#duh rent free cuz there aint no capitalism in my brain
sayosdreams · 3 years
POV: I was supposed to write a little one paragraph rant abt this idea I had but then it became longer.
I just had the BEST idea for some super adorable Teddy Lupin angst 🥺♥️ ahhh it would star Tonks as a icon who’ll teach Teddy abt gender identity and sexuality (cuz I mean I feel like gender identity is complicated enough as it is but when you’re a metamorphmagus, it’s like a million times more complicated) and then Remus and Sirius will start dating cuz Remus and Tonks are divorced. I haven’t decided yet if Remus is gay or not but if Remus is gay it’s gonna be SUPER angsty but in a background way cuz of the internalized homophobia that lead him to marry tonks and tonks feeling used but Teddy’s a kid and Tonks is an amazing parent so she won’t tell Teddy all of this stuff. Anyway Teddy is mad cuz Sirius is “taking” his dad and also Teddy is NOT a werewolf but I think he’ll have little symptoms like maybe he gets some muscle pain or smth around the full moon but his dad doesn’t know
I’m debating whether Teddy should be like 7, 8, 10, or a teenager. But if I do make him a teen, then I’ll have to include his shitty mental health (sorry I decided that’s a mandatory part of being a teenager in my fic) but I’ll get to explore his sexuality 🤔 anyway yeah I want Teddy to be kinda moody and just argue / ignore his dad more and more and then Remus doesn’t realize that its bc of Sirius cuz Remus has low self esteem and bc communication between dads and kids isn’t always the best
The endgame will be Teddy/Victoire but Teddy is def not gonna be straight (I think maybe he’ll be bi / pan and I haven’t decided if I want to make him be nb or not. Tonks will use she/they pronouns but only a bit after the divorce bc… it’s complicated.) anyway Teddy and Victoire are gonna be friends since they were kids but they’ll date other people first before they end up together.
Sirius is trying to get to know Teddy and Teddy is annoyed at his dad inviting Sirius over all the time so Teddy is like “ok imma go to Victoire’s house” and later Sirius sees a picture of Vic / it comes up in convo that Vic is part Veela and makes a comment like “atta boy” or “damn, she’s gonna be a heartbreaker huh” or smth else like that (Sirius is gay btw) and Teddy is gonna be SO PISSED like how fucking dare u objectify her, she’s a CHILD, and her heritage doesn’t mean she wants to be subjected to the fucking male gaze!!!! Anyway he won’t say everything but he’ll be mad and be like no. And Sirius will just laugh him off and in that moment Teddy will decide that he DESPISES Sirius 💕 he already didn’t like him for dating his dad, but now he hates him. Also Teddy is petty like me and is like fine imma go to my room 😤 when Remus and Sirius are being super annoying and before Remus used to go check on Teddy when Teddy went to his room annoyed (or Teddy would come down later and Remus would be waiting for him and they’d reconcile and have hot chocolate together) but now Remus is just talking to Sirius downstairs and Teddy’s like he doesn’t care abt me 😭😭😭 and cries into his pillow and then morphs the redness away and then he’s annoyed that his dad can’t tell that he was crying
Meanwhile remus is wondering why Teddy is acting the way he is but chalks it up to him getting older / starting to become a teen (again, idk how old he is. I feel like make 9 or 10? He could be a preteen cuz that might fit best with the storyline but also I don’t want him to be at Hogwarts all the time yk, that comes later) and Remus is sad that he doesn’t think Teddy talks to him as much anymore. He pretends it doesn’t hurt when one day Teddy says that he wants to go back to his mom’s place in the middle of a week he was supposed to spend with Remus
Teddy just feels like he’s losing his dad, and sometimes he wants to say smth but then he hears his dad downstairs, laughing with Sirius, and Remus just sounds so happy that Teddy feels shitty begrudging him that happiness. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t feel what he feels. So no, Teddy doesn’t want them to break up anymore but he can’t stand watching his dad slip away. Because he feels like his dad doesn’t love him anymore. Or maybe he does, but once upon a time, his priority was Teddy. Now, he loves Sirius more. And that’s okay, Teddy thinks, wiping his tears away. It’s okay because Sirius makes his dad so happy and his dad never used to smile so wide. Teddy can’t make his dad that happy. He feels his dad would choose Sirius over him, so he doesn’t want to make him chose.
But he can’t stop crying and he’s tired and being at his dad’s place isn’t fun anymore because there’s no more hot chocolate and reading together quietly and talking about everything as they cook together and eat together. No, now it’s just Teddy sitting quietly while his dad and Sirius talk about stupid grown up stuff that Teddy doesn’t care about. It’s not that Teddy doesn’t understand what they’re talking about, he does, it’s just boring, because who cares about Wizengamot or Dumbledore or whatever? He just wanted to tell his dad about the science project he did last week, about the bit of accidental magic he’d done when he was over at Grandma Andy’s house, about the way he’d learned to braid Niki’s hair. But no, Sirius and Remus were talking about some “Marlene McKinnon” or whatever her name was. Teddy honestly couldn’t care less.
He can’t keep asking to go to his friends’ house after school every time he’s at his dad’s, he knows it. He hates asking his dad to drive or fly him there because then Sirius wants to tag along, or even if Sirius isn’t there his dad will make comments like “oh that’s the bakery Sirius recommended” and it takes all of Teddy’s power to keep his mouth shut.
He asks to go back to his mom’s place, and Dad calls his mom and Teddy is hoping that his mom will say yes — and she does! Dad agrees to take him back. The drive over is silent until he asks Teddy if everything’s okay and for a second Teddy wants to burst into tears and tell him everything. But no, Teddy isn’t going to be that selfish and childish. He just nods, and the moment passes.
When Teddy gets to his mom’s house, she seems a little worried but she just smiles and hugs him. Later, Teddy’s in his room, crying — maybe he should have stayed at his dad’s place and tried to spend as much time as he could with his dad before his dad decided he didn’t want to see Teddy anymore. Tonks walks in on Teddy crying and is so concerned. Teddy tries to say he’s fine but it’s clearly not convincing his mom, not with the sobs and the big tears rolling down his face. He makes her swear not to tell his dad and then it spills out of him. Tonks hugs him and comforts him. Later, they tell him that he should try to talk to his dad, but Teddy just says no, and Tonks sighs, conflicted.
At another (maybe earlier??) point in the story tonks will come home / come pick up Teddy even tho she had smth to do (like maybe w a friend or at work) and even tho they don’t tell Teddy, Teddy overhears and when Teddy makes a comment like “sorry I make u skip ___” she’s like no don’t be silly, u always come first and Teddy is crying and he’s like okay at least my mom won’t leave me 😭♥️
Also tonks is demiromantic in this. She good friends with Charlie, who is ace, and if this takes place when Teddy is a little older (ie above the age of 10) then this fic will also include Teddy’s sexuality crisis 😝 I haven’t decided yet if tonks would have a love interest in this. If they do, it’ll be someone who they’ve been close friends with for a long time and that Teddy already knows rly well (not Charlie tho). And Tonks is super worried abt how Teddy will take it but Teddy is surprisingly okay with it?? It’ll also happen at least a year (or two) after Remus/Sirius start dating so Teddy will be a bit older, and also the dynamic will be different cuz Teddy already knows Tonks’ partner rly well. And that will also lowkey annoy Remus cuz Remus is like??? Why is Teddy so antagonistic towards my bf but not Tonks’
Also at some point Teddy will either be friends w someone or be dating a guy and will mention the person and Remus either won’t know who they are or won’t know they’re dating and then will find out and be like :((( i wish my son would tell me things
If Harry is Teddy’s godfather in this, then maybe Remus and Sirius start dating around the time James Sirius Potter is born so Teddy going through a lot of stuff which is partially why he reacts so badly?? Idk
Oh also Sirius and Tonks are NOT related in this lmao
Also Sirius makes a comment about Hogwarts houses and Teddy just gives him the death stare like “My grandma was a Slytherin” and Sirius quickly tries to backtrack like “oh umm Slytherin isn’t that bad!! They’re, uh, ambitious and stuff!! they’re better than Hufflepuff??” And then Teddy’s face looks thunderous and he’s just like “my mom is a hufflepuff” and turns and leaves the room and Sirius is just like fuck I keep messing up, this kids absolutely hates me huh
Also cue cringey attempts of Sirius thinking he’s relatable and a Cool Uncle when rly Teddy just wants Sirius to leave him alone and let him read
What house should Teddy be in??? Personally headcanons of him for me usually have him in either Gryffindor or Hufflepuff but I feel like purely out of spite he wouldn’t be in Gryffindor so maybe Ravenclaw?? Idk
Victoire is obv a Ravenclaw ✨
Anyway yeah obv at some point Teddy and Remus will reconcile and then later he’ll kinda bond with Sirius but !!! THE ANGST! THE DRAMA ✨♥️
Fuck now I rly wanna write this
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