#dunmeshi uni au
bi-hop · 1 day
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After a tiny wait, the third chapter of Only I See You (the way you wanna see yourself) is out in the wild. Read it! Enjoy it! Tell your friends about it!
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Do it for Kabru!
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bi-hop · 1 month
normal people with college AUs: this is what my fave is like in a university setting! maybe they're in a few clubs! me with college AUs: after a party where they talked about traveling and drank beer, Kabru meticulously found Laios' mostly unused social media account and tagged him in a photo he took together. Laios replies with "oh hey kapru I forgot to ask for your number!" and then never corrects the typo or elaborates. the next time Laios posts, it's simply to ask for help identifying a grasshopper.
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bi-hop · 1 month
sometime in the distant future of the uni au if I ever get past the beginning portions oooo
Laios: it's so nice to be invited over to Kabru's apartment! sure can't wait to see his room, I'm sure it's interesting
Kabru, who did not anticipate that his landlord would be out of town and is now up to his knees in stuff to put away: oh, that's where the pants I bought last winter went. huh!
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bi-hop · 4 days
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might edit this later to interlace Laios' reactions with the texts in question but man, it is so fun writing characters who probe for shit and don't fully say what they mean. my favorite thing to do
if you don't envision a multitude of varied patented Kabru stares while reading this chapter, then I have failed you and will repent in the next one
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bi-hop · 12 days
Kabru, stumbling back into his shared apartment, haunted, after he had to try dryad fruit juice in the process of pursuing a man for Purely Platonic Reasons: …
Rin: you good?
Kabru: no <3 *flops onto the couch*
Kabru to himself:
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bi-hop · 1 month
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My dunmeshi university AU fic is finally up! Read the first chapter here!
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bi-hop · 10 days
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there was probably a better monster comparison to use for this but I Don't Care, it's 11 PM. final snippet for now
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bi-hop · 1 month
crawling out of the 'university AU' dungeon, drenched in blood, to bring you all new shit
toshiro, laios, and namari, sitting in a circle and drinking beer:
namari: sooo how's things with that tall-man? the uh... I don't know how old he is. that one guy.
toshiro: kabru?
namari: yeah!
laios, slumping over: marcille says i'm in the talking stage with him. i don't even know what that is
namari, under her breath: you're going to marcille for love advice?
toshiro (he didn't hear her): I think a talking stage is a 'friendship'
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bi-hop · 1 month
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I should note for The Culture that he is not very aware of the smell and he otherwise has the cleanest vehicle of all time but he eats monster food a lot while parked in the woods waiting for Falin to finish gathering herbs and fungi so everyone just endures it or thinks it smells fine
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bi-hop · 1 month
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I blinked and then there was the start to my university AU fic on my computer. yippee
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bi-hop · 1 month
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all of this is probably gonna be reworked when I'm not in "QUICK, jot down fic snippets while you work on a university project" mode but since the last preview for this university AU was just kabru and rin at their apartment, wanted to actually post these two talking
without any evidence to back this up, I think Kabru has a great memory for regional accents and likes looking up the meaning of names. it's his favorite party trick. he talks to you for 5 minutes and then goes "so how were summers in Kahka Brud?" even though you never mentioned you were from there, actually, but it's fine because he sincerely listens to your answer and offers his own commentary. I saw all of this in a vision. *exits stage left, pursued by a basilisk*
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bi-hop · 22 days
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It's update time for Only I See You (the way you wanna see yourself), the uni AU that's set my brain ablaze! Read the second chapter here!
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bi-hop · 11 days
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"I'm not going to write for this fic again until I finish some other chapters" <- lying words from a liar who lies
anyway warmup for today! I went to bed thinking that I wanted dungeon meshi harpy nesting dolls for no reason. the gift was custom made and Falin carefully showed the carver photos of every life stage of a harpy so it'd be as accurate as possible, albeit with slight liberties for sizing. Laios keeps it on a shelf and takes it down to play with when he's having an off day. literally none of this is relevant but I feel I should share it anyway
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bi-hop · 29 days
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I caved and started writing chapter 2 as my warmup for today
Anyway, this scene has it all: Rin, Kabru's messy room, Rin, people's varied social media habits, Rin, 'the white guy', Rin, Rin, the niche experience of mentally crafting an anticipatory dialogue tree, and did I mention Rin? I'm normal about Rin.
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bi-hop · 26 days
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tfw you're rereading scenes to get a sense for character voice but then the main scenes with the characters are gossip/exposition about two siblings so you end up writing gossip/exposition about two siblings. hate when that happens!
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I'd like to be able to post this chapter by tomorrow, but I have legitimately four final papers to write from now until next Friday (not this Friday) sooooo that might not happen. We shall see.
Anyway, I originally wrote in my notes that Falin and Holm are pre-med students in 'odd' majors. Fun fact: the reason they dress similarly is due to it being a healer uniform. And if I recall right, wearing a similar style if you're not one can get you arrested for scamming people. But I digress. I decided that pre-med as a concept doesn't really exist here, there's just a certification process for healing that's accepting of multiple varieties of magic.
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if you read this far, you get an air kissaroo from me to you, and the knowledge that holm's doing some weird hybrid philosophy/theology thingie that I will eventually figure out how to articulate, which is why he's been noted as saying ontological before in chapter 1. okay goodbye now
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bi-hop · 1 month
realizing there is no power in this world that can stop me from writing uni au marcille dancing to random ass bands' dance routines
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