#during the revolution likely cuz u want everything going to shit.
marcusrobertobaq · 4 months
Do android haters in the universe hate androids cuz "they're stealing people's jobs" or cuz "androids look and sound so human but they're too perfect and fake" and that's what pisses mfs off to the point they wanna always see the blue blood on 'em hands and show androids ain't people (alive)?
In both cases people are totally wrong. Androids ain't stealing jobs, corporations are pushing 'em everywhere even in legal terms (see the prostitution laws for a more brutal example) and they're all humans. And if you're pissed androids are "fake and too perfect" i believe the issue is more with humans that replaces other humans with androids cuz of this exact same reason.
In the end all the situations in the game are humans fault, even the Android Rebellion - both in reason/cause of the boom and also technologically speaking. They can become deviants cuz the program let 'em, and they were created by humans.
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lana-1526 · 3 years
Dream smp timestamp | Dawn of the 16th
Oh hello 
so a friend of mine just started on the mcyt fandom and isn’t that familiar with the lore and i’ve been helping him catch up and we both watched sad-ist’s newest animation and he didn’t understand but still loved it nontheless and i procastinated and didn’t want to do my school work so i made him like timestamps for the animation explaining what’s happening and what’s the context in each scene it’s under the cut and if there are any mistakes pls tell me so i can change it to the correct information pr any info that can be added/any that i missed (also he already knows the charas and a few bits of lore so there’s no explanation on who’s who) 
here’s the video by sad-ist:  “Dawn of the 16th” | Dream SMP Animation
0:00-0:04 is the talk of tommy and wilbur during exile planning the revolution 0:05-0:07 is the bench that's like the friendship place of tubbo and tommy (their special hangout place) 0:08-0:11 is the caravan ruins of the first war 0:12-0:14 is the sapnap's fish which he had to release due to some fighting with tommy 0:15-0:18 shows the castle eret made (the dream smp team's castle essentially) 0:19-0:27 shows eret (the current king at the time of the dream smp team) and dream talking about respect and backstabing, which i think is funnny cuz he was the first ever traitor of lmanbrg and became king after dream even if dream was supposed to give the crown to george 0:28-0:40 shows tubbo overlooking lmanburg (he is a known traitor to schlatt at this point in time and he's planning the revolution with tommy) and then it pans to quackity (former fiance of schlatt and new traitor to him as well) joining tubbo in overlooking lmanburg 0:40-0:47 the dialogue between eret and dream continue 0:50 shows the declaration of independance of lmanburg made by the first president (wilbur) if u look closely u can see a big SUCK IT GREEN BOY on the side cuz wil did a joke while writing it XD 0:52 shows tommy overlooking the declaration 0:53-0:55 is the founding members of lmanburg before the first war 0:56 are tommy's discs (which started the first war and the current war that takes place after the animation's timeline) which are like aa keypoint to tommys chara 0:57-0:58 - tommy gives tubbo the discs as like a sign of trust and they do this in the bench place shown earlier 1:00 shows the aftermath of the explosion seen later 1:02 is the aftermath of the fight due to the terrorism act done by technoblade 1:03 shows dream and techno side by side with tommy's voice saying "the best pvp players" and then it pans to tommy saying to tubbo that it's basically them against dream (the literal puppet master of the smp) 1:10 dream leaves the palace 1:13 shows the election stand and basically the white house of manburg (lmanburg and manburg are diff due to schlatt being the dictator of lmanburh turing it into manburg also teh structures are diff as well in per era) and then it just zooms out idk what the symbolism of the fallen chair is but i think it's the chair wilbur and tommy sat in when they got exiled 1:19 the first appearance of philza who is the canon dad of techno, wilbur, and tommy (phil's chara is shown to have wings due to his experience in mc with hard mode where he always has the elytra on and also it's always white so the raven transition seems to mean about wilbur having dark wings, i think, not really sure but it's my interpretation to it) 1:20 is where techno shows his underground bunk to pogtopia (the rebelling/revolution party) which literally has so much shit 1:21 -1:30 is the bunker with the stuff needed in a fight, each chest is filled with stacks of one item ex. one chest is full with strength pots and the other with flaming arrows 1:30-1:31 shows techno saying the most iconic line, and also shows how his chara is an anarchist (someone who doesnt like any form of government) sadist seems to like remind people that hes basically chaotic in this scene 1:31-1:32 shows pogtopia getting the loot with an easter egg of tubbo taking all the emeralds of a chest (he actually did this on stream so kudos to sadist for that little detail) 1:37 techno actually gives a powerful enchanted sword to tommy personally and then the awesomme af transition of to tommy leading the pogtopia to kill schlatt 1:42 shows dream preparing 1:43-1:47 shows the all three parties, the first is lmanburg (maburg) party with schlatt and dream takig charge, second being the pogtopia party and if u noticed wilbur is the only one not happy and the only one without armor because at this point he became insane and want to blow up lmanburg but people do not know, the lastly the neutral party which showcases badboyhalo talking about that it doesnt really matter with flames in the bg (i think this references to the egg which is seen later in the future but at this point in time the weird egg is just starting to grow with bbh tending to it which made him go crazy up until the whole skeppy thing (skepp is bbh's best friend so yea)) 1:48 is the buttonn to blow up lmanburg but wilbur hasnt pushed it yet cuz he is still trying to figjt the urge to push it 1:49-1:53 wilbur is losing his mind and is on the verge of destroying everything with his black wings showing to represent his dad which shows up on the next scene 1:54-1:55 phil shows up and wibur doesnt know what to with his dad confronting him and knowing that phil wouldnt approve and would try to stop him 1:57 shows the bridge where pogtopia is running through to get to schlatt and it's iconic due to the fact of the coinicidence it being a sunset 2:00 is the start of the fight with an explosion then the fight sequence between pogtopia and lmanburg happen to get to to schlatt 2:10 happens and u see schlatt on the ground at this point in time hes an alcholic and hes drunk and surroounded by once friends turned enemy due to his tyranny 2:18 fundy explains why he joined pogtopia to schlatt 2:22 schlatt dies losing his last canon life due to a heart attack, tbh im suprised on how sad-ist made this so serious but in teh streams he dies while saying to quackity that his ass his flat or i quote "flatty patty" 2:23 tubbo is made the new president by wilbur 2:24 everyone rejoices but technoblade cuz he joined and helped pogtopia becauase he thought that after they won there would be no more governemnt 2:25-2:45 the act of terrorism of technoblade starts with him explaining his beliefs as an anarchist, he threatens tubbo which is serious because tubbo has only one last canon life left and tommy goes to fight him to save tubbo 2:45 pogtopia fights technoblade 2:47 we go back to wilbur where the button is that will start all the tnt hidden underneath lmanburg 2:48 the fight is still going on outside and people are unaware of what wilbur is going to do 2:51 wilbur quotes the first ever traitor: eret saying "it was never meant to be" and phil is shocked and doesnt do anything to stop wilbur from hitting the button 3:02 he couldnt stop wilbur pressing the button which in turn explodes everything even half the room but phil was able to protect wilbur from the blast 3:04-3:05 teh explosion happens and disrupts the fight between techno and pogtopia 3:06 tommy's closup to his reaction of seeing the land he fought for blowing up 3:07-3:09 wilbur hands philza his sword and says to kill him but phil refuses saying that he cant kill his own son 3:11 the other;s reaction seeing phil and wilbur in the room after the explosion dies down 3:12 tubbo is in shock 3:13  dream is watching in triumph as he sees wilbur blow everything up 3:15 techno prepares the withers //also fun fact when phil killed will he finds out techno is the traitor they were warned about who will bring destruction and chaos during the earlier stages of the revolution, it isnt wilbur as he exploded everything on his own volition rather than teaming up with dream like what techno did 3:16 techno's speech starts alluding to a previous conversation he had with tommy where he warns tommy that being a hero will result in a gruesome death 3:18-3:20 different scenes pop up, the first being tommy's discs being held by someone with armor (i think its dream due to the fact he has the discs later in the timeline to threaten tommy and lmanburg), the second being someone in a lmanburg uniform (not sure if its tommy or tubbo but if its tommy it seems like it'sthe exile), 3rd is the throne room with george on the throne and dream and callahan at his side , then last is the scene of the newest members, captain puffy, connor, and ranboo joining with emphasis on ranboo as he is  important to the plot later on the sequence also shows phil holding a now deceased wilbur crying and then techno realeses the withers on everyone (withers are very difficult to kill and cause so mch chaos even if its alone and its hard to summon it as you have to farm for wither skulls which is also hard so the fact techno has enough to make two is a big deal) 3:27  shows the lmanburg tree, it is a tree that represents lmanburg and has been there for both wars and is extremely important to the history of the nation and thats that :3
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rarestereocats · 5 years
We all step into the new captain's quarters to go over what our next plan of action.  We need to gather as many useful crew members as we can in this town or we'll be stuck in port for awhile.  We decide doing some recon is a must in this place,  so well part ways to tackle this task.  TT and Antic visit the library to collect records on any nearby penal colonies,  Owkbanok and Inami collect information on the whereabouts of several plantations,  Amelia and Tonari get word of a prisoner ship coming in the next day as well as a slave ship arriving in a month's time,  and me and Nathan case the prison by magical means as I jot down anything that may be of use to our plan.  With that,  we all reconvene to swap information and go over everything.  The penal colonies are off on some islands and given that we can't get out of the port without a crew to row our ship,  that's off the table for the time being.
The prisoners on the ship will likely be taken to the prison in town,  so our best options are a prison break or hitting up the largest plantation in the area to liberate the slaves and hope we can recruit them.  Hitting the prison first will have all eyes on us,  so we decide to go do some recon on the plantation and hit that first.  It's a few hours out of town,  so we hitch a carriage ride,  the driver a young human man by the name of Finn who's fate was sealed the minute TT whispered to me that we should kill him afterwards.  After all,  he might hear things he shouldn't and we don't want him turning around and selling our asses out and as the ride goes on,  we all start to make him more than uncomfortable.  With each word out of our mouths,  Finn grows more and more scared as we hint to an early death for him and ask him needlessly personal questions that trigger his alarm bells even further.
This boy's sweating up a storm and trying to convince us that he's never exposed anyone's secrets and doing anything he can to butter us up so he doesn't die tonight and for awhile,  we all consider leaving him be once this is all said and done.  But upon reaching our destination,  I can't take the risk of our plan being passed along to the town guards,  so I ask dear Finn for a hug.  He's hesitant,  but after a moment,  leans in for an uncomfortable hug and promptly gets my dagger to his spine and his body deposited in the nearby rose bush.  We take a gander at the land before us,  taking note of the guards and fields themselves,  but also where the slaves are kept in the evening.  With that,  our current plan is to have Owkbanok go in and pose as a slave as this is a human owned property and it appears any half-orcs here are kept as such,  so his presence as anything other than that might be alarming.  So we hold onto his gear for him so it isn't stolen away and with that,  the rest of us go to speak with the owner of the property.
It's all to gain entry into his home so we can take him out later to free the slaves,  but for now,  we all exchange pleasantries and pretend to make a deal to buy a couple tons of grain.  The deal's set and we ask for a place to stay and this clueless man offers us rooms so long as we pay half of what we agreed upon for the grain.  This works wonderfully for our plan as a gnoll servant leads us to the rooms,  TT asks her to leave her master's bedroom door unlocked and we'll all keep her safe.  There's only three rooms,  so TT and Nathan take one of their own,  leaving me and Amelia to share a bedroom.  And as the Slut Squad usually does,  we pound it out (I swear it's just to pass the time) and it's in this moment that I realize there's something different about her.  Did she do something with her hair?  Is it her perfume?  No,  you see,  everybody;  Amelia here isn't as human as she claims to be.
She's a changeling;  the offspring of hags and beings that hear a spiritual "call" to discover their origins after a certain age.  Now Amelia knows her parents...or what she's assumed are her true parents.  The King and Queen of Carlo Rose,  two perfectly normal humans.  She has no idea about this changeling stuff and is offended when I bring it up and tell her about how a hag is her mother.  She's in denial and doesn't believe me,  which is fair considering my wild conspiracy theories I lay on this party when I'm high,  but still;  I've hunted enough magical beings to know their true natures when I see them.  It's clear it's something she's not willing to entertain though,  so I drop the subject.  Though c'mon,  what's better than boning and then immediately trying to make somebody question their own humanity afterwards??  With the silence becoming uncomfortable and Cayde losing his shit at the door because Owkbanok's in trouble,  I get up to take him outside as I'm thinking he just wants to go run around.
It's very clear once I step out that he doesn't want to play as there's the stench of blood in the air and Cayde is still losing his mind.  Because while the rest of us were getting cozy,  poor Owkbanok was getting manhandled by guards and having no choice but to grin and bear it for the sake of the plan.  He gets a little too lippy with them and after he punches one of them in the face,  they demand he go gather up the other slaves so they can bear witness to his punishment.  This gives him the perfect opportunity to pick some of their brains about the revolt one of the guards mentioned and he learns the slaves have been planning it for a month.  They easily outnumber the guards and have been stashing some weapons for when it all goes down,  to which Owkbanok ensures them that it'll happen soon enough.  Once he gathers the crowd,  the guards make an example out of him,  whipping him within an inch of his life before going back to their posts and some orcs kindly drag him back to their cabin so he can rest.
Knowing Owk's in trouble,  I secure his sword and some healing potions to Cayde's harness and turn the leopard loose.  He manages to sneak through the property,  finding the orc cabin and pushing his way through the rotted wood in the back to avoid the guard posted at the front door,  and Owk's relieved and grateful to see the care package.  The other orcs help him stash his weapon as it's more than clear that the revolution begins tonight and back at the manor,  the rest of us have reconvened in one of the bedrooms to figure out the next step.  TT's going to sneak into the bedroom to take out the guard that's been posted in the master's chambers and then take him out afterwards,  and possibly even his wife.  But her plan falls to pieces as the guard doesn't immediately die from her attack and she trips,  stumbling back through the bedroom door and into the hallway,  alerting the rest of us that it's go time.  I take out the master easily enough,  Cayde mauling his wife afterwards,  but the guard manages to slip past us like he's a walking stick of butter until Nathan puts a crossbow bolt in his back.
With Amelia's new guard zombie,  Shaun (of the Dead),  kicking down the glass door to the outdoor world while we all scream about a riot,  the slaves on the property know it's go time.  Owkbanok immediately sets his sights on the guard he nearly whipped him to death,  hitting him with some scorching rays while TT works on toppling the guard towers.  Nathan sets one on fire and me and Cayde just work on culling the herd of guards that are quickly getting overwhelmed with the entire situation.  It's not a good day for any of them considering we're not even giving them an inch to breathe nor surrender and anybody that tries to flee is taken down easily enough.  In all the chaos,  some of the slaves take this as a chance to escape themselves,  so when the dust finally settles,  there's only a whopping 28 of them left and the 3 house servants who were busy packing up loot for us during the battle.
Owkbanok gives them a speech,  letting them know who we really are and that we're seeking recruits.  They don't have to come along,  but anyone who does gets 300 gold for signing on and 25 of them agree to join,  28 once we ask the house servants to join us.  We can't take a bunch of liberated slaves into town,  so TT has her parrot fly back to the ship with a note to tell our crew to meet us at the shoreline with the rowboats so the slaves can get directly to the ship.  TT and Owkbanok handle escorting the slaves to the shoreline while me and Amelia gather up the valuable horses and loot and go directly back to town.  Understandably,  the ruckus has caught somebody's attention finally and as a squadron of guards tries to stop us on the road;  we both pretend to panic and fear for our lives.  These guards nearly catch our bluff,  but we escape by the skin of our teeth and once back in the town,  we quickly load up the horses and get settled for the night.
The other group is gone for  h o u r s as the shoreline was much farther than they anticipated.  They travel through the night and morning,  all of them dead tired when the shores are finally in sight and they all clamber aboard the rowboats.  While we're all worried for our crewmates,  me and Amelia take our stress out on each other,  bickering like a couple who's spent 40 years too many together.  We take verbal jab after jab until things turn physical as she goes to kick me,  but I flawlessly trip her ass...only for her to trip me to the ground with her after.  It seems the wires that separate "arguing" and "foreplay" have gone terribly amiss for the two of us cuz while our friends are out there struggling to get back;  we decide to have yet another tryst in order to forget about our problems.  Eventually,  the others finally arrive back by nightfall and we can all take a breather and help our new crew get settled in before we tackle the prison break.
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