dzheejin · 1 year
hello hello all! i’ll be playing heejin and possibly another muse in the near future if all things go to plan! underneath the cut you’ll find info on heejin - for a closer look into her, here’s her profile and her bio is linked here! if you’re interested in plotting, feel free to slide into my DMs or drop a like on this post and i’ll shoot you a message. i’m also available through discord if you prefer that line of contact!
she/her pronouns
heejin has two siblings, a brother and a sister. both are involved in the music industry. (if any of you are thinking about bringing in a new muse and want a sibling connection hmu~~)
her mother is a vocal trainer for singers and her father is a music producer for a record label. 
her parents weren’t the best or most loving parents towards her and her siblings. they were extremely harsh on them and wanted to make sure that they were always the best of the best. if they brought home anything less than an ‘A’, they were punished by them.
her whole family’s good looking, so it wasn’t surprised when she was scouted out for her visuals when she was thirteen years old. the man offered her the opportunity to audition with apollo records, which was a pretty big deal. her parents were a little hesitant at first, but when they heard who the company was, they immediately changed their tune.
her time as a trainee was spent mostly focusing on building up her other skills while honing her natural talent of singing. she had virtually no dance experience, which meant that she had to build up her dancing technique from the ground up.
somewhere along the line, heejin fell in love with music. even though the trainee lifestyle was difficult, music had become her refuge. it was during her years as a trainee that she started dabbling in songwriting, filling up her notebooks with random lyrics and melodies until she was finally able to properly write and structure songs.
with the debut of adorée, heejin found herself having to adhere to the stereotypical behavior of the maknae, something that she absolutely despised. she’d always been a rather independent and mature person, even from a young age, and having to pretend to be more naive and innocent than she actually was caused a lot of turmoil for her. 
she found herself falling back during variety shows for the most part during group schedules, kind of fading into the background unless she was forced to the forefront. it’s one of the main reasons why she tends not to appear on variety shows without the rest of her members to this day - she doesn’t want to pretend to be something that she’s not. 
that’s something she wants to work on changing though. she wants to start being more present on variety shows and start showing more of who she is, because she knows that in the long run, it’ll give her career longevity.
with adorée’s success and popularity within the k-pop realm, heejin has found herself content with her career so far. she’s proud of the accomplishments that adorée has achieved, as well as her own personal accomplishments as a soloist. 
when given the greenlight in 2019 to go ahead with solo music promotions of her own, heejin didn’t hesitate to jump at the opportunity, developing her own name and brand outside of adorée. while her loyalties lie with her group first and foremost, heejin is also very invested in her solo music career outside of her group, wanting to make sure she doesn’t leave her fans and the public waiting too long in between releases.
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dzyena · 1 year
its jamie, again, unfortunately, almost done annoying you all for the last time today. this is yena, my darling little princess brat. i’m Still also the mun of @dzyuanjun and @dzchris don’t need to keep repeating that but i will anyway for completionists sake. no plot page, but do feel free to look at her profile and biography if you want to and read below the cut if you want to know more. again, just like this post or hmu in the ims if you wanna plot or anything and if you want my discord just ask!!
triggers: emotionally abusive parenting
so, nam yena, part-time idol, part-time actress, full-time brat
she goes by she/her pronouns but you can also just adress her as princess, that usually does the trick
yena suffered from tragic middle child syndrome in childhood, never quite getting enough attention as the middle of the five sisters 
also the slowest to learn that asking blatantly for the attention she needed was Bad and Not Done and it took a lot of shaming and ignoring her and what not before that slowly started to sink in
rather than to internalize her need for affection and care and go Quiet, yena just started looking for it in other places
it’s not hard to imagine why she wanted to be famous ever since early childhood
luckily, that panned out, succesfully auditioning for apollo records and debuting in adorée two years later
yena has never been the most Talented idol but she Is a delight to watch, super engaging stage presence even if her technique leaves some to be desired, she’s just a pretty girl having fun!!! can we blame her for that!!! no!!!
girls rlly just wanna have fun man
has been acting since pretty early into her career and yena is Good at it, probably better than she is a singer or a dancer or whatever but its okay
also has some modeling work to her name because cmon now, have you seen that pretty face
very much the first-love type you know? pretty and sweet and cheery and all that
in reality? yena is a little more difficult, again she has a bit of an attention problem and externalizes her self worth a little too much which never rlly is a good thing
but she’s also a bit more firm and self-assured than her adorée image will lead people to believe, a lot of her more assertive nature is seen as less favorable by the company and shes asked to keep it a minimum on camera
loves stereotypically feminine things, so much. pink, glitter, pastels, make-up, fashion, nail-art, doing her hair etc. yena will enjoy it shamelessly and will fight anyone who tries to shame her for it or devalue her for it or call her stupid or superficial or any of that nonsense
can be a bit self-absorbed but generally, yena really just does love her friends and wants everyone to have a good time, come be her friend pls
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dzchris · 1 year
hello, it's jamie, again, still, this time here to introduce absolute piece of trash chris kwon. i still am also the mun of @dzyuanjun and @dzyena i will not let you all forget i fear. yet again no plot page here (yet, i say hopefully, delusionally even) buuuut do feel free to read his profile and biography respectively. or don't. i'm not here to tell you what to do. i'll leave a rundown of them (derogatory) below the cut so feel free to check that out too. feel free to like this post or send me an im or if you prefer discord, just say so and i'll add you there
triggers: parental neglect, bullying 
chris kwon... my beloathed... can't stand their bitchass
non-binary, goes by he/they pronouns in general, just he/him works tho, in work settings and stuff
a cali boy (gender neutral), grew up in the states hence their perpetual 'relatable western-korean idol' stint that baekho media shoves down everyone's throats
grew up in a rocky family situation, mother's side is korean diaspora that settled in the us and their dad was a korean nepotism baby studying in the states for pretentious rich people reasons. no shocker that chris' dad was out the door the second he realized he had knocked his not all that serious fling up
chris' mom is... not that much better. kind of a hot mess of a person. def not capable of raising a child, leave alone one she kinda rlly didn't want
chris isn't privy to the fine details but at some point during very early childhood they almost got put in the system on grounds of child negligence but his aunt (his mother's sister) stepped in at the last moment and took over custody, chris and their mother both have been living with his aunt and her family ever since (which tbh is as long as chris can remember)
so obviously his bond with his mom is also Not Great, his aunt always tried her best as far as she could but tbh with his uncle and his older cousins also kinda despising chris' bitchass, family stuff has always been tricky
school wasn't much better, chris got picked on a lot as a kid and he always retaliated with outbursts or violence or something that vein which in turn always got him in even more trouble
yeah, chris has always been an angry defensive kid,,, still is a i fear
went to an alpha entertaiment audition with friends and somehow??? got in??? they were also kinda surprised by that but hey they were more than willing to take the excuse to get out their family situation and just yeet to korea instead, so they did
training under alpha ent was... not a good time... not for chris or any of the other trainees tbh. chris didn't really have much experience backing him up and quickly found himself with a raging inferiority complex which in turn only... made them Angrier and More Competitive
ngl they spent most of the 5? 6? years under alpha just arguing and fighting with just about anyone he could
ofc, clover debuted and chris wasnt in the debut line-up lmao
what did he expect 1) he couldn't stand any of these bitches and 2) i think they would have combusted on the spot if they had to sing baby
chris stuck another handful of years in alpha after that, continuing their shitty attitude vibe, not rlly sure what else to do with himself
until eventual baekho media hit them up like hey bestieeee wanna join our label if you do we'll promise you a spot on our upcoming survival show as one of our own label's representatives
and what was chris gonna do? say no?
they were kinda rlly popular on top five? they had like 5/6 years worth of trainee experience and baekho milked tf out of that 'former alpha trainee that was supposed to be in clover' narrative
was it true? no but it did earn chris the number one spot in the very first episode, not falling out of the top three for the first half-ish or so of the show
chris seemed kinda set for debut but ofc, like all good things in their life, they had to ruin it for themself
as he acted all around selfish, difficult, confrontational and sometimes straight up Mean to the other competitors, aided by very dramatic evil editing, chris found himself slipping down the rankings until he was actually not in the top 5 for the first time since the beginning of the show by the last episode before the finale
they ended up scraping in at fifth place, barely, and tbh chris has a tiny personal conspiracy theory that maybe baekho media rigged them into that fifth place spot. no real evidence for that. just cuz chris doubts he could've brought anything to a good end by himself
so yeah, top five is over now, 5ummit set to debut and chris is,,, impossibly struggling with overcoming the urge to fistfight their new members on a daily basis, to not see them as competition but as coworkers anymore
needless to say chris is bad at making friends, he's generally guarded and mean and callous, which as a not-even-debuted-yet idol is something that makes it very easy to come across as rude or disrespectful
chris can be charming and flirty in that fuckboy-y (gender neutral) sense when they want to be, the cool badboy (gender neutral) archetype
but most of the time he's just, a poorly held together pile of anger issues and feelings of inferiorty
so yeah,,,, have fun trying to befriend chris,,, they're a piece of work
they're??? kinda trying to no longer be evil, just want to experience love and affection now but it's an uphill battle, that's for sure
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junheedz · 1 year
*taps mic* good evening, gamers! i'm super excited to be here for dazzle's opening night and equally jazzed to introduce you to kwon junhee, better known as jason, 5ummit's lead vocal, lead dance and center!
as is good practice i present you a meagre offering of a sparknotes version of their past under the cut and a link to their profile here — no plots because i ran out of time :,( but i'm very happy to figure out something personalised just for your muse and junhee, just leave us a like as a little show of interest!
i'm not great with tumblr's dm system, so if you have discord or twitter i'd greatly appreciate switching to there for any in-depth plotting! if not, that's a-okay, we'll make it work anyway.
you can also find me writing sol.etude's jihan over here!
trigger warnings for a mention of parental neglect and the consequences that come with it.
i'll be using any of the big three pronouns for them interchangeably since junhee is nonbinary, but for work purposes they very much go by he/him and right now i don't think their gender identity is all that much at the forefront of their conscience.
the second child of trot star kim eunju and her producer husband kwon joonho. his primary caretakers were his paternal grandparents since his parents were usually busy with work.
dealt with a lot of parental neglect growing up — or, perhaps the point should be to emphasize that they didn't. for most of the part, junhee tries to avoid dealing with as much emotional baggage related to her family as possible.
junhee was a lonely child and prone to picking fights with his grandfather and older brother. their grandmother was the one family member who never had a hard time connecting to junhee, but it still made for a pretty socially isolated and emotionally difficult childhood.
originally didn't mean to go into the entertainment industry having seen how self-absorbed and selfish it made her mother but was scouted on the street by a smaller company at 16. becoming an idol was whatever to them at the time, but it was a ticket out of their home situation so they went to the audition anyway — and got into the company.
lost their grandfather soon after. as difficult as their relationship had been, junhee knew that he'd been very supportive of "junhee doing whatever makes him happy", especially in the light of their mother being vehemently against the idea of perhaps having to share the spotlight with her child. training became a matter of honouring their grandfather after that.
would've been on the roster to debut under their old company anyway but when auditions for top five opened they were encouraged to apply just to give their company and future group a little bit more press alongside two fellow trainees (who did not find the same kind of success on the show).
wasn't a crowd favourite from the get-go but by the middle of the show it was pretty clear that he'd have to mess up big time not to be voted into the debut line-up. they had a bit of a magikarp arc where they were pretty mid but learnt very quickly and showed not only consistent improvement but also a lot of patience and enthusiasm, even with trainees that were generally considered more "difficult", so to say.
and now he's here, about to debut! baekho hasn't changed much about the image they left top five with, the human golden retriever-turned-hellhound on stage thing works great for junhee and takes very little acting on their end — which is great, because junhee is many things but a good actor is not one of them.
at a first glance junhee is super easy to get along: good-natured, patient, usually smiling and eager to please. she also has a host of really badly processed anger issues that very rarely come out to play, but when they do they usually have really bad consequences and junhee hates hates hates what their anger makes them into.
they're still super new to the entertainment industry as far as being an actual someone (tm) goes. everyone remotely famous they meet is a big deal to them and if a senior voices praise for anything he does he will remember it for the rest of his life.
making friends is… a little harder? junhee wants friends! they want friends very badly, actually! but it's a little scary to get close to others when you know you harbour this big, ugly rage monster inside you and you're still trying to cosplay the winner of a prestigious survival show and survive debut prep— you kind of see where i'm going here, right? junhee wants to make friends, but right now she's also very overwhelmed and scared and only just learning how fucking draining idol work truly is.
it's a learning curve. they're on it. call them magikarp junhee because they'll learn super fast and then they'll evolve into the gyarados of making friends! their words, not mine.
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