#ducktales fanficiton
writebackatya · 1 year
It's finally here! My final contribution to the Duckverse June Prompt created by @boingodigitalart, @alexcanine, & @secret-tester! Thanks for putting this together you three!
Also special thanks for @imjustusingthistolikeartists and @tokuvivor for all their hard work which allowed me to release this on time!! This was a fun one for me to write
Summary: Fenton and Gandra somehow get tasked to supervising Dewey, Webby, and Gosalyn for a trip to the movies to see the latest Summer blockbuster from their favorite superhero franchise; Gandra is the only one who isn't too thrilled by this.
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writebackatya · 1 year
Wip Preview!
Once again I’ve caught the writing bug. And once again I’m just too excited about what I’m writing so I thought I’d share a little bit
So come on! Come get your pre-canon Spear of Selene angst! All though this part ain’t too angsty. And this hasn’t been beta read and still a work in process so it ain’t final
Also in case you couldn’t tell, I love writing for Duckworth:
After hearing the inane shouting of Della, Bradford let out a quiet exasperated sigh; which was then followed by a rather loud startled gasp as the buzzard spotted the duck sliding down the stairs, using a shield as her personal board.
“Ah! Bradford?!” Della then swung her body into the direction away from the buzzard, causing the duck to wipe out off her board but away from Bradford.
“Umph!” Della grunted as her face made contact to the ground. She then quickly looked up to greet her guest.
The shield that Della was using as a stairboard landed on top of the duck’s head.
After the shield fell off her head, Della got up onto her feet, “I mean, Mr. Buzzard. Sorry, I thought you were Donald! He’s coming back home today and well you how siblings can get, right?”
“…No. I do not.” Bradford answered, “and yes, your uncle did tell me that your brother would be arriving sometime today.”
“Yeah! He’s going to meet the kids for the first time!”
“Yes, he also did mention your unexpected pregnancy.”
“Heh, yeah.” Della rubbed her head as she awkwardly picked up the shield from the ground. “Well I’m past that part, now all I gotta do is sit on them till their ready. So far, I think I’m handling things well. But let me tell yeah, pushing those three out was a whole another story. You ever push out-, never mind…”
“I see…and do you at least know who the father is?”
“Some asshole I hope I never see again.” Della chuckled which became rather awkward when she noticed the unamused look on the buzzard’s face. “I uh, suppose you’re here to see Uncle Scrooge?”
“Uh, yes.” Bradford cleared his throat and then look passed Della. “Does he know that I’m here?”
“Oh keep your shirt on, Bradford I’m right here.” Scrooge said as he made his way down the stairs.
“Augh, Della,” Scrooge sighed. “Did you just go surfing down the stairs while we have company?”
“Uncle Scrooge, I did not know, I thought he was Donald.”
“That’s not the point lass, I don’t want ya treating my house like it’s a skate park.”
“Oh come on, I was just having some harmless fun” Della explained as she once again rubbed the bump on her head, “our guest is fine and King Arthur’s shield is perfectly intact.”
“Della, please put it back where you found it.”
“I was gonna,” Della assured her uncle as she awkwardly backed away from the two older birds, “Anyway, I’ll leave you two alone so you can talk about business. Woo! Business. Heh, yeah…”
“Yes, thank you Della.”
“No problem, Uncle Scrooge. I’ll just, uh, be in my room till Donnie gets here.”
As Della made her way up the stairs she hissed to her uncle’s passing butler. “Thanks for the heads up, Duckworth.”
“I’ll be sure to speak faster next time, Della.” Duckworth remarked before joining Scrooge by his side.
“Now Bradford,” Scrooge began when Della had left the area, “I thought we agreed that you’d come over after noon, my nephew should be here soon.”
“Oh, right.” Bradford cleared his throat. “Sorry, I must’ve mixed the times up I can come back if you’d like.”
“Perhaps you can get yourself a personal planner,” Duckworth suggested getting a glare from the buzzard, “I find those to be quite useful when I organize my day.”
“Nonsense, Bradford. There’s no point in you leaving when you came all this way, I’ll have plenty of time for Donald later. Duckworth that’ll be all for now.”
“I’ll be taking care of young Della’s nasty bump if you need me, Scrooge. Mr. Buzzard.” And with that said, Duckworth left the two businessmen alone.
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