#dude doesn't have any aspirations behind comfortably living his life in peace
ruthlesslistener · 1 year
Motion, Canvas, and Bling for Theodonalus!
motion: How does your OC move? How does their clothing help or hinder their range of motion? Are they flexible, coordinated, clumsy?
-Theo moves like if you crossed a greyhound with a ferret, and is extremely flexible and agile to boot! The Queynï are built like a blend of storks, sighthounds, and cheetahs, but since Theo has underdeveloped wings, he doesn't have the same muscle distribution that the rest of his very flight-based tribe tends to obtain, so he's far more agile on land than the rest of them. That sense of coordination is important, too- nests are built high on mountainsides, often in small nooks on sheer cliffs, where its assumed that even newly-hatched drachlings would be able to glide to safety if they fell. Theo didn't have that (part of the reason why he was treated as basically already being dead from hatching), so if he was any less coordinated, then he'd be long gone. Luckily for him, Queynï claws are sharply hooked and built for being able to cling to pretty much any surface, but he's also just a pretty nimble fellow to begin with
canvas: Does your OC have any scars, piercings, tattoos, or other markings? Do they display or cover them up at all?
-Theo has a lot of scars, and he pays little to no attention to them, as most were obtained from either stealing prey from other carnivores or from defending his meals from scavengers. The only ones he's bitter about are the ones on his throat, where some of his own clanmates attempted to tear it out 'for his own good', but he isn't ashamed of them at all. They just inspire him to live out of spite even more than he already was doing
bling: What jewelry does your OC wear? Does it have any meaning?
-Alas, Theo is nakey. Dragons both queensborn and not always collected precious stones as a means of impressing their mates- pretty rocks or objects are hard to spot on the wing, and even harder to defend, so the dragon with the most shinies is the one who's got the keenest eye and is the best at hiding/protecting their nest- but it's not until bonds between the human refugees crossing from the Sea of Storms and willing members of the Queynï were fully established that draconic jewelry began to become a thing, as a means for rider, craftsman, and dragon to show off their status and skill. Theodonalus was the dragon who extended the olive branch to humankind (as he is a curious fellow and was fascinated by these complex, clever-pawed monkeys), but he never took a human rider, and the full establishment of the dragonriders and their culture happened centuries after his death
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