ruthimages · 2 years
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Round 1e, Match 8: Dogmatika vs. Jersey vs. Duston!
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Dogmatikaturgy // Black Luster Soljersey - Envoy of the Drying // House Duston
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nqbuddy · 2 years
One bite into this snack and I knew Duston Village Bakery has The Joy
It was delicious and it was made in Duston...
I have unfair expectations of many people – the sports teams I support, the politicians I don’t vote for, even Jesus – but perhaps the most unreasonably high expectations I have of anyone are for bakeries. My expectations are so high I lie to myself about it. I kid myself that I am going into a bakery just because I am hungry when in fact that is the last reason anyone should go to a bakery. If…
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stevescoles · 2 years
One bite into this snack and I knew Duston Village Bakery has The Joy
It was delicious and it was made in Duston...
I have unfair expectations of many people – the sports teams I support, the politicians I don’t vote for, even Jesus – but perhaps the most unreasonably high expectations I have of anyone are for bakeries. My expectations are so high I lie to myself about it. I kid myself that I am going into a bakery just because I am hungry when in fact that is the last reason anyone should go to a bakery. If…
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yugiohcardsdaily · 7 months
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White Duston
"The proudust of them all."
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ibumuc · 1 year
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yeahwhatdidisay · 1 year
Closed Wounds, Open Scars
A Prequel to 'The Hereafter' [AO3 Link]
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Summary: The conversation you needed after an offhand comment from Dustin sent you spiraling.
Thank goodness for your best friend, Steve.
Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader, Steve Harrington, Duston Henderson
Warnings: Angst...the usual angst
A/N: Just like last time, took a quick break from my current story because inspiration hit. Hope you all like it.
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“Are you okay?”  
You quickly wiped away the tears that stained both your cheeks.  Quieting your already hushed sobs and trying desperately to steady your breathing so your voice didn’t shake.
“I’m fine…” you managed to get out without your voice cracking while you continued to face away from him. “I’m fine….was I making too much noise?”
Steve stood for a moment in the doorway before slowly making his way into the back den in his parents' large home.  Holding your now sleeping one year old in his arms.
“No…not at all.” he whispered, sitting down on the couch as gently as he could without waking the baby.
You took another moment to collect yourself before turning toward him, choosing to keep your gaze slightly away hoping he wouldn’t notice you were upset in the light of the single lamp. 
It was obvious to him, even in the dim lights, that you had been crying pretty heavily just before he walked into the den.
Even without seeing you completely he knew.  He always knew.
Steve had been making a point to have as many get-togethers as he could, especially considering a large chunk of the group were going to go off to college soon.
They were nice ‘get togethers’.  Usually happening at the small apartment he shared with Robin and mainly consisting of pizza and movies.  Sometimes dancing would erupt, or games would be initiated although when the boys would bring out their D&D pieces you usually opted to watch rather than play like you used to.
Playing the game was too hard now, but you did enjoy seeing the others play.
Even after you’d given birth to your little Edwyn the gatherings continued.  
Steve made sure to let you know having a baby didn’t change your group dynamic. Especially since everyone adored the happy little girl.
Today’s gathering had been just like all the others had been but had taken a slight turn as the night came to a close.  
It was getting late and the others had started to trickle out of Steve’s parent’s home.
A rarity as of lately but you all enjoyed taking advantage of the pool and the large space whenever they asked him to house sit. 
Dustin had been holding onto his niece while you packed everything up.  
He had been staring down at the calm baby and mentioned how much like Eddie she was starting to look.  Moreso now that her hair was growing out.
It was a small, innocent comment.  Sounding more like an inner thought that had managed to sneak its way out but it had caused the breath to be  taken right out of you, nonetheless.
He was right.  
Each day that passed brought more and more of Eddie’s features out onto your daughter's face.
Especially when she smiled.
You were sure that Edwyn had felt a shift in your mood because soon after she began to wail in the way that babies do which caused Dustin to panic.
“What did I do?  I promise I was just holding her!” he began to blurt out.
“It’s alright Dustin.” You reassured, quickly regaining your composure.  “Babies have the tendency to cry at the drop of a hat.”
You took Edwyn into your arms and began to lightly bounce, shushing as you did so to try and calm her.
“I’m sorry…I don’t…”
“Don’t be sorry.  This is just what babies do sometimes.  You should know, you’ve been over to our place enough to witness it.”
Your soft smile reassured him.
“Okay, um…we still on for the game next week at my place, right?  You sure you don’t want to join?  We miss playing with you.”
“I’m sure.  I’ll be there, though.  You guys want a pie this time or the cheese dip?”
“Dip please!  Your pies are good but nothing beats your taco cheese dip.”
“You got it.”
“Alright then.” Dustin said, leaning in for a side hug like he always did when you both said goodbye.  “Need help taking things out to your car?”
“I think I’ll stay here till Edwyn calms down.  Nothing worse than driving with a screaming baby in the backseat.”
“Okay…I really am sorry.”
“Stop it, you dingus!  This isn’t your fault!  I’ll see ya.”
You laughed which invited Dustin to do the same.
“Okay, see ya, Y/N.”
Dustin walked down the walkway and into the car he’d borrowed from his mom.
As he drove out of sight your happy demeanor began to crack.  The tears that you’d so skillfully hidden started to collect in your eyes as you continued to try and calm your baby.
“Man, she’s got a nice set of lungs on her. Doesn’t she?” Steve said, walking out from the kitchen where he was cleaning up.  
You quickly regained your composure and turned to him with a smile.
“She really does…” you said without a hint of how you were actually feeling.
“Can I try?” Steve asked, outstretching his arms toward the two of you.
Steve loved helping out with Edwyn whenever he could.  To the point where he would stop by just to hang out with the two of you so he’d had plenty of practice by this point.
“Be my guest.”
You handed her over to him.  She liked Steve and would often smile as soon as he held her, but today his charms weren’t working like they usually did. 
“She might be hungry.  Is it okay if I stay a little longer to make her a quick bottle?  We’ll be out of your hair in 20 minutes.  Half an hour, tops.”
“Stay as long as you’d like.” he said, cooing down at her as he bounced her like you had been. 
You walked over to her bag, taking out the formula and her bottle before going into the kitchen to prep it.
You’d been over at Steve’s parents a few times but it was enough to know where everything was.  You quickly mixed the bottle and placed it on the stove without much fuss but it was as you stood by the stove that Dustin’s words began to repeat in your mind.
You kept thinking about what Dustin had said.  How Edwyn was looking more and more like Eddie and before you knew it your thoughts were weaving through your mind to places you tried desperately to stay away from.
You realized it had been a while since anyone had brought up Eddie.  Even when you visited with Wayne so he could see his granddaughter you were both careful not to bring him up.   
At least not directly.
You would talk about him often but did so using other identifiers or pronouns. 
‘He would have loved her’.  ‘My boy would have been over the moon over her laugh.’  ‘That dork would have loved this movie…or that show…’.  
The both of you sharing your thoughts and memories of him but not fully bringing him into the conversation.  
Neither of you being able to say his name.
The realization brought another sharp pain to your chest.
“Eddie…” you whispered, repeating his name a few more times. “Eddie…Eddie…”
The tears began to well up in your eyes before trailing down your cheeks.
In an instant you began to crack again, bringing your hands up to cover your face as you began to cry.
“How’s the bottle coming along?” you heard Steve’s voice call.  Getting closer to the kitchen.
You quickly brought yourself back to where you were.  Taking the bottle out of the pot and jiggling it so a few drops fell onto your arm to test the temperature.
Edwyn had quieted but she was still crying when Steve walked into the kitchen. 
“I was able to settle her down a bit but the little princess is hungry.  Aren’t you you sweet little rockstar…everything alright?”
You turned quickly and handed Steve the bottle without lifting your face up.
“Yeah, I’m fine.  I, uh, just need a minute.  Is it okay if you feed her?”  
Your words came out at an accelerated speed.  Not waiting for Steve to answer before you walked out of the kitchen toward the hallway where the bathroom was.
Instead of locking yourself into it you continued to the den at the other end of the hall where you’d all been watching movies.
The lights were off except for the light coming from the single lamp that had been left on.
It was here that you were finally able to let yourself go.  It was here in the dark that you’d walked over to the large window at the other end of the room, overlooking the pool, and quietly sobbed.
‘Why aren’t you here!?’ you pleaded in your mind.  ‘Why did you have to…you idiot!  Why did you have to…why did you have to be so…why did you have to play hero!?’
You wanted to scream.  You wanted to scream louder than your daughter had!  You wanted to scream so loud that your cries could be heard through time and space and maybe reach Eddie, wherever he was now!
But you didn’t.  You kept it in like you always did, instead opting for quiet sobs.
This is how Steve found you not too long after.  He’d managed to feed Edwyn and rock her to sleep.  Now quietly sitting on the couch looking down at the baby but stealing quick glances in your direction.
“You don’t seem fine.”  Steve finally said after a long silence.
“I am…I promise.”  
“Yeah, I don’t buy it.” he motioned with his head for you to come and sit with him on the couch. “Come and talk about it.  It’ll make you feel better.”
You continued to stare toward Steve, whose focus was down toward Edwyn. 
Steve knew you better than anyone else in the group so it was pointless to try and convince him you were okay when you weren’t.  
You slowly made your way over to the couch.  Sitting right beside him and leaning over to rest your head on his shoulder while the two of you looked down at the sleeping baby.
“She put up a pretty big fight right now.  Didn’t want to sleep at all…I think she was worried about you.”
You let out a deep sigh.  Trying your best not to lose your composure again.
“So, wanna tell me why you’re feeling down?”
“Dustin made a comment about how much she looks like...about how much she looks like her father.” 
Everything made sense to Steve in that moment.  
Steve had been there since almost the very beginning of you coming to Hawkins.
He was there to see first hand all the heartache and turmoil you’d gone through at the hands of your abusive step-father and your mother.
He was witness to your relationship with Eddie.  All the highs and lows that came and how much you two really and truly cared for each other.
You had shared everything with him.  All your happiest memories of growing up with a father that loved you dearly and how it all changed when he passed away when you were 12.
How happy you had become after Mrs. Henderson took you in and eventually adopted you.  Giving you the family you had missed so much for so long.
He was there to see first hand how much you loved Eddie and how hard his death affected you.
He knew almost everything about you.  So he knew how deep Dustin’s words would cut you, even if you would try so hard to keep others from seeing it.
He knew.
“I see…It’s okay, you know.”
“What’s okay?”
“It’s okay to let yourself be sad about Eddie.  You don’t have to be strong one hundred percent of the time.  You can let yourself cry.”
You knew Steve was right.  
A lone tear began to fall down your cheek but you quickly brushed it away.  
You brought your hand up to gently brush a few stray hairs on your daughter's forehead before leaning down and giving her a soft kiss. 
“Can I tell you something I haven't told anyone?” you whispered, continuing to brush aside Edwyn’s hair.
“Go ahead.”
“Sometimes I find myself hating him…like, with every fiber of my body.  I just…I just hate him so much.”
Steve turned to look at you. His face showing the slightest amount of confusion. 
“I know…” you continued, “how could I hate him after everything we went through.  After losing him.  How could I bring myself to hate him?  I just do…sometimes I do.  I hate that he did what he did.  I hate that he…that he sacrificed himself for a town full of people that saw him as a monster!
If he could have seen everything they said about him after.  How could he…how could he leave us?”
Your eyes again filled with tears and you could feel a few escape down the side of your face that you again quickly wiped away.
 Steve gently maneuvered Edwyn so she was now resting against his chest, freeing up a hand to reach out and hold the hand that rested on your lap.
“He didn’t do what he did for them.”
You didn’t react or reply. 
“Do you remember when we got pulled into the Upside Down through the lake and had to make our way back? Well, while we were wandering through the woods Eddie confided in me.  You know what he called himself?”
You shook your head.
“He called himself a coward.  Someone who would run at any sign of danger.  It was only in his D&D games that he was the hero.”
You looked over at Steve, not sure where he was going with this story.
“Long story short, it wasn’t until after he found out that you were pregnant that he decided to stop running.  Dustin told me later that the Demo Bats were going to break through the portal in his trailer and no doubt wreak havoc over here in our dimension.  Eddie led them away.  Eddie sacrificed himself to save you and Edwyn.  He didn’t choose to save the world…he chose to save you.  You two were the only ones on his mind, and you two were the last things he was talking about before…”
Steve let his words trail off while the tears began to well up again in your eyes.
“Why are you telling me this?” you asked.  Your voice cracking slightly.
“So you know how important you were to him.  So you know how important you are to all of us.  So you can finally grieve.  I know you haven't cried since you found out about him in the hospital.”
“It’s okay to talk about him.  It’s okay to let yourself cry and I hope you know you don’t have to do it alone…we’re here for you.”
“I know you’re right but…I’m scared…”
“Of what?” he asked, his voice soft and reassuring.
A long silence fell between you while you searched for your words and for the strength to get them out without faltering.
“I’m scared I’ll go back to that place.  That place where I was just…lost.  Where I couldn’t function or even breathe.  That place where I didn’t want to live…even knowing I had a baby…his baby relying on me to survive.  I just…didn’t want to.  I’m scared I’ll go back there. ”
Steve squeezed your hand tighter.
“That’s why you have me…us. That’s why you have us.  You have a whole mess of people who’ll be there for you in a heartbeat.  Be there for Edwyn.”
You finally looked up at him.  His big dark eyes and soft smile helping to lessen the pain you felt growing in your chest.
Again he was right.  
Everyone had been there for you.  At the drop of a hat, if you needed someone they were all there.  Your friends, your new mother and brother, your honorary father in law, all of them.  No questions or hesitations.  
You weren’t alone.
You let out another long sigh that quickly broke into a shaking exhale.  The strength you had to keep all your emotion inside of you finally broke and you began to sob.
Steve let go of your hand and brought it up around your shoulders.  Bringing you in close to him, which you fell into.
There you both sat while you quietly sobbed into the chest of your best friend.  Who held onto your daughter, allowing you to finally feel safe enough to let yourself cry.  Which you did for as long as you needed with no rush.
He was happy to do so.
Hours had passed and so had your needed emotional release.  
Now you both sat quietly in the dimly lit room.  You, now holding your baby while you rested against Steve who had his arm resting along the back of the couch.  Just like the two of you had done so many times before.
You gently massaged the top of your daughter's head thinking about the past couple of years.  
Steve’s words now being the ones repeating in your mind.
His reassurance that it was okay to cry.  That missing Eddie was necessary to fully heal and how they would all be there for you.  How he would be there for you.
Like he always had been.
“Do you remember when I ran away?” you finally whispered, breaking the silence.
“I do…” he replied, just as quietly.
The memory of the few months after Eddie passed came back to the two of you.  How you fell into such a deep depression that you barely ate or slept.  How you neglected taking care of yourself and your unborn baby until you finally just got up and left in the middle of the cold April night.
“How did you know where to find me?”
“Where else would you have gone?  I figured you’d want to go to be with Eddie and since the portals to the Upside Down were closed then his memorial on Hopper’s land was the next place you’d be.”
“Do you remember what you did when you found me half frozen to death?”
Steve let out a breathy laugh.
“Yeah…I yelled at you.”
“You were pretty mad.”
“Of course I was!  How did you think I was going to react?  My best friend had been neglecting themselves and their unborn baby for months!  Mrs. Henderson and Dustin had been trying so hard to bring you back and you up and walked out into the freezing night, barefoot and in only a t-shirt and shorts.”
“I’d never seen you that mad before.”
“Sorry about that…”
“Don’t be…it’s what I needed.  You’ve always seemed to know what I needed.”
“Yeah…well.  I wouldn’t be your best friend if I didn’t.” 
“I don’t think I ever thanked you.” 
“You don’t need to thank me.”
“I do…not everyone would yell at me for my own good or go out of their way to take extra care of me after.  Not like you have…so thank you, Steve.  For everything.”
Steve let out a soft sigh.  He didn’t reply at first and it wasn’t from lack of knowing what to say.  He knew what he wanted to say.  He’d known what he wanted to say to you since you started working with him. Even after all this time, what he wanted to say had never changed but it never felt like the right time.  And here, now, he knew what he wanted to say to you…but again, it didn’t feel like the right time.
“Don’t mention it…” was what he finally let come out.
Good thing you were better at timing than Steve was.
“Would it be okay if I have you over for dinner sometime?  I can ask Mrs. Henderson if she’d like to watch her granddaughter so it can be just the two of us, if that’s okay?”
Steve tried to subdue the smile that was forming on his face, taking a minute to pull it back so the emotion wouldn’t sound in his voice.
“I think that would be okay…um, Y/N.”
“Just to check…this is a date, right? Are you asking me out on a date?”
Again, another silence fell between you.
“I think I am…is that okay?” You said, leaning your head back so you were able to look up at him.
Steve stared down and took in the view of you and your baby.  Two of the people he cared about the most. 
Steve smiled and leaned down, giving you a soft kiss on your forehead.
“Yeah…it’s okay.”
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bnxstudio · 5 months
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Page 2 of chidarumas knot, I decided to to this page fully colored. Because I can.🖤stay tuned for page 3,
Bonuses and art will be on my Patreon 🤭
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On April 20, 1971, I Drink Your Blood debuted in Canada.
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ruthimages · 10 months
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rose6789iuj · 1 year
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Pídelo hoy con 50% OFF
Duston Gel es una revolucionaria fórmula natural con propiedades anti-inflamatorias y descongestivas que ayuda a aliviar molestias musculares, de articulaciones y óseas:
Efecto frío / calor para mayor alivio
Alivia músculos cansados
Alivia pesadez muscular
Calma molestias en articulaciones
Fórmula natural y segura
Sus ingredientes han sido cuidadosamente seleccionados para que combinados den resultados rápidos y duraderos. Contiene Alcanfor, Extracto de Menta Piperina, Aceite de Gengibre y Extracto de Canela. Recomendamos su uso a personas que desean una vida activa y sin limitaciones.
¡Aprovecha esta oferta para obtener tu Duston Gel hoy a un precio increíble!
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duston-gel · 1 year
Duston Gel para el Dolor de Articulaciones: Una Solución Natural para un Alivio Rápido
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El dolor articular es una de las molestias más debilitantes que puede tener una persona y afecta a millones de personas en todo el mundo. No importa si la situación es causada por el envejecimiento, el consumo excesivo o un problema de salud subyacente, puede tener un gran efecto en la calidad de vida de una persona. No importa cuál sea el problema, este es siempre el caso. El dolor articular se puede tratar de varias maneras, desde hacer cambios en el estilo de vida hasta recibir tratamientos médicos. Todas estas técnicas pueden ayudar a reducir o eliminar el dolor articular. En los últimos años, los remedios naturales se han vuelto más populares porque funcionan bien y no tienen los posibles efectos secundarios que surgen al tomar medicamentos regulares. Esto se debe a que los tratamientos naturales no contienen productos químicos artificiales. Recientemente, los clientes han hablado bien de productos como Duston Gel, que es un ejemplo de este tipo de artículos.
[Date prisa] Duston Gel (en stock) ¡Ordena solo en línea!
Para entender lo doloroso que es en las articulaciones.
¿De dónde viene el dolor en mis articulaciones?
El dolor articular puede ser causado por inflamación, daño, enfermedades autoinmunes o incluso por el desgaste normal de las articulaciones con el tiempo. El dolor articular puede ser causado por una serie de enfermedades y afecciones, siendo las más comunes la osteoartritis, la artritis reumatoide, la bursitis y la gota. El uso excesivo también puede provocar dolor en las articulaciones.
Lugares en todas partes del mundo se vieron afectados.
Cuando se trata de dolor en las articulaciones, las rodillas, las caderas, los hombros y las manos son los lugares más comunes donde aparece. Sin embargo, también puede aparecer en otras partes del cuerpo. Debido a que estas áreas son tan importantes para el movimiento y las tareas cotidianas, es importante estudiarlas para poder encontrar los tratamientos adecuados para el dolor.
Cómo deshacerse del dolor en las articulaciones: por qué es importante tomar precauciones
Si ignora el dolor en las articulaciones, podría ocasionar otros problemas y dificultar las actividades cotidianas. Encontrar un tratamiento eficaz para el dolor articular es importante si desea mantenerse activo, mejorar su salud general y evitar que el problema empeore.
The Duston Gel can now be bought.
Joint problems can cause pain and soreness that can be relieved with a topical treatment like Duston Gel, which is made of only natural ingredients. It is made to go deep into the skin and send its powerful mix of active ingredients right to the part of the body that needs help.
Haga clic para obtener un gran descuento en la Duston Gel
Duston Gel es una mezcla de químicos naturales que funcionan bien juntos. Muchos de estos productos químicos son bien conocidos por su capacidad para reducir la hinchazón y aliviar el dolor. Estas son algunas de las cosas más importantes:
El aloe vera puede calmar tanto el área que está inflamada como la cantidad de inflamación en su conjunto.
El hecho de que el mentol te haga sentir frío es una de las formas en que ayuda a aliviar el dolor.
Se sabe que el extracto de Boswellia reduce la inflamación en el cuerpo.
La glucosamina es un tipo de aminoazúcar que ayuda a mantener las articulaciones saludables y ayuda a reparar y mantener el cartílago.
Qué hace que suceda
Cuando Duston Gel se aplica en un área afectada, se absorbe rápidamente en la piel y comienza a trabajar en el problema de inmediato. Lo hace al reducir la inflamación, lo que hace que los músculos se relajen. También hace esto aumentando el flujo de sangre a la articulación adolorida, lo que hace que el dolor desaparezca rápida y efectivamente.
Hay beneficios al usar Duston Gel.
Duston Gel se absorbe rápidamente y funciona de manera muy específica, por lo que es posible que te sientas mejor en solo unos minutos. A diferencia de muchos otros geles tópicos, la receta de Duston Gel no es grasosa y no deja residuos después de su aplicación. Partes que provienen de fuentes naturales: debido a que Duston Gel está hecho de ingredientes naturales, es una mejor opción que los analgésicos tradicionales.
Duston Gel se puede usar en muchos lugares diferentes y es bueno para tratar una amplia gama de problemas relacionados con las articulaciones, como gota, esguinces y distensiones.
Cómo se puede usar Duston Gel
Duston Gel es fácil de usar y ahorra tiempo porque no hay muchos pasos. Si quieres obtener los mejores resultados, asegúrate de seguir este completo tutorial paso a paso:
Limpie el área que se ensució. Antes de aplicar la solución, asegúrese de que el área lastimada esté completamente seca y se haya limpiado bien. Aplique una capa muy fina: usando solo el tamaño de un guisante, masajee Duston Gel en el área afectada con movimientos circulares hasta que se absorba por completo. Siga haciendo esto hasta que ya no necesite el tratamiento.
La mejor manera de obtener los mejores resultados de este tratamiento es usar Duston Gel dos o tres veces al día o según lo indique el médico.
Advertencias y advertencias de seguridad
Si bien el uso de Duston Gel no pone en peligro a las personas, es importante recordar los siguientes consejos de seguridad:
Prueba de parche: antes de usar el producto regularmente, primero debe hacer una prueba de parche para asegurarse de que no tendrá efectos negativos.
Duston Gel nunca debe aplicarse sobre cortes abiertos o sobre piel rota. Duston Gel nunca debe aplicarse sobre la piel lesionada o sobre cortes abiertos.
Antes de comenzar el tratamiento con Duston Gel, debe hablar con un médico si tiene una afección médica o si ya está tomando medicamentos para esa afección.
Opiniones y declaraciones de clientes nuevos y antiguos
Los clientes que probaron Duston Gel y quedaron satisfechos con su compra dijeron cosas buenas al respecto. Las personas se apresuran a elogiar lo bien que funciona para aliviar el dolor en las articulaciones de inmediato, lo que les permite volver a sus actividades diarias normales sin ningún problema. Debido a esto, las personas se apresuran a elogiar su capacidad para aliviar rápidamente el dolor en las articulaciones. A los usuarios les encantan los ingredientes naturales que intervienen en la elaboración del gel, así como el olor que desprende.
Preguntas frecuentes:
La primera pregunta es si cualquier persona de cualquier edad puede usar Duston Gel.
Sí, Duston Gel se compone únicamente de productos químicos naturales, y se hizo para que personas de todas las edades y géneros puedan usarlo sin poner en riesgo su salud. Pero antes de usar el producto por primera vez, es mejor hacer una prueba de parche, especialmente en niños y personas con piel sensible. Es especialmente importante tener esto en cuenta cuando el producto se usa con estos grupos.
Estoy embarazada o amamantando. ¿Es seguro para mí y para mi bebé usar Duston Gel?
Antes de probar un nuevo producto, las mujeres embarazadas o lactantes siempre deben hablar primero con su médico de atención primaria. Aunque la mayoría de la gente está de acuerdo en que Duston Gel es seguro de usar, esto sigue siendo cierto.
¿Cuánto tiempo hasta que empiezo a ver resultados?
Es probable que la velocidad a la que diferentes personas sientan los efectos sea diferente de persona a persona. Muchas personas han dicho que se sintieron mejor inmediatamente después de usar el producto, mientras que otras dijeron que notaron una gran diferencia después de usarlo regularmente durante unos días.
La cuarta pregunta más frecuente es si Duston Gel podría usarse para tratar problemas en las articulaciones que siguen reapareciendo.
Duston Gel es una excelente manera de aliviar el dolor en las articulaciones causado por una variedad de afecciones, incluidas las prolongadas como la artritis. Hay muchas cosas que pueden causar este dolor en las articulaciones, y Duston Gel puede ayudar a aliviarlo. Pero definitivamente es necesario hablar con un profesional médico capacitado para asegurarse de que los problemas articulares a largo plazo se traten de la manera correcta.
El dolor articular puede tener un gran efecto negativo en la calidad de vida y la salud y el bienestar general de una persona. Para deshacerse del dolor en las articulaciones, es muy importante buscar tratamientos que no solo sean efectivos sino también inofensivos. Prueba Duston Gel si necesitas aliviar el dolor con un producto que no deje una película grasosa. Funciona bastante rápido. Las personas que quieren aliviar el dolor en las articulaciones pero no quieren usar medicamentos tradicionales pueden probar este producto porque tiene ingredientes naturales y los clientes le han dado buenas críticas.
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reviewsarah · 1 year
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lightdancer1 · 1 year
Hannah Duston, of course, is the much harsher face of the captivity narrative:
Hannah Duston, of course, fits into a much more brutal reminder that the heart of the captivity narrative was a set of atrocities to civilians and that the selective outrage on each is one of the oldest, most ossified racial lines. Modern Abenaki blithely assume that she should have just gotten over seeing her children's brains dashed out in front of her because that was simply 'normal for the time' while seeing her cold-blooded murder of Indigenous men, women, and children in their sleep as crossing the pale.
Duston for her own part became a key part in the glorying in and of violence toward Indigenous people and in a prototype of the highly gendered aspects that would reach an apex by the late 19th Century. In the older days where Phil Sheridan's view of a good Indian was the standard she was an unambiguous hero. Nowadays she's nowhere near this.
For my own part I believe that Indigenous and European children alike being murdered is a bad thing and an inhuman thing and a sign of how monstrous the colonial wars actually were in practice and that in both cases the murders were bad. This is not, seemingly, a controversial point in a way and yet the polemics over her narrative show precisely that it is, unfortunately.
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yugiohcardsdaily · 5 months
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Green Duston
"Cannot be used as a Fusion, Synchro, or Xyz Material for a Summon. While this card is face-up on the field, it cannot be Tributed. When this card on the field is destroyed: The controller targets 1 Spell/Trap Card they control; return that target to the hand. You can only control 1 face-up 'Green Duston'."
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ygoartreviews · 17 days
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Ojama Pajama
Yay! Ojama bros sleepover! There's so many little details here referencing other Yugioh cards. The one I immediately noticed was the Dustons on Ojama Green's blanket, but also, Ojama Yellow's pajamas are modeled after White Potan, and most of their snacks reminds me of the Madolche monsters. Ojama Green also has their signature floral speedo pattern on his pajamas! Ojama Black's striped pajamas are cute too. Really though, looking at this makes me miss sleepovers with my friends :( Incredibly cute though!
Rating: 9/10
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