#each chapter. which helps each segment of story feel like a complete mini-self contained story. its satisfying
mejomonster · 1 year
Horrified to say I may just try an experimental writing style for me and see how it fucking goes
But I really hate rewriting in a different way later ;-;
But I also just. Really want these scenes written down, physically existing instead of just in my brain. However they come written out, at least they'd BE WRITTEN
#rant#writing#;-; my brain is torn between 3 writing style choices right now#1 my usual one. which is mostly like scenes from a movie but the narrator character close perspective pov#will sort of guide the story in what is getting focus. so it holds your hand a bit#by communicating for example 'this story is about X that happened/my connection to my loved one/how i met them/how i changed into X'#each chapter. which helps each segment of story feel like a complete mini-self contained story. its satisfying#because u get an intro journey and conclusion which are connectsd each chapter.#the downside? i have to focus on a particular arc singularly in one chapter#and i cant jump around to multiple. i also cant pick as broad a scene choice. i have to omit more#in attempt to remain more focused on only what relates to that chapters 'main thread' its telling#and i dont want that cohesion this time tbh. i want novel length cohesion but#i want individual scenes to be more disjointed separate moments you the Reader determine how are connected#i dont want to spoonfeed the reader WHY theyre connected. i think disjointed will first help#me write SHORTER scenes of show instead of tell. and second it will allow#yhe story to read as one bigger whole in a wider cast way which i want.#2 i like the idea of a Telling a Fairytale style. because i remember the whole story in my head this way lol. byt downside? it reads like a#history book or myth. and i know ppl generally dont enjoy modern fiction written this way.#3 the previously mentioned disjointed way. individual scenes and the emotions in them. then skip to the next scene. like my usual#writing style but with less effort put in to connect the scenes through a narrator guiding the reader.#with much less content of the narrator explaining the point of the scenes. again i think this stylw#would let me first write MORE scenes since scenes will be shorter word counts#and second i think the curtness and separation of individual scenes will help me focus on a larger cast#qhereas with my usual writing style i have to mainly stay in the pov of only 1-3 characters#as the story is more heavily guided/leaned into one characters pov
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