#saturno sol
demonicintegrity · 1 year
Royal family more like
Dead Baby Pit
(Guess which Royal Family Im referring to)
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ruthlesslistener · 1 year
Motion, Canvas, and Bling for Theodonalus!
motion: How does your OC move? How does their clothing help or hinder their range of motion? Are they flexible, coordinated, clumsy?
-Theo moves like if you crossed a greyhound with a ferret, and is extremely flexible and agile to boot! The Queynï are built like a blend of storks, sighthounds, and cheetahs, but since Theo has underdeveloped wings, he doesn't have the same muscle distribution that the rest of his very flight-based tribe tends to obtain, so he's far more agile on land than the rest of them. That sense of coordination is important, too- nests are built high on mountainsides, often in small nooks on sheer cliffs, where its assumed that even newly-hatched drachlings would be able to glide to safety if they fell. Theo didn't have that (part of the reason why he was treated as basically already being dead from hatching), so if he was any less coordinated, then he'd be long gone. Luckily for him, Queynï claws are sharply hooked and built for being able to cling to pretty much any surface, but he's also just a pretty nimble fellow to begin with
canvas: Does your OC have any scars, piercings, tattoos, or other markings? Do they display or cover them up at all?
-Theo has a lot of scars, and he pays little to no attention to them, as most were obtained from either stealing prey from other carnivores or from defending his meals from scavengers. The only ones he's bitter about are the ones on his throat, where some of his own clanmates attempted to tear it out 'for his own good', but he isn't ashamed of them at all. They just inspire him to live out of spite even more than he already was doing
bling: What jewelry does your OC wear? Does it have any meaning?
-Alas, Theo is nakey. Dragons both queensborn and not always collected precious stones as a means of impressing their mates- pretty rocks or objects are hard to spot on the wing, and even harder to defend, so the dragon with the most shinies is the one who's got the keenest eye and is the best at hiding/protecting their nest- but it's not until bonds between the human refugees crossing from the Sea of Storms and willing members of the Queynï were fully established that draconic jewelry began to become a thing, as a means for rider, craftsman, and dragon to show off their status and skill. Theodonalus was the dragon who extended the olive branch to humankind (as he is a curious fellow and was fascinated by these complex, clever-pawed monkeys), but he never took a human rider, and the full establishment of the dragonriders and their culture happened centuries after his death
Oc ask game
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labuenaastrologia · 4 months
Las 12 fechas astrológicas más importantes de 2024
Bisiesto y del Dragón de madera, 2024 será un año de transformaciones y desafíos, pero también de oportunidades y crecimiento. En muchos sentidos, 2024 funcionará como un portal gigantesco hacia una época completamente nueva, ya que Urano, Neptuno y Plutón estarán trabajando en conjunto para ayudarnos a crear una inédita realidad y elevar la conciencia colectiva, anclando así la Era de…
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mostlydeadallday · 11 months
Lost Kin for the writing bingo!
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Lost Kin was basically a combination of "This character checks so many of my boxes" and "I could make them check even more of my boxes"
Fics like Until Dawn Shall Break, the darkness carried you home to me, the Rain and Needles series, and The Persistence of Endlings were my major inspirations, but what really got my brain spinning was the concept of a long-term Hollow caretaking fic where they learn to sign and Hornet slowly gets to know them from absolute scratch. It's expanded substantially since then (laughs nervously in "approaching 200k") but I still go back to those core ideas for inspiration.
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tiger-lily-55555 · 7 months
Trick or Treat!
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Happy Halloween!
For a treat, how about some candy apples?
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grollow · 1 year
Oh no
Oh no
Are you sure you want to activate this trap card?
I am a SUCKER for cinematic foils and Grimm and Hollow are near perfect ones. Opposites in experience but with a lot in common.
I headcanon Grimm as EXCEEDINGLY loyal to people he cares about - which is also how I see Hollow - and the reason I see them working so well together is because of this, and because Grimm literally represents the antithesis of every Higher Being Hollow has ever met before. Add in that I believe Grimm is extremely patient in addition to being Older Than Dirt and you have a recipe for someone who can help work through the hurt and pain of the past while understanding it on a level a mortal bug probably never could.
Plus, as Divine says, fire and shadow dance together so prettily.
I got into Hollow Knight fanfics because one of the first things I ever saw was chipper-smol's artwork, one of the pictures of NKG with Pure Vessel, and I about *lost it* I was like "wait, this would be perfect because you KNOW they have nightmares, you KNOW it" and so I just. Very attached to them as a pairing.
I'm gonna stop myself here before I go off even more, but I really like "We have enough in common to understand each other but we are different enough that we can compliment each other well."
Black and red.
White and silvery-blue.
Yes yes yes yes yessss
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taevayu · 2 years
hii could you make users for 'sol' or 'saturn/saturno'? tyy ^^
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── ◜✧◞  sol / saturn(o)! ﹕ᶻz
solsend / twixso-l / hicasol / solrburst
zapsaturn / androsvturn / strnocts / saturnoliis
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followpp · 2 years
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aleatorixx15 · 2 years
Tá Guardado...
Oh Sol pediu a Lua em casamento (mais se a Lua falar sim ele explode de alegria, mais se ela falar não ele para de brilhar de tanta tristeza), então ela disse não sei, não sei me da um tempo.........
Hoje Saturno guarda as suas alianças.....
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demonicintegrity · 1 year
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ruthlesslistener · 1 year
I have come here to offer myself as delicious sacrifice to Mister Toast Man may he be fed well on moth flesh
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He accepts
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rabiosantologia · 1 year
Aumentam as chances do nativo ter comportamentos fora do comum, seja uma pessoa mais original e tenha um forte magnetismo pessoal, embora não seja uma pessoa muito objetiva. É uma interação que traz mais garra e impulsiona a pessoa a ir atrás do que ela quer, embora também abra portas para o nervosismo. Eventualmente, a pessoa parece atrair problemas ou situações inesperadas. Geralmente essa impulsividade faz com que o indivíduo olhe apenas para frente, para seus desejos, não se importando tanto com o que as pessoas ao seu redor pensam ou sentem. Há de se equilibrar tais impulsos para obter mais êxito nas relações.
É importante também criar sua rotina própria e maneiras de agir, pois pode haver um pouco mais de dificuldade em se enquadrar nas normas de outras pessoas ou instituições. Se encontrar um lugar profissional onde sua independência seja permitida e admirada, valorize, pois pode ser algo bastante benéfico.
Adiciona também certa necessidade de conhecer pessoas originais, fazer viagens interessantes que promovam desafios e novas culturas. O trabalho com inovação e tecnologia avançada também são benéficos.
A saber: a consciência de sua originalidade e necessidade de quebrar padrões podem fazer bem a sua autoconfiança e paz. Aprecie as diferenças de idade nas interações e os estímulos criativos e inteligentes, para não sucumbir ao tédio.
© Fonte: Astrolink
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labuenaastrologia · 1 year
Marzo 2023: con Saturno y Plutón una nueva historia está por comenzar
Marzo 2023 acoge con gran expectación dos de los eventos más importantes de los próximos años. El año nuevo astrológico que comienza con el equinoccio de primavera,  bendice el cambio de signo de dos colosos: Saturno en Piscis y Plutón en Acuario. Una nueva historia está por comenzar. 11 fechas para anotar en el calendario de marzo 2023 1) 02 de marzo — conjunción Venus-Júpiter: excelente para…
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mutantes-sinmas · 1 year
🌈🌬Buenos días ^^ 🪐☀️
El sonido de los juncos
La voz de los árboles
El susurro del sol
El canto de aves
El sonido está presente incluso en el silencio. Si afinamos la sensibilidad podemos percibir como las vibraciones se vuelven audibles. El silencio es otra forma de hablar, es otra forma de sonido. Sin silencio la música no tendría ningún sentido, es lo que hace que las notas musicales tengan presencia y respiren al ser escuchadas. Igual que cuando escribimos tienen que haber espacios vacíos entre las palabras. El sonido no puede exisitir sin el silencio, porque el sonido proviene del silencio y regresa después a él. El silencio y el sonido son la misma cosa, el Yin y el Yang de la esencia. El movimiento es vibración y es el efecto del movimiento lo que llamamos sonido. Si existe alguna sutil huella de vida que pueda ser encontrada, ésta es el movimiento, la vibración, el sonido. Todo es más simple de lo que nos dijeron. Lo que no sabemos se convierte en misterio, pero cuando se conoce la verdad, esta es muy simple. Los auténticos buscadores de la verdad son amantes de la simplicidad.
Se dice que la creación del Universo se produjo a través del Sonido. La mayoría de las culturas y religiones hablan de lo mismo pero con diferentes palabras. Mencionan una vibración que dio origen a la existencia. La Fuente, la energía detrás dr toda la vida. Brahma, como la fuerza mágica... el logos, la palabra, el Big Banng, o el sonido esencial cósmico Om o Aum.
El sonido se propaga por el aire, por el agua, por la luz o cualquier otro medio. La vibración produce movimientos de comprensión y descompresión en las moléculas. Estos movimientos producen ondas sonoras que se mueven haciéndose cada vez más grandes alrededor de la fuente de sonido, parecido a esos círculos en el agua, pero en el caso de las ondas sonoras son esféricas y en tres dimensiones.
El origen del sonido es pues, el movimiento o la vibración. Esas ondas sonoras estimulan nuestros oídos y se pone en marcha un proceso bio-acústico y químico que da lugar a una transformación en impulsos eléctricos en nuestro cerebro, generando lo que para nosotros es la percepción de esos sonidos y su correspondiente sensación y emoción.
Y cómo se mide el sonido? El sonido viaja como ondas y esas ondas se miden en frecuencias y en intensidades. La frecuencia del sonido se mide en ciclos por segundo. Estas medidas cíclicas de las ondas se denominan hercios y su símbolo y unidad de medida es Hz.
Esta es la base de forma en la que estoy desarrollando mis estudios investigaciones y experimentos. Puede parecer complicado, es profundo pero simple. To be continue...
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dato che ci siamo arrivati anche quest'anno mi sembra giusto dire due cose.
continuo a sentire da qualunque cazzo di parte che il Natale si festeggia perché è nato Gesù ecc.
allora intanto i Saturnali(17-23 dicembre) e la festa del Sol Invictus (25 dicembre) li hanno inventati i romani per cui i cristiani hanno solo copiato la festa ma va bene, auguri Sol Invictus.
ma soprattutto, ma chi ha mai festeggiato per la nascita di Gesù e non per i regali? no perché insomma, parliamoci chiaro, ai bambini non frega un emerito cazzo che sia nato Gesù, loro aspettano Babbo Natale(e anche io) per i regali, infatti i biscotti e il latte li lasciano per lui e per le renne, mica per Gesù Bambino e soprattutto aspettano i parenti per festeggiare e mangiare insieme per cui, che sia una festa religiosa frega solo a chi crede così tanto in Dio da andare a messa, io mi sono addormentata per la rottura di coglioni dell'unica messa di mezzanotte a cui sono voluta andare e di andare a messa non me ne fregava manco per la comunione e per la cresima (ndr: fatte solo ed esclusivamente per i regali, tanto so mezza frocia, in paradiso non ci vado), figuriamoci se poteva fregarmi che Gesù è nato lo stesso giorno del Sol Invictus e lo si festeggia.
lasciate il Natale per i regali, i pranzi e le cene, che per festeggiare morti di cui poco ci importa ci sono altre feste.
ah sì raga, buon Natale🤍
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grollow · 1 year
Okay I will talk to you about Symbiosis because I do not know if you've read any of my works or not /fearful
This particular fic was a commission for @thethrillof and happens to be not only my most popular one shot, but also my favorite. They threw the idea for it at me and I could NOT stop writing it. I basically shelved everything else that I had going to work on it because some of the lines from the fic unraveled in my mind. I can't recall when a one shot came so quickly or excited me so much.
(When you get commissioned to something you are THRILLED BY, haaaa you're living up to your name.)
I'm not the best at telling a complete story in short format, but I think this is probably my best example of doing it. The interplay between each character is something I'm really proud of as well!
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