#dustland shawl
gardenvarietycrafts · 11 months
Dustland Shawl
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I had a lot more of the yarn left over from my sweater than expected, so that means casting on a new sweater with what was left! Since this yarn is a bit thicker than the pattern calls for, I may not do as many repeats as it says, but it's sure to be a good sized, fun textured shawl when I'm done. So far, I really like the crescent shape of it as well.
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blackmoldmp3 · 1 year
i started working on a shawl that i havent touched since april and its rlly nice. i didnt forget how to knit
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gardenvarietycrafts · 11 months
Dustland Shawl Progress
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I'm officially at the point where it's hard to photograph and it just looks like a scrunched up blob of knitting. But I only have 62 more rows left of 170 total, which makes me definitely past halfway by row count, and by stitch count.... Well, my rows are about to hit the 400s in stitches, so I'm going to assume I'm closer to halfway by stitch count without actually doing the math.
Bonus shot of the texture under the cut:
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I'm really loving how the texture is forming so far. Kind of makes me want to knit the Dustland sweater next.
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gardenvarietycrafts · 10 months
Dustland Shawl
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It's been done for a couple days, but I was waiting to see if I have enough mats to block it first. I'm just a bit short! Maybe 2 or 3 more blocks would have been perfect. So eventually this will be blocked, but for now, I think it looks nice as it is.
I ended this a bit short due to yarn shortage reasons, but it's still a very large shawl, I'm not sure I'd want it much bigger than this. I also won yarn chicken! My bind off takes quite a bit of yarn, but I guessed nearly perfectly when to bind off to have enough yarn for it.
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gardenvarietycrafts · 11 months
WIP Wednesday (Belatedly)
I know it's been a minute since I've posted, but my partner got me Stardew Valley and I am obsessed with it and haven't been knitting as much. I did pick back up my needles recently, though, so here's what I'm currently working on:
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I just cast on the Leafy Leaf cowl. I was going to wait until I had finished something else first (the Dustland shawl being the main one I'd wanted to finish before starting this cowl) but I recently watched a Nimble Needles video with tips and tricks for the experienced knitter and just had to try this one! The tip is that no cast on and bind off will truly match perfectly, because they're just formed differently no matter what, but to match exactly you can provisional cast on, knit the work, then bind off both top and bottom with the same bind off technique. I'll update once I'm finished with the cowl to let you know how I like it, but it also gave me an excuse to learn how to provisional cast on in the round!
The second photo shows a little bit closer view of the lace pattern. I've only made it about halfway through the first repeat, but I really like how it's turning out so far. I'm not sold on my guage, though, so I may restart on smaller needles. If I do, I'll still use the provisional cast on then bind off the bottom edge technique.
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This one is a hit of a back burner project because I chose a yarn with less stitch definition than I probably should have used for this project, but it's the No Rhinebeck No Problem MKAL 3, and all clues are currently released. I just need to finish the last repeat for clue 3 and then complete clue 4 and I'll be finished with this one.
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This one was also in WIP time out for a bit due to the way this yarn knits, but I've picked it back up recently. Working on finishing the heel turn for sock 2 (the more pink sock) and then I'll be back to working on these two at a time in the round. The heels on these are Japanese short row heels, and they'll be a gift for a friend. These are both from the same ball of yarn, and I should be able to get a second pair out of it, which I'll knit exactly the same as these so that all 4 socks can be mixed and matched. My goal is to finish all 4 socks before gifting, but I may just gift these 2 socks first, since my next socks will be a pair for me, I think.
I'm not using a specific pattern for the socks, but they're just stockinette stitch, Japanese short row heels, and I'll use a wedge toe.
Not pictured:
The Dustland shawl - I'm still working on it, slowly, but progress isn't really visible because the stitch pattern just repeats. I have, however, decided to stop just after this pattern repeat, so after the next diagonal rib section (actually, after the garter section after the diagonal rib) because 1, it's huge already, 2, the rows are too long to maintain motivation, and 3, I'd like to not have to use up the whole last ball of this yarn. If I get close to the end of the ball, I'll finish it off there, even if I haven't gotten to where I planned to.
Mitered square blanket - I've decided to add more squares to the width and just make all the squares in the same direction, instead of making panels and seaming them together, so next steps will be adding more squares onto the width of the blanket. But this one likely will also be a long term project, since I have other things I'm focused on working on right now.
Project list, for things I have planned (mostly so I don't forget):
Socks for me using the Duo Sox yarn by Willow Yarns, which is meant for knitting a pair of matching socks and comes with two balls, perfect for the taat method I use
Second pair of apple mittens for my partner. She follows me, so I can't explain how they'll be different because I want it to be a surprise.
Mittens for me to match the hat and cowl I have, though I may also do a stripey cowl with that green and a dark blue yarn I have in my stash. I have an idea to knit a pattern I saw slightly differently to suit my needs better.
A pair of worsted weight socks, because warm and faster to knit.
Tea cozy for my tea pot. The first one I attempted was too small.
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gardenvarietycrafts · 11 months
Pincha Shawl/Scarf
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I have a trip this weekend, so in an effort to save the Dustland shawl for my travel project, I cast on the pincha shawl/scarf in a bamboo/cotton blend that was a gift. I've been looking for a project for this yarn since I received it, but either it wouldn't work with the texture (it's not very warm) or I wouldn't have quite enough yarn for it, but it should make a nice light wrap to add a pop of color. So far, it's a very fun pattern full of short rows, and I'm loving the way the colors of the yarn are pooling with the way the feathers are made.
Yarn is Bamboo Pop in the Tribe colorway
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