tri-point-bruiser · 5 years
C ( default or MNYC Raph is ok)
C: Compliments (Mid- and post-sex compliments)
Raphael is very much into talking during sex, and he has an absolute praise kink. He loves people telling him how good he is, how sexy he is, how good it feels. He lives for it, and is no slouch in returning those sentiments either. He will always compliment his partners during and after sex, making sure they know how good they make him feel . 
As much as he loves to get filthy with his words, Raphael can also be quite sweet when he wants to be, and the more he cares for someone, the more likely that sweetness is going to come out. 
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ink-and-flame · 5 years
"I wish you would write a fic where... The premise is a reverse universe, where the world is populated with monsters and the ´monsters´ are humans and they have horror stories about them, creepy pastas and urban legends!"
Ok, so I love this idea so much that I almost want to squirrel it away to use as a starter for my novel in november since I do NaNoWriMo. I have a couple of ideas in a file, but this one sounds like I could absolutely do a whole book on it. I also could just turn this into a story series with short stories filling out the world, but I am a sucker for exposition and I feel like this needs more than just a quick fic. However, I hate to leave you hanging so I will whip up something fast within this concept that I may or may not use again later for something else.
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The storm raged outside, lightning flashing and lighting up the room soon followed by the loud boom of thunder. The power was out all over the neighborhood and Ghora was in the livingroom of the house she and her children shared with her brother. The fireplace was lit, casting a glow across the room. The children were huddled under blankets sitting on cushions that were laid out on the floor. The storm was too loud for them to sleep through, and as the power had been out for a few hours, and looked like it might continue a while longer, they had just set themselves up in the livingroom.
Icecream had been served as it would not likely last long if the power was going to be out much longer. The children, of course, had enjoyed this late night treat and were happily licking bowls, their small tusks clinking against the glass. Therran clomped down the stairs, his heavy boots echoing through the near silent home. Stopping in the living room he looked at his sister with a worried smile.
“Just got off the phone with the power company, they have an automated message running. Looks like we are not going to have power for a bit. Maybe a few days.” His deep voice carried as he spied his niece and nephew on the floor. “Don’t worry runtlings uncle Therran will protect you from the humans.” He laughed as both children hid under their blankets with a squeal.
“Oh honestly Therran! We all know humans aren’t real. They are just myths and legends. There are no boogypeople.” Ghora huffed and jutted her jaw out at her brother and glared. “So, if the power is staying out, oh terrorizer of children, why are you dressed?”
Therran’s smile fell a bit. “We need supplies, and my truck can handle these storms.”
“No, we have food. We are fine!” Ghora stood up and strode over to her brother. Lowering her voice she hissed at him. “Don’t you dare do this to me. Don’t. You. Dare.” Her eyes glowed in the firelight, her pain clear on her face.
Therran pulled Ghora close and pressed his forehead to hers. “People may  need help sister, I have a wench on my truck, there is flooding at the edges of town. I promise, I will do one sweep, see if any stores are open, and come right back. I promise.” His tone was calm as he attempted to reassure his sibling.
Ghora whispered, hoping the children couldn’t hear. “I remember hearing a promise like that from someone else, and he never came back. Do not leave us. Please Therran.”  Ghora begged but could tell it fell on deaf ears.
“Look, let me have the neighbor come over and sit with you guys while I am gone if you are that worried.” He was already pulling away and tugging on a dark hooded sweatshirt. Zipping it up he grabbed his leather jacket and slipped it on. “I will be fine, just keep them entertained. And, there is stuff for s’mores in the cabinet, go ahead and break into that. Give them a treat. I doubt schools will be open tomorrow.”
With that Therran was out the door, the wind whipping through the house and chilling it for a moment before he could get it closed. Ghora shook her head and realized that stubborn clearly ran in the family. With a small sigh, she put on a brave face for her children and headed into the kitchen. “Ok you heard your uncle, who wants s’mores?”
Both of the little orcs popped their heads up from their blankets with big grins on their faces. “Me! ME! I WANT ONE!” Both children chimed in unison causing Ghora to roll her eyes and bring the chocolate, marshmallows, and crackers into the living room. “Alright, let me get some of the camping stuff from the garage, do not touch anything and do not answer the door.”
It only took a few minutes to find what she was looking for, the little sandwich holders they could use in the fireplace to make smores and a few extra blankets just in case. Grabbing plates and napkins on her way back in she carted the lot to the living room and noticed the marshmallow bag had moved and both children were suspiciously quiet.
The knock on the door gave Ghora pause, but she wouldn’t let anyone stand out in this storm. Setting the items down she checked the peephole and just saw black. Curious she opened the door and laughed as she looked up at her large neighbor. A large drakon, with dark scales and iridescent highlights. In the sunlight he looked like an oil slick. Ducking his head to peer in he smiled, sharp teeth bright in the darkness. “I hear your idiot brother has gone out in this storm and you and those little ones could use some company.”
“Well you got the idiot part right.” Ghora stepped aside and allowed her neighbor room to pass.
His deep booming laugh filled the home as he ducked his head to allow his horns to clear without damaging the frame. “I thought orc houses had bigger doorways than this?” He stepped in, his claws clacking on the hardwood as he moved further into the home and into the warm living room. The fire danced on his scales making his skin look alive.
“I thought dragons were supposed to be polite?” Ghora quipped in return.
More laughter filled the room as Zyvrym found a nice spot to situate himself in. Pulling cushions and blankets on the floor to make a small nest. Minding his tail and wings, so that he did not knock anything over as he sat down his bag and got comfortable.
“You are so cleaning all this up before you leave, and I mean it.” Ghora gave the drakon a look that made it clear she wasn’t kidding and settled on the floor near the table to start putting the s’mores together.
“Of course Ghora, I wouldn’t dream of leaving your lovely, tiny home a disaster.” Clearing his throat Zy pulled a large and rather old looking book from his bag. “Since we do not have T.V., who wants to hear a story?”
Both children bounced on their cushions. “Me me me!” And giggled before scooting themselves closer, dragging their cushions and blankets with them.
With everyone was settled by the fire, the first of the s’mores cooked, and plated, then handed to the children and one childish drakon, the story could begin. Zy’s deep soft voice filled the room as he chose one of the less frightening stories about human’s to share with the children.
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ask-any-mikey · 5 years
Now.. Thanks to that lovely anon I have the mental image of you in fishnets.. Yikes.
(k that was a fun few minutes but I’m done BBBYYYYYYEEEEEEE)
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nexuschampion · 5 years
How many more dick jokes will it take to break him? What’s going to make him snap?  OOoo what if he has a tiny dick? Am I being mean? Na. I’ll keep going. I think he likes it. Oh, what if he LIKES it likes it? Huh. Well. That would be new. Wait what? No. Stop that you idiot. He’s your brother. Kind of. I wonder if I could trade him with my Don. this one’s way more fun to mess around with. What did I mean by THAT??? I mean just joke around with. He doesn’t get rattled much. It’s like . . .it’s like he KNOWS what I’m doing.....Maybe he does...Weird.
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amurderofmuses · 5 years
☻ ( Donnie wants more kisses from Pyre )
[☻ ─ Good morning ]
((Pyre is happy to give Donnie as many kisses as he want, you can always send in more. I would never turn you away))
Donatello had been working for days on a project, something Pyre was helping him with. While he was a genius without measure, he worked more quickly and more efficiently with an assistant. Especially one that understood how his mind works and could anticipate his needs. Still even with short breaks both Pyre and Don had worked themselves into exhaustion and at some point passed out snuggled together in his chair in the lab. 
Pyre was the first to rouse, uncertain how long they were asleep for or even what time it currently was. She watched Donnie sleeping, his face relaxed and breathing quiet. It was rare that she got to just look at him, mostly because if he caught her staring she would have to look away. His eyes were so intense. The color seeming to shift from one shade to another, and the way he just looked at you as if he was boring into your soul. It was never cruel, just curious and kind. 
Sometimes she could see a swirl of emotions there that she had no names for. Maybe like his thoughts, his emotions were so complex no one else could truly understand them. Pyre tried though, she always tried. Now she was able to look at him as long as she wanted, though maybe he could feel her gaze because he began to stir. 
Glasses slightly askew, Pyre straightened them as Donnie blinked bleary eyed at Pyre. It was too early for shy awkwardness, still wrapped in the warmth of sleep and the closeness of their little snuggle pile. 
She was taking a risk, but it was those eyes that caught her. Here on the edge of sleep, so unguarded. He looked at her with such sweetness and intensity Pyre could no longer resist. Pressing her lips softly against his. It was brief, she didn’t want to overwhelm him.  “Good morning Donnie.” Pyre said sweetly.
The haze of sleep granting Don some level of courage had his hand cupping her cheek as he leaned in and whispered, “Good morning indeed.” before his lips were pressed against hers again, this time more firmly, more insistent. Perhaps he had enjoyed some pleasurable dreams too. 
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mythigal1966 · 6 years
05) Does your OC avoid any certain numbers? If so, which ones, and why?
Well, none of my OCs are particularly superstitious so far as numbers are concerned.  
Wendy is Chinese, and in her culture the number 4 is considered very unlucky because the word for “four” sounds very similar to the word for “death”.  Wendy is a scientist, and doesn’t really think 4 is unlucky, but she respects her family by going along with their avoidance of the number 4.
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dare - Go to the nearest sewer, stand under the rail and whoever walks by scream to them the following: "TOO MUCH CLASS FOR DAT ASS!"
Leonardo leveled his brother with a look that could only be described as clearly  hostile. “You want me to what now? It is the middle of the day Donnie!” Leo huffed and paced as he tried to argue his way out of or around this situation, but there was nothing for it. Leo had no choice. So he grumbled the whole way but drug himself to the nearest sewer grate that had access where he could easily see out and be heard if he yelled loud enough, but if they looked in no one would be able to see him.Since it was the middle of the day there were plenty of people walking by so he could pick and choose targets. He wanted to make sure no children were walking by when he said what he needed to say. Unfortunately a good size group presented itself that met his criteria. No children, no women by them selves, and no one looked to be distressed. 
Taking a deep breath Leo shouted “TOO MUCH CLASS FOR DAT ASS” and watched  as chaos unfolded. No one could pinpoint where it came from. Everyone was looking around startled and confused. One woman slapped a completely innocent stranger accusing him of being the culprit. No one bothered to look down at the sewer. 
Leo was torn between feeling bad and being amused. He had to wait for the group to move on before he felt safe heading back to the lair where he glared at Donatello. He would find a way to get revenge, somehow. 
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gcrminatorarchive · 5 years
🌟 - just want to let you know that I appreciate you, and love you
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driftingmcses · 5 years
🤝 + 6
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It was the anniversary of her father’s death, and she did not wish to be alone that evening. The last thing April O’Neil wanted was to sit inside her apartment watching home videos of the good old days, so she instead decided to spend the night with the five other important pieces of her life. Mikey and Raph were in the middle of a wrestling match over the last slice of pizza, Leo was speaking with Splinter, so she sat on the floor with her back against the sofa, legs pulled up to her chest as her eyes remained closed, a few silent tears streaming down her face even as she willed herself to think of more positive thoughts.
“Oh-” The faintest skim of warm skin brushed against the tears on her cheek, and her eyes flickered open up into Donnie’s kind moss colored eyes. “Donnie...I-” What could she tell him? She did not want to bring down the mood of the others...she just could not help but think of her father. She missed him every single day of her life, but this was always the worst day of the year. “Should I order them more pizza?”
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nyc-mutants · 5 years
I don’t have many questions at the moment but i must say this is one of my favorite AUs
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Yer always welcome in this AU and on this blog Bro. Just have ta keep ya from runnin into tha other you. Though that could be funny.
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laurencialaboriqua · 6 years
What thing is true? That you love me or that your butt is big?
“Both. We all know that I’m like… 90% culo, and that I love you.”
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tri-point-bruiser · 5 years
I could tell you if you meet me at the top of the building with the interesting live show group sex action..
Are ya invitin me to the top of a buildin ta watch a live sex show? Cause that is what this sounds like, and I am actually kinda on board for this. 
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ask-any-mikey · 6 years
Checking on you. You’ve been awfully quiet and that may or may not mean you’ve gotten into trouble, dear brother.
What? Hey bro! I’m not doing anything with this peanut butter, I don’t know what you’re talkin about!
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He put peanut butter all over the handle of Raph’s weights and chocolate peanut butter on his pillow. I gotta admit we all just kinda watched…
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nexuschampion · 5 years
I’m not jealous. I believe that anon doesn’t understand I’m teasing you because you started it.
“It’s true. I totally did. ”
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“And I’ll totally do it again”
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amurderofmuses · 5 years
duzmachines95 replied to your post: ❅ (Donnie to Pyre )
they´re so adorable!
They are! I love Donnie and Pyre so much. They are just painfully cute together. 
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mythigal1966 · 6 years
🥂 ( Wendy )
Send 🥂 for our established muses to enjoy valentinestogether
(Wendy & Donnie,Mutants and Humans AU)
Wendy’s arms were so full, she had toknock on the door to Leo’s apartment with her foot.  “Sorry,” she gasped when Donnie opened thedoor.
Her boyfriend hastened to relieve her ofthe heaviest bags, blinking a bit as he saw how much she was carrying.  “What’s all this?”
Wendy smiled.  Donnie’s older brother Leo had lent them hisapartment for the night.  He would be sleepingat their parent’s house.  “Are youkidding?  You said this place has akitchen—do you honestly think I’m going to pass up the chance to cook for you?”
Donnie’s beautiful honey-colored eyeslit up.  “Really?  You don’t have to, you know.”
Wendy shook her head, eyeing the smallbut spotless kitchen.  “I want to!  And I brought dessert…”  She showed him the carton of strawberries andthe pot of chocolate dipping sauce.
Donnie scooped her up and huggedher.  “That looks great!  You’regreat!”  He didn’t care how Wendy’scooking turned out, he was going to eat every bite…
They got a little distracted when Wendygiggled and kissed him.  But, then Donnie’sstomach growled.  They laughed and he sether down, only then noticing that she was wearing the little black dress thatshe’d had on at their first meeting.  
He nearly kissed her again.  Instead, he put on some music and insisted onhelping her cook.  She smiled and had himchop vegetables while she cooked rice and sliced chicken.  Then, after swearing him to secrecy, sheshowed him how to make dumplings.  
They joked and teased and laughed whileWendy made the stir-fry and Donnie set the table.  It was all very domestic and fun, and surprisinglyromantic.
“My compliments to your mother, shereally has you well trained,” Wendy teased when he also insisted on helpingwash the dishes and put away the leftovers. There were plenty: Donnie suspected that she had made too much onpurpose, so that there would be some for Leo later.
Donnie approved this further evidence ofWendy’s thoughtfulness: especially when she left a thank you card on thecounter for his brother, including a gift certificate for the Black Dragon,Wendy’s parents’ restaurant.
Wendy had also brought a book they had gottenabout halfway through, so they kicked off their shoes, snuggled on the couch,and took turns reading chapters to each other, and feeding each other chocolatedipped strawberries.  
That is, until they got distracted.  Donnie ended up picking Wendy up and carryingher, giggling, into the guest room.  
It was a good thing Leo wasn’t due backuntil noon: they didn’t get to sleep until nearly dawn.  And, they took full advantage of the factthat the shower was big enough for them both…
They went out to one the mutant friendlydiners in the area for a very late breakfast, Wendy carrying the vase of purplecarnations and white spider mums that Donnie had nearly forgotten to give her.  She sat in the curve of his arm and they fedeach other pancakes and bacon.
All in all, it was a most satisfactory Valentine’sDay.
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