blondkitten25 · 5 months
How I think Beelzebub would react to your ED (mainly anorexia):
When he brings snacks to eat with my, he takes notice to you not finishing.
He is happy about the extra food, but he can tell that you aren’t eating.
He will subtle try to feed you every chance he gets
He gives you smaller portions sizes but more (trying reverse physiology)
He doesn’t invite you to the gym because he’s scared you’ll overwork yourself
He tries his hardest to remember what meals you eat more of so he knows what makes you comfortable
He will be subtle in letting you know he knows, not fully understanding your disorder
He tries his best not to eat to much around you, as to not trigger you
He will always bundle up because he knows you get cold
He will steal Belphies blankets to make you comfortable and he won’t take any sass from his brother
He will tell Belphie and Amal because he thinks they can help
Asmo will be the most helpful and they will work together
He will never judge you and thinks you’re beautiful
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blondkitten25 · 2 years
This made my day-
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blondkitten25 · 2 years
Guys- this makes my brain so insanely happy-
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country boy !! i love you !!!!!! 🤠🤠🤠
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blondkitten25 · 2 years
Some playlists that aren’t anime related
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blondkitten25 · 2 years
The way I just dramatically cried- I can’t this was rly good!! I appreciate this a lot
Beautifully Wrong
***I have decided that I like these little short fics for in between my full length fics as they allow me to play with poetics. Sooooooo, I hope you all enjoy. -B***
Summary: You feel that you're ugly. Asmodeus believes that you are beautifully wrong. Ft. Chubby MC
CW: Body Insecurities/Dysmorphia, Intimate body descriptions/SFW body worship, and suggestive/sensual content(as per usual with Asmo)
It's half past midnight, and you came walking into Asmodeus's room. Normally he'd scold you for ruining his beauty sleep, but there was something in the way that you shifted nervously from foot to foot that kept his mouth shut.
"Asmo," his name so typically sweet from your lips now tainted with uncertainty. "How do you ... How do you do it?"
"Do what, love?" He asked as gently as he could.
His caution seemed to have been warranted as your bottom lip trembled as your fists clenched by your sides. "How do you love yourself?" Your breath caught as you weekly gestured your body. "How ... How do you love me? This. All of this."
Asmodeus froze, his mind screeching to a halt.
To him the answer was simple and yet so deeply complex. How could he not love you?
Forget your stunningly brilliant personality, or the way your kindness changed the spirits of every single person you met.
You asked about your body. Your radiant, glorious body that even now was glowing in the dim candlelight of his room like the ethereal celestial deity that you were to him — regardless of the sweatpants that hid those tantalizing thighs and the stained, oversized shirt that gently caressed the peaks of each of your curves.
He was so distracted by there mere thought of you that words failed him, and in his silence you assumed the worst.
"I know, it's a strange question. And I swear, I promise Asmo, that I'm not fishing for compliments. But you and the boys are all so ... gorgeous! And you all somehow have abs and perfect teeth and perfect jaws to go with your perfect bodies and I just- I'm all rolls and stretch marks, and lumps and it's disgusting!" Guilt swelled in his chest as tears glistened in your eyes like fireflies skimming the tops of lakes. "I don't understand why you'd choose me. S-Someone who's ugly a-a-and fat a-and-"
Those toxic words were suffocated under Asmo's pillow-soft kiss as he carefully took your face into his hands.
"None of that, dear." He whispered as his amber eyes searched deeply into your own for some semblance of an explanation for what could've brought this on. "Do not speak about yourself like that."
He hushed you immediately with another paralyzing kiss as he gently set you on the edge of his bed. Your words were pulled from your tongue and stolen by his as he leaned away and left you breathless.
He tangled your fingers together and inspected each your hands as he tilted his head. "When I first laid eyes on you, I was instantly intrigued. You were frightened and new and so horribly confused, but you were also so devastatingly beautiful."
You cocked an eyebrow as a frown dug at the corners of your lips. "You're just saying that. I'm fat-"
"You say that like that has to be a bad thing." He quickly counters with a peck to your knuckles. . "Yes, you have fat on your body." His expression softens as you wince at your words. "And I am so sorry your society has taught you that's a bad thing. Fat and Beautiful are not antonyms."
"I don't understand" you said, and how it hurt to see that you genuinely meant that.
"Allow me to put it this way," he allowed his fingers to trace your arm. "Humans have never once been able to agree on what they find, truly beautiful. Even today, in some cultures a full-bodied person is a symbol of a healthy, fortuitous person and is thus found deeply attractive. All throughout history, the image of the perfect body has changed more times than you can count on your lovely hands. So saying one body type is more attractive than the other is frankly ridiculous."
He pressed firm kisses up the length of your arm, as though murmuring his words against your skin could seal them there forever. "Putting all your worth into what a single indecisive society run by humans of all species thinks is a terrible waste of time and horrible for your skin," he couldn't help but smirk as a small laugh escaped your lips. The laughter quickly ceased as he took your chin into his grasp. "But it's clear that poisonous teaching has already gotten to you and that you truly believe what they have taught you. The issue isn't just their words anymore," he leaned forward and pecked the top of your head. "It's what's in here. Though it will take time to completely undo all you've been taught, let tonight be the first step towards proving that you are beautifully wrong about yourself."
And he did exactly that. He spent the next few hours spilling words of poetry about the body that he oh-so-loved to worship.
He painted the rolls and curves of your body as the very hills that compose of the natural wonder that you are. The acne you had, and the scars that remained, were your stars and he would spend the evening turning them into constellations if you would give him the chance.
You said that you're ugly, and the ravine-like marks that snake down ever-so-soft curves are terrible and he genuinely doesn't understand how you can say such things about something that looks so fucking delicious. Each line was a teasing path that his tongue begged to trace, and if that was something you would never allow he would simply help you find love for the lightning bolts on your thighs, that you so disdainfully called thunder, through his words.
His thumb stroked the delicate curve of your jaw and neck as he thanked it for being the perfect accent to your gorgeous face and rounded cheeks.
With every word he planted a carefully placed kiss in hopes that a garden of love would grow just as strongly and beautifully as you.
And most importantly, he thanked each and every part of you for composing the timeless masterpiece that was his partner, and he prayed to whoever was listening that he could spend the rest of his days studying your artistry and committing every detail of you to memory.
***This is the closest thing to smut I have ever written, why does Asmo always bring this out? I so sincerely hope you guys enjoyed it and are liking these little snippet fics. Thanks for the love and support! -B***
@thegrimgrinningghost @henry-and-the-seven-lords @satans-beloved-riv @cosmixbun @sufzku @obey-mes-treasure @kissed-by-a-dementor @yukihaie @justtiarra @mammoneybb @poly-bi-mf @burrixino @rul-of-demise @pumpkins-mainside-blog @acousticpen @sucker-for-angst-and-fluff @itskrispy @10paradox10 @vallison-rea @ivoryclive @newfangled-artistry @pumpkinpatchkid @chirikoheina @sailboat21
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blondkitten25 · 2 years
I- yeah-
Asra: I gave you a part of my heart and would do so again <3
Julian: I would cure a hundred more plagues just to spend my life with you.
Nadia: I will lay down all of my mortal possesions for you.
Muriel: As much as I hate fighting, I will gladly protect you with my entire being.
Portia: We'll always have fun adventures together! I'll be your partner in crime!
Lucio: I-
Everyone in unison: SHUT THE FUCK UP
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blondkitten25 · 2 years
Asra: muriel, what are you eating?
Muriel: eating a family sized bag of chips
Asra: that's not family sized.. that's regular sized.
Muriel: everything's family sized when you don't have a family
Asra: muriel, nO
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blondkitten25 · 3 years
Y’all I dunno if you needed this but I made it
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blondkitten25 · 3 years
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blondkitten25 · 3 years
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Abundance: Arnica
Balance: Heather
Banishing negative energy: Lilac, Snapdragon
Beauty: Amaryllis, Pentas, Wolf’s Bane
Clairvoyance: Poppy, Queen Anne’s Lace
Communication: Datura (with Deities), Foxglove (with Fae), Pansy
Courage: Geranium, King Protea
Creativity: King Protea
Divination: Chicory, Damiana, Datura, Hibiscus, Pansy, Poppy, Rose
Dreams: Calendula (psychic dreams), Dandelion, Datura, Poppy
Energy: Carnation, Sunflower (sun energy)
Exorcism: Angelica, Dandelion, Datura, Henbane, Lilac
Fertility: Daffodil, Damiana, Foxglove, Geranium, Heather, Myrtile, Poppy, Queen Anne’s Lace, Sunflower
Friendship: Hydrangea, Passion Flower
Happiness: Calendula, Hyacinth, Lily of the Valley, Pansy, Scarlet Pimpernel, Sunflower, Tulip
Harmony: Gardenia, Iris, Jasmine, Lavender, Poppy, Rose, Violet
Healing: Arnica, Angelica, Calendula, Carnation, Chicory, Gardenia, Geranium, Heather, Lavender, Rose, Scarlet Pimpernel, Vervain
Hope: Daisy, Violet
Innocence: Daisy, Freesia
Invisibility: Poppy, Wolf’s Bane
Joyfulness: Birds of Paradise
Love: Buttercup, Daffodil, Daisy, Damiana, Datura, Foxglove, Gardenia, Geranium, Heather, Hibiscus, Hyachint, Iris, Jasmine, Lavender, Lilac, Orchid, Pansy, Pentas, Poppy, Queen Anne’s Lace, Tulip, Vervain, Violet, Yarrow Flower
Luck: Carnation, Chicory, Daffodil, Dandalion, Honeysuckle, Poppy, Violet
Lust: Damiana, Heather, Hibiscus, Queen Anne’s Lace
Marriage: Buttercup, Yarrow Flower
Money: Bergamot, Chamomile, Honeysuckle
Passion: Chamomile, Passion Flower, Rose
Patience: Aster
Peace: Gardenia, Iris, Lavender, Passion Flower, Poppy, Violet
Pleasure: Sweet Pea
Prosperity: Jasmine, Poppy
Protection:  Angelica, Arnica, Carnation, Datura, Dogwood, Foxglove, Geranium, Heather, Holly, Hyacinth, Lilac, Lily, Marigold, Rose, Scarlet Pimpernel, Snapdragon, Tulip, Vervain, Violet, Wolf’s Bane
Psychic Ability: Arnica, Calendula, Damiana, Orchid, Rose, Moonflower
Purification: Chicory, Dandelion, Lavender
Relaxation: Chamomile, Jasmine, Lavender, Poppy, Vervain
Removal of Curses/Breaking Hexes: Chicory, Datura, Hydrangea, Lily
Second sight: Henbane, Queen Anne’s Lace, Scarlet Pimpernel
Sensuality: Heather
Sexuality: Damiana, Foxglove
Sleep: Chamomile, Elderflower, Linden, Poppy, Violet
Spirit: Arnica (keeps unwanted spirits at bay), Bergamot (lifts spirit), Dandelion (summoning spirits), Heather (conjuring spirits), Honeysuckle
Spirituality: Jasmine, Queen Anne’s Lace, Rose
Strength: Carnation, Chicory
Success: Bergamot, Chicory, Sunflower
Tranquility: Lavender, Poppy, Rose, Violet
Transformation: Datura, King Protea, Moonflower, Scarlet Pimpernel
Vision: Angelica, Damiana, Datura
Vitality: Carnation
Wealth: Elderflower, Honeysuckle, Jasmine
Wisdom: Henbane
🌈Flower Colours and Magical Correspondences🌈
BLACK AND DARK BURGUNDY: The Crone,  banishing, breaking hexes, and removing negativity
BLUE: Element of water,  healing, sleep, and peace
BROWN AND  BEIGE:  Home,  stability,  and pets
GREEN: The God, element of earth,   faeries, healing, money, luck and fertility
PINK:  Friendship, children, affection and love
PURPLE: Power, psychic abilities and passion
RED: The Mother, element of fire, lust, love, sex, healing and protection
WHITE: The Maiden,  all  purpose, purification, protection,  and moon magick
YELLOW: Element of air, wisdom, mental powers,and divination 
ORANGE: Energy, vitality, and success
🌻🍂Flowers of the Month🍃❄️
January: carnation (bestows energy, healing), snowdrop (symbolizes new beginnings)
February: violet (love, protection), primrose (protection, love)
March: daffodil (fertility, love)
April: sweet pea (friendship, strength), daisy (love), lily (keeps negative influences away  [White: symbol for the archangel Gabriel])
May: lily of the valley (perks you up, lifts your spirits [all part of the flower are mildly toxic, should not be ingested]), hawthorn (fertility, happiness, good luck in fishing)
June: rose (love), honeysuckle (prosperity)
July: larkspur (health, protection), water lily (healing, emotions, psychic powers [use it in water spells, rituals])
August: gladiola (ending relationships, ending situations,), poppy (luck, prosperity)
September: morning glory (can be used in binding spells, peace, happiness), aster (can be used in love spells)
October: calendula (strength, healing, justice)
November: chrysanthemum (protection, protects you from negativity)
December: holly (protection, male plant), ivy (fidelity, love, female plant)
🔱Goddesses and Associated Plants🔱
APHRODITE: Violet, Morning glory, Rose, Linden, Heather, Queen Anne’s Lace, Daisy and all true blue flowers      
APOLLO: Arnica, Henbane
ARADIA: Rue, Vervain, Verbena
ARTEMIS: Artemesia, Daisy, Damiana    
ASTRAEA: Aster, Michaelmas daisy
BAST: Catnip
BIL: Henbane
BRIGHID OR BRIDE: Dandelion,  Crocus, Helebores          
CERNUNNOS: Chamomile
CERRIDWEN: Vervain/verbena
CHRONOS: Henbane
CYBELE: Chrysanthemum
DIANA: Rue, Henbane, Rose
FAE: Daisy
FREYA:  Maidenhair fern, Daisy, Rose, Primrose and Arnica
GANESHA: Damiana
HADES: Datura
HECATE: Cyclamen, Lavender, Willow, Hensbane, Datura, Wolf’s Bane and Monkshood (aconite)
HEL: Chrysanthemum
HERA:   Iris, Willow
HESTIA: Passion Flower
HOLDA: Rose in full bloom
HYPNOS: Passion Flower
IRIS: Iris, Rose
ISIS: Rose, Heather and purple  Iris
JUNO: Iris
JUPITER: Carnation
KALO: Hibiscus
LADY OF GUADALUPE:  Red and pink roses, Poinsettias
LILITH:  Lily; Deep-Red, Thorny, Garden-Style Roses
LUNA: Queen Anne’s Lace
MAIA: Scarlet Pimpernel
MARS: Daffodil
MEDEA: Lavender
MERCURY: Chamomile
MINERVA: Thistle, Olive, and Mulberries              
NECHTAN: Heather
OSHUN: Chamomile, Yarrow Flower
PERSEPHONE:   Parsley, Pomegranate, Henbane
RA: Arnica, Chamomile
SATURN: Datura, Lavender
SELENE: Rose, Bluebell, Nicotiana, Queen Anne’s Lace   and all white and night-blooming flowers
SHANGO: Hibiscus
SHAVA: Linden
SHIVA: Datura
ST. ANNE: Chamomile
VENUS: Violet, Morning glory,  Rose, Hibiscus, Queen Anne’s Lace, Heather and all true blue flowers    
YEMAYA: Passion Flower, Yarrow Flower
ZEUS: Damiana
Source: Garden Witchery - Magic from the ground up by Ellen Dugan 
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blondkitten25 · 3 years
This made me cry- I love it but jeez I’m sad-
Ash wakes up when he feels the absence of his lover beside him. He panics momentarily before he turns around to see Eiji perched on the loveseat which in turn was facing the window.
It was raining outside and his partner was
It was raining outside and his partner was solemnly watching the raindrops collide
It was raining outside and his partner was solemnly watching the raindrops collide against the window.
Ash got out of bed at once. He walks the short distance to the loveseat and rests his hands on Eiji's shoulder, placing a soft kiss in his unruly hair.
"Can't sleep?" Ash asks softly.
Eiji squeezes the hand on his shaking his head. "No." Eiji turns his head upward and Ash pecks his nose. Eiji giggles, emotionless.
Ash sits beside Eiji and holds his hand, rubbing his thumb along his knuckles. He's too useless to offer comfort with words. Instead, he holds Eiji.
"What's wrong, love?"
Eiji sighs and it's so melancholic that Ash's heart hurts. "I don't know. I honestly don't know." Eiji fits his hand in crevices of Ash's. "I wish I knew." He huffs out a laugh and it's almost bitter. "It's kind of annoying."
Eiji shuffles closer to him so that he's resting his head on Ash's shoulder. Ash immediately wraps his arm around his partner's frame.
"What do I do to help?" He asks, kissing Eiji's forehead.
Eiji gives him a half smile. "I don't know." Eiji reaches up and kisses Ash's cheek. "But having you here is helping."
Ash shuts his eyes and relaxes a bit. "Okay. I'll stay here. As long as you need me."
"I will always need you, Ash."
"I know. I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that."
Eiji caresses his cheek with his thumb and rests his hand there. "I know."
Ash rubs his hand up and down Eiji's forearm while his lover appreciates the rain outside, snuggling closer to Ash. "You won't - you won't ever leave me, Ash, right?" Eiji straightens up. "Sorry, I didn't mean to sound so demand-"
"I won't. I promised you that, didn't I?" Ash replies, playing with the ring on Eiji's hand. "And I'll get the same promise from you, right?" Ash asks nudging Eiji's nose with his finger.
And there's that twinkle in those brown eyes as Eiji smiles. It's a little dimmed but bright nevertheless. Like the sun rising up. Dawn.
"Of course! I'm not an idiot to leave you!"
"Good." Ash furrows his brows. "Wait a minute. Were you indirectly calling me stupid?"
Eiji's face is illuminated by the thunder outside and he can see the mischief clearly on his face. "Well, it did take you so long to realise that. So..."
"Excuse me?!" Ash shoves his husband playfully. "I am offended!"
But Eiji only laughs and Ash realises for the millionth time that he is so so in love with that sound. "I love you, you dork."
"I love you more."
"Don't start a fight you can't win."
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blondkitten25 · 3 years
UPDATED haikyuu boys playlists
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blondkitten25 · 3 years
UPDATED mha playlists
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blondkitten25 · 3 years
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blondkitten25 · 3 years
SFW Alphabet - Shigaraki Tomura
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A: Affection (How affectionate are they with a s/o?)
Tomura isn’t very affectionate. He’s cold and distant; with the only sign that he wants you near him is when knees and shoulders touch. However, once he receives affection from you, he relishes in it. He’s nuzzling into you, his lips ghosting over your exposed skin and he just wants to lay there with you for as long as he can. His affection will always be a silent plea for you to start it.
B: Breath (What could their s/o do to take their breath away?)
If you touch him of your own accord, he’s freezing in place with halted breath as you run your hands over him. There’s hesitation to touch you, always afraid that he’ll slip and put all five fingers on you, a mistake he’s not willing to take chances with. But when touch him, going into him with full acceptance and pressing your lips against his, he’s melting and forgetting how to breathe.
C: Cuddling (Do they cuddle? If they do, how and when do they cuddle?)
He’s scared to cuddle. He doesn’t want to risk accidently decaying you and will only cuddle if you both are awake- less of a chance for hands to accidentally meet. Once he has control over his quirk, there’s always a chance you’ll fall asleep with limbs entangled and hands meeting. He’s still apprehensive about it but he has confidence in himself and you have confidence in him. The most used position is when you both are facing each other where a head is buried in a chest and lips are pressed against a temple.
D: Dream (What do they dream of doing with their s/o?)
Before he gained control of his quirk, his main wish was to touch you. He wanted to feel your hand in his and intertwine fingers and trace your features. He wanted to touch you without fear. After gaining control of his quirk, his only dream is to have you by his side as he achieves his goal.
E: Effort (How much effort do they put into a relationship?)
He isn’t used to being in a relationship so he doesn’t put that much effort into it. He usually gets annoyed if you express distaste in his lack of effort. However, if it proves to be a strain, he’s willing to try to put effort into it and will take advice from the internet or otome games. He doesn’t want you to leave him, he’s willing to try even if it isn’t his usual cup of tea.
F: Fear (What do they do if their s/o is scared? How do they handle it?)
He flicks them in the forehead and will walk them away from whatever they’re scared of (spiders, bugs, etc.) If you’re scared by the storm, he lets you play co-op with him and will do anything else he can to try to distract you. If it’s a fear that dwells more on personal issues, he’s not that good at dealing with them but he’ll listen to you rant and just try to help you calm down. He’s oddly really good at helping you get distracted. He claims he can’t get shit done if you’re whimpering but long after you’ve calmed down, he’s still with you.
G: Gifts (What type of gifts do they give their s/o? Do they want a gift in return?)
In the beginning if the relationship, he hardly gives you any gifts. The only gifts that he’ll give you are when he accidentally breaks something of yours and it’s replaced the next day. As the League rises in the ranks, the gifts will become more, proper things that you’ve expressed wanting before. He doesn’t expect gifts back but he’s always delighted when he does; he watches over them and protects them with his life.
H: Hugs (Do they hug their s/o? How often?)
He doesn’t hug you too often, only moving to stand closer to you, shoulders bumping and a pinky outstretched towards you. But as time goes on, he seeks for your affection and will nudge you, his silent ask for a hug. His hugs are stiff in the beginning, so still you swear he isn’t breathing but as the affection increases, so do his hugs. He’s wrapping his arms tight around you and burying his head into the curve of your neck and he’s relaxed.
I: Intimacy (How romantic are they? Do they have problems with intimacy?)
He isn’t very romantic. Romance with him is a step above friendship and while he will go up to you to a plant a kiss he won’t be there with flowers and a box of chocolates. Intimacy is a hard thing for him to grasp,
J: Jealous (Do they get jealous? How do they act when jealous?)
He is easily jealous. You belong to him, you’re dating him and while he does have faith that you won’t cheat on him, he can’t stop the feeling from overtaking him. He’s a lot rougher when he’s jealous. He’s pulling you into a bruising kiss, hands that clutch the fabric of your shirt and if looks could kill, the person flirting with you would be dead a hundred times over. The person has five seconds to walk away and if they don’t, his fingers are digging into his face. It’s a threat for all others in the room that you’re off limits.
K: Kiss (Are they a good kisser? Do they like to kiss? How often do they try to kiss you?)
He is a harsh kisser- cracked lips that are scarred are pressed against yours- slowly molding into a more passionate kiss. He loves to kiss you, it’s his chance to show you how much he cares for you without saying it. He will always kiss you when he gets the chance. He’s less likely to do it in public, but he won’t pull away if you insinuate it.
L: Love (When do they say they love you? How often do they say it? Do they prefer to say or show it?)
Tomura says the l-word far into the relationship, eyes that stare deep in yours and the hint of a smile threatening to spill as he tells you that he loves you. He doesn’t say it often, you’re the one who tells him and he nods in affirmation. He prefers to show his love to you. If you want someone to disappear, he’s on it, you want a new controller, a store is getting ransacked that night. Often times, his love is shown to you with his vulnerability.
M: Marriage (Do they want to get married? If so, what kind of ceremony?)
He doesn’t want to get married. He sees it as a waste since he knows that he loves you and that you love him. You two have been together through thick and thin and he’s aware that you’re not going to leave him.
N: Night Out (What type of dates do they like to go on? How often do they like to go on them?)
Date nights are nights. Given who he is, you two can’t exactly go to a movie theater or take a walk in the park so regular nights where you two are alone are often considered date nights. You’ll bring home take out and watch movies or watch him play a game, often playing together and just stay together. He feels a tad annoyed that he can’t go out with you but you always claim that you’re happy at home with him and you prefer to be indoors anyways.
O: Out of the Ordinary (What’s something they don’t normally do with/for their s/o?)
He hardly expresses his concerns with you. You’ll try to ease him into sharing with you, claiming that it’s what partners do and that you’re with him and you accept every part of him and his life. He still can’t bring himself to go to you and express his emotions the way you can. He tells you it’s not a big deal- that it concerns stuff he doesn’t want to put on you but he still lets you massage his scalp and press gentle kisses to him when he’s had a difficult day.
P: Playful (Are they playful in a relationship? If so, how do they play around/mess with their s/o?)
While he’s serious in the beginning, he becomes more playful as the relationship progresses. He teases you a lot more, will engage with banter and snicker when you whine and call him mean.
Q: Questions (Do they ask their s/o their opinion on things? Do they share theirs?)
He won’t ask for your opinion, he doesn’t really care but if you voice it, he’s more likely to change his view on whatever it was. He will voice his opinion before you can even open your mouth.
R: Random (How spontaneous is their relationship? Do they do things on the spot or plan ahead?)
The relationship is spontaneous. He shows up to your door in the middle of the night or breaks in through a window and will just shake you awake. If he has a spare second, he’s using it on you. Things with him just happen and you just have to go with it. He’ll respect your wishes if you just want to sleep while he’s there or if you rather not go out anywhere but he will complain for a bit.
S: Sleep (How do they sleep with their s/o?)
He will avoid sleeping with you in the beginning. You truly mean a lot to him and he can’t risk losing you because you wanted to sleep in the same bed with him. It’s a slow progression when he starts to sleep you, back facing you to a body that sleeps still, to facing towards you and eventually cuddling to sleep.
T: Trust (How much do they trust their s/o?)
He will not trust you in the beginning of the relationship, he’ll shun you out and lie but once he realizes you’re there to stay, he will place his entire trust in you. He will trust to go to you with more of the League’s minor plans, for his own personal reasons. He’d never say it but he’d place his life in your hands.
U: Unique (What makes them unique as an s/o?)
Tomura is an obsessive lover. Growing up in his conditions where he had no contact with anyone his age and being stunted emotionally, he grows to be obsessed with you, always wanting you by his side and needing to know if you’re safe. Once he’s able to touch you, he’s holding onto you, always a hand on you and keeping you close to him.
V: Vulnerable (How long until they can be vulnerable around their s/o? What are they like in this state?)
You’re in it for the long run if you want him to be vulnerable. He’s already a person who wants to stick close by you, but when he’s vulnerable you see a side of him you haven’t seen before. He’s pressed against you and hiding his face, he’ll make noises of disapproval if you try to shift in fear that you’re going to leave. He’s needy to new extent, and he’s quiet, only wanting you to touch him.
W: Wild Card (Random headcanon)
You are his haven. He may not be the most vocal about how much you really mean to him, but you are the best thing he’s had in his life. He goes to you for comfort, for reassurance, for praise, for love. You are the one thing that calms him down without the additional feeling of sickness.
X: X-Ray (What would they do if their s/o got injured?)
If you got hurt on your own accord he’s telling you to be more careful and treating you a tad softer depending on your level of injury. However, if someone were to hurt you, it’s an immediate death, hands over the person’s face and watching them disintegrate. He’s silent and cold, even to you, the only indication that he cares is that he doesn’t allow you to leave the bed no matter the level of injury, he’s keeping watch on at all times.
Y: Yuck (Do they have any pet peeves about their s/o? Are there any habits that might bother their s/o?)
He dislikes that you want to celebrate holidays. He doesn’t see the need and finds it tedious, it’s so much work for one day and you usually want him to just wait and relax for a second but he doesn’t have time to relax. You want to show your love a little bit more during those days and want him to just put a little effort but he sees it as a dumb holiday(s) and will turn his nose up.
As for something that bothers you, he’s dismissive and waves off your concerns. He will run himself ragged, resting once his body can’t handle to stay up any longer and you want to ease a bit of his workload, but he won’t let you get anywhere near the League if he can help it. He’ll say he’s fine and that’s final.
Z: Zeal (Are they passionate as a s/o? Do they want or like passion?)
While he may not be the most affectionate type, he’s very passionate about the relationship and he shows it through his actions. He presses heated kisses against you, pressing his body against yours and littering your body with the ghost of his lips. He doesn’t necessarily need passion, but when it’s given to him, he needs it more than he needs air- he needs to get drunk off of it and commit your touch to memory.
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blondkitten25 · 3 years
So I drew these two in my art style!!
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blondkitten25 · 4 years
So... I gathered a bunch of popular cosplay sounds and added them to a playlist for y’all.
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