-out strings and started playing the melody for your best friend. Maybe this time he’d pick up on your hints about wanting to take things further. But even if he didn’t, you wouldn’t mind too much as long as you got to spend time like this with Chuuya. That’s when the words started slipping out, lining up with the guitar.
Why you gotta hug me like that every time you see me?
Why you always making me laugh, swear you’re catching feelings
As you got closer to the familiar chorus that Chuuya heard earlier, he closed his eyes to embrace himself in your voice and fantasize about what you two would look like if you were officially together. You could visit the stray dogs in the alleyway that ran up to him whenever he passed them by on the street. Eating out at a nice restaurant would be a lavish night for the two of you, especially since you weren’t used to such luxuries. Maybe you two could even write a song together, you on the guitar and providing backing vocals while he sang lead vocals. This is all just a pipe-dream though, he thought. There’s no way this could all become a wonderful reality.
Tryna be careful with the words I use
I say it cause I’m dying to
I’m so much more than just
A friend to you
As the guitar slowed down with the finish of the chorus, Chuuya started to bring his hands up to give you a standing ovation. You truly deserve such praise, even if you couldn’t see it for yourself. He would continue to give you his faithful support but something inside him still wished that you felt half of what he felt for you. What he didn’t know was that you weren’t finished with your song because you had added an additional line to fit the person that the song was about. Hearing the next few verses completely stunned him-he had to pinch himself to make sure that he wasn’t dreaming this entire scene up.
Don’t even need to drink cause
Your presence makes me tipsy
Can’t forget your hair so fiery
And those eyes that show the whole sea
Cause I loved you from the start
So it breaks my heart
It was him. You were singing about him. Chuuya’s cheeks burned up with the overwhelming feeling of joy knowing that you returned his affection for you. The chorus began to run through the air again as you fully immersed in your words, closing your eyes and smiling through the end. You were so concentrated on laying your heart out to Chuuya that you didn’t even hear his footsteps getting closer to your seat, his face expressing a grin similar to that of a teenager who had fallen in love for the first time. Ironically, that wasn’t too far off from the warmth that Chuuya felt all throughout his body whenever he saw you.
And then it was over. Your delicate fingers finished the song with that last C chord, leaving the room sitting still in silence. You pushed the plush cushion of your seat with your hands to stand up, but your forehead was met with a light peck before you could straighten out your legs. You were met by the awestruck gaze of Chuuya as he pulled your hands towards him to keep you from falling back down. The two of you were lost in each other’s eyes for what seemed like hours until you heard:
“I can’t believe how hard I’ve fallen for you.”
If your face wasn’t already beet red from the fragile kiss to your face, it sure was now. The words that you had only dreamed to hear come out of his mouth had formed into reality. The man who saved you from your financial situation, the man who helped acquire a position within the Port Mafia for you, the man who you grew to love and care for as not only your best friend but as if he was already your partner, tenderly pouring his confession out to you as he conveyed his desire to make you his.
“Y/N, you’ve enchanted me in ways that I never thought was possible. Every day I can wake up smiling because it’s another day that I can see you. I can’t even imagine what my life would be like without you in it because that’s how complete you make me.” Chuuya couldn’t stop himself from rambling cheesy lines, but he didn’t care. He was speaking directly from his own heart and soul because now he knew that you did cherish him just as much as he cherished you.
The hands that were holding yours ever so gently made their way up to your face, cupping your cheeks as if he was holding the world which, in his eyes, he was. No more words needed to be spoken as your lips connected to his like the missing piece of an unfinished puzzle. Your fingers became intertwined with his orange locks as you pulled away for a quick breath of air before planting a quick, soft kiss on his cheek. “I knew I loved you after that night at the bar, Chuuya. It feels like I’ve wanted you my entire life. Now we can start a brand new song together. A song about us.”
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tags: @nameless-shrimp
if you would like to be added to the tag list, feel free to reply to any of my fics!
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sigmafied · 3 years
Friendly Gestures - Akutagawa Ryuunosuke
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Pairing: Akutagawa Ryuunosuke x F!Reader
Type: one-shot
Word Count: 1.1k
Summary: Akutagawa lends you his scarf for the evening.
A/N: wooo more autumn prompts 🥰 i apologize for my inactivity; school has kept me occupied for most of my days and last week was not a good week for me. i will do my best to post some more fics this weekend, so for now enjoy some love from akutagawa <3
“Ahahaha! How in the world did you miss your bus, Y/N?!”
“Oh shut up, Dazai! I fell asleep, okay?!”
You had just finished up at the agency and were supposed to get on the evening bus back to your apartments. Unfortunately, your body was so fatigued from the amount of physical work you had to put in that you decided to take a power nap before your ride reached you. I’ll just rest for 15 minutes, I’ll be fine. What you didn’t realize was that 15 minutes would turn into 90 minutes, your pocket starting to buzz from your phone going off. You slowly opened your eyes to see the phone flash a familiar name: Dazai. You then glanced at the top left corner of your screen: 8:30. What the-?! There’s no way I-! Your brain was racing a thousand miles a minute as you tried to process exactly what just happened and how you had managed to oversleep. With that, your finger slipped and answered the impending call from Dazai.
“Hey Y/N! I have a little favor to ask of you,” he started as you rubbed your eyes of any remaining sleep that was left in them. “Do you think you could bring those reports on your desk to the agency real quick? Kunikida needs them for who knows what, haha.”
“Oh, sorry Dazai. I’m not home right no-”
“What do you mean you’re not home?! Do you realize how late it is? It’s not safe for a lady like yourself to be out in the open! Where are you?!” Ears ringing from how loud Dazai’s echoed through your head, you kept your composure and stopped yourself from ending the call right then and there.
“I-I fell asleep while waiting for the bus.”
Silence. Nothing from Dazai’s end except for the static of the background behind him. You thought that he had died for a second until you heard muffled laughter. The giggles started to occur closer together and then:
“Ahahaha! How in the world did you miss your bus, Y/N?!”
Dazai had told you that he would get Atsushi to meet you on the next bus. You insisted that you could go home by yourself but you knew that Dazai wouldn’t allow it, so you gave in and agreed to his suggestion. You put your phone away and waited patiently for the bus to arrive. Out of the corner of your eye, a tall black blob started coming your way, closer and closer by the second. You registered in your head that it was a person but you couldn’t figure out who it was. That is, until you got a better look at their face and their dual-colored black and white hair. Oh no, please don’t let it be who I think it is.
“Oh it’s you, Y/N.” Damn it, you thought. Why did I have to run into him of all people? The last time you ran into Akutagawa was on a mission with Atsushi and Kunikida aboard a freight train. It was your very first assignment that didn’t involve filing reports or organizing documents and your lack of combat skill showed. You were on the verge of blacking out due to Akutagawa’s monstrous ability until Atsushi picked you up cradling your limp body as he ran as fast as he could off the train and back to the agency. However, you could faintly remember three words that you had heard come out of the wanted criminal’s mouth: You’re a weakling.
“Nice to see you too, Akutagawa. Did the boss send you out on errands again?” You let out a sarcastic reply, hoping that he would take the hint and leave you alone. When he didn’t, you just stood in silence, arms crossed impatiently as you waited for him to dismiss you.
“Very funny. I’ll have you know I was just heading home. You look like you’re gonna sleep on that bench tonight,” he pointed to the bench you were sitting on, noticing that you had your bag propped up like a pillow. You quickly grabbed your bag and held it tightly in your hands, your cheeks starting to become flush with embarrassment. “I was not! I was just waiting for-” A strong gust of wind interrupted your sentence and blew your hair in front of your face, eyes instinctively closing from the impact. It was much chillier than you expected it to be, so the hands that were previously occupied by your bag ran up and down your arms for warmth. Uggh, I knew I should’ve worn a thicker coat, you thought as you struggled to acquire heat. According to the bus station schedule, the next one wouldn’t be here for another 30 minutes, leaving you to sit on the bench cold and alone for 30 minutes. Great. Just great. Time to get scolded tomorrow by Kuniki-
You looked up at Akutagawa to see him holding out a black-and-white striped scarf with one hand, the other one slightly covering his face. His eyes darted to the side once they met with yours, refusing to look at you as he spoke. “Just take this.”
“T-thanks, Akutagawa,” you stuttered as you took the garment, completely stunned from the act of generosity from someone as cold and reserved as him. You didn’t notice it when you first looked up, but you glanced at his cheeks and they were…pink? He’s probably just cold, you told yourself disregarding any other ideas of any feelings other than reluctance. You wrapped the scarf around your neck and the heat immediately made you sit up a little taller. It felt warm like the warmth from a small fireplace or a tight hug full of love. Akutagawa proceeded to walk in front of you and continue on back home once he saw your faint smile peek out from the top of his scarf.
“Till we meet again, Y/N. Don’t freeze to death before our next fight,” he said as he waved a hand to you goodbye. Not expecting a response, he headed off on his way but before he was out of earshot, you called out to him. “Thanks again, Akutagawa! I’ll make sure to beat you next time!”
He stopped in his tracks and cocked his head to the side to where he could barely see you sending him off. He quickly cleared his throat and started moving again slightly faster than before, cheeks flushed red from the cold. No, that’s not right. This newfound warmth radiating from his cheeks came from you. Just you. The funny thing is, this was one feeling that Akutagawa knew he could get used to.
tags: @nameless-shrimp
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sigmafied · 3 years
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sneak peek for my next one-shot and this one may be a bit of a doozy but im really enjoying this one 👀
will be trying to release this today or tomorrow so stay on the look out for it!
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