The Quarry post-game head-canons (all playable characters live)
This will mostly be who kept in contact, how/why, and coping
They still can’t go home after that terrible night, now they have police questioning. They have to stay in the hotel for as long as questioning takes and end up bonding more
If they need to share rooms in the hotel, which would honestly be better because they probably wouldn’t handle being alone well, Ryan would room with Dylan and would catch him late at night staring at where his hand once was. This would lead to late night conversations and comfort
Laura and Max stay together and their relationship isn’t effected to the point of breakup, but both get a little more clingy. They couldn’t see each other for basically two months even if they could still talk, they don’t want to lose each other again
This group went through so much shit together and even if they want to forget everything, they can’t, they are bonded and they need each other to get through this. No one else would believe them
Laura makes sure to get everyone’s number or Insta so she can make a group chat, or at the very least check in on them. She doesn’t really know these people, but she knows what they went through and she does not want them to feel alone
No one talks in the group chat that much at first. At least not about what happened. But they eventually start talking pretty frequently and becoming friends again. Max never met any of them but he’s welcomed into the group very quickly
Most of them don’t talk at all about the situation, Kaitlyn, Abi, Jacob, and Dylan shut down for a few weeks. Kaitlyn and Dylan call each other when they need someone to talk to about everything. Emma talks about everything with Abi and is there for her when she needs her. Jacob doesn’t know who to talk to, but Kaitlyn, Nick, Laura and surprisingly Emma want him to know that they are there for him.
Nick and Abi still have feelings for each other, but nick feels too much guilt and Abi, even though she know why Nick was acting that way, doesn’t feel that comfortable around him anymore. She wants to, but he scared her. They form a friendship again eventually but a relationship would take much longer
Emma actually begins to take an interest in the bizarre yet bonafide podcast while Ryan can’t bring himself to listen to it anymore, she messages him about the podcast and they both agree to turn in the evidence for that episode
Emma gets morbidly into horror and true crime media, not just bizarre yet bonafide. After experiencing what she went through, she wants to know what else is out there.
Abi copes with vent drawing. Sometimes it makes things worse, but it’s much harder to talk about the situation. She makes a few posts on her art Instagram about her camp sketches and eventually makes a post of a sketch of the werewolves, it worries her friends but her followers just think it’s a cool design
Through the group chat they all stay in contact, but Dylan talks the most often with Kaitlyn and Ryan. Kaitlyn and Dylan become very close and end up becoming like genuine best friends. Dylan and Ryan also become very close and slowly develop a relationship
Ryan isn’t good with words, he’s much better at showing affection psychically, so once he and Dylan start actually dating he’ll often kiss his remaining hand when he’s struggling or talking about the loss of his left hand. Also yes I’ve already posted about this but RadioHeads forehead kisses <33
Kaitlyn says she doesn’t want to keep in contact with anyone after what happened, but actually really appreciates Dylan giving her his number in case she needs something. Dylan plays it as joke flirty with her (“since we missed out shot with Ryan..”) but she knows he’s joking and is doing so to avoid an emotional “I’ll actually really miss you/I’m glad we met/thank you for saving me” conversation. Dylan is the first person Kaitlyn calls whenever she’s having flashbacks or nightmares of what happened, or is just overall needing someone to talk to about everything, same goes for Dylan (I wish I had talent I would genuinely love to read fanfic of this duo post game)
As a group they agree to meet up like once a month. They do this to track progress and see how everyone is coping, but naturally they end up becoming friends again. Not all of them can psychically meet up with each other, so most of the times they FaceTime
Everyone is a little distance after what happened, not just to each other but to everyone around them, but the group slowly starts to form again, they went through hell together and as I said before, there’s no way they would just never talk again after everything
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