#dude idgaf i will quit *on the spot* if this happens again
saccharrine · 5 months
me: hey i need less shifts, i need more time for school
manager: okay 😊
manager: ...
manager: hey can you work 5 shifts this upcoming week?
manager: (3 minutes later) okay so i scheduled you for 5 shifts hope thats alright 😊
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devilsdaughter2 · 6 years
So this is going to be a rant. A very long coming rant. No names will not be stated. Feel free to ignore and pass over this. =3 This is going to be kind of all over the place.
So first of all. WHAT THE FLYING FUCK IS THIS BULLSHIT? Like seriously, oh man people are so fast to stab each other in the back that there’s no sense of real trust between folks. Like why are people surprised by the simplistic of kindness? This should not be a thing on this server. Like oh man you gave me a glyph? Why? What’s your motive? Uh it’s called im not a dick? Why is that a mindset on this server. CAUSE WE MADE IT THAT WAY. No one is free of saying they didn’t do it. Like oh man, I’m gonna post about how I never intentionally step on someones toes but then Im gonna do something I *know* will piss off a group of people cause lawl fuck them. I see it everywhere. Sure I’ve done it. I’ll admit that! I’m not some sweetheart that doesn’t get angry. Yea, when I’m pissed, I’ll be vengeful as shit. But guess what, I don’t go around making people feel like shit. Sure I’ll try to upstage someone but I will never go out of my way to put them down or make them want to quit. What’s with that mindset where oh I don’t like them so they should get off my server. Like this isn’t elementary school, this is not a box of crayons you get to decide who uses and who doesn’t.
Furthermore, You’re so full of fucking crap. Oh its a miscommunication. Once is miscommunication, twice is coincidence, but three, four, ten times? That’s you doing it on purpose. So learn how to not do it, or stop being a jerk that pretends to be victim of miscommunication when you’re just taking everything personally even when it’s got NOTHING to do with you! Oh this person left when I showed up. Maybe they’re avoiding you, maybe they’re not. Trying to force your presence on them isn’t gonna make them want to be around you either way! Like shit man, If I’m avoiding you it’s so we don’t start shit. Oh man that doesn’t make me a cunt, that makes me adult enough to know to walk away when it’s making me unhappy. This bullshit of “Oh I don’t like them, but I continue doing stuff with them is cause if I don’t it will start drama.” That’s dumb. Like beyond dumb. If you don’t like someone, you don’t gotta say shit. Just WALK AWAY. Oh you like RPing in this one spot? Guess what, this game is HUGE. You will find another spot you like. You dont gotta stay in one city to get the RP you want. You got friends, just be like “Hey can we RP here?” and 9/10 times, I assure you, they will be like yea sure lets go. There’s this magical thing called imagination, where you can go somewhere abandoned and pretend to be in the same place you just were. Oh I want to RP in a city but I don’t want to go to Stormwind or Silvermoon? Oh shit Old Dalaran tends to be empty! Poof new city to rp. Don’t want it to be a city but want a harbor? Dude Ratchet and Booty Bay are great, and so is Venture Bay in Grizzly Hills! Like dude there is endless possibility. Oh you wanna RP in a human city without anyone finding you and your friends? Guess what.. There’s instances! Look at Old Stratholme. Don’t talk to Arthas and enjoy a nice city! Old Hillsbrad! Blackrock Depths! Gnomergan! Magisters Terrace! Oh man it’s like there’s a lot of dungeons and raids! MAGIC!
Also what is with this arrogance on the server? Like why does majority of people HAVE to like you? Whats wrong with just having fun with a small group of people? Like you are stressing yourself out with this idea that you have to be what the server expects you to be. Oh you’re a house guild? You better be really into politics or the military! Uhm no, Hows about I’m a house that earns money via taking care of farms and fisheries? Oh you’re a Blood Knight Guild? Must be SUPER serious 24/7 no fun allowed. Uh dude, Ima go have a snowball fight cause I can only fight so much. “We pride ourselves on being super serious, always in character.” That’s so EXHAUSTING though? Like have you tried being IC everywhere you go? You burn out FAST. Gotta take a day to do stupid shit like take over a brawl arena on the Isles with guildies and cackle and run around giving people hugs before killing them. Do old content or play browser games! “Oh so you run a lot of community shit? Does that mean thats all you do? Ima come to all your shit.” Man, fuck that. Maybe I wanna do a guild event where we just go swimming? I dont want a bunch of people outside the guild crashing it cause lawl you’re the community person.
And especially gonna call out the paper abusers! There are some great people who are so kind as to run papers for us, but just cause they post your shit, doesnt mean it is 100% server cannon everyone must follow you. And you are stupid for thinking thats how that works. Guess what, another point! Just cause you think you’re top shit for x,y,z, does not mean that the paper HAS TO show up and report on your crap. They got lots of people coming to them, so guess what, they might not get to report on your shit. Or maybe one paper isnt reporting the same way another is. So what? They’re doing this to have fun, not a job. You gonna start paying them money for tokens? No? Then shut the fuck up about they owe you whatever. They owe you NOTHING! Idgaf if you’re bffs, you do not get to make demands of them!
What is this stigma about politics? “Oh well they are trying to control me!” Uh no bitch, sit your ass down. So a bunch of noble rpers wanna form a council and start doing noble shit. Good for them! Let them do what they want. No one is forcing you to acknowledge them or what they are doing. Like I can turn to a noble house and be like fuck you, and they’ll just shrug and go on their way cause guess what. They dont gotta put up with me! Same goes for if they try to force a rule on me. I get to laugh and walk away cause bitch I didnt agree to shit. Its like *gasps* we don’t have to listen to other players. AMAZING I KNOW!
You know what’s really great? Talking to people. Its a beautiful thing. And you would be surprised how much better you feel talking to someone straight on. Like shit, lets say someone pissed me off cause they booked an event over mine. Shocker, it will happen! Talking to them generally lets ya sort shit out so it either A. Doesnt happen again. or B. You can work together. Or you can come to terms with each other and be like breh I dont wanna do stuff with you and heres why, now Im gonna go so we arent at the same place cause I dont wanna cause a fuss. Oh look at that, you are now an adult and everyone understands and isnt left going “Why is this person suddenly avoiding me? What did I do wrong?” Its a *great* feeling getting it off your chest and lets the other person get closure. Now thats not to say walk up to someone and be like I hate you cause you stole my dress. Like no. Now you’re being petty as shit and need to sit your ass down. Same goes for if you go I hate you so you should kill yourself. Like seriously, thats not needed and you just look like an ass.
Finally, fuck all yall for making fun of someone with mental illnesses or experiences. Oh this person has PTSD, lawl lets do stuff to set it off. Yea you’re an ass. Oh this person hears voices? Lets make them feel like they’re going crazy by playing jokes on them that make them question reality. Yea, how about I punch you in the face? Hardy har har. No seriously, fuck you. Like yes this is me mad, go fuck yourself. Its not cute, its not funny, its seriously offensive and cruel.
End of rant (for today)!
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leesungjongg · 7 years
While You Were Sleeping Review~
Honestly.. I think I’ve forgotten everything I’ve wanted to say at this point, and I should seriously just take sticky notes with me everywhere from now on just so I can jot down notes of what I liked and disliked about the dramas I watch. Sigh. But I’ll try to remember what I can and tell you all about it, because I love telling stories. Spoilers ahead, just a warning!!
Ok so honestly the most ridiculous thing I remember happening in the drama was literally like.. Jongsuk being shot and dying……. And then when he’s like flatlining, he says “no. i must live… to tell hong joo im sorry” and i was like omfg bruhHH if that actually happened like irl LMAOOOO
That was like one of the things I knew I really wanted to talk about. There was also one other thing that i was like mhm… on but i forgot what it was so. It doesn’t matter. Unless i remember. Then it DOES matter LMAO
Can we also talk about Mr. Choi? :(((((((((( literally wtf like dude i liked him but i literally was so soooo sad when he died LIKE WTF THAT WASN’T FAIR WTH WHY DID YOU HAVE TO KILL HIM HE DIDNT EVEN DO ANYTHING WRONG T___________________T my heart hurt when he died. that was so cruel. I’m grateful he saved jaechan and hongjoo. Im sad he didn’t reveal himself sooner. He played such an important role in jaechan’s life, mostly jaechan, because i dont remember much about hongjoo and him besides that one moment at yubeom’s trial.
On that note, Yuboem deserved that life sentence man. I was like oh god what if they like.. Make him do like 20 years, that’s not even enough to make him pay. He was horrible, absolutely horrible. Honestly I wanted to go in there and punch him like jaechan almost did but gosh DARN it Mr. Choi had to step in and say ‘hey, it’s not a good idea’ and T________T he seriously did whatever he could. I totally wasn’t even expecting him to be the one from so long ago, but when the scenes from earlier in the drama came back up again, all the puzzle pieces fit together and it made SENSE. I was like ‘omfg thank you Mr. Choi, for being there for them, for doing whatever you could for Jaechan and Hongjoo, you are the REALEST.’ such a wonderful human being. And he knew how he was going to die too, ugh. UGH. UGH UGH UGH. NO. im still sad.
Now i’ll get into the characters LOL
Jaechan: i love lee jongsuk. Like idek what else to say. I just love him. He’s really tall but with great height comes great awkwardness and omfg. I loved his dorky character sooo much. He is literally my baby and forever will be my baby even though he’s like.. So much older than me idek. He’s 8 years older than me rip. Still my baby tho. Lov u. OMFG IS HE SUNGGYU’S AGE? WAIT SUNGGYU IS OLDER THAN HIM? AM I WRONG? Tell me im wrong. Im RIGHT? By a few months.. Anyway it doesnt matter bc they’re both still super cute and im melting rn dont mind me. This was pointless i didnt even talk about jaechan. I loved the fact that he became a prosecutor because his dad told him to, i love the fact that he became rivals with his old childhood tutor who left him in the dust after that motorbike incident, and i love the fact that he looked over everything just to make sure he didn’t miss a single spot. Yubeom tried to be like ‘oh, you will all fall like me, i slipped up but i just got caught. When you get caught, you’ll be in prison with me’ and jaechan was like ‘nah son, you literally brought this upon yourself. You tried to make the wrong answer the right one and it didnt work out. Ur not unlucky. You’re just bad. *drops mic* *crowd cheers* *happy ending for all* *and a fkc you i mean life sentence to yubeom*’
Yubeom: ROT IN HELL. I am forever shaking my head and tsking at him for LIFE. he honestly deserved that life sentence idgaf. Like.. how evil can you get? Man.. my brain hurts im not in the mood to be angry at this fictional character. Good job person who played the character. Whats his name. Lee Yangseob. Good job on making me hate you, you despicable Yubeom you… good job at acting….. I still hate u…
Hongjoo: suzy is so amazing. Dude like despite her having those kinds of dreams at the start, she still tried really hard to prevent them from happening, and it was so horrible. Like i would literally be afraid of falling asleep or smth like that. Also why was it almost always death? Like i guess it added to the drama but omfg if i saw myself die in a dream and i knew at some point it would come true like...idek man. Wouldn’t you get traumatized by it? Like ‘crap all these people are dying and i cant do anything about it’ DUDE!! Jaechan even told her to forget about it but then he was still unnerved by it too omfg. In this case, it worked out because they all tried saving each other and stuff but what if they didn’t know each other? What would’ve happened then? I hope hongjoo would’ve still been able to go on and become a reporter or something like that. If not a reporter, then someone who went and told the news from those desks and stuff. But i guess she liked being on the scene more, who knows. Im just blabbing at this point idek what im saying. I do but im lazy to backspace sigh.
Wootak: :((((((((( my honeybunch sugarplum, pumpie umpie umpkin… he’s literally so adorable. I loved the fact that he tried to fit all the puzzle pieces together and jaechan was like nah that can’t be… hongjoo wasn’t chestnut (son… wootak’s detective skills i stg. He’s amazing. No wonder he stayed in the police force for so long dang) I knew he wouldn’t be able to get hongjoo so i was just like it’s ok, i will give u my heart instead ok. Even though i also love jongsuk, i have enough love to give to u all. Im glad he didn’t become one of those ‘I WANT THE MAIN GIRL CHARACTER’ person like im so tired of it lol but he was a sweetheart from beginning to end. Honestly when he was like ‘stick to a secret to the end’ and hongjoo was like hm… what’s his secret? I was like oh my god. Did he kill someone???? What if he killed someone and became a police officer to make up for it? Wtf BUT THEN he just turned out to be color blind so i was happy with that. I didnt know you couldn’t be a police officer if you were colorblind omfg. The more you know. But seriously :( such a sweetheart. I love that despite crushing on hongjoo, and knowing that jongsuk really liked her too, he 1) didn’t get in the way of their relationship, even though he honestly COULD HAVE, and 2) he didn’t hold anything against jaechan. Maybe it’s because he saved him from dying, idk. But i loved their friendship so much. I would love to have Wootak as a friend. I felt so bad for him when he told his police partner that he had been carrying the weight of that for so long, but think of how much relief he felt when everything spilled out. It’s hard to keep secrets, because it’ll eventually fall apart. We’re not superhuman… talking to you wootak, wearing those batman clothes… secretive.. But still fighting for what’s right. Im glad he went on the path to become a lawyer after quitting his police job. I hope he continues to spend time with his police partner though. I wish there was more interactions between them and also between wootak and jaechan, i loved them both so much.
Anyways, i think this has gotten long enough… overall, i’d say this drama is really nice. I really liked it, even though at like a few parts i was like dude… this is extra and not needed. But honestly, the characters were amazing, especially yubeom. Idk how yangseob could pull off a character like that, but he was amazing. OMG I REMEMBERED WHAT I WANTED TO SAY. I really liked the idea of having your dreams come true… in some kind of twisted way, maybe not so much… but still, it was interesting, and i was waiting to see what would happen next. I would recommend it if people like these kinds of AUs i guess. I liked that the love triangle was less… like less. Idk how to explain it. But i also really liked the plot and how everything came together and clicked. Im sure there are some things that i’ve overlooked or smth, things that i probably didn’t realize needed more clarification, but it was still nice. I was also surprised at the two prosecutors getting married xD that was nice. A nice plot twist. That’s a random addition but i wanted to include it :P
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