beowarriors · 1 year
Taking the role of The Geats, Riverclan is located in the southwestern corner of Clan Territory. They are separated from Windclan to their north and Thunderclan to their east by The River. The Windclan border is known as “The Rapids”, where the water runs fast through rocky terrain, ending in The Falls, which is arguably the most dangerous part of the territories as a whole, and has claimed the lives of many cats. The river to the east, where the camp is situated, is much calmer, with shallow spots breaking up different, surprisingly deep areas. To their southwest is a farm, known to the Twolegs as Morgan’s Farm, which is connected to a tourist location known as Morgan’s Campsite. During Greenleaf, this has been known to cause issues with Twolegs and Dogs wandering into Clan Territory, and, very rarely, the camp itself.
Cats of Riverclan descent can be identified by their thick, sleek pelts and large, flat paws to help them swim. Cats with long Riverclan lineages are known to be able to hold their breath for longer than most other cats. They are known to favor silver, blue, or white pelts, and have an affinity for tabbies.
Compared to the other Clans, Riverclan is a very laidback group, though their kindness should not be mistaken for weakness. This is a lesson Thunderclan has had to learn time and again throughout their generations old feud over Sunning Rocks, which Riverclan currently holds ownership of.
Allegiances Under Cut!
Heronstar - Heavyset long-haired silver tabby tom with bright blue eyes
Rosetuft - Pretty tufted pale pink she-cat with soft green eyes and sharp dark markings
Hollystem - Fluffy long-haired cream tom with brown tabby points & bright green eyes
Ducktooth - Sleek short-haired dark brown tabby tom with deep blue eyes
Wildflower - Scrawny short-haired bluish-gray she-cat with pale grey eyes
Apprentice: Fishpaw
Tumblerapid - Tiny short-haired white she-cat with black van markings & bright yellow eyes
Stonepetal - Heavyset long-haired dark grey tom with soft green eyes
Flutteringhawk - Skinny short-haired russet & black she-cat with one missing ear & bright orange eyes
Apprentice: Rainpaw
Blackwolf - Large, long-haired black tom with cold amber eyes and long foreclaws
Apprentice: Wavepaw
Fishpaw - Sleek short-haired silver laced tom with bright blue eyes
Rainpaw - Fluffy long-haired black tom with white speckles & sleepy orange eyes
Wavepaw - Small blue-grey tabby tom with wide green eyes & white spotting
Lichencall - Tiny long-haired greyish-blue she-cat with dull green eyes
Spiderkit - Short-haired black and brown tom
Blossomkit - Long-haired orange tabby tom
Goldencloud - Massive long-haired golden tabby she-cat with soft green eyes
Shadedwillow - Wiry short-haired dark grey tabby tom with dull blue eyes
Honeyblaze - Plump long-haired golden she-cat with soft blue eyes
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ximen · 7 months
I kind of want to share the mouse genital article scandal on the office slack, given that it's relevant to our work and might help curtail certain departments' enthusiasm for AI. But I don't want to be the coworker associated with giant mutated mouse dck. So I will just have to hope someone else takes that bullet for the team.
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