#dude was like a 40 something crusty barcelonan man who looked like he was hungover every time he walked into class
mueritos · 2 years
What pronouns do nonbinary people use in Spanish?
any pronouns they want but lenguaje inclusivo does exist. If someone wants to use neutral pronouns in spanish, they can use elle or substitute the e in articles and adjectives. its becoming more popular, and lenguaje inclusivo isnt just about making language neutral, but also about subverting gender dynamics. my favorite professor during my study abroad in Barcelona always greeted us as "chicos, chichas, y chiques", and many other greetings he included both the feminine and neutral version of the word. It's about destroying the idea of only using the "male" version of words because grammatically they also include women (ex, "los cocineros" can mean all men or 1 man the rest women, while "las cocineras" means all women only). Idk, it's kinda cool and it was nice seeing it in practice while abroad, but yes, nonbinary folks can use any pronouns they want, but if they want neutral terms, we usually add the "e" or "x" ending to words. There are other versions I've seen around but I dont remember them.
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