calpalsworld · 2 years
My First Dukethan (The Duke x Ethan) Fic Please Be Nice
Content Warning: lots of swearing, weed use, ethan being a WHORE, suggestive jokes.
Ethan Winters was so fucking fucked up as fuck. He trailed blood behind him as he walked through the village.
“Everyone keeps dying!!!! I keep getting my fingers cut off and then I got my hand cut off, AGAIN.” He gripped his hand, which he was easily able to take off like a glove, and then re-attach it again. He thought to himself: humans must be way stronger than I thought. The movies just make us seem really weak. Avengers: Endgame is not very fucking realistic. I’d survive Thanos snapping me.
 “My damn wife got killed --I think?-- and now my baby is in jars!” All dejected and shit, Ethan screeched into the sky. Erm. What the fuck? What a messed up guy. Lol. Bad day for him. One positive Ethan could think of: He met a nice lady named Elena… who also DIED…. in a FIRE. 
“That nice lady died too!!!!” Ethan cried, and muttered motherfucker like 10 times.
Because he had been screaming for the past 5 minutes, 5 lycans popped out of the buildings on all sides, and tried to kill him as per usual. They bit and scratched at Ethan and severely maimed him, which was becoming muscle memory for Ethan tbh. Finally, Ethan shot the final sorry lycan bastard three times in the face, and it went down. But after taking out the swarm, Ethan was out of bullets. He threw his gun to the ground. It was only then, at the peak of his frustration that Ethan kicked a brick wall really hard and stubbed his toe. 
“Man that hurts!” Ethan said and his screen went red, and he passed out…………………………………………………………………………………………..
When Ethan opened his eyes again he was in the Dukes carriage. 
Ethan mumbled. “What the…” 
A second positive: he had met a really fucking annoying guy called “The Duke.” Ethan thought: AITA or is that ummm pretentious much? The guy was a real asshole, he seemed to understand everything that was going on but would explain mysteriously for some reason. But meeting the guy was a positive thing overall. The Duke traded supplies with Ethan (swag), and also had a strangely calming and tingly aura that made Ethan’s loins feel strange… But YEAH ANYWAY the mysteriousness sucked, because Ethan liked straightforward communication and clear answers. Thats why he sometimes struggled with Mia and had considered divorce…. oh Mia… Ethan fucking started crying more because he remembered having a DEAD WIFE.
Hearing Ethan cry and moo, the Duke glanced back at him. “Good to see you’re awake Mr. Winters. I thought you were going to die forever after stubbing your toe too hard.” The Duke lit a cigar(?) (why did it kinda look like a blunt? Is he smoking weed now? okay.) and took a puff. 
“Woah…. Duke, is that w-weed? I didn’t know you had that kinda stuff around here.”
“Of course we have weed. We’re not animals, Ethan!” The Duke looked disappointed, but then offered to share the blunt, politely.
Pondering the small blunt in the Duke’s BIG LARGE WRINKLY MEATY HANDS, Ethan thought of that small blunt as himself. If the Duke held Ethan, would he look as small and fragile as that blunt? Ethan got up, crawled closer to the Duke, and looked up at him. The Duke looked at him too, leaning in, offering the blunt. The two looked at each other. Ethan looked at the Duke. The Duke looked at Ethan. Ethan kneeled and put his hands between his legs shly and stared up at the Duke, wide-eyed. He swayed back and forth and made small shy noises. The Duke recoiled a little. Like a giraffe, Ethan ate the blunt.
The Duke looked at Ethan.
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seth-figment · 2 years
False Truffle
Pairing: Ethan Winters/the Duke Status: Finished Words: 4 740 Rating: E Chapters: 3/3 Tags: Sex pollen, size difference, oral sex, frottage, bathing/washing Warning: The inherent dubcon of sex pollen
Summary:  While investigating around the village, Ethan finds a glowing orb. Picking it up he decides to bring it with him to the Duke. This has unforeseen consequences.
Link to fic on AO3
Link to fic on ff.net
Chapter 1
Puffballs are a type of fungus featuring a ball-shaped fruit body that bursts on impact, releasing a cloud of dust-like spores when mature.
While investigating further around the village, Ethan's surprised to discover caverns similar to the crystal ones by Moreau's place. Looking around he hesitates before entering, not wanting to run into some weird new crystal monster.
As he steps inside the glittering cave, a soft glow from the back quickly catches his eye. Following the strange glow, Ethan slowly makes his way through the cave. When he reaches the source of the light he's surprised to find it coming from a collection of orbs.
Crouching down he takes a closer look, face bathing in a soft ethereal teal.
Reaching out for one of the larger ones, he touches it carefully, finding the surface smooth like velvet. Carefully gripping the orb, Ethan twists it slightly and it comes loose. Curious he weighs it in his hand, surprised about how light it feels.
Not sure what the glowing orb actually is, he shrugs and puts it in his bag. He might get something for it from the Duke.
Standing up, he looks around the cave one final time before heading out.
Passing through the village, Ethan spots the merchant's cart and beelines towards the man.
Waving hello, Ethan smiles up at the large man. "Hi, Duke."
Inclining his head, the Duke smiles kindly. "Hello, mr. Winters." Folding his hands on his stomach he asks, "What can I do for you this time?"
"I found something weird."
"Oh?" Humming in interest the Duke watches Ethan rummage through his bag to find the new trinket.
Finally finding it, Ethan takes it out and holds the glowing orb up to the Duke.
Curious, the Duke leans down. Reaching for the orb, he glances at Ethan. "May I?" Without hesitation Ethan nods and hands him the strange orb.
Leaning back in his seat, the merchant brings the orb up for a closer look. Turning it in his hand he's intrigued to find it soft and lightweight.
As he rubs his thumb across the strange texture the orb suddenly glows brighter, then pulses. Before he can set it down, the orb splits open and releases a large shimmering cloud of spores
Taken by surprise, the both of them accidentally inhale part of the cloud before it slowly settles down on them both. Leaving what looks like a layer of glitter on them and everything around.
Coughing Ethan rubs at the spores clinging to his face. "What just happened?" But as he tries to wipe the shimmering substance away it seems to only cling harder, almost as if it gets rubbed in.
Taking out a handkerchief, the Duke tries in vain to wipe his face. "I'm not sure." Realizing that he's still holding the empty husk he lets go of it, letting it drop to the ground.
Frowning down at the ruptured orb, the smaller man can't help but find it familiar in some way. As he looks at it split open and deflated a half-forgotten memory from childhood comes to mind. Now when it's no longer glowing a soft teal it's slightly cream in color and looks exactly like an exploded, "Puffball."
Frowning, the Duke looks down at the other. "Sorry?"
Excitedly Ethan smiles up at the merchant. "I think it's a puffball fungus. When I was a kid we had them in the backyard. Used to jump on them and they would burst into a cloud."
"Puffball fungus." Humming in though, the Duke glances down at the husk. "As good of a theory as any, Mr. Winters."
As the glittering spores don't seem to do anything they shrug and move on from the strange incident. Like normal Ethan sells about half a dozen crystals before buying enough ammunition for a small battalion.
Having bought what he needed and more, Ethan waves goodbye and heads back into the village.
But he doesn't get very far into the village before he starts to feel oddly hot. Pausing, he briefly considers going back to check with the Duke, maybe he's having an allergic reaction to the weird spores. Shaking his head he dismisses the idea and stubbornly keeps going. He doesn't feel too bad, it's probably nothing.
It's not before long that he starts to feel feverish. Squinting, Ethan stares down at the muddy ground, vision strangely blurry. Everything looks almost tinted, like through a filter. Shaking his head he blinks several times to try and clear his vision.
Glancing around himself he's surprised to see that he's been heading in the wrong direction. Somehow without noticing he's started back towards the Duke.
Tugging at his shirt he tries to cool down, he needs to figure out what's happening. Forcing his feet to move, he struggles on ahead. But it feels like he's moving through molasses and he's soon out of breath.
Panting, Ethan leans against a wooden post. Taking a moment to try and calm down and center himself. Looking around he's surprised to find himself leaning against the village gates. He knew he was relatively close by to the Duke but he doesn't remember having moved this far and especially not this quickly. Ethan was sure he had only taken a couple of steps before stopping to rest. But that can't be right. He feels exhausted, body aching like he's walked miles not meters.
Frustrated Ethan thuds his head against the wood pillar and lets out a quiet whimper. Something is wrong. He needs to find someone. Something.
Gaze desperately flickering around the plaza he catches sight of the Duke's cart. As his eyes lock onto the cart he feels a sudden surge of energy. Pushing off the gantry, his feet are oddly steady as he heads straight towards the merchant.
At the sight of the Duke, Ethan feels his concerns slip away and something in him relaxes slightly. The Duke is as always comfortably seated in his cart, but this time he looks strangely disheveled. Face flushed and bow tie untied, the Duke is slowly fanning himself with an intricate looking lace fan. His other hand hovering over his shirt's middle buttons, the top ones having already been undone.
Presumably hearing Ethan coming, the Duke looks over at him. Dropping his hand from his shirt buttons, the merchant watches Ethan headover with a sunny smile on his face. "Ah, Mr. Winters, back so soon."
Shuddering at the other's voice, Ethan feels a surge of something sweep through him, almost making him trip. As he gets closer Ethan's eyes lock onto the newly revealed chest of the large man. For some reason he has the overwhelming urge to touch the merchant. His hands flex by his sides, they feel empty. He needs to touch, to hold.
Mouth feeling dry, Ethan steps closer. Swallowing heavily, he lifts a shaky hand. "I... can I?" But before the Duke can give an answer, Ethan's already placed his hand on the other man's ankle, fingers curling around the warm flesh.
A wave of pure relief washes over Ethan as he touches the merchant. The Duke seems to feel the same and lets out a low satisfied sigh, the sound of which makes Ethan feel as if he's on fire. The world narrows down to the fact that they're not close enough. They have to get closer.
Using the drawers as steps, he climbs up between the Duke's legs. Placing a foot on the other's thigh Ethan pushes himself up. Instantly two large hands circle his waist, steadying him. Neither pushing him away or pulling him closer.
Hands scrabbling for purchase, Ethan cling to the large man's shirt. Leaning in close, Ethan's basically laying down on the other man's plush chest. Pressing in as close as he can, Ethan buries his face in the other man's neck. "I need- Please." Hands fisting in the merchant's shirt he ruts uselessly against the other's soft stomach. "Please I want..." Letting go of the shirt he drags his hands downward, pawing desperately at the merchant. Releasing a desperate sob, Ethan pleads, "Want you. Please, Duke."
Feeling soft lips touch his hair in a gentle kiss, warm breath fans across his scalp. "Of course, mr. Winters. Anything for my best customer."
The hands around his waist tighten, making Ethan let out a pleased moan, before they pull him away, ripping a desperate noise from the smaller man as he loses contact with the other. Shushing him gently, the Duke lets go of Ethan with one of his hands, bringing it back to his own chest.
Eyes flickering to the merchant's hand, Ethan gets distracted by the sight of the Duke's large hand gliding down the front of his shirt, swiftly unbuttoning the last of his buttons. Transfixed by the now exposed chest, Ethan doesn't notice as the merchant reaches for his top. Gripping the base of the hoodie and shirt, the Duke pulls up, temporarily blinding the small blonde with his own shirt.
Dropping the shirts off to the side, the merchant grabs Ethan around the waist once more, making the smaller man moan in relief from the feel of the warm hands against his skin, palms spanning around his torso.
Manhandling the blond like a doll, the Duke easily turns Ethan around and places him on top of the merchant's stomach facing away. Guiding Ethan, he positions the petit man so he can lean back against this ample chest.
Bringing his arms around Ethan's waist, the Duke slides one of his hands up to the smaller man's neck. Circling his fingers around the slim throat, the merchant gently pushes, making Ethan rest his head back on his shoulder.
Head tilting back up, Ethan moans shamelessly and presses his back into the warmth of the large man.
Holding the blonde in place against him, the Duke slides his other hand down. Cupping his hand over the other man's crotch, the merchant presses down gently. Breath hitching Ethan grinds up into the Duke's hand in desperation. Smoothing his thumb up the fly, the merchant pops open the button.
Moving his hand away from the clothed erection, the Duke ignores the disappointed whine. Sliding his hand around to the back of the smaller man, he hooks his fingers in the top of the jeans and boxers and pulls them down, discarding them to the side. With his jeans and boxers gone, Ethan relaxes back into the large man, sighing in relief as his erection is freed from his pants.
Bringing his hands back to the petite man's waist, the Duke lifts Ethan. Maneuvering him with ease he turns Ethan back around so they face each other again. Placing the smaller man back down on his upper stomach, Ethan moans as his erection presses into the other man's warm chest. Legs spread wide to accommodate the Duke's large form, Ethan ruts against the soft warmth, moaning in pleasure.
Panting, he leans over to try and kiss the Duke, but the merchant turns his face down, disappointed Ethan whines. Petting at the other's hair, he arches his back rutting his cock more firmly against the soft mounds of the Duke's chest.
Feeling lips trace over his chest, Ethan's breath hitches as the Duke licks across one of his nipples. Glancing down Ethan moans shamelessly at the sight and feel of the merchant lapping at his chest. Eyes flickering over the lewd scene he catches glimpses of his own cock sliding against the other's chest, leaving shimmering trails of pre-come. For a moment Ethan's mesmerized by the sight of his cock burying itself in the merchant's plush chest,
Hips thrusting persistently against the soft chest, it's not long before his movements start to stutter. Breath quickening Ethan screws his eyes tightly shut before pushing forward one last time. Pressed in close he stills, shuddering he comes with a drawn out moan.
Despite coming he feels no relief, if anything he feels even hotter, feverish. Skin itching to be touched. Whining he squirms, his somehow still hard cock rubbing against the Duke. Hands clenching, his fingers dig into the Duke's shoulders. Everything suddenly feels so empty. His hands, his mouth, his ass… The sudden need to be filled is almost overwhelming.
Whimpering he grinds down against the Duke's stomach. "Please. Please. Need something." Rolling his hips back, Ethan's desperately looking for something. Then the large hands circling his waist drop down to hold his hips and the sheer size of them mean that they also cup his ass. As the hands cup his ass Ethan keens and pushes back almost violently against them. "Yes, yes, yes, please."
Curious, the Duke strokes his fingers over the smaller blonde's entrance and watches Ethan throw his head back and grind down against his hand. Humming the Duke adjusts his grip and lifts the smaller man up, moving Ethan up past his chest, the merchant makes the smaller man spread his legs and hook them over his shoulders.
Thighs clenching around the merchant's head Ethan tries to push back against the fingers tracing his rim but he can't find any purchase. Whining Ethan scrambles for something to hold on to, hands ending up in the ice blond hair of the Duke.
Chuckling, the Duke smooths his thumbs over Ethan's hips before grasping them firmly. "This should suffice."
For a split second Ethan wonders what the large man means before moist warmth suddenly encompasses his dick. Back arching, Ethan lets out a shout.
Swallowing around the dick in his mouth, the Duke hums in amusement as the smaller man tries to simultaneously push back against his hand while also pushing forward into his mouth.
Hips twitching uselessly, Ethan whines helplessly. Curling forward he tugs desperately on the fine blonde hair, heels digging into the merchant's back.
Smoothing a hand up past the smaller man's chest, the Duke cups Ethan's chin. Pushing back gently, the Duke makes Ethan tip his head back. Tracing a thumb across Ethan's cheek to his mouth, the merchant slowly strokes his thumb over the smaller man's lips before pushing it into the welcoming warmth.
Eyes fluttering shut, Ethan happily takes the thumb into his mouth and sucks, cheeks hollowing. Flickering his tongue against the finger, he moans as it presses back down on his tongue.
Trembling Ethan's hips twitch. Despite the thumb fucking his mouth, the warm mouth on his cock and the fingers stroking over his entrance, something is still missing.
Whining around the thumb, drool dripping down his chin, Ethan tugs hard on the Duke's ice blond locks, he wants to beg the man to do something.
Frustrated Ethan starts to fight the merchant's grip on him in a desperate attempt to try and find whatever he is missing. All he knows right then and there is that the Duke has it and he needs it. But as he starts to struggle the Duke's mouth leaves his cock, the hand by his ass slides up to curl around his waist and the thumb pops out of his mouth, hand moving to hold him around the jaw.
Letting out a distressed keen, Ethan twists wildly. "No, no. Please."
Shushing him, the Duke gently kisses his inner thigh.
On the verge of tears Ethan goes limp in the other's grip. "Please. Please, Duke."
"You need only ask, dear."
Swallowing heavily Ethan tries as best as he can, "Empty. Touch. Need you, please. Please, Duke."
Nuzzling against the junction of the smaller man's thigh, the Duke says a simple, "Of course." before licking a broad stripe up Ethan's dick. Taking the cock back into his mouth, the Duke suckles on the tip.
Head falling back, Ethan almost sobs in relief, hips jerk forward into the wet heat. At some point the hand holding him back disappeared, letting him push into the welcoming heat. Mouth panting open, Ethan moans loudly as he's swallowed down, but his moan is quickly quieted by two of the Duke's thick fingers pushing into his mouth.
Mouth slack, muffled moans escape around the fingers filling his mouth. Drool trickling down his chin, Ethan's eyes fall shut as the thick fingers fill his mouth. Warm fingers pushing deep into his mouth they press down on his tongue before pulling out. Steadily moving in and out filling his mouth.
Distracted by the fingers slowly fucking his mouth and the heat enveloping his dick, Ethan doesn't pay attention to what the Duke's other hand is doing. At least not until it returns to his ass.
Hand parting his cheeks, slick fingers trace down his crack and circles his rim.
Jerking forward from the unexpected feeling, he's taken by surprise as the Duke suddenly swallows him down to the base.
Feeling like he's burning up, Ethan whines as the Duke swallows around his dick. Then the slick finger at his entrance pushes in, and it's like a shockwave going up his spine. Back arching in a bow Ethan sees stars, as he comes for the second time he finally feels relief.
Dick soft, Ethan sags on top of the Duke. Closing his eyes he lets out a shaky laugh before he falls unconscious.
The rest of the chapters can be found on my AO3
Link to fic on AO3
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goosterbold · 3 years
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hi again, mister the duke
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cannibalmukbang · 2 years
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sighs dreamily....dukethan moments
[ID: above image- Ethan Winters sitting on the Duke’s knee and leaning back, relaxed, onto his stomach as the Duke drives his carriage.
below image- Ethan and the Duke kissing. ]
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meepdrawartgood · 3 years
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me: so weve finally finished watching a playthrough of resident evil 8! which characters are we gonna get attached to? theres a giant aristocratic vampire lady that everyone loves, a little shit doll with a love for violence and her softspoken caretaker, anxiety in mutant fish form, and BEST OF ALL, morally grey cowboy magneto with a giant hammer, any of those sound goo-
my brain: the mysteriously powerful jolly merchant and the most Guy protagonist ever
me: yes brain sounds great
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bisexual-playwright · 3 years
The Duke x Ethan is my favorite ship. The duke is so helpful and supportive of Ethan and the duke gives him safe zones and aid and food :3
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arcadequeerz · 3 years
Idk anything about re8 but im gonna read fa-nfict-ion on it i guess.
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seth-figment · 2 years
False Truffle
Pairing: Ethan Winters/the Duke Status: Finished Words: 4 740 Rating: E Chapters: 3/3 Tags: Sex pollen, size difference, oral sex, frottage, bathing/washing Warning: The inherent dubcon of sex pollen
Summary:  While investigating around the village, Ethan finds a glowing orb. Picking it up he decides to bring it with him to the Duke. This has unforeseen consequences.
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cannibalmukbang · 2 years
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Dukethan momence
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meepdrawartgood · 3 years
You think you can do Ethan Winters??
oh HELL yeah i can
favorite thing about them: hes literally just a fucking guy, he is JUST a dude and its the best thing ever
least favorite thing about them: dead now :(
favorite line: oh my god i cannot choose it has to be one of his shitty oneliners uhhhhh "You're the one who's cursed."
brOTP: i honestly love the idea of ethan becoming friends with all four of the lords somehow, so all of em!
OTP: Dukethan good,,,,soff,,,
nOTP: mf, gonna be honest and say ethan and alcina, never personally appealed to me
random headcanon: for a man who could be infected with mold, heal multiple times from limbs being completely separated from his body, and stay human enough to not even KNOW he was infected, i dont think itd be that easy to kill him completely
unpopular opinion: he did actually feel bad about killing the lords, but didnt feel like he had much of an option with how things were going
song i associate with them: Plant Life by Owl City!
favorite picture of them: im going to cheat and not use a canon picture since there are barely any and say this art by @goosterbold i love how they draw ethan and duke so much
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