#due to the severe case of untreated mange
sidetongue · 2 years
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My newest foster, Trickle. 
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heaven-4ur-pet · 4 years
The most Common Infections and Illnesses in Pets
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Ear Infections
often, bacteria and yeast are known to cause ear infections in cats, though not too common.Ear mite infestation is the most commonly known cause of otitis externa. It is characterized by pain and discomfort, with the ear canal being sensitive. Cats tend to scratch and shake their heads while they attempt to remove fluid and debris in the ear canal. Sometimes the canal turns reddish in color and you can see black or yellow discharge. To diagnose an ear infection, the veterinarian can examine the ear canal with an otoscope that provides magnification, giving a good view to determining if the eardrum is intact. Culture and susceptibility are used in severe cases of ear infections to ensure the pet receives the right medication.  
Diabetes causes low levels of sugar glucose, by causing improper functioning of the entire body for releasing hormone insulin. Cats are more prone to the Type II diabetes, where the glucose is reduced in the production of energy for the body. When your cat begins to lose weight, it might be an indication it has diabetes. The cells are starved of energy to absorb glucose from the blood, thereby starving them of energy. To determine the presence of diabetes, the vet will have to test the glucose concentration in the blood and sometimes urine. Increase thirst and urination are also signs of diabetes. To treat diabetes in cats, the veterinarian can administer insulin injections or recommend dietary management by feeding the cat on a restricted carbohydrate diet.
Kidney Conditions
Kidneys have a wide array of functions, including removing waste products from the bloodstream, producing urine, conserve water, and regulating essential minerals such as sodium and potassium. Kidney dysfunction must be experienced before clinical signs are seen since they have a large spare capacity for functioning due to its numerous functions, making the damage in the near un-reversed by the time detection or clinical signs occur. A commonly known disorder in cats is the chronic renal failure (CRF) or the chronic kidney disease. The early noticeable signs of kidney disease include fading coat and weight loss that’s brought by aging.
Cats experience pains when the disease affects them, affecting their ability to function optimally. If you are a pet owner, behavioral change is the most important aspect to consider, and if it is unusual, there is a need to visit a vet who will help in the examination.
Eye Conditions
Some of the common eye disorders in cats include cataracts, inflammation, eyelid mass, pink eye also known as conjunctivitis and glaucoma. When the eyeball becomes inflamed in on the moist tissue, you are likely to notice a pink eye in your cat’s eye. Viruses, allergens or infections are known to be the sole cause of pink eye. The cornea can be damaged as a result of the cat accidentally scratching itself while attempting to satisfy an itch, debris, dirt, or small bug getting into the eye. Additional signs include blood clots, redness and tear. Eye inflammation results due to eye trauma, auto-immune disease, or bacterial infection. Eye inflammation causes pain and, if untreated, impacts the cat's vision.  
Skin Conditions
Ensuring good health in cats is an important aspect in order to prevent them from suffering from skin problems. There are various symptoms that can be spotted from a cat’s skin. When cats incessantly itch, bite and scratch their skin and fur is a sign to soothe infections or an attempt to alleviate pet allergies. It is important to reach out to your vet when you realize your cat is beginning to lose hair, when the skin is dry with unpleasant smell, excessive grooming, intensive itching and redness. Mite is also known to cause an inflammatory disease called mange, which requires detection with the help of a microscope. Preventive measures should be taken to keep off ticks and fleas to keep the cats skin in good health.
Heart Conditions
Heart disease is a common cause of illness in domestic cats. Frequently referred to as the "silent killer." The lack of early signs of detection makes it likely to cause death in the pets. Heart disease is a dysfunction of the heart with the common heart disease in cats referred to as "cardiomyopathies." It affects the cat through thickening and weakening the heart muscle. In such cases, your cat might begin to restrict its activities and functionality, which might make it hard to detect any signs of heart disease.  Some of the cat breeds that are at a higher risk of contracting heart disease include Rex, Ragdoll, Sphynyx and Maine Coon.
The capability of a cat to contract cancer is high. A cat’s cancer diagnosis might be very challenging to the pet owner, while regular visits are encouraged at the cat’s wellness clinics. Environmental toxins are believed to the primary cause of cancer in cats. Cancer for the cats is broadly categorized into four, namely; bone cancer, Lymphoma, mast cell tumor, and squamous cell carcinoma. Bone cancer is characterized by swelling, lameness, and lethargy. It is common in giant and larger breeds of cats. Lymphoma is also a type of blood cancer that causes swelling and it develops in the lymph node. Mast cell tumour is a white blood cell that becomes tumors with abnormal swellings. Squamous cell carcinoma is cells in the skin which resemble fish scales.They are the interior passage of digestive and respiratory tracts.
Urinary Tract Conditions
Infections in the urinary tract are not so common but cats infected tend to have frequent small amounts of urination every time they urinate. They strain to urinate, and one can notice a tear while urinating. Samples of blood can be visible in urine that they pass. Common signs of UTI in cats is when they urinate outside the litterbox. Another sign of UTI is when a cat licks its rear frequently. UTI can be caused by bacteria going up the urethra into the bladder. Once bacteria find their way into the bladder that is supposed to be sterile may reproduce, causing UTI.
Stomach Issues
Vomiting, diarrhea is the common stomach upsets referred to as Gastrointestinal disorders affecting the digestive tract, comprised of mouth and teeth, stomach, esophagus, small and large intestines, rectum, and anus. The common clinical signs for disorders in cats are lethargy, loss of appetite. Most aged cats are susceptible to weight loss, with less common clinical signs being abdominal swelling and chewing and swallowing. Cats have the ability to hide infections which makes it hard for anyone to detect any abdominal pains.
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purrincesskittens · 7 years
Miraculous Ladybug: Adventures Of Lupine Alpha and Corvus. Chapter 5
Summery: A new girl has started at Adrien’s school. One whose elder brother is just as rich and famous as his father. Adrien gets to know the girl more as his father works with her brother on a new project and finds she is a lot like him. As Chat Noir he continues to work along side Ladybug to keep Paris safe when a new Miraculous Holder appears along with a new enemy. Just who is Lupine Alpha? As their knowledge changes and expands more and more information about the Miraculouses comes to light. As do more miraculous holders. 
(Note: I do allow reblogging of this on tumblr alone )
J.J. was freaking out trying to think trying to clear her mind of the panic that filled it to think clearly as she stared down at Tikki. After a few minutes of trying to breath she finally manged to speak without it coming out strangled. “Okay I’m pretty sure that I have Ladybug’s kwami Tikki so who has mine?” She heard a yelp in answer guessing by the sound of the voice it was Chat.
Her suspicions were found true when she heard him call out in response. “I do she just bit me. Again.” “Accalia we’ve been over this no biting other people.” J.J. scolds out of habit. “I have Chat’s kwami.” Ladybug calls out gently stroking the tiny cat with a finger. Plagg surprisingly decided he liked Marinette stroking him like that and started purring softly.
“I’ll be your kwami forever as long as you don’t stop doing what you’re doing and give me more cheese bread. ” Plagg announces with a loud purr as she found a spot he seemed to like scratching under his chin gently. “Hey no fair you’re supposed to be mine.” Chat mutters darkly sounding jealous over the fact that his kwami was getting attention from Ladybug.
“Do you think you can phase though all this stuff?” J.J. asks Tikki peering at the debris blocking her from her comrades. Tikki shook her head even before she finished her sentence. “No it’s too thick and there is too much of it. Small thin things like locker doors and cups are no problem but the thicker it is the harder it is to move through it.” She explains peering at the rubble herself.
“Damn there goes that idea now what?” She mutters trying to keep her panic at bay. “These tunnels are almost endless and stretch on for miles it could take forever to find our way out and even if we do we can’t transform we don’t have our own kwamis. If we set up a meeting place if we can find a way out of here we won’t know who the others are. We would be revealing our identities if we did. We might not even know who the others are I mean I’m not from this city let alone country. I don’t know very many people and that’s another thing getting out of here would mean finding an open tourist tunnel and entrance which means people lots and lots of people all pushing and shoving and touching you and you could trip and fall and then everyone is starring at you and if you run everyone still stares and whispers about you making fun of you talking about you it surrounds you everywhere you can’t escape from it. ” J.J. mumbles beginning to shake clutching her arms tightly a whimpering noise escaping her throat her eyes wide but unfocused.
Tikki stared at her confused this was nothing like the panic attacks Marinette had. This seemed worse far worse. Accalia’s voice drifted through the rubble cutting through her miraculous holders panicked ramblings. “She’s panicking again isn’t she? If she’s having another of her panic attacks just give her a good bite that will stop her and clear her head. And make sure she doesn’t hurt herself and keep her from over thinking things by giving her a good nip every so often. ” the wolf kwami calls out in a bored disinterested sounding voice.
Tikki looked at the girl still confused and growing worried as the girl seemed to collapse in on herself. “I’m not biting her!I can’t hurt her like that!” Tikki protests worriedly. “She’s going to hurt herself again unless you stop her. ” Accalia explains floating as close to the debris as she could get. Adrien watched figuring out slowly that despite the kwami’s cold tone and seeming disinterest she cared for her miraculous holder alot and her biting wasn’t to hurt her but to help her.
Tikki could see she had to do something to bring the girl back into focus and break her out of the panic attack she was in. She wasn’t about to bite her but she could do something to help. So moving back as far as she could Tikki headbutted the girl as hard as she could and even gave her a pinch for good measure. This seemed to finally slowly but surely break the girl out of her panic.
Tkiki gave her another headbutt just to make sure she was okay. J.J. blinked slowly uncurling herself from her huddled up position and standing back upright. “Thanks Tikki. Your sweet and all but I miss Accalia.” She says rather forlorn. “You need to be more careful you could hurt yourself like that."Tikki fusses flying around the girl to make sure she was okay.
Marinette had moments of panic and self doubt due to her rather low self esteem that’s why Tikki always gave her a boost of courage and confidence when she needed it and calmed her down when she got panicked but Marinette was no where near this girls level of panic and anxiety. "Too late for that.” J.J. mutters rubbing her wrists which were covered in wristbands and bracelets so you couldn’t see the skin on the insides of her wrists. Her wrists were always covered somehow no matter where she was.
As Marinette listened to what was happening to Lupine she began to understand why they each had their specific kwamis. They needed them for various reasons. She her self had little to no confidence in herself and Tikki helped build it back up by praising her and complementing her giving her the confidence to go on. She didn’t know much about Chat other then his home life wasn’t the best something to do with his parents. He seemed to act wilder as Chat making her believe he didn’t act that way normally or rather he couldn’t. Plagg must give him the freedom to do as he wants. Lupine it was becoming painfully obvious why she had her kwami. She had Social Anxiety if her panic attack over going into a crowded area was anything to go by. And she had a severe case of it one that had probably gone untreated for a while. Accalia pulled her out of it and gave her the confidence and strength to be out in public and be around people. Accalia helped her be dominant to not care what others around her think to stand up for herself and not give in. Lupine needed her kwami just as badly as Marinette needed hers if not more so.
“We need to find our way out if we can try heading back the way we came and try and find the hole we came in through or continue forward and find another entrance. Once we are out of the catacombs we need to regroup and switch back our kwamis.” Marinette says taking charge again now that Lupine was calmed down.
“Yeah but how we don’t know what each other looks like and meeting up somehow would reveal ourselves to one another. And where do we even meet up?” Chat asks about to scoop up Accalia but thinking better of it and stopping himself from touching the little she-wolf who gave him a baleful look.
“The statue. The Statue in Honor of Chat Noir and Ladybug. That’s where we will meet. Some place recognizable but at the same time not somewhere bound to be nearly as crowded as say the Eiffel tower. ” She says a plan forming in her head. Their kwamis knowing who the other was wasn’t that big a deal they would have to keep it a secret is all. Well it could be a big deal if she felt like making it into one but at the moment she had other things to be concerned about.
“And the whole we don’t know who the other is thing?” Chat asks once more. “Our kwamis can sense each others presence right?” She asks getting a nod from Plagg who gave her hand a nudge in hopes of more petting melting like puddy in her hands when she did. He was in heaven he decided the only thing that could make it better was if she had Camembert on hand.
“Disguises simple ones. Like Chat wears all black and something with a hood. Actually everyone where a hoodie or something to cover your head with and a mask or sunglasses. I’ll wear all red or red and black and Lupine can wear brown. We can meet in front of the statue. If you make it to it and don’t see anyone around who you might think is one of the rest of us wait. Wait as long as possible and if you think you see someone who might be one of us approach them and try talking to them like if its Lupine asks if she has a dog and what her dogs name is hinting that their dog is pretty wolf like if they answer with the name Accalia they are the right person make sure you check with the kwami you are with too. For Chat go for actual cats and try and get them to make a pun and ask if they have a cat specifically black and if they answer with Plagg your good. Umm for me go for bugs ask if they are into bugs and what they think of ladybugs asking if they ever caught one before and if they named it. If the answer is Tikki then we are good to go. ” Marinette says using quick thinking to come up with something anything at all that sounded plausible.
“Asking what Lupine’s move is might help too since no one knows that but us so far.” Chat throws in agreeing to Ladybug’s plan. After a few more minutes of discussing things they finally split up suing their cell phones as lights since they got no signal down in the catacombs. Lupine after a while of walking and having Tikki give her encouragement and the occasional headbutt gave a growl as she turned a corner to find more seemingly empty darkness.
She started to hit various apps and buttons on her cell phone fiddling with the features as she continued walking before pausing to climb her way part way up a wall ignoring the skulls and bones she was touching holding her phone aloft till she gave a triumphant aha noise. Tiki peered at her cell phone screen curiously. “What are you doing you can’t get signal down here you know.” She questions. “Normally yes but we are must likely directly under a cell tower or something because I am getting like one bar up here like this not enough for a call or anything but enough to set up satellite signal. That can reach even through the ground. I know it has before.”
Tiki watched as she hit more buttons on her phone using only her thumb on the hand she held her phone with. A bar appeared on the screen showing the status of the sync of satellite signal and her phones itself. It was slow moving and took forever but finally it was complete and J.J. could hop down. “Why does your phone have this kind of capability?” Tiki asks knowing enough to know this was not something standard on all phones since Marinette had stolen quite a few phones enough for her to get an idea of basically how they worked.
“Over protective brother slash guardian who literally tried keeping me inside for the rest of my life. Didn’t realize a plush gilded cage is still a cage till I ran away and ran back to my old home and refused to go back. Things slowly changed from there. They are still hard because he seems to think he can keep me safe from all harm but his keeping me safe is too confining for me. Been kidnapped a few times after the second time he gave me a satellite phone but it was too bulky to hide or carry so he played with my phone setting up a way to establish satellite signal just about anywhere including in the middle of no where and underground. ” She explains tapping away at her phone pulling up a map of all the known catacomb tunnels and landmarks it ran under.
She gave another triumphant cry as she traced their route from where they came in. “This is about where we entered and we chased Skinwalker down this tunnel and took a right here and then a left a few more turns a left and another right and we reached this intersection here. This is a three way intersection here and there happens to be construction going on above meaning a lot of shifting and moving so the ground will be unsteady in that area easy for a cave in to happen especially if it has help like who ever helped Skinwalker. So I got stuck in the left hand tunnel so I took this path here and went this way and got turned around here and then took a right here followed by another right and that last dead end was here so we are about five blocks away from a entrance into the catacombs which happens to be in the subway. A perfect dark little used entrance but it means we have to time it just right and move fast to get up and out and across the tracks before a train arrives. There are always service entrances that we can take to get to street level with out being seen. From there we are one block away from the shopping district where we can get me a disguise and then ten blocks to the park where the statue is I saw it my first night here when I was running around as Lupine Alpha. ”
She traced it all out her mind moving quickly as she mapped out their path. Tikki was impressed. “You’re pretty smart and quick thinking.” She complements. “I have to be to out smart my brother and my bodyguards he persists in sicking on me to ‘keep me safe’ moving quickly in a crowded area is the best way to ditch them too and upside to it being crowded is if you move just fast enough you can be virtually invisible which means no one is gonna pay any attention to you. Hitching rides works too and gets you places faster. If I time it just right I can get in and out of the crowd within a minute or so.”
Following the map on her phone moving slow so she could keep the signal she had she reached the exit she wanted. This next part was what had Tikki worried and hoovering over her while the girl worked up the courage to do what had to be done. After timing the trains for a bit she quickly climbed up through the narrow half stair case and darted up through the entrance between rails and tracks and raced over them towards the service stairs on the far side diving into them just as a train approached. Tikki was yelling at her by the time she caught her breath and calmed herself before she could go into a panic attack again. Tikki flung herself at the girl upset and worried earning a surprised chuckle from her and a little pet before they continued on.
The shopping district was what proved the hardest it took Tikki nearly dragging her to get her to even go near the crowds and then several pinches and headbutts to keep her calm enough to skirt the edge of the crowds to a shop that sold clothes for teens. Once in the store the girl cowered in fear every time a store associate approached her.
Tikki was the one who did the shopping really while the girl hid in the fitting rooms. She found clothes she thought would look good on the girl and where brown and dragged them back to the fitting room for her to try on. Finally after several trips back and forth J.J. looked nice enough to go out in public but matched the theme they were going for dressed in shades of all brown and some russet tones mixed in even a pair of moccasin shoes on her feet.
Her hoodie was what sold her on the outfit. It was a cosplay hoodie with a wolf tail in the back and ears on the hood. A mask a simple elegant mask in a deep russet red color meant for masquerades really. All the tags were brought up to a register and a large sum of money was rung up as the total getting charged onto her brother credit card which she had on her. “Have fun!Wherever you’re going I hope you enjoy yourself!” The cashier calls out perkily.
J.J. or rather Lupine waved confidently back in acknowledgement all her old stuff stuffed into a new bag in the shape of a plush wolf she wore on her back. Her new clothes and disguise along with the mask made her feel bold, dominant like she could walk right out into the crowd and expect them to part for her which they did sending her strange looks she ignored.
She had also purchased two other bags for her comrades having been unable to pass them up when the cashier told her about a special sale they had going on by two bags get one free. So she ended up waking away with her wolf one and a black kitty kat one with big green eyes she though Chat would love and a ladybug one as well. She hummed happily to herself as she made her way towards the bus stop.
“Your brother is going to kill you when he sees that bill.” Tikki says with a sigh munching on a cookie J.J. had gotten her. J.J. had stopped in a store and bought not only a big box of cookies for Tikki that were stuffed in the ladybug bag and some Camembert cheese for Plagg when they found him and Ladybug stuffed in the kitty bag. Some fruit for her own kwami was on top of everything in her wolf bag.
“He’ll get over it.” J.J. says cheerfully giving a wave to some kids wearing Ladybug and Chat Noir shirts as she climbed onto the bus. Her anxiety seemingly gone so long as she could hide behind a mask. It didn’t take long by bus to reach her destination but long enough for her to strike up a conversation with a pretty cute blonde girl named Rose who sat beside her on the bus. Their main topic of discussion was love which J.J. didn’t have much experience with.
Rose waved bye to her calling out for her to find her own love someday making Lupine chuckle. “I like her she’s interesting.” Lupine laughs as she enters the park. Whatever Tikki had been about to say was cut off though when she felt something blindside her knocking her to the ground rather painfully. Landing with a skidding halt beside a girl with black pigtails and dressed in shades of red with black spotted sunglasses on, a tiny black cat curled up in the crook of her shoulder also unconscious.
A giant creature made a growling noise shifting back to hide behind the statue to wait for the last one to arrive. It’s head similar to a deer but with fangs and the torso of a man and the lower half of some blend of creatures with hooves instead of feet. Looking very much like what legends picture Wendigos as looking like. A man with the ears of a cat came to stand beside him the animal parts vanishing. A young child going unnoticed by both Wendigo and Skinwalker hiding in the shadows a necklace clutched in one hand with a clawed wolf paw etched onto a metal disk hanging from it and a pair of ladybug earrings clutched in the other.
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petrescueblog · 4 years
https://ift.tt/eA8V8J 12 Skin Diseases in cats
In this article by PeritoAnimal, we will talk about skin diseases in cats that appear most commonly in cats of all ages. Wounds, absence of hair, itching, or lumps are some of the symptoms that should make you suspect the presence of dermatological disease in your cat.
It is important to go to the vet, as some conditions can be contagious to people and many others can get complicated if they are not treated early. However, to give you an idea of ​​what it might be, we’ve provided pictures of skin diseases in cats below.
If your cat has scabs, dandruff, skin sores, or hairless areas, read on to discover the most common skin diseases in cats.
Ringworm in cats
This is perhaps the most well-known and feared skin disease in cats, as it is a condition that humans can also contract. It is caused by fungi that feed on the skin and is more likely to affect younger or sicker cats because their defenses have not yet developed or are diminished. That is why it is common to find this skin disease in domestic cats taken from the streets.
These fungi produce various lesions, with rounded alopecia being more typical. The skin can become inflamed and itchy. For its diagnosis, Wood’s lamp is usually used, and treatments include antifungals.
Flea allergy dermatitis
Dermatitis is another common skin disease in cats. It occurs due to a reaction to flea saliva. In allergic cats, a single bite is sufficient to cause lesions in the lumbosacral, perineal, abdomen, flanks, and neck areas.
These symptoms usually intensify during periods of higher flea incidence, although we are sometimes unable to see them. To avoid this skin disease in cats, it is essential that you implement an appropriate deworming schedule for all animals in the house, including disinfecting the environment.
Scabies in cats
The mange in cats is another skin disease most common and feared. The truth is that there are several types, octahedral scabies and demodectic mange the most common in these animals. Both pathologies are characterized by being localized, so that the symptoms do not appear throughout the cat’s body, only in certain areas.
The main symptoms of this type of skin disease in cats are itching, redness in some parts of the body, accompanied by shedding, wounds, and scabs. In the case of scabies, the signs develop in the ears, which show an increase in dark-colored wax, which can even cause otitis if left untreated. It is essential to go to the vet to make the diagnosis and start treatment.
Feline psychogenic alopecia
This alopecia is one of the skin diseases in cats caused by behavioral disorders. The lack of hair is self-induced by excessive licking and cleaning, which occurs when the cat is anxious for reasons such as changes, the arrival of new members in the family, etc. The alopecia can appear anywhere on the body of the animal reaches his mouth. In such cases, treatments involve discovering what triggers stress. You can consult an ethologist or specialist in feline behavior.
Another alopecic problem is the so-called telogen effluvium, in which, due to a situation of strong stress, the hair cycle is interrupted, and the hair ends up falling suddenly when its formation is restarted after overcoming the situation. Normally, hair falls on almost the entire body. It requires no treatment.
Feline acne
This skin disease in cats consists of an inflammation of the chin and, occasionally, of the lips, which can occur in cats of any age. It is a skin disease that is complicated by a secondary infection. Initially, black spots are observed that can progress to pustules, infections, edema, enlarged nearby nodes and itching. The vet will prescribe topical treatment.
Dermatitis in cats
It is due to hypersensitivity reactions to different allergens that cause a skin disease in cats characterized by inflammation and itching, called atopic dermatitis. It usually appears in cats under the age of three and has variable symptoms with signs such as alopecia, sores, and, in all cases, itching.
There are cats that also have a respiratory condition with chronic cough, sneezing, and even conjunctivitis. Treatment is based on itch control.
Solar dermatitis in cats
This skin problem in cats is caused by exposure to the sun and affects the lightest, hairless areas, especially the ears, although it can also appear on the eyelids, nose, or lips. It starts with redness, flaking, and shedding.
If exposure continues, sores and scabs appear, causing pain and scratching, which worsens the condition. In the case of the ears, the tissue is lost and can degenerate into squamous cell carcinoma, which is a malignant tumor. It is necessary to avoid direct contact with the sun, use protection and, in severe cases, intervene surgically.
Injection-associated fibrosarcoma
Sometimes, the injection of vaccines and drugs triggers a neoplastic process due to the irritating substances that these products may contain. In this skin disease in cats, inflammation occurs at the injection site, causing a subcutaneous mass that is not painful to the touch, with the shedding of hair that lasts weeks or months after the puncture. If the disease progresses, it can ulcerate. Treatment is surgical and the prognosis is reserved.
Skin cancer in cats
There are more and more cases of cancer in cats and dogs due to several factors. For this reason, skin cancer is already considered another of the most common skin diseases in cats. In this group, the most common skin cancer is called squamous cell carcinoma and often goes unnoticed until its condition is so advanced that there is little that can be done. That is why visiting the vet for regular checkups is so important.
This type of cancer manifests itself in the form of sores in the area of ​​the nose and ears that do not heal. So, if you identify them in your cat, you should go to the specialist as soon as possible to determine whether you are dealing with a case of cancer or not.
An abscess is an accumulation of pus that manifests itself as a lump. The size can vary and it is common for these nodules to become red and sometimes open as if it were a wound or ulcer. It is not a disease itself, although it is a fairly common skin problem because it occurs as a result of an infection. It causes pain and it is important to treat it to prevent the infection from getting worse, as well as the state of the abscess.
Although abscesses in cats can appear anywhere on the body, those that develop in the perianal region, those caused by bites and dental ones are more common.
Warts in cats
Warts in cats are not always indicative of the presence of a disease, as in most cases they are benign tumors. However, they can also be a sign of skin cancer or a product of viral papillomatosis. Although this disease is generally less common than the previous ones, it can occur.
The virus that produces it is not the canine papillomavirus, but a specific virus that affects only cats. It enters the feline through skin lesions and begins to develop, forming a kind of dermal plaque. Thus, what we see are not isolated warts, as with dogs, but these plaques that show red, bulky, and hairless areas.
In either case, it is important to go to the veterinarian to determine the cause and start treatment.
Skin diseases in Persian cats
All of the above skin problems can affect all breeds of cats. However, Persian cats, due to their characteristics and crossbreeding carried out for years, tend to suffer from a number of skin diseases. Thus, in this feline breed the following diseases stand out:
Hereditary seborrhea, which can occur in a mild or intense degree. The light form appears after six weeks of life, affecting the skin and the base of the hair, causing pimples and abundant wax in the ears. Severe seborrhea can be seen after 2-3 days of life, with fat, flaking and a bad smell. The treatment uses anti-seborrheic shampoos.
Idiopathic facial dermatitis, perhaps caused by a disorder in the sebaceous glands. It is characterized by a dark discharge that forms considerable crusts around the eyes, mouth and nose in young cats. The condition is complicated by infections, itching of the face and neck and often otitis. Treatment consists of anti-inflammatory drugs and symptom control.
This article is for information only, at Pet Rescue Blog we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case of any type of condition or malaise.
The post 12 Skin Diseases in cats appeared first on Pet Rescue Blog.
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smilingpets-blog · 7 years
Reasons why your pet could be itching
Itching is one of the most unpleasant sensations imaginable – and a cat’s or dog’s never-ending scratching, biting, and licking can seem nearly as aggravating.  Watching your pet suffer with a chronic itch is an all-too-common experience facing pet parents these days. If your pet is constantly shaking their head, or scratching, rubbing, chewing or licking some area of skin, you can bet that there’s likely some agonising itching going on.  Left untreated, areas of itchy skin become vulnerable to damage from your pet’s scratching or licking, to hot spots (areas of oozing, dry or inflamed skin), and even to secondary infections from bacteria. What may be causing the itch, and what can you do about it?
We’ve compiled a list of the top ten itch-causing factors and some suggestions on what you can do to help your pet escape from that irritating itch. Before your pet is tearing up their skin, pulling out their fur, or forced to wear a cone-shaped (Elizabethan) collar, consider these common causes of itchiness in pets and work with your vet to get your pet some relief:
1. Poor Quality Diet – We’re not talking about food allergies here (more on that shortly). A surprising factor underlying a vast number of allergic itch reactions is simply a poor quality diet that inadequately nourishes a cat or dog. As we always say, a good diet is the foundation of good health. Even the best medication won’t eliminate allergic skin reactions when your pet’s immune system is unable to function properly due to lack of nutrients.Check the label on your companion’s food package, and find a natural food for your cat or dog. A good daily multivitamin is a great way to enhance the nutrient levels your pet gets
each day as well.
2. Airborne Allergens – Most cases of itchy skin are caused by the same things that cause human allergies (dust, grasses, pollen, etc.). While humans sneeze and have other respiratory symptoms, pets usually develop atopic dermatitis, showing their allergic reaction through their skin. While this is a major cause of pets’ itching, airborne allergies are tough to diagnose, and other causes usually need to be ruled out first. Remember that just like humans, pets can be allergic to both natural allergens like pollen and chemical irritants like pesticide residue and household cleaning products. Often, these allergies can be controlled but not completely eliminated; allergy support products and essential fatty acid supplements can be of help to many pets with airborne allergies.
3. Food Allergies – While making up only about 10% of diagnosed allergies, food allergies are considered by many holistic vets to be the primary cause of about 30% of allergy cases in pets. This is due to how allergies activate your pet’s immune system. Pets sensitive to one food allergen (commonly grain-based proteins called gluten's) can become hyper-reactive to other allergens like dust or pollen. Fortunately, food allergies can be resolved with diligent detective work, eliminating all common allergens from the diet (beef, chicken, eggs, corn, wheat, soy, and milk), then reintroducing one at a time to see which ones cause an allergic reaction. Strict avoidance of irritants can resolve most cases of pure food allergy.  Grain-free and novel protein foods as well as raw food diets can do much to alleviate food-based allergies for many animal companions.
4. Contact Dermatitis – Some cases of itchy skin in pets is caused by direct skin contact with irritating substances. Common causes of contact dermatitis include flea collars and topical flea and tick preparations, grooming products, and household cleaners that pets contact through their skin – especially through the pads of their feet. Consider natural insect control products and grooming products for your pet, use natural cleaners in your home, and remember that sensitive pets can be allergic to product ingredients generally considered safe. As with food allergies, removing suspect products from any contact with your pet’s skin can help determine what’s causing the itch.
5. Fleas, Mites and Insect Bites – The most common allergy that causes itchy skin in pets (usually around the base of the tail and hindquarters) is flea bite dermatitis, an allergic reaction to flea saliva that can be triggered by only one flea bite! This can be frustrating for pet parents because a single flea bite can cause a severe reaction, yet you may never see a full blown flea infestation. If you live in an area where fleas are present, always keep in mind that one flea can cause some furious itching in your pet. Your vet can help you determine what degree of flea protection you need to keep your pet safe and healthy, but remember that natural solutions for insect control are the safest way to go and are well worth a try if you live in an area known for flea problems.
Most mites are nearly invisible, and are commonly found in and around pets’ ears and head. Severe mite infestations known as mange can be diagnosed through skin scrapings taken by your vet. Even mosquito bites can cause severe itching in sensitive pets, so keep a natural insect repellent handy during bug season to help your pet stay bite-free. 
6. Skin Infections – Three main types of skin infections can cause itching in pets. Bacterial infection, known as Pyoderma, is often a secondary problem created by a cat or dog scratching, licking or biting an already irritated area of skin. These skin infections can be painful as well as increasing the itch factor. Ringworm, a fungal infection, is not uncommon – and it’s contagious to humans! Ringworm commonly appears as areas of broken or crusty skin, with hair loss, usually around the head, face, or extremities. A vet can test your pet if ringworm is suspected. Another fungus problem is due to a yeast infection on the skin, known as Malessezia Dermatitis. This chronic itch problem commonly occurs on the paws or in the ears. Minor skin infections and hot spots may respond well to natural healing products
7. Genetic Factors & Breed Predisposition – Unfortunately, some breeds of cats and dogs are more prone to sensitive skin, or are more likely to develop allergic itching due to skin folds and ear shapes. Siamese cats, and many breeds of dogs including Labrador and Golden Retrievers, Boxers, Shih Tzus, and many Terrier breeds are more prone to allergies that cause itching skin. Dogs with skin folds and floppy ears are more likely to develop itching from yeast or bacterial infections due to the ideal environment their anatomical features offer to these opportunistic microbes. Another related factor is temperament, with sensitive, high-strung breeds being more prone to reactive health conditions like allergies. The mind-body connection operates in pets as well as humans!
8. Vaccine Reactions – Although still controversial and not uniformly acknowledged by all pet health professionals, incidences of over-vaccination, and even single dose vaccine reactions are becoming more recognised and well-documented in pets. Vaccines are designed to cause a reaction in the immune system, and for some pets, the protein base of the vaccine serum can cause pets to develop allergies. In other cases, multiple vaccines administered together can overwhelm the immune system, resulting in “vaccinosis,” a condition commonly known to trigger allergic symptoms like itchy skin.The homeopathic remedy, Thuja can be helpful for pets that may have vaccine-related issues.
9. Glandular/Hormonal Imbalances – Several glandular imbalances can cause skin problems that contribute to itching in some pets. Two of the most common are related to thyroid and adrenal gland functioning.   Hypothyroidism (low thyroid function) is more common in dogs than in cats, but cases are found in both species. Hypothyroidism can cause the skin to become greasy, foul smelling, and in some cases very itchy. Cushing’s Disease (more correctly called Hyperadrenocorticism) is caused by adrenal gland over-activity, and commonly occurs in older dogs, where numerous skin problems that can cause itching may occur. These are serious health issues that require vet treatment, so always check with your vet when unusual skin issues or other symptoms arise. 
10. Detoxification Effects – The skin is an important organ of elimination, and one of the ways that pets may  remove toxic residues from their systems is through their skin. If your pet has a temporary bout of itching, it may be a simple healing process as the body rids itself of residues its been storing up. This is a very common phenomenon when pets change from pharmaceutical to holistic remedies, or when their food is upgraded. Typically, a period of itchy skin, change in stool odour, consistency and volume, and/or runny nose can occur as part of a healing crisis when pets are going through a natural and healthy detoxification process. These periods generally don’t last long, and should resolved within 1-4 weeks, depending on the state of health your companion While this Top Ten Causes of Itching is not an exhaustive list, it does give you a place to start with the most common causes of itchy skin. .     
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